Out of the cage

Chapter 1102 Chapter 2401 (Part 1) Dimensional Well Surge

Chapter 1102 Chapter 24.01 (Part 1) Dimensional Well Surge

The dark plane, the great black hole of creation, along with the multi-dimensional Zhong Wei Keng confirms part of the timeline and begins to return by itself. Identify yourself as successful, and let out the "Whoo!" cheer.

Please note that Wei Keng "saw multiple timelines in the dark plane", which means that after the return of the great black hole of creation, the "dark energy of space-time" has completely crossed a big step.

The perspective came to the most successful timeline. (That is, the most obvious timeline relative to the time brake of the main world)

Before Wei Keng entered the great black hole of creation, he ensured the work in advance, and deployed a wide observation point in the creation star area of ​​60,000 cubic light-years.

When the spears of light pierced into the great black hole of creation, that is, the interstellar forces in the entire universe saw this incomparably "blasphemy" scene. Master Wei has already prepared a strategic blocking margin at these observation points.

In this rigid universe, not only the Behemoth Nebula has an unknown, incomprehensible, and incomprehensible "sacred place", but also the mainstream civilization of the human civilization on the Promise Star also has such a "kneeling without reason" holy place.

The "Holy Land" has never tolerated sabotage by "bad boys", "troublemakers" and "historians".

Now the light spear projected by Wei Keng, the 30% will fall forever,

But Wei Keng, who returned from the quasar, brought an unprecedented material wave band in the "dark universe". ——The bubbling dissatisfaction in the major star regions suddenly fell silent with the wonderful "energy lineage" in the great black hole of creation.

Dark energy users above level 7 are still knowledgeable, and the previous "dissatisfaction" still exists, but they are suppressed by "curiosity" and "scrupulousness".

On the stronghold in the north of the Great Black Hole of Creation, on a space fortress, Chu Jinyan stared at the jet stream of the Great Black Hole of Creation. Her dark energy field vibrated obviously during this "vibration". She frowned and observed, but she still lacked blind spots. Thinking of something, she couldn't help but look towards "Zhangwei" who was watching with her several light years away.

If in the past, Zhangwei would immediately look back "with a heartbeat" when he saw Bi Jinlan looking at him, and then knew what she was thinking, and cooperated with her. However, this time Zhangwei was "careless" and didn't pay attention to Jin Jinyan at the first time, but was cooperating with other third-order tracers to accept the "big black hole of creation" friend information.

The current communication circle of Zhangwei is full of excitement: This is the dark plane, the "exploration history" in the history of human beings on Xuxing Star

From the perspective of probability, it is like sprinkling a nail to the bottom of the sea thousands of meters, and then sprinkling a magnet to suck it back.

Wei Keng in Dimension: "Nail" has no subjectivity, but I am not a nail, and my return is inevitable.

At the edge of the black hole, Wei Keng perceives such a large piece of memory from the quasar world that suddenly pops up, and the content of the agreement on the joint development of the "open sky plane" with Qin Tianfang in the dimension, and slowly spits out With a sigh of relief, the precise optical axis between the two planes was calibrated.

After Wei Keng received the communication from the Dark Plane Tracing Group, he smiled and responded to the brilliant starry sky:

That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind.

When the Overseer Group heard this, they rolled their eyes.

This is the first dimensional well that the main world runs through other planes in the dark plane! It is also on this historical line, the first dimensional wellhead in the dark plane.

Oh, to be precise, it is the "first time" in this time.

At this time, Wei Keng also saw the fertile soil timeline of the dark plane. ——At this juncture of civilization development, only "return" is fertile ground, but "return" is possible. Wei Keng arrived in the dark plane before, which happens to be the timeline that has never returned.

Narrator: It seems that the probability is very small, but in fact it is inevitable. It is similar to that all the direct fathers of the son have given birth to sons, and all the direct mothers of the daughters have been giving birth to daughters for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

In the newly born "fertile soil level" dark plane, a large-scale temperature drop occurred around the great black hole of creation. With the expansion of the radiation ripples, the temperature dropped to 0.3K within the range of the gravitational field in the dawn year.

Wei Keng mobilized the "emerging" dark energy, condensed the carbon-based logo, and slowly moved the coordinate exit to the area under his control, and his consciousness quickly merged with the "basic life field" of the dark plane, completing his descent.

Therefore, in the grand spout of the great black hole of creation, observations outside the universe can see a "carbon molecular spectrum change" ring knotted in the black hole area, (there is a geometric movement in it, even if it is observed by planetary life, it can confirm the obvious signs of life .)

(Emerging dark energy: the breadth covers several light-years, directly using the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the star sea to complete the most basic life bearing)

In the space-time administrator team here, Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan looked at the message that was sent suddenly.

It is recorded in the information that Wei Keng has completed the exploration of the Xianxia plane. ——At the same time, I also saw the "time service system" of the main world jump suddenly. Watching chess sucks.

Since Wei Keng returned from the shuttle, only thirty minutes had passed. The speed was so fast that it was over in a blink of an eye, so that the supervisors hadn't reacted from the annoyance that "Wei Keng changed the coordinates of the tunnel without authorization".

In the secondary control cabin, Qin Xiaohan said, "The exploration is complete? Why is there no record?" She looked at Jing Guyu suspiciously. Until she saw that the "Dark Timeline" braked, she suddenly understood that something was wrong.

Jing Guyu was also silent, her separated part of consciousness (Dao Zun) was waiting for Wei Keng on the target plane of cultivating immortals.

But during this mission, Wei Keng perfectly missed her monitoring. It wasn't until after the mission was over, in the plane she was in, that she sensed that Wei Keng was standing on the level of the "Avenue" and hit her there. call. Only then did she know that there had been an "earth-shattering" space-time change next door to her economic plane.

Due to the original mission planning: Jing Guyu in the quasar plane is a righteous immortal, and has the responsibility of "guide".

So in the monitor space, Jing Guyu is arranged in the main control cabin.

But now, because the monitoring task did not go according to the original plan, Qin Xiaohan has already broken into the control room where she should have been, and started to browse the information directly.

After Qin Xiaohan's skilled input, the system responded: "Due to something special in the shuttle, Your Excellency Wei Keng escaped from the monitoring during this time travel, and is sending back a new record now."

Qin Xiaohan took the lead: "Come to me!"

Jing Guyu, who was still in a daze, seemed to come to his senses, and ordered directly to the screen: "Accept!"

The two supervisors stood up at the same time. They almost rushed to each other, pressed the OK button, and directly showed their authority.

Of course the two then looked up at each other. Qin Xiaohan's eyes were: "Are you robbing me?"

Jing Guyu took it for granted in his eyes, and pointed out the fact that she was the person in charge of the plane on the screen.

The system of the monitor space (the image of the black bird) appeared with a letter between the bird's beak: "The information is here." This kind of contest was interrupted. When the two hands touched the data at the same time, the phantom of the data in the space split into two.

Afterwards, they were shocked by all of Wei Keng's exploration materials in this independent "Planet of Immortal Cultivation".

The entire plane has been "destructive", um, "creative", and the entire plane has undergone constant rule explosion evolution. More importantly, Wei Keng has now penetrated a road leading to the jurisdiction of the main world in this dark plane. Dimension well!

Jing Guyu didn't care about arguing with Qin Xiaohan after reading it, and immediately encrypted it in all directions, and the encrypted content was limited to himself, Qin Xiaohan, and Bai Linglu. ("Bai Linglu" was added by Jing Guyu after hesitating for a moment, because she knew it couldn't be hidden.)

Kings also have levels, and those who can perfectly control a plane are the top kings.

But now the emergence of this "dimension well of different planes" means that the barrier between planes can be broken.

At that time, who is the "true king" and who is a cheater will be distinguished. You must know that in this generation, there are too many people who claim to be kings. In fact, before Wei Keng's trip to the dark plane, there was a call for "downsizing the top management".

You must know that after the third war of planes, Michaelena and Monat fought against Wei Keng with full confidence. As a result, the hypocrisy of most of the kings of the multi-dimensional planes was punctured. It was announced that, except for Qin Tianfang and a few upper echelons, no one knew that when the Mediterranean group almost lost contact suddenly, it was because of a collision with Wei Keng.

But Jing Guyu didn't know yet, just at the time of this mission, the main world had stopped for eighty years, and Qin Tianfang came to reform the king. Eliminated almost all kings.

In the supervisor's space, Wei Keng is now linked to the data of the "dimension axis" of the double plane.

Taking the "quasar" plane as the axis, it began to evolve towards different physical constants. At present, it is only one axis, and the different scales on the axis correspond to the physical rule areas of different "territories" of the main world.

While Jing Guyu was thinking, Qin Xiaohan defined Wei Keng's "Plane Exploitation" event as the "Wanyuan" section, and sent it to Qin Tianfang.

Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan studied roughly, while waiting for Wei Keng to come back to "explain".

Jing Guyu piled up the sand table, while Qin Xiaohan gesticulated on the side screen with his fingers, seemingly in awe, but the other members of the supervisor space felt that this was not a crime."

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