Out of the cage

Chapter 1085 Chapter 2315 (Part 2) Spiritual Qi Recovery

Chapter 1085 Chapter 23.15 (Part 2) Spiritual Qi Recovery

In the Gupan Era, in 3433, since Wei Keng first descended, counting, the entire quasar has rotated by 1/574.

Outside of the eight basic points in the Gupan region, those continents that originally belonged to the Absolute Spirit Zone have already completed the industrial revolution, the information revolution, and the changes in social thinking, and generally began to experience the recovery of the spiritual energy tide.

Except for the continent where the innate spirit treasure is fixed, the other continents are all flowing in the star sea. Whether it is the transformation of the mysterious energy area into the spiritual energy area, or the transformation of the spiritual energy area into the profound energy area, the period of absolute spirit in the middle of these continents is only a thousand years.

For the great powers of the upper realm, hundreds of years are in the blink of an eye, as for the mortals here who have been doing nothing for dozens of generations! It is the status quo as it should be.

But at this time, the life on the ancient plate, which is like a mustard, has been mixed with troublemakers who "need to fight day and night".

It is worth mentioning that the continent fixed by the innate spirit treasure is permanently nailed to the Absolute Spirit Belt, but this is not the case for other continents in the Absolute Spirit Belt.

Three thousand years have passed in the ancient pan calendar, and the first batch of "Extreme Spirit Worlds" in the Absolute Spirit Belt after the spread of the Sifang Continent's interstellar politics have begun to face the recovery of aura.

However, the worlds that have developed "industrial material civilization" and "scientific culture" are returning to the spiritual belt and the mysterious belt in the "resurrection", and their social structure will be greatly challenged. Of course, those traditional cultivation worlds in the old-fashioned aura area and profound energy area will also be impacted when facing these "technical cultivation civilizations" with space fleets.

...The catastrophe began to intensify. Did the ancient pan expand to the micro-spiritual energy area, or was the concept of civilization destroyed by the high-spirited area? …

The "technical world" where Wei Keng lived was relatively stable in the initial stage of spiritual recovery.

Except for a period of social instability in some continental regions. A small number of people who are relatively gifted in aura sensing try to dissociate from the order, trying to transcend civilization with their own power.

In these chaotic incidents, whether it is caused by the oppression of some bureaucrats in the civilized area, or some large companies try to rebel. The perfect civilization system in the Jue Ling period stubbornly withstood the impact.

Take a continent named Tianxia as an example: Three hundred years after the spiritual energy revived, three wars took place, and then the society stabilized on these lands again, and high-rise buildings and houses have become historic sites.

You can't see men and women with aging faces, stepping on mechanical flying swords to shuttle through the clouds for aerial skateboards.

Due to the abundant energy after the recovery of the aura, there were once floating mechanical buildings in the surface cities on the mainland.

The industry that originally produced on the ground has begun to enter the starry sky. Start research and development of energy rune technology.

Sixuanzi's technology of regulating life and longevity (the foundation building period) has been a luxury product from the early days. Became popular life insurance.

All citizens who have no criminal offenses and have worked for 40 years should be entitled to benefits.

Immediately afterwards, the crystallization core adjustment technology, that is, the achievement pill formation period, has also become a legal and compliant benefit for most people over the age of 100 when they reach their working age.

The Tianxia Continent belongs to the rich, and for a while, he didn't know how to use the advantage of "spiritual energy recovery", but chose the distribution of flood irrigation.

The high welfare policy has caused the people in the barren Gupan area to cross and smuggle people.

As for the collapse of the first generation of interstellar government in Gupan, the so-called "crossing the cultivation world" has been exposed since the people who were deceived were turned into soul lamps by the demon cultivators. .

With the "badness" of smuggling into the traditional cultivation world in the past, the "goodness" of rushing to the spiritually revived civilized continent today is often hyped up.

Wei Keng whispered: "This is not a hit!"

On the one hand, these "spiritual revival" technological civilizations today have formed a "lighthouse" effect on the ancient pan, and started a similar "crazy catastrophe" in the five declines of heaven and man

On the other hand, these aura recovery worlds with sufficient resources control the fleet, which has had an impact on the worlds of the "old cultivating sects".

In the last millennium ago, Gupanna's first generation of interstellar government dealt with the Cultivation Zongmen area, and the upper level of its civilization would eventually be corrupted by these people from the Cultivation World.

Ideology generally despises mortals along the path of comprehension, and begins to make people at the top of the social structure lose their numbers.

Especially some magic cultivators have come to the civilization of the Jue Ling area, and lawlessness cannot be contained.

In those years, the key figures of "controlling the soul" made the company successful, and then managed the power, and quietly regarded it as an item in their own hands. At that stage, the grassroots forces (Diaominwei) had to continue to fight the war of change in order to ensure the continuation of civilization.

But after the second generation of civilization, the issue of "soul" safety has been paid special attention to. The current "Heavenly Constitution" of the second generation of ancient pan civilization, although ordinary people are small, but if someone dares to trample on it, it is beyond the rules of heaven! There is no longer any "little evil" that needs to be punished. Because this is not a "little evil", and it is not an insignificant mortal who offends.

[Just like slandering sneak shots on the subway, it's not just slandering an ordinary person, but offending many people. 】

Following the rules recognized by the hearts of the people, those powerful people have been chained with "do nothing". Now the civilized area of ​​Gupan began to push back towards the human world of the aura area and the mysterious area.

More efficient practice organization, social management, and construction of Linglian industry have quietly replaced the "feudal" sect.

Wei Keng was admitted to the university here, and then worked on the Tiangang mining ship, starting an ordinary and stable life. Sitting on a tractor, he was watching all kinds of news about the so-called "Top Ten Young Masters" in the newspaper.

In such a modern society, as the aura becomes more and more abundant, as the entire lighthouse world "arrogance" is smashed by the powerful reincarnated monsters in the high-energy area, the prosperity of science will collapse, individualism will return, and civilization will return to the sect era.

After getting off the tractor, Wei Keng set up formations in his farmland, centered on the spiritual source of his farmland, and deployed towards thousands of miles, forming a "very high growth barrier", this big barrier, waiting The children of luck in this world.

Wei Keng: I just don't want to end up, but I'll be a loach, none of you can become a dragon in this world.

Just at the foot of Wei Keng, in this ordinary countryside, only advanced observers can see, a hemispherical "Sword Intent" formation covering the entire continent, here, this sword formation is dedicated to cutting luck. And the luck of the cut fell to the world.

Over the sky of Tianxia Continent, there are more and more floating fleets, and the rising famous masters are like the new fleets that are constantly being built by the construction factory. However, in this era, it seems that talented people emerge from generation to generation.

The craziest cultivator known in the new era will remain unknown decades later. It seems that luck in the dark doesn't like guys who "break away from" the earth's energy.

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