Out of the cage

Chapter 1107 Chapter 2403 (Part 1) Every Star Has Hope

Chapter 1107 Chapter 24.03 (Part 1) Every Star Has Hope

After leaving the Great Black Hole of Creation, Wei Keng flickered to the Frost Planet 170 light-years away from the Great Black Hole of Creation. This icy and savage planet (Chapter 20.30) is called Tianjixing.

Previously, the center of the Great Black Hole of Creation only inspected this place regularly. prevent its instability. ——Wei Keng, the strongest source tracer, wherever he goes, is actually "unstable", and this time is no exception, so he built a base here.

Wei Keng: I used a word in the past, "the underdeveloped belt around the Gyeonggi on the edge of the great black hole of creation".

Now that Wei Keng comes here, the first thing he does is to find his own students. According to the concept of traceability, the commitment to the "Hope Project" must never be violated.

In the snow, Wei Keng stood on the ice. He used the map of fish schools under the ice in exchange for the right to live in the local village of the cement building community, and even got a small single room to live in.

The scenes of the villages fighting each other for "seeking a place for immortality" are also recorded in the pre-stored memories. These memories remind Wei Keng of the "simple" humanities here.

Wei Keng let go of those bad memories, and led the child to the low-earth orbit of the planet.

Wei Keng has established various space stations in planetary orbit, Antarctica, North Pole, and deep sea.

These children from various villages, Wei Keng led them to put on the "work clothes" required in various facilities, learn to drive various machines, and understand the development of the latest "traceable" revolution in the universe.

Wei Keng couldn't directly transform the indigenous tribal social system of "Tianjixing" to an advanced state, but he gave these Tianjixing youths under the age of 20 a modern education.

In the next forty years, each orbital module will continue to receive the youths of the entire Tianji Star.

After they have mastered the planet observation and energy mining system given to them by Wei Keng, they can replace the old social habits of "patriarch" and "clan" of Tianjixing.

During this process, no extraterrestrial tracers will arrive. Because Wei Keng knows the disadvantages of "international guidance", foreign advanced experience will suppress the local exploration time.

Wei Keng just told them: When they light up their own stars, the power of the "Tracing the Origin" faction will come here to build in the future. ——Oh, sometimes he would even say unceremoniously: "Don't think about escaping from your hometown. Get out of the cage and keep your feet on the ground."

Wei Keng: "Thinking differently, if I were living in a poor life, I would have all kinds of small thoughts. Well, back then, I would also worry about the price difference of one or two yuan for online shopping, and began to worry about the quality of domestic products. Whispering, people are always looking for profit."

...For people over twenty years old, Wei Keng also left a way...

When all the villages got used to the orbital spaceships falling from the entrance of their own villages, many men who used to chase fish schools began to put down their harpoons, picked up the electric underwater net deploying machine, and picked up the operation manual at the same time.

The reinforced concrete tube buildings in the village have become an old era, and the new buildings surrounded by wind and solar energy are distributed along the subway line on a wider ice sheet.

Among them, a few people began to look up at the sky, staring at the sky with curiosity sealed away by life in the bitter cold land.

Fifteen years after Wei Keng returned to the Tianji planet, he conducted a "traceability assessment". In this assessment, considering the environment of the planet's people, the "Survival Potential Stimulation Project" is to identify the direction of the underwater movement and the extremely cold ice sheet. go on.

Note: The life and death unlocking of "Tracing the Origin" is not a random test, the core lies in the will to survive.

Now the traceability school has obtained a scientific system based on a large number of statistics: only when there is a crisis in a long-term stable living environment, will the will to survive flash with a high probability, and if people are put into an unprecedented environment, the will to survive will not find a reality that can be released .

"Death struggle" is a state that the examinee must go through, and as the examiner who designs the "traceability" assessment, he wants to increase the success rate of "death struggle" as much as possible.

In extremely cold regions, muscle efficiency and how to preserve body temperature as much as possible, Wei Keng taught relevant knowledge before the assessment, such as how long the muscles can endure in physiology, the endurance will be congested, stiff and strained, and how to adjust "explosion" from the mechanical point of view Different power skills on "endurance".

So these examiners of Tianjixing, in this icy and snowy environment that they have been exposed to since they were born, can they use everything they have learned to deal with crises? How many methods can be found, and how to combine these methods to finally achieve the "survival goal"? These are moments of forensic "self-will".

The broadcast of the traceability faction in the training camp of these people: Only after passing the possible survival test on the planet where they live can they be eligible to enter the more dangerous space. If unprepared people are allowed to enter the universe, it is nothing more than wanting to take advantage of the existing value of the "filler".

In the 23rd year of Tianjixing, the first batch of traceable youths have completed the assessment, and they will prepare to enter space.

In front of the spaceship of the Traceability School, Wei Keng said to these tall and strong "children": "If you go, you will return. In the future, you will come back to build, no matter how exciting the outside world is. Can belong to You guys have very little space, but it's okay here."

The local soldiers of Tianji star in the cockpit nodded silently.

Of course, Wei Keng knows that in the next few decades, as they see the wonderful world outside, there may not be many of them who can insist on returning to the "village". I have seen the big world outside, and I have a big world in my heart, so I may not look down on this small hometown.

Wei Keng shook his head in the starry sky: Therefore, the maintenance of the stronghold of Tianjixing must be maintained by the perseverance sent by the center of the Tracing Legion. Don't put too much responsibility on the "hope for development in remote areas" on the Miao Miao who came out here.

As the top "space-time dark energy user", Wei Keng showed his supernatural power for the first time on Tianji Star.

After the first-generation builders of Tianji Star assembled all the metal space equipment, eight sets of symmetrical space gates appeared in these equipments on the orbit of the planet. At the other end of the space gate, there were those "tracing source" bustling areas of Star Sea.

Wei Keng's purpose of this kind of behavior is to support "remote and underdeveloped areas", but in the eyes of the Creation Great Black Hole Group, this is a direct stab at the core area.

The promise star dark energy players may never be able to predict the "behavior purpose" of the source tracer.

Just like some people in the early twentieth century who were full of promotion and wealth, they always thought wrong, and those who stubbornly resisted torture persisted. ("You Think Wrong")

Wei Keng is obviously the top-level dark energy ability of the seventh-level space-time system.

Under the parental culture of the Promised Star, the top seven dark energy users have achieved the highest level and created a clan that will last forever, and their honorary name will be passed down in the universe.

After the Tianji Star "base" was completed, Wei Keng received questions from all parties, and smiled calmly: "You guys are wrong,"

A few seconds later, Wei Keng said to Zhen Xun who was waiting at the side: "As an outer universe traveler, I don't know how to establish bloodlines. I want to unify here."

Zhenxun: Unification? This is it? ——She couldn't understand Wei Keng's ambition. The entire promised star civilization was scattered after stepping out of the universe.

Wei Keng: "When tracers gather together under the same ambition, it is necessary to dye the place where the vision goes once."

In Wei Keng's perception of dark energy, more and more man-made stars with probe eyes have appeared around Tianji star.

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