Out of the cage

Chapter 1096 Chapter 2320 (1) Not the end, but the beginning

Chapter 1096 Chapter 23.20 (1) Not the end, but the beginning

The 7800-year stage of the ancient disk calendar. The top-level project of the common link of all civilized continents on the ancient disk has been completed.

As early as when he first made the astronomical observation, Wei Keng knew it well. Those continents that are used to refine innate spirit treasures are just at the balance point of the flow of quasars.

At that time, Wei Keng believed that the Xiantian Lingbao only locked these stable continents, but as the observation deepened, it was discovered that the Xiantian Lingbao used the jet stream of the quasar to form at this equilibrium point, and the natural "space-time" Spin" system, and then something is achieved.

Knowing the reason why Xiantian Lingbao is Xiantian Lingbao, a "middleman" like Wei Keng began to use theory to engage in "wider" big projects.

Wei Keng, as the "study group" on the ancient pan, began to cooperate with other intelligent groups after 4000 years of the ancient pan calendar, based on these balance points. The Xinggang Great Wall was established.

The number of continents in the world where the innate spirit treasures are stable has increased from the original 137 to more than 40,000.

And these more than 40,000 stardust groups that have been completely stabilized by the law field constitute the "deceleration ring" in the quasar to tens of millions of heaven and earth.

In this interstellar Great Wall, the movement speed of the debris continent within the range of the Absolute Soul Belt in the interstellar space is delayed by 60 million times.

And these continental groups of macroscopic debris from the ancient pan civilization have been able to move more subjectively, approaching and returning to the aura area or the mysterious area in a controlled manner according to the "engineering plan deployment".

In short, the uncontrolled "spiritual energy recovery" in the core area of ​​Gupan is over, and the development can be carried out in accordance with the needs of civilization in accordance with the season.

The latest generation of "stardust" can get a huge amount of negative entropy by preparing for the "spiritual energy surge" and "mysterious energy growth" in a few hundred years after concentrating all engineers and specific projects.

This meaning is similar to the completion of water conservancy projects by human beings, which can turn the originally uncontrollable "flood disaster" into controllable "profit". You must know that when the water floods, it is difficult to have large-scale settlements on both sides of the river, but after the water is successfully controlled, it will make this place rich in fish and rice.

Accompanied by the breakthrough in the value of farming abortion, Gupan's "consciousness persists" in the field of science and technology, which has broken through in the 7,000-year history of Gupan.

After surveying and mapping the existence forms of the true spirit and Taoist ancestors, Gu Pan created the same physical environment in this huge facility in the artificial ring along the center of the star.

This facility is in a state of pure energy, like a faint halo surrounding the entire ancient disk state. If there are no tens of thousands of innate spirit treasure points as the fulcrum support, this halo will naturally shrink towards the center of the quasar. It is as if two very close neutron stars would collide while spinning.

But now this halo, which has the same energy level as the central energy level of the quasar, does not follow the trend of physical potential energy to naturally return (ascension) to the avenue area of ​​the quasar, but is accumulating potential energy.

In 7833, Wei Keng completed the concept of "parallel body" in the halo of stars surrounding the ancient pan.

At this moment in the halo, Wei Keng, who was in the entire ring area of ​​the ancient pan, had already confronted many true spirits in the central area in terms of level.

It is worth mentioning that the "Gupan" Open Sky Project is a huge and comprehensive project, just like the study of nuclear physics, with various researches on "weapons", "energy", "aviation" and "medicine".

Wei Keng is currently in the Kaitian project, and he is only implementing one of the departments, that is, "drilling into the central energy level region of the quasar", but there are actually other project departments.

The leader of other departments is not Wei Keng. After all, Wei Keng is just a "middleman". Of course, the research results are shared.

The reason why Wei Keng chose to drill into the "subproject" of quasars is because Wei Keng clearly knew that he was projected from the black hole opposite the center of the quasar.

The same is the ultimate question of "where do I come from".

The wisdom of several other ancient pans has other solutions.

One of the research directions is "the proliferation of quasar matter, leading to the growth of space-time tunnels".

Human words: At present, the material soup world can be transformed into each other due to the chaos of matter, so it can only be regarded as one plane. Once the sky is opened, it will be split into various stable and non-transformable "substances" in time and space, which means that different universes will be formed. But somewhere in the higher dimension, the universe with "different rules" has existed for a long time.

The colleague code-named "Migrant Worker" said to Wei Keng: This is like a firework explosion, which will be lowered to different temperatures, but the environment outside the fireworks has already had "different temperatures" Other stones, ice cubes, and firework embers have fallen. Stones and ice that fall to different temperatures, bacteria and bugs on these ice and stones can crawl to these embers.

In short, after the opening of the sky, in the whole quasar region, the coming channels of the consciousness source of outer universe will produce more channels because the quasar tends to other universe rules.

The Road to Wentian——everyone is moving forward at the same time. And the technical industry has a specialization.

For example, in a certain ancient plate, a guy who built the Great Wall said to Wei Keng: You will form the head, and I will form the chest...

After being in the vacuum, Wei Keng has made the discovery of the frontier of "Ancient Pan". Come to the "Time-Space Amplification" department, through the countless future lines in the facility "Quasar Matter Soup"!

The physical constants are different for each line. (The main world is currently only witnessing different planes, but Wei Keng's exploration this time is real, and he has confirmed the evidence of the origin and evolution of physical planes with different rules.)

Wei Keng: Now the material soup is eternal. If there is no "variable", it will not change no matter how many years, but this "vacuum" is fortunately opened up by variables, and the rules of the particle field will appear in an instant.

And every future direction is now occupied by those "great emperors" and "Tao ancestors". They claim to master the avenue, just like occupying bacterial communities near the "surge". With the help of grasping the future trend, we can do the work of "respecting the ancestors" in the present. Try to open the sky now, and dig the future thoroughly. Let the Tao belong to all beings, and no longer be monopolized by them.

Wei Keng: It turns out that time and space are still and frozen!

Note: The current era of cultivating immortals and mysteries seems to be a long time for the cultivators themselves, but for life in the atomic age in the future, it is a "moment" that cannot be measured by atomic clocks. The current realm of self-cultivation is at this moment in the "permanent" existence.

Wei Keng: As a life in this moment, if you want to jump out of this moment, you have to let the self-variation break through this world. Only then can this eternally reincarnated universe enter the next stage.

…At this time, Wei Keng can see countless timelines in the future in a vacuum, because he is a variable at this moment…

Looking at the center of the inner star, Wei Keng had already realized something: "If I don't do it, I will definitely do it consciously in the future! And in a quasar, as long as there are enough falling consciousness variables, the vacuum will definitely be broken."

On the ancient plate, the "Tao" is gradually mastered. "Tao" is not about the amount of energy, but the law of energy.

Just like in ancient times: a chip can control the stability of a diesel engine, and human beings no longer compare muscle strength with lions and tigers.

In the ancient pan era in 7833, on the ancient pan, this kind of complex interlaced energy is being arranged. Under the advantage of "Tao", the powerful people in the upper realm have lost the ability to wrestle with Wei Keng in the spiritual and mortal realms.

In the past, it would take a whole fleet to deal with the true spirits descending to the human world.

But now with the advancement of new technology, Wei Keng calculates according to the precise physical structure on the ancient pan, and only needs to fluctuate through rules to form a celestial-level space collapse, and the true spirit can be trapped in it as soon as it descends.

After the projected consciousness of the true spirits came down to earth, they disappeared quickly and soundlessly, just like being thrown into a pond and mud, without even a sound.

These true spirits were tunneled by Wei Keng to the mass cluster outside the quasar. Oh, that is to say, it is still in the state of "matter soup" at present, the spherical matter clusters with independent mass on the periphery of those quasars, and the matter at the moment is not "stars composed of particles".

The properties of the entire quasar substance soup need to change suddenly in the future "instantly"!

The true spirit that roams the world fell into the interior of that primordial star and could not come out, just like a small fish confined in a gully during low tide.

The true spirits and great emperor consciousness in the cultivation area, after experiencing a period of rapid growth, are now quietly falling back, and many people with a little ordinary luck have begun to emerge in this era of doom. The last carnival began.

After Wei Keng checked the origins of these traversers, he was surprised to find that they all came from the cultural area of ​​the main world.

System: The influence of Universal Intervention has crossed dimensions. Our "Plane Mission" has a far-reaching impact. After returning this time, it is not the end, but the beginning.

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