Out of the cage

Chapter 1227 Chapter 25 Extra Volume Chapter 01 Vertical Standard, Time and Space Levels

On the road between the fresh rapeseed flowers, a large truck speeding past appeared in the twist of time and space. This is Wei Keng's unpretentious way of traveling.

In the Rubik's Cube space, the traverser "Sun Sheng" of "Tianxian 2525" grouped according to the thirty-six celestial gangs and seventy-two earth evil spirits, that is, Wei Keng, has confirmed that he has returned to the timeline of Yi Chou (Zhenwu plot).

On the truck, Wei Keng was driving around while transporting the soaring martial arts zhenqi. Yu Qi picked up the newspapers that were lingering in the wind four hundred meters away. The newspapers slapped on the windshield. It was the 32nd year of Zhenwu, when the true energy was let go, the newspaper drifted away with the wind

Wei Keng got out of the car and looked at the growth of the rapeseed, nodded, and gave "Human Emperor's affirmation\

,"Wei Keng: No matter what the various planes look like, your own fields must be planted.

After the Zhenwu plane is mixed with the development of modern technology, it becomes the interstellar martial arts plane.

When the first batch of fighters came into contact with super giant beasts and various secret realms of civilization in the interstellar world, the powerful earth warriors in today's plot found themselves in a novice village. Plane promotion will begin.

Wei Keng determined based on the plot deduction that all this will be about three hundred years later.

Among them, after several battles, the martial arts masters threw nuclear bombs at each other, making the surface of the earth a mess.

When the number of the so-called "True Martial Realm" is sufficient, the promotion of the plane will begin. At that time, Zhenwu will be divided into one-star warriors, two-star warriors,...five-star warriors at a higher level.

At the end of the plot of this sub-world, even the nuclear explosion of the "true warrior" can only break the skin.

Narrator: The hard-wired nuclear bomb here is not what ordinary people think, like picking up a mace with your own head, but a warrior of the level of real martial arts, whose "budo true energy" can be within a thousand meters Field energy control is formed, and the field energy can instantly protect the large-scale magnetic field of "one Tesla unit" (three to ten Teslas for nuclear magnetic resonance instruments) in a large area

Within this thousand-meter range, when something radioactive enters, the induction of a real fighter is like ice cubes entering a bed, and they will immediately dismantle the nuclear bomb with powerful true energy

Most contemporary nuclear bombs that use missiles as delivery vehicles will successfully detonate only a thousand meters away from the warrior.

From the eyes of ordinary people, a nuclear weapon explodes at a height of 1,000 meters above the head of the real Budo. The magnetic field forms a shield below, for details, please refer to nuclear fusion magnetic confinement. Tomac can confine hundreds of millions of degrees of high-temperature plasma within a range of tens of meters.

So two hundred years later, in the plot of the real martial arts world, the nuclear explosions seemed to overwhelm the real fighters, but the real fighters directly formed a magnetic protective shell.

Wei Keng draws the key point: It is not that the carbon-based body can directly withstand the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees. If it faces a high-energy penetrating weapon with stronger binding force, it can still be blasted to death.

In the following era of the solar system story, there are many real fighters who are forced away by the guns of space battleships.

Coming back to the topic, Wei Keng's plot has been deduced to the end. After the earth nuclear war on the Zhenwu line is over, many strong people on the earth have determined their rankings, determined who they can beat and who they can't beat, and start to extinguish their fighting thoughts. Steadily establish sects and divide spheres of influence. ——If there is no accident, there will be an accident.

The plot will be thoroughly promoted, and the exploration of outer space will find that there are a large number of space gates in the solar system that link various relics of "martial arts civilization".

Therefore, just like the Dragon Slaying Knife, the Nine Yin Manual, and the Liancheng Jue, if these things appear in the Jianghu, it will cause a new round of bloody storms.

Wei Keng, who had finished the deduction here, shook his head: Don't stop.

As an old farmer Keng who just wanted to "farm honestly", now he has determined the time to evacuate.

Trees move to death, people move to life. Such a plane of the heavens, Wei Keng, a trickster, has no interest in being a stepping stone, and it becomes the nutrition for the so-called elevation of the plane under the system of the heavens.

In the spirit of whoring in the 21st century, as long as I get out of the pit early, you won't be able to reap me.

"Magic Cube Space" will then organize the evacuation as the plot progresses. This kind of organizational evacuation occurs in waves every five years, a total of 105 waves.

The traversers are grouped according to "Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs" and "Seventy-two Dishas". It is grouped according to the age of enlistment of the traversers after the beginning of the plot of Zhengwu. The identity of "Sun Sheng" is the third wave of No. 2525, so it is the Tianxian group. Now Zhenwu recruits the traversers in 32 years and is the Tianmeng group. The current quota of Tianmeng Group is 43344 people. And now it has been registered, and there are already more than seven million people who are ready to evacuate. When Tiangang wave times to evacuate those who will be evacuated, the Disha group will be born after this world officially enters the age of martial arts. People are recruited.

The "Tiangang Group" recruits personnel who can form modern scientific research and industrial labor production, while the "Disha Group" recruits thugs in troubled times.

Wei Keng's plan is: to give up the world to the "top ten masters" to sing and dance rap.

In a barren place like the All-heaven Plane, Wei Keng's strategy is: "Just take the possibility away."

While Wei Keng (Sun Sheng) was chewing the sweet green rapeseed, the surrounding maglev aircraft approached the sky, and a loudspeaker instructed Wei Keng to stop at the spot for surveillance.

Near the population gathering place, the defense system built by the Baili Group has to screen out any suspected spies.

...mission return dividing line...

Sun Sheng (Wei Keng) was brought back to the research institute of "Zhou Xing", because this split body did not return through the fixed time and space gate, but suddenly "randomly" shuttled back, which made "Zhou Xing" responsible for the space-time Rubik's Cube. The research department is interested.

Of course, due to the guarantee of someone from the "Tiankui Group" (Wei Keng Bailiyueran separated), the Time-Space Rubik's Cube cannot conduct coercive research on Sun Sheng now.

Sun Sheng naturally "cooperated" with the investigation. Said a lot of plausible nonsense.

For example, when explaining that the "corn plane" meets the "pocket watch space".

Wei Keng: Time and space are very vast. In this broad dimension, we can locate very narrow things. This time it is a parallel time and space with a different history~~~

For the above sentence, the only useful word for the space-time researchers in this sub-world is "positioning".

But for the other time-space split self in the Baili Group, this includes the number of time-space wormholes in the "subworld" that were randomly checked by Haotu's supervision department, as well as the number of time-space worms in the "Rubik's Cube Space" right now. The degree of central system corruption, etc.

As a worm, the method of killing insects must be updated, and at the same time, the lifespan must be calculated, and eggs should be laid when it is time to lay eggs.

Sun Sheng (Wei Keng) can now return without using the Rubik's Cube, because a space-time shuttle group has also been built on the corn plane, which is a new "space-time worm".

Space-time worms, "worms beget worms", have endless descendants.

In the Tianzi world group, as the number of worms increased, space doors opened one after another. Although the other side of the time-space door was also desperate, if people were busy going back and forth between different disasters, they would get used to it and forget about despair.

...the dividing line of "time-space mobilization"...

Zhenwu has a history of 33 years. In the No. 3 laboratory of the Zhouxing Alliance, the experimenters specially selected by the professors of the Baili family entered a new type of shuttle. This shuttle is like a hexagonal wellhead. Information is broken down into infinitesimal collapse points at the bottom of the wellhead.

Mo Heng, the traverser, was the first batch of experimenters.

When his body gradually condensed into a solid body in the collapse point, he suddenly stepped on the ground and felt a solid feeling from the ground. Suddenly, it seemed that there was no wind around him, as if he was in a separated world.

Mo Heng: "It's like, like?"

He tried his best to recall the situation he had come from in his dream-like thinking.

Right now, it is like perceiving the holographic game world. Although the world can be sensed a lot, there is a sense of unreality. I am a ray of data projection of this world.

Mo Heng's situation lasted for 20 seconds. He fought hard, and finally everything became real. A wisp of fresh (warm, smelly) air entered the trachea and lungs, and at the same time he felt the spring breeze on his face.

That's right, with a complete shake of his subjective consciousness, he has really arrived in another sub-world!

And Wei Keng, the middleman, is measuring the situation of the final arrival when the sub-world consciousness is "struggling" at the last step in the traversal.

Narrator: Right now, Wei Keng's third-order traceability can reach any world along the channel of the source energy dimension.

Wei Keng's note to Bai Linglu: Right now, in all the planes of the heavens, during my "struggle", my consciousness has penetrated the worlds of the heavens, and I can even change physical constants in a small range.

The inherently unstable world of the Sons of Heaven, facing the tyrannical third-order origin tracing consciousness, and the barriers of the plane's material rules, are like fences that cannot stop the assault of tanks.

Wei Keng is like a person who is not fully asleep and can break free from dreams, jumping out of these constant worlds

...The plane that Mo Heng arrived at is a biological plane...

Mo Heng was sure that he had successfully crossed, looked at the surrounding walls with clear colors, and squeezed his body. But in a trance, he felt the color changes around him again, and he paused slightly, at this time the system reminded him that he must maintain his concentration.

At this time, from an external perspective on this plane, Mo Heng is now in the state of a human body of luminous particles. The energy level of the human body is like a high-energy electric field, which may be shattered at any time. It needs to continuously reduce the energy level in order to be stable in this world. (The scene is similar to Dr. Manhattan.)

Of course, in the following tens of minutes, Mo Heng repeatedly switched between solidification and dissipation until the aftermath of traveling through time and space was exhausted.

The next day, Mo Heng drank water and excreted normally, feeling the exchange between his body and the natural substances of this world.

Narrator: The reason why it is so troublesome is because Wei Keng’s definition of “consciousness life” in the process of time travel is very complicated. In order not to damage the “variables of consciousness”, he adopted a very gentle mode.

In the plane that Mo Heng is traveling through now, according to Haotu's plot, a biochemical crisis broke out, but it did not cause global extinction, except that the death rate in the big cities was as high as 30%, and there was a wave of corpses, which caused a huge panic . But in the end, the army was allowed to suppress the riots.

This is due to the "Zhu Zidan" that went viral in the media before the war.

This kind of cinnabar is used as a raw material, which contains lead and mercury, although it is said to be harmful to the nerves when taken orally.

Before the biochemical crisis, the advertisement of "Zhu Zidan" did not say that this thing can be taken orally, but only for acne and mites.

And it’s just that this unremarkable thing was inexplicably popularized by Internet celebrities before the biochemical crisis, and then after the popularity passed, a box of three yuan appeared in a small supermarket, and there was a large amount of stock in the warehouse

By the time of the Great Destruction, people discovered that using this thing to smear the wounds bitten by zombies can reduce infection.

Another person found that after oral administration, although it caused general discomfort, it could also curb the infection of zombies. It became the most important material for a while, from a box of three yuan to a box of three hundred yuan, but fortunately, this thing is not useful. There is no price. The population survived in large numbers.

After the end of the world, although a large number of large cities were lost, the government preserved them, and the government began to distribute all the effective materials in the warehouse, including cinnabar.

And on this plane, Wei Keng is an official of the government, and of course he is responsible for opening up the dimension and responding to the arrival of relevant personnel.

After Mo Heng finished his adjustment, he came to a researcher in a white coat. This researcher is naturally Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "Mo Heng, 31 years old, was born in the 2nd year of Zhenwu. Well, in the 10th year of Zhenwu, he got into a fight in elementary school and broke his chest and ribs for his classmates. In the 14th year of Zhenwu, he was sent to prison for gang fights."

Master Wei dug out his black history one by one, and turned to the last page: "The 24th year of Zhenwu, Pudong Zhenwu battle, the dormitory building was hit by the aftermath, you saved fifteen people despite the danger."

Wei Keng smiled and said: "The prodigal son will not change his money when he turns back." - Wei Keng said in his own monitoring system remarks that Mo Heng had gone through a "dying struggle" and there was a possibility of advancing to the first-order traceability.

Please note that this is not the first level of traceability, but it is possible to reach the first level of traceability.

In this plane of Wei Keng, most of the players who can be screened now are seeded players like Mo Heng.

Wei Keng: "Do you want to know the meaning of life?" Master Wei invited him.

Wei Keng said silently: If you are willing to pursue the meaning of life, I can make the meaning of the heavens (cage) come to an end!

Here, Mo Heng took a pen and filled in the meaning of his understanding of life: Eat well, drink well, sleep well...

Faced with this rambunctious answer, the corners of Wei Keng's mouth twitched, complaining in his heart.

Wei Keng complained about himself: "Damn, I'm stupid, such a complicated life philosophy as the "meaning of life" cannot be expressed in words. ——Hey, it's not okay to ask directly. If you want to inspire others to trace the source, you have to work hard. Fellow preachers, there are no shortcuts."

Wei Keng is very confident about the traceability route, and Mo Heng's answer on the paper is "ram", but Wei Keng will not make a judgment based on the answer on paper. Passing the torch from variable to variable requires the possibility of trusting each other, and such "trust" should not be given lightly.

Wei Keng glanced at Mo Heng's report and stamped it. Finally wrote a comment: "No bad habits."

Wei Keng clicked on the global map of the biochemical plane, and the 600 possible development lines of the plot timeline in the next hundred years. Said to him: "During this month, after eating and drinking well, take a look at the world."

Wei Keng said to him: "When the plot of this plane in the future comes to an end, our side, that is, the "comrades" of your space-time group, will fight against those black hands who "repair the world" in the end.

Your task is to determine the landing plot point for our army in the downstream time and space (Wei Keng points to the downstream dimension map).

Mo Heng seemed to understand, but asked several questions.

Mo Heng: We only land on one world line, so what about the others?

Wei Keng: The heavens and worlds we are in now are all sub-worlds, but just like only one sperm will merge into an egg, in countless parallel similar time streams, only the plot moment with the largest consciousness variable in the future will into those great dimensional territories. In the entire time stream, "variables" will eventually be concentrated on the hottest timeline. As for other ordinary timelines, they will be completely solidified into a "corpse plot" at the final moment.

By the way, our opponents, that is, those who control a large territory and claim to exist as time and space lords, will call this process of incorporation "plane promotion". They benefit from the process.

But the subplanes collectively tunnel into their planned worlds. From one cage to another.

Mo Heng: Well, then why are we fighting? I mean, reason to fight.

Wei Keng: For the healthy growth of consciousness, "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor" is the guiding principle.

Virtue: Right and wrong are judged from the consequences of different scales of development, and good and bad are judged from the possibilities involved in one's own actions. (Traceability)

Wisdom: Find all the compatible elements between your own negentropy and the world's negentropy. And get in touch. (Heaven and Man Induction | Mending Heart)

Body: Healthy development and growth, do not easily modify the basics evolved from natural human life. All future evolution should be based on the extended lifespan after technological development. Don’t scribble on the answer sheets made by the predecessors. If you are responsible, you should start a new paper (human pedestal)

Beauty: establish aesthetics with the standard of adapting to survival, and carry it out to our own every move (form our own forehead rhyme). All of our things that are ready for long-term accumulation and development will give future generations a reason to continue, and eventually they will develop into latecomers” Aesthetic art", so the root cannot be crooked (theory of the middle man)

Lao: Expand one's nature, change one's destiny, sort out the "high and low" in nature for one's own destiny, according to one's own goal of "holding one's fate in the sky", in the process of execution, one's own best fit for this process " "nature" is cultivated. That is, you can hide, you can cheat, these character choices are all for life! (Double cultivation of life and soul.)

Wei Keng: As far as these five benchmarks are concerned, it should not be difficult to remember.

Mo Heng was stunned for a while, then nodded and said: It's not difficult, um, yes, I wrote it down.

Since Wei Keng traveled through the pastoral generations, he summed up all the beneficial things, that is, after the general verification in the dark plane, he can head straight into the "planets of the heavens".

There are often great ideals, but there are not many programs. In the process of chasing ideals, there are many ways to use? The program is to judge whether their actions are reasonable for those who pursue their ideals.

After many young traversers entered the plane of the heavens, they were unknowingly shifted by "reversal of cause and effect".

...a dividing line separated by a wall...

After Mo Heng left, Wei Keng continued to work, opened the drawer and took out the thermos cup he had been using this month.

The automatic water dispenser in the office poured crystal clear water. At the exit, it looked like a still frozen crystal column, but after falling half a meter below, it split into a dripping stream of water.

The water that just comes out of the faucet does not interfere with each other, just like a crystal, but after falling, the laminar flow effect disappears and the turbulent flow effect increases, turning into splashing water droplets.

Wei Keng: "From the beginning, the laminar flow parallel to time and space has changed into a turbulent flow as it develops in different directions?"

This is the case with the plane of source energy. An original "cause and effect" template world will become a world of different disaster-colored plots under the disturbance of various powers from the heavens.

In terms of dimension, Bai Linglu and Wei Keng have a "twinkle heart", and immediately mobilized the information of "The World of the Sons of Heaven".

Bai Linglu: "Now that the final types of sub-worlds have been counted, we have roughly calculated the point of the ultimate source of cause and effect in the sub-world."

Bai Linglu opened the plot map of the earth. Compared with the development of the "future" plot that Mo Heng saw, this plot map is the "past".

Among them, several important points of ancient myths and legends in human history are highlighted.

Just as the long river has its source, the causal manipulation of the Haotu Group in the world of the heavens does not go back indefinitely. All the causality is concentrated on a few myths in human history.

For example: Cain murdered Abel, Zeus cut open his father's stomach and so on.

Tracing back to these ancestral sources, we can lock those behind-the-scenes masters from the system of the heavens.

Wei Keng paused for a moment, then let out a breath, but didn't answer, he knew what Bai Linglu, the "fire bag", wanted to say.

Bai Linglu means: Like the multi-dimensional planes, go through the entire system of the heavens and directly take down the total source of all "cause and effect" (this is equivalent to being at the top, controlling all the plots), which is what Qin Tianfang wanted back then. President", but can't do it.

Bai Linglu blinked and looked at Wei Keng, as if saying "Don't be cowardly" in his eyes.

However, Wei Keng avoided Bai Linglu's gaze and whispered: Let's take a rest.

Bai Linglu was annoyed: why don't you rest! You are always like this, back then when you were on the plane of Pandora, you just kept a hand, and you didn't want to complete your original goal in the end...Bai Linglu's akimbo posture now is like a village woman scolding a man who is slow.

Because Wei Keng is an "annoying" existence in the Haotu system. And she, who followed Wei Keng, was also "excluded" among the supervisors. She, Bai Linglu, was also a lady of the family back then, can she bear this kind of anger?

Although she knew that Wei Keng's decision was like a donkey's, she couldn't pull it back, but now she took the opportunity to get angry and express that she was wronged now.

Facing Bai Linglu's fault-finding conversation, Wei Keng was smoking a cigarette sullenly. Oh, no, biting the spicy strips.

After a while, he replied: "I just want them (Haotu) to be patient and cultivate the variables of the plane."

Bai Linglu continued to pick up which pot and said, "Oh, I'm afraid you don't care about the fragrance and cherish the jade."

Wei Keng: You, but when you saw that Bai Linglu dug up Michaelena's information, you immediately prepared to say nothing, stack your armor, and pass.

...Wei Keng is going to stay on the front line, while Bai Linglu is going to cut grass and roots...

Approaching the border of time and space, Qin Yiyun of the Haotu department hurriedly left the junior plot monitoring area of ​​the heavens after ending the confinement. Qin Yiyun not only came into contact with teachers other than his mother, such as Li Ximeng, but also made some new friends.

For example, Yan Beixiang, who came out of multiple planes, has a "deep" friendship because of the common dislike of the "most important suspect" of the multiple planes.

Bai Linglu's (sarcasm) evaluation of Qin Yiyun: Tsk tsk, I really inherited, sister Xiaohan, the attributes that everyone loves. Unfortunately, times have changed. (Qin Xiaohan is naturally white in heart, but has a tough shell, and he finds reliable people, such as Qin Tianfang, Wei Keng and other trustworthy people for long-term cooperation, but Qin Yiyun thinks that he is Snow White, and it is reliable to make friends by himself. So all parties infiltrate her.)

Note: At this time, Yan Beixiang was keeping in touch with Bai Linglu. As she was more old-fashioned than Qin Yiyun, she easily abducted Qin Xiaohan's daughter into the fire pit.

No, when Qin Yiyun was hesitating whether to stay in the Earth region or go to other regions, Yan Beixiang suggested that she go to Saturn.

For Saturn, the corresponding dimension node is the “life system” cultural area. And it happened that Qin Yiyun also had a good girlfriend there.

He Zhanxin (female) "Gaia Consciousness Department" is a middle-level plot supervisor. Although the position is not high, it is the same as Qin Yiyun. You know, the kings of the heavens on Saturn are also surnamed He.

When Qin Yiyun invited Yan Beixiang to join him, Yan Beixiang agreed well, but there was an "urgent matter" at the moment.

In this way, Qin Yiyun disobeyed Qin Tianfang's warning and returned to the dimension. In the "paradise-level" garden of the life system in the dimension, two good girlfriends met.

For women, all good things can build a common topic. (The common topic among men is to make trouble together)

In He Zhanxin's "paradise-level" garden, there are various fragrances, as well as suspended rockeries across the lake area, and a golden arch bridge built between the rockeries. ——Of course, Wei Keng can only watch the excitement when watching this, and said "very literati flavor" in an uneducated way

Qin Yiyun is also well versed in this way, and can tell the meaning of every flower and every grass.

It is worth mentioning that every time Bai Linglu sees these supervisors who have been playing these games for hundreds of years, he will mercilessly say, "Oh, where is the Empress Dowager Xuexi?"

Therefore, Wei Keng cannot be blamed for Bai Linglu's inability to integrate into the contemporary era. She was dubbed an "evil old woman" by contemporary watchdogs. For such a title, Bai Linglu has always been "very generous".

On the other side, Bai Linglu, who had just finished throwing fire with Wei Keng, said to Yan Beixiang who returned from the dimension: "Yan Beixiang, tell me, who is the most worrying and responsible supervisor today. "

Yan Beixiang's hair stood up, and a stiff smile appeared on her face.

...the cultural dividing line between Saturn and Earth...

Here, the chat between Qin Yiyun and his best friend came unknowingly. Recently, the topic of "worms" in the system of the heavens has increased.

For the female supervisors, "bugs" are the most annoying and must be killed.

He Zhanxin, who was wearing a prince's crown and disguised as a man, obviously became interested after hearing Qin Yiyun's statement on "grassroots experience"

He Zhanxin proposed to Qin Yiyun in a playful and bold tone: "You mean, if I take the initiative to cut into the boundary of the territory (the heavens are the boundary of the space-time zone), will this cause misunderstandings in other handover zones?"

Qin Yiyun: "As long as you are willing to send troops, I will coordinate with the lords of other adjacent time and space regions."

He: "That's good," she didn't refuse because of the difficulty, on the contrary, her heroic eyes were eager to try.

Qin Yiyun couldn't help adding a warning: "It's just that behind the space-time worm is the time-traveling consciousness of that pastoral era."

He: "Huh?"

Qin: "I'm just saying, don't underestimate the enemy."

He cupped Xue's cheeks with his hands, and whispered calmly: "Is it the human base route four centuries ago? Heh (sarcasm)~"

Then she clenched her hands tightly, and the belief of "seeking to fight" appeared in her expression.

"I'm looking forward to the battle between the two routes!"

He is a staunch "Gaia route" hawk, and her impression of the "human pedestal" is only in the case of a female transmigrator opponent named "Zeng Shuni".

The crisis of the Fifth Plane War was ignited by the conspiracy of Qin and He, two ignorant "little princesses"...

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