Out of the cage

Chapter 1077 Chapter 2311 (Part 1) Lift up the pole, for Zhu Xian!

Chapter 1077 Chapter 23.11 (Part 1) Rise up, for Zhu Xian!

In the year 1003 of the ancient pan calendar, on the Sifang Continent, the Eastern Rebel Army successfully captured one-tenth of the eastern front of the Sifang Continent. It seemed a very small rebel army, but it shouted that the entire Sifang Continent's upper group would never tolerate it. slogan.

That is the absolute public ownership of the "Quenching God" technology. And directly disclosed the "unfair" distribution when the upper strata of the Sifang Continent monopolized the technology.

The upper-class families in the entire Sifang Continent, the old group of talkers, and their souls have already passed the foundation building, and most of them have completed the alchemy.

Quen Shen's consciousness "string wave" supplementary technology requires 93 basic "string waves" to make more than millions of combinations.

These "string wave" combinations are condensed with the "alchemy" of the immortal world and the "supernatural powers" of the mysterious world, and have a clear correspondence.

The top heads of these families, sitting on the floating towers, have always controlled everything with a short-sighted view. Now I hate rebels, why don't you work hard...

When the fleet fell, and the modern weapons in the east were quickly controlled by the military organization, although the top families on the Sifang Continent still insisted that this was a small "illegal attack", these bigwigs obviously became serious. Belittle the attitude.

In the tens of thousands of years of civilization development in the entire Sifang Continent, only "assassination and looting of officials" are "illegal attacks", but once it develops to robbing strategic materials, controlling strategic nodes, and confronting with vital forces, this is a war of change.

The Sifang Continent has a history of more than 10,000 years, and the wheels of the times have never crushed the previous generation.

Those who were rummaging through the mechanical garbage in the lower strata for daily necessities, after being awakened by the declaration of the East, they broke away from the muddled dream of the upper strata at this time, and found that now it was time for them to be crushed by the new wheel of history.

...In this universe that can be cultivated, Wei Keng is a resting soil when he is quiet, and a mudslide when he is moving...

A month later, the highest central team of the rebel army refused to negotiate peace with those top-level people in bright armor and accompanied by maids at all times!

Because in the consciousness fluctuation test conducted by the research department of the rebel army, less than half of the members of these old force families are puppet cultivators and cultivators of the mysterious plane.

Spokesperson of the Rebel Army: This is a puppet government, a feudal group that puts its core interests in uncivilized areas, and runs counter to us.

The war broke out again. At this time, the conservative forces sent more regiments and troops. In the dark cyber cities, the people at the bottom of the city watched the warships flying up in the sky, and they were insensitive. Because the upper strata of the Sifang Continent have exploited for a hundred years and absorbed a lot of interests, in this war, the lower and upper strata have no common interests for a long time.

Over the past hundred years, the established "companies" have become more and more active, making everything a one-man show for these minority groups.

But now, unless the Sifang Continent has the ability to take back the production materials of each family at this stage and redistribute them to each class, and establish a common interest, it can be exchanged for cohesion!

Another two years later, the people transformed the electric welding wrench into a mechanical flying blade, and most importantly, completed the method of "removing the soul control technique"!

Narrator: It is difficult to dispel the soul-controlling spell in the Immortal Realm, but it is very easy in the Land of Absolute Souls. As long as you lower your soul level to the lowest level, the soul-controlling structure in the hands of others will lose its supply and dissolve. The moment the soul control is released, it is enough to inject the energy level back.

Such a fighting attitude has raised the protection level of the windmills of the rich in the Sifang Continent to a level that can resist the bombardment of foundation building mana.

The war did not subside because the Sifang Continent invested several times more troops. It originally occupied 90% of the territory, and with six times the fleet, only 40% of the territory of the entire continent was left. It's five-five.

Such a picture looks "magical" in history books, but it would be terrible if he became a villain.

In the solemn and luxurious office hall of the Sifang Continent, the conservative forces carefully analyzed and tried to find a scene that could win in the data, but they dared not face their most fundamental problem now.

The reactionary top level issued orders, and those that could be implemented were heavily withheld, and it would be good to reach one or two in the end.

For this reason, all levels are throwing the blame. For example, the upper level blames the middle-level officers for not being loyal and brave, while the middle-level officers are cursing at the top, not giving all combat supplies, and letting themselves overcome difficulties whenever they encounter difficulties. Also perfunctory.

And as for the lower level: It's your job to get promoted and get rich, so I'm going to fight for my life.

What's more, the insurgents treated the captives preferentially, treated surrenders fairly, and encouraged uprisings before the battle.

...Wei Keng and the others began to look through their past time travel materials, and they were sure they were doing this. …

During the struggle, the rebel army also came up with the latest "consciousness sublimation" plan. In the published materials, there are 67 "string wave" combination routes, which can make the life span reach two thousand years.

Of course, each of these "string wave combination methods" requires the practitioner's own personality and mentality, and the corresponding practice can be adapted to the corresponding "string wave integration" technology.

The "fairness and justice" in the rebel army has made it quite common for some "ordinary" generals who were originally in the old school to switch to the rebel army.

Many majors from humble backgrounds began to lead the army into the conservative side by driving super-giant warships.

Outside the city, the large-scale combat mechs of the rebel army blocked those urban immortals who did evil, sealed them with energy grids layer by layer, and then put him and his subordinates in the harem. Forced into the floating building, the "burning cannon" was mobilized, and the entire building and the so-called "Xianjia Taste" were blasted into scum.

While scolding the mob, the "elites" of the Sifang Continent hid in the ark in the wind belt, preparing to go to the world of immortality. At the same time, they cursed them for losing the world, losing their wise leadership and turning the pearl into dust.

However, Wei Keng in "Dust and Mud" watched the waves of Gang Feng when these "remaining poisons" left and nodded.

These circles of gale winds carry waves of cross-boundary transmission, like a widow writhing in stagnant water,

Wei Keng: After separation (referring to the elites and the Sifang Continent), it is you (the elites) who are worthless in the end. You have lost your position in the accumulation of civilization in this world. Wherever you enter (the cultivation world), it is a group of luck Weak, directionless ants.

In fact, after these elites went to the Immortal World, the originally gentlest Equality Immortal Cultivation Exploration Company (run by Wei Keng) also turned their backs.

Wei Keng in the cultivation world: Originally, I was polite to you, not high above you, because I was afraid that you would lead the whole world to bow down to the "strong man" (Wei Keng is the God of Transformation) and spoil the atmosphere. Now you are killing yourself.

A boundary of an era, some people think that the world is valuable without them, but in fact it is very important without them...

After the Sifang Continent's Nirvana revolution, "Shentong" and "Shouyuan" were completely separated. High-shouyuan cultivators can enter the facility to load supernatural powers.

The middle and upper strata of the Sifang Continent are not all insane.

After the collapse of the interstellar government, in fact, some "unsocial" sober people in many aristocratic families are keen enough to detect the general trend and judge whether it is possible to fight or not. They sided with the new faction and made the uprising go very smoothly. But on the other hand, they leave a small tail of the times.

In the year 1005 of the ancient pan calendar, with the comprehensive universal compulsory education, the precautions for "expansion of consciousness" (equivalent to practicing exercises and exercises) began to be fully popularized, and the entire rebel army began to turn into a dragon.

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