Out of the cage

Chapter 1145 Chapter 2415 (Part 2) The Era of Bandits

At the external satellite stronghold on Lilingxing No. 38. This is the hardest hit area for "thieves".

The sixth largest religious area in the entire galaxy, while the star knights in charge of guarding here encountered resistance, at the same time that the area originally judged to be safe by the religious system was drawn to attention by multiple explosions during the chaotic moment, and one of the secret passages But it was poured in by a wave of third-level and fourth-level dark energy bandits, and rushed directly into the "Holy Church" to be presumptuous.

Just as the sledgehammer of the Inquisition mech in the sanctuary was raised, like an elephant-legged mechanical arm hanging in mid-air, it was locked by a steel cable thrown out by soldiers flying in from the gate.

The leader who broke in was the second level of traceability. After entering the religious hall, the body began to load dark energy according to the data.

The guy named "Peng Haitao" stretched out his hand, squeezed the priestess' buttocks, and said the robbery testimonial: "The world is in chaos, what kind of religion are you talking about?"

(This guy was originally in the "Gaia District" in time and space, and now he was invited by Bai Linglu. At present, he still doesn't know that the leader of the dark plane is the one he used to be familiar with.)

This gangster named Peng Haitao was then systematically reminded by Void, asking not to publicly publish language that "disrespects other people's beliefs." ——Wei Keng's split body who accompanied him incognito: Your worldview is buried in your heart, and your attitude towards religion is not to give up development dividends.

The entire team (Peng Haitao claimed) broke into the brightly lit but strictly hierarchical parish from the chaotic area with uneven lighting levels on the outer layer. It's like crossing two worlds

Tens of thousands of tame people who surrendered to religion and bowed their knees couldn't help but a group of forty modernized bandits.

The combat armor of this group of bandits is assembled automatically, paying attention to extreme applicability. It is completely different from the heavy armor style of the religious guards here who carry "sacred" decorations. It uses a large number of carbon fiber ligaments and can bounce tens of meters. And it can support the "carbon fundamental wave language" in the information interface so that the bandits can cooperate with a very high limit.

For example, for that heavy mech, at zero tenths of a second, he pulled along the heavy hammer mechanical arm he was swinging, and then tripped the important fulcrum of the lower body mechanical foot, so that the door panel blocked the important entrance directly. Falling down and hitting the anti-tank mine that was sent over in an instant, well, this is the smoothness of a primary school student suddenly pulling a chair when sitting at the same table.

After the heavy religious armor fell, the follow-up bandit fire team carried the recoilless gun on their shoulders and fired directly, blasting a resisting religious guard into pieces on the wall, and then stabbed them with a gun. Live as a priest, come to open the door of the treasury.

The religious guards guarding the energy arsenal were arrogant and wanted to resist, but they were severely remodeled, and after the pipeline at the back of the neck was cut off, they fell into a state of powerlessness.

In order to ensure holiness and piousness, the religion of Liling Star broadcasts live broadcasts to believers, and it is mandatory for believers to watch the live broadcast for a long enough time. Of course, if money is offered, the time can be reduced, and it is also live broadcasting now...

The gangsters just got the deployment of the defenders here through the religious live broadcast. During the frontal attack, they went around a wave of flanking sneak attack squads, and directly inserted into the inner center of the religion by erecting a short-term jump door, and all the members of the religious group gathered together Use "chemical frequency band radiation waves" to numb me.

In the religious altar, time-space crystals are wrapped here, and the "cluster" of black armor (the timeline selected travelers on the Pandora plane is tested here), docks with these religious groups and is responsible for receiving all the databases of this base.

In particular, the focus is on the inhuman "consciousness chip" technology here.

Then these thugs with ideology close to the source tried the ugly behavior of detaining people's thinking filling in the religious group.

A video was circulated on the Internet in the area, kicking the ass of these priests, and then cutting off the hair of the saints! - No matter how you look at it, this is the crystallization of these old civilizations being abused by mobs.

Of course, there was no rape and no killing. In order to win the sympathy of the majority of people, the thugs who smashed the authority of religion will not violate the taboo of "leading all evil and adultery".

But in this way, fanatics on the entire planet have been stimulated, and the next step is a wave of fanaticism.

The source tracers in charge of the robbery looked at the projection area linking believers in the sacred hall. The original kneeling fanatics looked distraught and laughed abnormally.

Peng Haitao, an anti-religious person: One bang, then decline, three exhaustion, stimulate it, then make it crazy, then let it cool down, after repeated several times, the belief will be questioned.

Next, shocks and confrontations filled the entire territory of Liling Star. For those central areas that were stable to stagnant water, the era of chaos came.

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