Out of the cage

Chapter 1060 Chapter 2304 Skin, Muscle, Bone, Tendon, Dirt

Chapter 1060 Chapter 23.04 Skin, Muscle, Bone, Tendon, Dirt

Wei Keng, as an old trickster and a long-term traveler, has always left a very wonderful legend in the circle of supervisors. ".

If there are supervisors coming here right now, if they see the activeness of digging and applying the rules of this plane of cultivation, they will definitely think, "Where is the problem?"

Xuanjie is in Novice Village, Wei Keng: "One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four." Amidst the youthful music, he is practicing the exercise called "Body Fixing" given by the system.

A few minutes later, as the body-fixing technique meticulously matched the frequency of the "force wave" shock in the calculation, a martial arts power reverberation formed throughout the body, and this reverberation was 1% stronger than yesterday. This is continuous progress every day.

For Wei Keng, today's practice homework has been completed again. And the overall progress of this month is very accurate and matches the physical development.

Since he was able to complete it with ease, Wei Keng doubted whether he was doing a simple job and couldn't help wondering whether his progress was at an intermediate level compared with other traversers.

Wei Keng: I remember a long time ago, when I was a student, I should have been a "poor student".

After Mr. Wei was so clear-headed that "poor students are backward", he glanced at the system that didn't care about anything, and said with emotion: I don't have the aura of a pig's feet.

The system immediately raised the bar with "a tacit understanding": Who would dare to give us a "protagonist halo" for what we do. (In the system description, the aura of the protagonist of the traverser is actually a kind of "restriction" at the high stage)

Wei Keng smiled casually, looking at the night sky, the starlight that was different from the aura area, resonated: "Yes, we are the men who are destined to break the sky, the sky will be broken, how can there be an umbrella to cover us , What kind of umbrella is equipped to cover the sky over my head.

On the Xuanqi Continent, Wei Keng is currently only in this remote village, and currently there are very few martial arts materials that can be obtained.

However, due to the detached means of observation here, Wei Keng combined the material properties of heaven and earth to practice martial arts, refine skin, refine meat, forge, and refine viscera, a series of realm differences! There are already different views.

At this time, the traversal system provided by the main world is here, and it will only urge "Cultivate quickly and show your true strength! Get opportunities" and give rewards according to performance standards.

Wei Keng, however, did not rush to practice hard, but carefully observed whether the refining of the leather and viscera caused microscopic material changes, and whether it corresponded to the observation of the macroscopic environment.

Of course, this is based on the traversal system's incentive scoring system: Wei Keng's behavior of deliberately slowing down the pace and always "not doing his job properly" will be judged as medium or low.

Having just experienced "innate spiritual treasures, a breakthrough in the accumulation of a great civilization cycle", Wei Keng doesn't care about one person's achievements. Some big things can be followed one after another.

As for the practice this time, it is not about being fast but about understanding some promotion criteria. When all the thresholds of a set of "cultivation" are fully understood and a smooth path for later generations is given, then "cultivation" can be transformed into "development". ".

Wei Keng: The rules behind refining skin, meat, and viscera are not mysterious.

... Wei Keng's system has computing power, but it does not provide fool-like services. To analyze what, Wei Keng has to do mathematical modeling by himself...

In the back mountain, Wei Keng stroked the bluestone. Wei Keng, who was only fifteen years old at this time, had iron gloves on his palms.

Wei Keng waved his palm slowly at the blue stone, but the speed of his palm changed very strangely when it fell. The waving of the palm is not uniform, but pauses for a while.

As we all know, you can't see clearly if the movement is fast, but if it slows down suddenly, no matter how fast it is, it will be very clear at the moment of slowness, that is, afterimages will appear in the movement.

But right now, why did Wei Keng pause for a moment when he waved his palm? Or why pause?

With a bang, the moment the stone came into contact with the palm, it was as soft as tofu. It was first dented by the slap, but then the softness disappeared, and the whole bluestone shattered.

There are several other pieces of bluestone beside it, some of which split the city in two halves, some were directly severed in two halves of the city, and some have only cracks.

According to the rules of the earth, to hit the bluestone, only follow the formula of impulse, speed, mass, and collision time.

Because the pause is not the disappearance of the momentum, but the wave of force appears around the wave of the palm, and the pause is the power hidden in the "wave of force", and how to store the power reasonably in the wave of force during the swing, It even borrows the inherent natural "force wave" of heaven and earth, um, just like a sailboat borrows the wind from the sea.

People can release the force waves borrowed from themselves or from heaven and earth into the target, and they can exert power beyond imagination. According to this martial arts world, this is a kind of "combat technique".

After Wei Keng took off his gloves, he blew on his red palms. Obviously, this was a skill, but not enough kung fu.

This Wuxiu is also a world of "strings". All matter is entangled with "string" waves. Let's put it this way, Wuxiu is a process of sorting out the vibration of one's own "strings".

Wei Keng discovered that when the law of movement of the flesh can meet a precise value, then the force of the punch can just borrow a great force from the air.

System description: This feeling is like sitting in a nerve-linked mecha in the 24th century. When you move, the mecha can sense the nerve microcurrent in the muscles, so the mechanical muscles of the mecha can give limbs a Thrust according to your will.

Wei Keng: I have the same feeling in martial arts now, as long as my muscles are in the suitable frequency band for hitting speed, I can borrow a force from the air.

And this power can control its effect with the stability of one's mind, either "explode" or "penetrate".

Wei Keng: Of course, it can also penetrate first and then explode.

Therefore, the bluestone was no longer hard at the moment of impact, like tofu, until the impact energy collapsed, and the bluestone recovered its limit, but the energy had been released, so it shattered.

At this time, Wei Keng only coordinated one percent of the muscles, bones, and internal organs. It has already allowed its own strength to achieve such an effect.

Of course, due to lack of coordination, my other body is also vulnerable to injury.

Wei Keng: I can only use 80% of my strength now. If I use 100% of my strength, it will be like smashing glass with bare hands on the earth. It can be smashed, but the broken glass shards can also hurt my flesh.

As for this problem, Wei Keng chose the cheapest and easiest way to deal with it temporarily. Wei Keng was wearing an iron glove, which was to prevent the splashed stone from cutting his palm.

…Wei Keng just fought the Great Bull Demon Fist, an unqualified kung fu in the mortal realm, and a boxing technique passed down from the dynasty’s martial arts...

After the trial move is over.

Wei Keng started exercising, and the broadcast gymnastics of fixed body technique was constantly coordinating his body. And the transition node from the innate spirit treasure on the chest is to send information to change every inch of muscle in one's body bit by bit.

In Wei Keng's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a whole body data map, which is divided into various colors from red to purple, representing those who have not yet coordinated and those who have advanced coordination.

The data on each muscle is on it, but the contraction and movement speed of the muscles, and the various ratios must ultimately satisfy the physical and mathematical laws of the "string".

In the eyes of outsiders, Wei Keng's simple boxing technique contains a "dao rhyme". Oh, all living things will resonate with the "beauty" of the mathematical proportions that conform to their "survival logic".

In advanced bone refining exercises, one can reach the level of "Gengu Tiantong". In fact, Wei Keng's "middle man's posture" has reached it unconsciously according to mathematics. It can surprise most practitioners in this world.

Many years later, at this stage, Wei Keng found that many people were not as good as himself, so he complacently commented on the so-called "savvy" martial arts geniuses in Xuanjie: Dogs don't understand geometry, but they can walk the shortest straight line between two points, Because the dog feels that walking like this is the most labor-saving! But as a human being, it is necessary to summarize the rules.

From the perspective of empiricism, Wei Keng is still refining the skin, bone, and viscera. What should be worked hard is to work hard. It is necessary to match thinking and action, and then accurately grasp the so-called "martial will" of Xuanxiu.

But Wei Keng is not grasping blindly, but approaching the mathematical system.

And Wei Keng didn't grasp a single point. My body, from the skin, muscles, tendons, bones, internal organs, are all in full swing!

Dogs can only walk in a straight line according to their own feelings, and humans can plan multiple shifts of high-speed rail across the country without congestion and maintain speed.

Wei Keng: The development of advanced life is to make thousands of structures that suit one's own feelings. At the beginning, others can't feel it. At the moment of success, when all the steps are connected, it will suddenly become clear.

At this time, Wei Keng is building a building, not only starting from refining skin, but skin, flesh, bone, and blood. He is practicing at the same time. Every morning under the starlight, and every night under the moonlight, a little bit of energy Condensed in the body, it is like some kind of "mysterious physique".

Using the dog as an analogy again: Dogs can only build kennels one by one, while humans lay the foundation, build roads and transport materials according to the design drawings, and start construction in an all-round way, connecting all the processes just right. overall planning.

In the martial arts system of the human world, it is rare for Wei Keng to open "skin, muscle, blood, and bone" at the same time.

That is the lack of systematic technical inheritance of a large number of practitioners on this plane. He can only rely on his own "will to survive" to practice step by step, but he lacks a "long-term vision" to penetrate his own development.

The "will to survive" that the native geniuses of this plane (including many intermediate-level traversers) rely on when they practice is called the "martial arts will". The stronger it is, the more sensitive it is to the "Tao", um, the more sensitive it is to the melody of energy.

Wei Keng also had no intention of fighting with others to sharpen his martial heart. Wei Keng: My determination to forge ahead does not need to rely on comparison with others. After setting goals and plans, I will achieve them step by step, and I will naturally have enthusiasm and motivation.

…Cultivation is a very difficult thing. Wei Keng is only standing on the platform of the civilization system...

Wei Keng looked at the situation of those "losers" who could not break through in martial arts in Zhuangzi.

They are in a state of confusion until the end of their physical training.

The skin cannot cover the muscles, and the muscles cannot fully pull the muscles and bones, and the tremors of the muscles and bones will damage the internal organs.

Those martial artists have been emphasizing the foundation: first refine the skin, the skin wraps the flesh, and then train the muscles, the muscles lead the bones, and the bones are used as the foundation to strengthen the tendons.

Wei Keng: I want to skip this and follow the process step by step. Unless the boss is reincarnated and rebuilt, he is very familiar with the process and can directly and quickly improve his cultivation.

Of course—it’s also okay if the big brother gives ordinary disciples the power, but in that case, this is not for ordinary disciples. The spiritual consciousness of the disciples who have been empowered does not match this martial arts body. Can't operate, still played "low level".

The system responsible for controlling the hang-up: In the world of high martial arts, if you have no blood, if you want to fight for the later stage, you have to perfect it bit by bit in the early stage, and don't rush for quick success.

Wei Keng, who was covered in sweat, just finished radio gymnastics in the mountains behind the manor. His whole body was glowing red, and the blood was stimulated from the viscera, and then penetrated to the surface of the skin.

Wei Keng's "skin, muscles, bones, tendons, and viscera" are cultivated at the same time at the same time, and the fastest is the fastest, but the disadvantage is that he cannot fight.

Because at this time, all the foundations are being exercised at the same time. Before the foundation is laid, any non-standard movements will be injured.

For example, the movement of the rocks that Wei Keng shattered just now was very gentle and delicate.

Any knockback force from the blow will damage those parts that haven't been trained well. For example, a sprained foot, a slipped waist, or a tendon injury can all happen.

As for Wei Keng, he now has iron gloves on his palms, straps on his calves, arms, and cotton cushioning structures around his knees and waist, all of which are well protected.

That's why Master Wei Xiuwu seemed extraordinarily kind at this time. Compared with those teenagers in the manor, it is like the difference between a good doll in peacetime and a ruffian in troubled times.

Wei Keng: "Facing a martial artist in the human martial arts realm, don't have conflicts over trivial matters, otherwise, if this reckless man suddenly picks up a brick and hammers him, will I kill him with one blow, or roll away and crawl away."

After today's body training was completed, Wei Keng came to the river, and first sensed the radiation of force waves in the process of the river's gurgling.

Master Wei first began to stir along the force of the water flow, oh, just like the earth stirred the vortex in the big tank when the earth was seven or eight years old. Agitate a vortex in a force wave.

At this time, from the outside world, the movements around Wei Keng corresponded to the continuous entanglement of the power in front of the "Power of Water Rhyme" like water. This is the skill of the "Water System" martial arts.

Following the water rhyme boxing technique to create a vortex, like a sharp cone in the water, Wei Keng shot out a crossbow with a swish from the machine on his arm, and a big fish was pierced through the head, and Wei Keng caught it.

This big green carp is Wei Keng's extra tooth offering today.

Like a cat, Wei Keng carried the fish and went back to the manor lightly.

And the manor is no stranger to it. Wei Keng stayed here for two years, which is considered a different kind.

From the beginning, as a foreign refugee youth, he helped the hired workers in the manor's accountant to calculate some running accounts. Then I made a set of tools to do some carpentry in the manor. The craftsmanship is quite good. The cabinets made are full of water, and of course there are also some mechanism gadgets.

The martial artists in the manor saw that Wei Keng was not an ordinary person. The mechanism of the arm crossbow arrow he made had a pulley system, which could pull the exhausted steel wires between each other, and used a forceful posture that was more in line with the arm to put the bowstring on the mechanism.

The village force boy saw more than once that Wei Keng did a similar stretching exercise within dozens of breaths. This was actually accumulating energy on the pulley block, and then the birds in the sky fell with Wei Keng raising his hand.

As for the other teenagers begging to buy, Wei Keng pretended to be confused, because the strength of this crossbow bolt was enough to penetrate the bluestone, so he couldn't let others mess around and get himself involved in all sorts of miscellaneous things in the manor.

Doing stretching exercises every day, Wei Keng humbled himself to the martial arts masters in the manor: I practice hard and I am not good at martial arts.

...The boyhood has passed like this, and Wei Keng has lived an ordinary life in Zhuangzi for six years...

Today, as usual, Wei Keng came to his room carrying a big fish, oh, take out the tofu soaked in the water, take out the salt, and start to marinate the fish head, then take out some spicy things he bought, and start processing Fishy smell, once the hot oil was poured, it was scorched in the flames for forty seconds. The burnt fish bones were stabbed and slightly burnt, and they began to be smoldered in a clay pot of boiling water. As for the tofu, fry it for a while, then put it back up, and put it in at the end, so that it will not be old in boiling water.

Wei Keng gave himself 80% for this dish.

Poor and rich in martial arts, martial arts in this world also requires sufficient family resources, like Wei Keng does not have it now.

The training method of a normal warrior, under normal circumstances, will cause muscle strain every time, and some precious herbs are needed to treat the hidden injuries.

It's just because Wei Keng has an innate spirit treasure on him, a research department in Sifang Continent, is sending information to himself, and various medicines with the same power as spirit herbs are sent out to ensure that the body is not lacking in recuperation.

As Wei Keng became stronger and stronger, his complexion became better and better, his essence and blood became more prosperous, and even his bones became more and more upright (in line with the "string" constant).

Of course, there is one thing, Wei Keng has no subjective judgment, Wei Keng's appearance is getting better and better, his eyes are like obsidian, his face is like white jade, because his movements have followed the law of energy resonance in space in details, so the neatly cut clothes are full of dust. Not stained.

Like the banished immortal who came to the troubled times in the picture scroll. In terms of temperament, he does not belong to Mr. Pianpian, nor does he belong to princes and generals.

If: the pace is regular yet unrestrained, the conversation is free but with moderation. This is the nobility in this world.

Of course, Wei Keng is a bully, and has nothing to do with being expensive. If the supervisor were here, he would give Wei Keng a word "heroic".

Because heroes are not limited by birth.

…The firewood is burning in the earthen stove, and the hot aroma of the fish is wafting at a specific time…

Wei Keng's fish head was stewed, the smoked fish pieces were also cooked, and the lotus leaves were wrapped, and the ropes wrapped around the lotus leaves were tied in a square shape.

As for all of this, the people in Chengjiazhuang only saw the appearance of Wei Keng. Just like a beggar wrapped in mud, it is just a bare dirt bag before it is unpacked.

How should I put it, according to the heartfelt words of the young man from Cheng's family: Wei Keng, a foreign boy, wakes up to exercise every day, and his physique is getting better and better. His martial arts cultivation is still at the level of skin refining, so he can only be regarded as "beautiful and handsome".

These people in the village just said a few words, and then immersed themselves in the efficiency of their "muscle training", and this is what they are proud of Wei Keng.

But, if these members of the Cheng family were sure that Wei Keng was refining the bones while refining the skin, the Zhuangzi family would take it for granted that they had some "adventures" and wanted to take them away.

In fact, if Wei Keng didn't practice martial arts with the Zhuangzi youths who accompanied him from nine to five, he could improve his cultivation step by step.

But——this made the boys and martial artists in Shonai feel unbalanced. This leads to jealousy.

If the virtue is not matched, it will be coveted. Because others will feel that as long as I get it, so can I.

Wei Keng is now trying to let others see that his "daily efforts" match his "progress", reduce the "unbalanced" mentality of others, and reduce the possibility of others being "envious of him".

That's right, Wei Keng deeply understands social psychology, the upstart appearance will only cause bad karma.

Wei Keng reviewed the history of his country's "hiding our strengths and biding our time" in the 21st century: Before the strength has developed to the point where there is a complete chance of winning, (I) can only behave better than everyone else. Only in silence can we make a fortune.

Wei Keng's fish head is sandwiched on his own rice. The fish brain and tofu taste delicious. After eating the fish, the fish bones were piled up like a pagoda. Wei Keng raised his finger and shot slightly at the ground. The fish bones turned into powder and entered the ground.

Then he stomped his feet slightly, and the ground became flat again. Wei Keng tidied up the wooden box and was going to go to the street to exchange some daily necessities.

After eating the fish, Wei Keng with oily lips recalled the taste, rinsed his mouth, and looked at the timetable drawn in charcoal on the wall: "The time here is ending bit by bit. The next step is underway.”

All of a sudden, Wei Keng pinched his fingers and calculated. Looking at the murderous intent in the distance, he suddenly sighed and said, "The theory of universal interference is still in effect. Hey, this avoidance cannot be avoided."

It is impossible to cultivate in peace with the world.

All interference between consciousness and consciousness is the objective law of this world.

When any genius breaks through quickly, there will inevitably be "human robbery".

Fifteen miles away, the lights on the mountain were brightly lit, and a group of horse thieves were discussing who they would rob this time.

Their leader, a master bone forger in the armor of a dynasty general, touched his nose and pointed his whip at Chengjiazhuang on the map. As the whip scabbard was swung, the earth-yellow vigor (force wave) spread tens of feet away.

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