Out of the cage

Chapter 1216 Chapter 2528 (Part 2) Hercules? Cyclamen?

Chapter 1216 Chapter 25.28 (Part 2) Hercules? Cyclamen?

When the space-time team used the fleet and armored soldiers to communicate delicately in the north, at this time on the coastline of the East China Sea in Daming, a red-bottomed gold-sun-silver-moon balloon rose slowly. The balloon was filled with hydrogen,

There are many glass diode structures in the pod of the balloon, and inside the tubes are a series of common field bacteria such as "E. coli" collected in coastal areas by the Ministry of Tiangong this year. This is based on "the growth response of these wild strains" to monitor whether there is "foreign spirit" in coastal areas.

This is similar to the idea of ​​carbon-based chips on the Pandora plane. Based on the fact that some microorganisms on this plane are so active under quantum radiation, they should be used as communication components.

In the plane of the heavens, Wei Keng's attitude is: any sorcery and sorcery, as long as the world has not completely collapsed to the point where various constants fail, then it is necessary to use rational mathematical thinking to observe and record.

When the balloon was flying, the soldiers of the Reclamation Association diligently guarded the balloon base. In the eyes of these soldiers, it was the "cyclamen" who reported the memorial to the Jade Emperor.

More than 99% of the officers and personnel of the Space Force Corps have been localized, but they are more stable than in the past.

Every time the upper echelons of the Reclamation Association set goals one by one, these local members would resolutely implement them, sometimes even in a dogmatic manner.

When the "flying dragon" was released in the sky, these officers looked at the thing that communicated with heaven and earth with awe.

At the same time, the information received by the device embroidered with the pod under the Sun Moon Flag airship at high altitude will focus on a spherical darkroom full of bacteria.

The hyphae in the dark room began to twist and grow under the light and shadow. This structure is like the eyeball, the retinal optic nerve cone behind the lens.

And a hundred kilometers away, inside a flying shear scientific research ship.

Similarly, in the dark room, the same kind of hyphae began to develop in the "resonance of life signals".

The students of the Mohist school on the ship operated the metal tube speculum outside the closed storage room, and looked at the map of the coastal area of ​​Daming in the dark room where the bacteria were multiplying on the cultured light. Finally, the Ministry of Tiangong drew a detailed coastal map on paper according to the coordinate system.

There are many pirates in the coastal areas of Ming Dynasty. In the era without GPS, the various islands on these coasts were the hiding places of the major pirates.

They sneaked into an island at random, stocked up some food, and relied on fishing daily to hide from officers and soldiers for many years. Now this kind of good life is over.

Now this kind of balloon is called "thousands of miles patrolling the border" technique, which has crushed pirates with technology.

Whether there are people and how many people are there on the large and small islands all appear on the drawing.

In this sixteenth century, a high-precision map of the southeast coast of Ming Dynasty was gradually drawn.

In the next few months, several large ships of the Reclamation Association began to suppress bandits at sea according to the map.

Kentuo will come to these islands, first let the pirates who have surrendered go up to report, and then use the rope on the ship to pull the balloon and start observing from above.

Then, after knocking down the hidden sentries with 80mm naval guns, the infantry dragged the swift gun (hand-cranked Gatling with brass structure) and began the infantry charge.

During the infantry charge, wherever the enemy appeared, it was suppressed with a wave of Gatling fire.

This kind of infantry tactics with machine guns as the core was born after World War I.

In the following hundred years, all light infantry tactics were also designed around the range and suppression of machine guns. Now it is a guillotine to fight pirates.

The pirate, whose head was suppressed by the bullet, did not dare to come out, but for some reason, the heavenly soldiers and generals who rushed up pointed their bayonets at their foreheads.

After the pirates were captured, ideological education was carried out, and then the pirates who surrendered first were brainwashed as experienced people.

Wei Keng’s MLM, well, the sales team said this: become a loyal employee of the Pacific Company, with a fixed salary, sea insurance, holidays, of course, the company is responsible for arranging for a wife (buy from Dongying).

With the addition of sticks and cakes, these pirates who joined Kentuo and reformed their evil spirits began to obey one by one, and were divided into groups.

The Reclamation Association sent people to train these "missing youths" at sea to operate standard flying shear boats.

Oh, it's a bit difficult to teach them how to sextant, but pulling the cable, getting off the net, these people who eat by the sea, they have to learn it if they can't.

Just when the Kentuo Society was preparing to form the Royal Navy of the Ming Dynasty on the ocean, which was "ordered to rob", the time-travelers also began to encounter the "witchcraft" of the West.

…On the European continent, evil witches are to be burned, while on the East Asian side, they are to be struck by lightning. …

Turn the time back to June of the 42nd year of Jiajing, that is, after the "Northern Suppression of Japanese" plan that the Social Ji Party was planning to negotiate with Ming Dynasty. The cruiser Weiwen on the southern line discovered a huge dark spot area on the sponge in the south of Guangqiong according to the "bacteria warehouse" facility of the observation balloon.

The Mohists originally thought that this huge dark spot was a problem with the equipment, and that there was a loophole in the effect of developing on the bacteria plate. However, after careful observation, they found that the moving track of this dark spot was too fast, not like the microorganisms following the ocean currents. , and seem to be related to wind direction.

Then it was judged that it might be an unknown marine object. The two-year-old epidemic prevention department sounded the first-level alarm on the spot!

In this plane where sorcerers and alchemists are rampant in East Asia, great discoveries have been made overseas, and biochemical crises have erupted in later generations. The space-time travelers are prepared for the possibility of encountering various things

There may even be such a thing as a "fountain of youth" in the direction of South America.

Ps: At present, a field assessment has been carried out on the timeline next door. Wei Keng speculates: "It should be carrying consciousness. Some kind of microorganism has eliminated free radicals in the human body and increased the number of cell regeneration."

On this dark plate in the sea, Kentuohui immediately dispatched a cruiser (1,500-ton class), three destroyers (700-ton class) and steam ships to contain it.

In Wei's words: "The sea to the south is called the China Sea. You need to know what kind of little thing is coming from your yard."

In this sea chase, the black western warship was directly discovered. It is the black magic battleship of "Miss Yang" who is going to open up business in the East.

In the face of this foreign warship, the naval officer who was born in Ming Dynasty gave full play to the spirit of "law enforcement by the heavenly dynasty".

The steamship took a trailing stance. Oh, Naval Admiral Mu Xiufei (a member of the reclamation team), sent a message asking for a fight.

Mu Xiufei hangs the Z-dragon flag (Dongfang Qinglong presents a Z-shape). This battle flag is in the plane of the Daheng Dynasty. It was changed tit-for-tat in response to the culture of the Ansa people. The Z-shaped green dragon can make Europeans understand what it means from a distance. At the same time, when the flag is raised with the sea breeze, On the flag, the dragon's body is arched to store power, which is quite powerful.

…on the sea, the steamship sails against the wind and waves. …

At the time of the ship confrontation in Nanhai, on Dayuan Island, the imperial envoy of Ming Dynasty and fellow Taoists from Longhu Mountain were welcomed by the Reclamation Society.

Compared with other enemies at this time, the relationship with Daming is the most important of all problems.

This problem cannot be avoided, and it cannot be perfunctory.

If the two parties pretend not to see it, it will be like the huge mistake made by the American donkey and elephant in ancient times. Now that Ming is big, he has the capital to ignore mistakes, but the time and space team does not have this capital

As the most important task node for the space-time team to deploy causality upstream of this plot. Wei Keng naturally dealt with it himself.

In the guest house for senior officials, they get benefits in advance when they go on business trips, but when it comes to announcing the decree, it is in terms of etiquette.

No one in the space-time team is willing to kneel down. After all, in the Zhenwu timeline, the Daheng Dynasty has been forced to surrender the secular regime, let alone the Ming Dynasty.

So this face was thrown by Wei Keng. Wei Keng set the standards for the ancient emperors in all the upstream plots of "The World of the Heavens", and he was the emperor of this world at that time.

In the guest house, Wei Keng first led the imperial envoy who passed the decree to a high position, but blocked other Ming court personnel from going up to the high platform. This was to give Daming enough face first.

After the imperial envoy chose the decree, he did not knelt down and cupped his hands and said: "The emperor should have kowtowed to communicate with heaven and earth. But--I worship the emperor, but my teacher does not allow it." (Wei Keng did not state his sect, but it is enough to imagine. )

Deter this row of soldiers. Angel Datian didn't have an attack, but he was also very dissatisfied and might leave at any time, but he was taken away by the next step of the stage.

Suppressing his anger, he said, "Who is your master?" Wei Keng said, "You can't say it. You can't say it. But if your envoy really wants me to bow down, it's not impossible."

Wei Keng said to the Datian Angel's surprise, "Datianzi, stop wandering around the water and land dojo within three months, and resume the majesty of the emperor."

The imperial envoy's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately reprimanded: "Bold monster, talking nonsense."

Wei Keng said awe-inspiringly, "I'm just worshiping the Emperor, a person in the Dharma School (a monk), I bend my waist, and the recipient shortens his life!"

Wei Keng is just kicking the ball: Emperor Jiajing's will is to let him bow down, first arrange the emperor's demeanor, otherwise, Jiajing will lose his life if I bow down.

In other words, on this sub-plane, Wei Keng made a memorandum to the time-travelers in the Rubik's Cube: It's okay to kneel down to the emperor of a timeline, at least Qin Huang, Han Wu, and Zhu Taizu. They can all kowtow.

What the emperor participates in is the duty of offering sacrifices to heaven. As long as the emperor fulfills the various rituals of offering sacrifices for the people, the people will respect the heaven and the earth, and any existence that comes to the human world here will naturally respect the emperor.

However, just when the imperial envoy was about to explode, Wei Keng raised his hand and grasped the imperial edict with his thoughts, and the imperial edict was suspended in his palm.

Behind him, Taoist Longhushan squinted his eyes and was about to make a move, but suddenly felt that his whole body was plunged into a cold glow!

Wei Keng aimed at him and deployed a sword formation with magnetic astral energy.

The Taoist priest put his index finger and middle finger together, ready to point out this strange spell. It's just that when he saw a strand of his broken hair, he immediately understood the fight, and the opponent had already reached the point.

In front of the imperial envoy and his own soldiers, Wei Keng respectfully bowed three times to the floating imperial decree. Although he didn't kowtow, his attitude was extraordinarily solemn, and the sacred atmosphere made the surroundings quite quiet. Wei Keng held the imperial decree with both hands, opened it and read it, then held it, and said to the imperial envoy: "I have received your majesty's decree. Envoy, please come with us, we have already arranged your accommodation here. , you look at it, listen to it, and go back so that you can have an explanation to the Emperor."

The envoy could not advance or retreat, he did not announce the decree, but the decree has been "taken away", he wanted to reprimand him for being unreasonable, but the unpredictable person in front of him accepted the decree respectfully, and he kept claiming that the Son of Heaven is a man Emperor.

At this time, Wei Keng had the initiative in the meeting with the Ming envoy.

The imperial decree was directly accepted by Wei Keng. Although the etiquette was wrong, the attitude was disrespectful. Not so.

The people in the palace who followed him knew Jinshang's preferences: the real fairy family is not an ordinary person, how can they be like ordinary people?

This time there were all meetings, civil servants, inner court, honorable three parties were watching. Today's true dragon is dedicated to cultivating profound knowledge. If he really wanted to force the "true fairy" in front of him away, he might lose his temper in Xiyuan.

What's more, Wei Keng said the truth that civil and military officials knew it well, but dared not say it: "As a real dragon emperor, what kind of immortal is he?"

The ministers who did not cooperate with Jiajing in cultivating immortals all these years were punished to death and demoted.

Medieval warhammer played

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