Out of the cage

Chapter 1104 Chapter 2402 (Part 1)

Chapter 1104 Chapter 24.02 (Part 1) "Politics" and "Emotions"

Wei Keng linked the system for the second time in the dark plane. But they were no longer the supervisors he was familiar with.

Among them, Qin Tianfang made some adjustments. ——The purpose is not only to give Wei Keng a little "color", but also to help Xiaohan avoid the next step of offending the "pit".

Kong through the gap: "Wei Jun, please arrive at the safe area in order. Your completion of this mission has exceeded expectations." At this time, the supervisor from the plane of Shenzhou did not know that he had been put on a "white face" ( Black face Zhang Fei, red face Guan Yu, white face Cao Cao).

As the "Secretary-General" of this surveillance mission, Kong Chuancha had done his homework in advance.

At this time, when Kun Chuancha was negotiating with Wei Keng, he tried his best to calculate the differences between Wei Keng and Haotu, as well as the information advantage he had.

Kong Chuanfeng manuscript: In 3117, Wei Keng was deployed to the world of Xianxia by the space-time management department at that time, with the goal of verifying a method of "reincarnation" under the "Hedao" system. (Guided by Jing Guyu to verify this relatively small "Daoguo"). At that time, the arrangement was because the higher-ups felt that Wei Keng was "just right" and "appropriate". But this (Wei Keng) has obviously never been a being who obeys orders.

Kun Chuan took a break to sort out his thoughts, and began to welcome this negotiation with his best state.

Wei Keng, who had been waiting for a while, looked at the female supervisor, and commented in his heart: "Are all the supervisors wearing masks these days?" , then there is a "City Mansion")

...dimension dividers...

At this time in the Haotu department, Qin Tianfang was also paying attention to this negotiation.

Qin Xiaohan, who had previously robbed Jing Guyu of the documents and the official seal, was also beside him. She was recalled. Qin Xiaohan frowned slightly as he watched the negotiation process in the dark plane.

Qin Tianfang knew what she was worried about, and shook his head slightly. ——Qin Tian reassured and said silently: Silly sister, I have already talked with him (Wei Keng) about everything that needs to be discussed, and now we are just going through the process, and it is precisely this process that needs to be torn apart.

Qin Tian sighed at his cousin: hey. The ancients said that "the harem will not interfere in politics", the reason is too general, but in many things it is necessary to "separate feelings from work". (In other words, women are mostly confused in this regard, so the ancients made a one-size-fits-all approach, asking women not to get involved in this matter)

However, entanglement of self-emotions in work is to let the "right and wrong" in the work damage one's feelings. Wishful thinking, trying to develop relationships at work, but often hurting my feelings with emotion.

Narrator: Relatively speaking, men's rational thinking is more suitable for this kind of "distinction between public and private". Emotions are sent and received freely, and there are clear boundaries on some things.

The same is true between Qin Tianfang and Wei Keng. The two sides had a serious conflict of ideas on the "dimension territory issue", but in the end they sought common ground while reserving differences, and reached the largest cooperation since this century.

That is: Wei Keng is now handing over the "Wanyuan" world (the coordinate system of the Kaitian plane), and in exchange, Qin Tianfang will not interfere with Wei Keng in the exclusive plane for the next two main world centuries. You know, in the past eighty years, Qin Tianfang has swept Liuhe, destroyed all the exclusive territories of other kings in the main world, and carried out system mergers.

It was because Qin Tianfang and Wei Keng had reached an agreement in private that there was such a superficial negotiation.

Back then in Qin Tianfang's private space bubble, Qin Tianfang and Wei Keng were old friends of two pastoral traversers, and they could show each other face without any scruples. Don't worry about giving others the wrong meaning.

The current formal negotiation is a compromise of interests between Haotu's highest center and the power faction in the far plane. It is a contest between the two factions, to what extent the face is torn apart, can lead to "cold relations and cooperation but continue", so as not to cause the confrontation between the plane groups to get out of control.

Although there is no one around Wei Keng and no "factions" can be seen, in fact, Qin Tianfang knows that as long as Wei Keng raises the flag, he will soon appear in the "unity of the country" in front of him, and win against Wei Keng Jing Cong people.

The plane of Pandora, the plane of darkness, and Wei Keng are all newcomers brought in by the timeline in large quantities, and Qin Tianfang also knows the quality of the "new generation" brought out by Wei Keng. So in order to prevent Wei Keng's "flag" from being used. Qin Tianfang was willing to compromise to appease Wei Keng.

...Qin Xiaohan is still struggling with the division of interests in the Gupan Plane, while Qin Tianfang is focusing on greater "politics"...

During the negotiation process, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain a calm state of mind as the gap breaks through. Qin Xiaohan couldn't help but want to take over.

Qin Tianfang looked at Qin Xiaohan's request to enter the arena. He sighed as if very dull: "Before this, in the economic plane of Gu Xiuxian, Wei Keng set out to solve the core problem of physical rules this time."

Qin Xiaohan said in a calm tone: "Judging from the current information, Wei Keng has completed strategic exploration. According to the returned records, not only has completed the surveying and mapping of various auras on the energy spectrum system, but also the physics of the origin of the Milky Way. Gained valuable data. But we don't know what he experienced in that plane."

Qin Xiaohan's meaning is very clear: brother, the expansion of Haotu under your leadership is too smooth, and the people at the top of the system are used to expropriation at the upper level of the system, but they ignore the rationality of "expropriation".

Qin Tianfang looked at his cousin: feeling emotional in his heart, he turned his elbow outward. But he was not angry. Instead, he smiled and nodded, with an expression of "you have grown up".

What is Haotu like at this time? Qin Tianfang actually had a clear mind in his heart.

When the power of Haotu was still very small, Qin Tianfang proposed that "all crossing territories must be integrated and a fair system be established." This was a courageous act, because he was the only one who took the lead at that time.

But now that Haotu has completed a comprehensive unification, those who put forward the slogan "All people are unified under the center" just have ulterior motives. Because these people are already standing in the central class, shouting this slogan at this time is nothing more than taking advantage of the situation to suppress others. But Qin Tianfang, as the initiator of Haotu's center, was unable to suppress this momentum.

Qin Tianfang knew that Haotu's "Comprehensive Department of All Heavens Information" is now very surprised by the sudden appearance of the "Wanyuan Plane" (the plane of Wei Keng Kaitian Queen), and it is confirmed that the entire Haotu Zhongwei After Keng had no obvious power, he couldn't hold back his desire to "publicize" it.

The attitude of the establishment factions who joined the group early in these vast lands is a "preventive suppression" attitude towards Wei Keng: they have achieved such great achievements, but they are not under control. And in the speeches, this kind of "all-source plane" pioneering work is very belittled.

These Haotu establishment factions believe that Wei Keng does not conduct "research" in the existing economic plane, but goes to remote planes for research, which does not have the value of economic marketization.

Of course, the above "reasons" can only deceive travelers below Qing.

From the 30th century to the 33rd century, as the original "liberals" were replaced by Haotu, the dark and arbitrary "religious control" behaviors that were sheltered by the liberalism of many planes were eradicated, and the plane ushered in Entering the era of great economic development, time travel has become civilianized. Flowing to the dimensions, the consciousness has reached tens of billions.

Many people in the main world and the planes that have been developed for many years have obtained time and space certificates, and went to different planes of time and space for "life experience". New groups entered the dimension and created new powers.

The Space-Time Administration has a stronger influence on the real economy, and at the same time, it has produced a large number of space-time economic oligarchs and fans of the "space-time economics" thought. These groups in the space-time layer and attached to the space-time bureaucracy think that the era of fighting and killing is over. ——At the same time, he underestimated the role of "will to change" in time and space, and began to advocate "lifestyle".

This mentality is similar to the fact that in modern times, there were some smart businessmen who sneered at the great achievement of building nuclear bombs decades ago, thinking it was a poor attitude, and at that time, many poor countries were still excluded from the international system when building nuclear bombs. Underdeveloped, for example.

A blind person can see which is the greatest achievement, "building a nuclear bomb" or "listing a company".

But in terms of making nuclear bombs, the capital side cannot control it. When a company goes public, capital can control it. So how to describe, there is a tendency.

The information sent back by Wei Keng, except for the most important "dimension axis" information encrypted by Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan.

Right now, after the Gupan universe is split, under the natural promotion of internal consciousness, it develops towards various "different physical constants", and the future end point is the different "territory" planes that the main world is now exploring.

When there is a process of "from the beginning to the end" in nature, this process has "negative entropy". Qin Xiaohan named it the "Wanyuan" plane for a major reason.

There are special "dimension values" that can be borrowed between "Wanyuan" and different physical constant planes in various territories. This dimensional value can just supplement Qin Tianfang's "system of the heavens" at this time, and can directly update the current plane economy to a new era.

(The "dimension value" in the process of "eternal change" between different planes has long been in the theory, which is similar to the "mass-energy reaction formula". A share of energy, it is still necessary to determine uranium 235 and plutonium, which can be obtained and synthesized on a large scale.)

Qin Tian calculated in peace of mind: The establishment faction doesn't know the effect of the "bow fire" right now. They only know that the big ship is big enough and can be directly crushed.

Qin Tian sighed in relief, as the helmsman, he could only turn the rudder as much as possible to avoid it.

At this time, Qin Tianfang stopped Qin Xiaohan who was about to lose his temper, and said to her: "Send Koon through the gap to make him (Wei Keng) angry, and at the same time let some people on our side (Haotu's side) know, The dividends of the new plane are not given by the center. He and I need to fall out in the open."

Qin Xiaohan blinked his eyes and quickly understood what was going on, but still looked at Qin Tianfang with a questioning intention.

Qin Tianfang Youzai: Don't worry, the cooperation will continue. ——It means that when Wei Keng (unruly people) started to fight for his interests, he, the king, had the opportunity to cut down the civil society in order not to cause civil unrest.

That's all for Qin Tianfang, as a superior, he can't say a lot about things, but as his cousin, Qin Xiaohan, he has already said enough.

Qin Xiaohan was stunned for a moment, looking at Kong Chuanxia who was fighting for reason in the monitoring space, his eyes gradually showed pity. Of course, when I saw Qin Tianfang again, I felt strange. ——Because this is the emperor's mind.

Qin Tianfang felt Qin Xiaohan's gaze, and felt silent in his heart because he was "lonely".

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