Out of the cage

Chapter 1202 Chapter 2518 (Part 2) The elitism of the omnic plane

In the second half of 2015, Huaihai Province, Xuzhou "Physical Base", Wei Keng launched the "Disha Satellite" under his own technology system. This "energy body" composed entirely of space-time fluctuations changes elliptical orbits around the center of the earth. Rotate, and start to monitor the global "space-time forces".

Wei Keng discovered that at present, the four omnic forces that have crossed over to the corpse tide plane have all begun to integrate their own strategic areas, and have begun to send soldiers across the ocean space. On the other hand, each area is sparsely populated and lacks defense.

Wei Keng's analysis: Even if a teleportation is only for a combat force of 300 people (30 population), the damage to the core area will be huge.

It is not guaranteed that the four "players" (the four commanders including Lu Yun) will change their homes in the end.

And Wei Keng guards the grain-producing areas of Huaihai and Henan, and belongs to the "farmers" in the rear base. As a "farmer" in farming, it may be affected in various ways. The attack may be unbearable, but it must be feared.

Of course, there are more warlords whose technology has been diffused by these traversers, and even those "mechanical technological transformations loaded with native generals" that Lu Yun himself received. If Lu Yun has no time to take care of them for a while, they will definitely be jealous of the farming area.

Let's talk about population here.

Floating battleships need to be maintained and used, and there are 40 personnel to prepare one (four population).

Star Shield is a group of three mechas, also accounting for forty establishments (four population).

The anti-gravity flying engine is composed of 30 people and three ships (three people).

The Osprey is four fighters with twenty personnel (two population).

As for the Marine Corps, there are three groups, with thirty people forming a brigade (three people).

The three-ton suspended spherical armored core is five vehicles occupying twenty operators (two populations)

Wei Keng's final assessment: Once such a mixed force with a population of 30 is suddenly sent to the rear of the East Asian continent, there are very few places that can carry it down. Right now, there is only the initially restored Huaihai Province area (the main base). Here the railways and rivers have been restored, and armored trains and inland gunboats can quickly rush to rescue.

Right now, human resources are more important than territory.

For example, in East Asia, it was correct for Lu Yun to take down here to eliminate threats, but if he had to send people to garrison, there would be huge defensive pressure.

And now the "mines" (Huaihai industry, food) are enough, if we continue to separate the manpower, we need to restore a longer railway and sea terminal, which will require "high maintenance costs".

Those military generals in the Lu Yun Group ran to the newly conquered area one by one, set up new camps, and planned to stand on the top of the mountain. Wei Keng chose to stay in the Huaihai District and stick to the "single mine" economy.

Huaihai District undertakes 60% of grain production and storage, and also has unique light industry manufacturing.

On the other hand, 90% of the core parts for smelting and energy in the heavy industry come from warehouse searches, 8% come from the Lu Yun base to provide core parts, and the rest is completed by Wei Keng through the Rubik's Cube space.

...the dividing line of labor...

At the 15-year development meeting, all the military leaders under Lu Yun attended the meeting. After Lu Yun hammered a few disobedient guys with real martial arts, he gave Tianzao.

Lu Yun raised his hand and ordered Wei Keng to open the storage in the refrigerator, and let the attendees carry their box of beer to eat grilled shrimp.

Beer brewed from corn in Huaihai District is now a legitimate source of happiness.

Wei Keng, who was assigned the task, shook his head helplessly. People in the last days are more numb to life and death.

...three months later the time dividing line...

Lu Yun Group still wants to conquer the outside world at this time, and he is now locked in the southern Guangdong and Guangxi regions.

However, lacking a global satellite reconnaissance system, Lu Yun didn't know that the enemy from the direction of North America had already crossed the sea to suppress it at his doorstep.

Near the Kurotaki River, a boxy, green-painted base in the style of twenty-first-century military helmets landed. After the huge metal armored fortress landed, cracks appeared on the icy river surface one kilometer away.

This base is the military arm of the Iron Eagle Empire. The entire base has a shield system.

Illuminated by the green and gentle light source, the warlord wearing red gloves read the information confessed by the captives captured from the south with great interest.

This captive was captured by the Iron Eagle Empire when it landed and dispatched vulture helicopters to raid Qiluji City.

The survivors' camp in Jicheng was the territory occupied by the warlords that Lu Yun allocated after he allocated the East Asian occupied area.

After confirming that the driver of the Cheetah Assault Vehicle has been captured, the equipment of the Star Sea Federation will start a self-destruct program to destroy key data and information. This makes General Mu only rely on rough hand-drawing by the captives to understand the situation in the southern region.

General Mu now knows the only important piece of information, that is, the traversers of the Star Sea Federation have established an important food producing area in the south. The food is rich, so they don't have to eat "rough food synthesized from coal mines" and can even have "beer, vegetables, grilled chicken Intestine" to supply.

From the materials seized in Jicheng, Mutt picked up the plastic packaging bag and saw the manufacturer and date clearly: "Weihuai Food Responsibility Company, the production date is 15.03 (produced in March 15 years after the Great Destruction)."

He tasted it and was very pleased with the taste. At least - better than North American cans.

The iron eagle military strongman with a manifest destiny, thinks this should not be done, and decides to conquer when he sees it.

This General Murat still has limited information on East Asia, because the natives of his captive plane in the north generally have a low level of education, and his description of Lu Yun's governance model in the south is not clear.

...preparing the odds dividing line...

When Jicheng was raided by the same standardized alien plane army, Wei Keng got the news quickly.

Since the generals recruited by Lu Yun are good-natured and fun-loving, on the one hand they want an independent territory, and on the other hand they feel that their governance capabilities are sufficient, so they forcibly formulated a series of beautiful "goals" according to the development of Huaihai District. ", but he is arbitrary and unwilling to "be humble" (modestly) ask for help from the south in terms of technology and talents.

result? Three months after landing, the most basic development track has not been entered, but its own organization has been messed up. ——Do not engage in industrial production contact with Wei Keng Huaihai Group, and as a result, they are captured by the enemy on the other side of the sea.

Lu Yun knew about this, but he was already on an expedition to the south at this time.

After crossing a thousand kilometers, Lu Yun said three words to Wei Keng very seriously: "Carry it first."

When he was in the dark plane, Wei Keng was prepared for all kinds of strange things in the plane of the heavens... (End of this chapter)

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