Out of the cage

Chapter 1234 Extra Volume 25 Chapter 04 (Part 2) The Development of Human Base

Ding Hai timeline, this is the fifth year of the evolution of a biological frenzy, and the human camps in the Shanghuai area are building canals in an orderly manner. Dead waves swept along the shore over and over again. The continuous emission of chemical fluctuations filled the air with a disgusting smell of "spitting" each other.

At this time, the "dead wave" is no longer the exclusive weapon of human beings. As the human battle mech emits the dead wave, the amphibious humans also start to emit their "chemical beams".

The knowledge and technology systems of both sides are related, and even the intelligence is stronger than those of the new species. It seems that human beings should be defeated.

but! ——Under the leadership of He Xiang, under this "low-end bureau on the surface of the planet" that limits the higher-level intelligence, human beings are extremely aggressive and destructive.

Narrator: It is not impossible to increase the racial value randomly. Those 20-year-old adults whose intelligence is more than three times that of newborns are suitable for driving battleships, drones, and other operations. However, such a deliberately intelligent star-level war cannot be used, and it will consume a lot of developmental resources.

One month, two months, three months, the resistance of the amphibians became weaker and weaker. Although they are still very cunning in war and have learned a variety of human tactics, but in terms of industry, weapons, and organizational scale, they have become increasingly weak after two years.

In such a contest, they turned out to be the losers! Whenever the summer rainstorm ends, a large number of dead amphibian cubs float along the river. These amphibian cubs have not even moulted their tadpole tails before they fall into the water deformedly.

For the surviving amphibian species, their high thinking ability has caused them to suffer emotionally far more painfully than humans!

This is similar to the fact that it is impossible for human beings to maintain their sanity when they see a city being slaughtered, with human heads rolling down and hanging intestines everywhere.

In the competition with human beings, the belief that the amphibians confidently boasted that "the superior species will replace the old species of human beings" was ruthlessly crushed, and even the genocide was about to be extinct.

Their leadership group has collapsed, and they are no longer rational. For these powerful new species, they can analyze human methods! But the immediate problem is that their shortcomings, or in other words, the huge loopholes that have evolved now are irreparable.

If humans don't point out their vulnerabilities, other species will!

When an existence with thinking ability finds itself born with a fatal loophole, it may be destroyed at any time because of this loophole! This makes it difficult to think about anything else, and the entire thinking capacity will be "bound by loopholes" for the rest of his life.

…the gap between innate and acquired intelligence…

Although Shanghuai is located in the north of the Yangtze River, it is not particularly close to the north. The annual precipitation is 800 millimeters, and the precipitation is very seasonal.

And three years later, after a few canals were slightly repaired, the group of amphibious people in the aquatic habitat disappeared!

In a biological catastrophe, when He Xiang, as the commander of the human civilization theater in the southeast of mankind, broke through the Xubeng theater, the human forces he led were not like this group of five-year-olds who can reach adulthood and reach 120 IQs after adulthood The super species, fighting the late industry,

Why do you want to give up confrontation in cutting-edge fields such as tanks and missiles. ——Because in this field, "amphibious people" are fast-growing intelligent species, stronger than human beings in this kind of production chain construction, and are better wage earners than human beings.

The amphibious people are also in great pain, because the "civilization system" of human beings is different from what they previously understood, and human beings have given up working in reinforced concrete like a real society. Instead, choose a more natural combat method. A direct attack on their ecological niche.

Amphibian species are endangered in this battle! Endangered due to "human activity"

The survivor camp in Sanhe Town built a large number of canals in the vast Huaibei area, and it was this kind of canal that overshadowed the amphibians!

Because there is this kind of "cnidaria" in the water, the most primitive cnidaria will reproduce on a large scale when various nutrients in the water explode.

He wanted to quickly find the growth cycle of this kind of "cnidaria", and then what? Aiming at the life cycle of "amphibious intelligent species".

Narrator: Although a large number of species in this world have evolved to be more intelligent and sensitive than a 20-year-old human adult, but just as this era is called the evolution era, not only vertebrates are evolving, but also tiny microorganisms in the water are also evolving .

But precisely, under the Gaia system, the process of these species developing into highly intelligent species is accelerated. Through the Gaia system, it suddenly possesses human-like intelligence, and the reproduction speed is very fast, but does all this conform to the heavenly way of "life evolution"?

In the evolution process, whenever there is a loophole! Then the family will die.

For example, human babies always like to cry, and cry to remind their mothers to feed, so that they can develop healthier, but during the shaking process, they will fall into silence. This is because during evolution, when human primates were on the run in times of danger, the cry of a baby ushered in predators! So the human base has supplemented a program in this small evolution.

Human pedestal: Every step of its growth and development is full of traces of the survival strategies of human ancestors.

On this plot line, despite the crossing forces of the Gaia route, it guides the rules that are "extremely beneficial to the biology department".

But do the various "powerful" species spawned by these frenzys have such a trapping strategy!

The answer was revealed: in the habitat of amphibians, the critical period of growth and development was attacked by deadly "cnidaria".

Amphibious wisdom has a fatal flaw! It requires a lot of water precisely during its rapid development. On average, an individual requires twenty tons of fresh water a day.

Rapid growth and high metabolism, there is a basic consumption behind all this! If the basic supply is reduced, intelligent species such as amphibians will not be able to have this advantage.

Narrator: Also using water, humans drink about two liters of water a day. A maximum of 100 kilograms can be taken for bathing. When this water is boiled, the fuel consumption can be within an acceptable range.

If the water required for the development of amphibians must be completely disinfected and cleaned! In fact, productivity is currently impossible!

How could one imagine that among the fast-growing intelligent species that have been captured at once, the advantages of "high reproduction" and "high adult intelligence" of these amphibians have all become "useless evolution" due to one shortcoming.

Oh, it can't be said to be useless. After humans become the victors, they will choose tame animals from the losers.

...13 years of evolutionary frenzy, the final battle between humans and amphibians. …

He Xiang, who had successfully captured his opponent, looked at the white-bellied amphibian corpses in the cement pools in the last residence of the defeated amphibians, as well as the leader of the amphibian species in front of him, and said leisurely: "This does not require much wisdom. , competing in difficult fields such as troop formations and advanced weapons, but in such a basic and simple field, you have no solution!"

The amphibian leader, who was seriously injured and whose lower body was replaced by a prosthetic wheel, looked at He Xiang, gritted his teeth and asked in human language: "Why, why are we born with such a big mistake, but are given advantages to make us arrogant. "

With the sound of a gunshot, this amphibian species committed suicide in a frenzy.

He Xiang looked at this scene and sighed after a long time and said: "They also have souls."

Shi Qingyuan, who was in the base car at this time, nodded and said with emotion: "Yes."

He Xiang: Then why? ——This is the question of the leader of amphibians, why he was born in this species that seems to have advantages, but has fatal loopholes.

Shi Qingyuan knew the answer, but he didn't answer! Because this answer is very helpless.

A large part of the consciousness phenomena in the world of the emperors now comes from the drops from the main world! In the past hundred years, the consciousness of the main world that has been repaired by spiritual infusion has fallen onto the plane, and it is not the normal human beings in the sub-world.

Under the Gaia consciousness system, this species has developed "specialties" after abnormal evolution, causing many "consciousnesses" to tend to it.

Narrator: At least Wei Keng's consciousness tends to be a middle-class person, and he will never give up his identity as a "human" just because of certain specialties.


Regarding amphibians, He Xiang has not become extinct. In cities recovered by humans, the basement floors of some supermarkets have been specially renovated and filled with water to cultivate conquered "amphibians", just like aquariums stockpile dolphins. Same.

Just like the soybean grain and grass resources consumed by raising horses in the past, humans had to control horse breeds. Nowadays, humans carefully select a small number of individuals from millions of eggs for culture.

Of course, only the female species of the species remains. (He Xiang insisted on this proposal.)

In this plot line, He wants to retain the servant race. After all, their intelligence is available, and humans are far inferior to them in their twenties and thirties.

Just like a three- or four-year-old human being is not as capable as a three- or four-year-old dog! Humans guard mountains and patrol fields, relying on dogs to extend their control over nature, which is very cost-effective.

These evolved species conquered by humans will receive weapons after passing loyalty tests and become the pioneers of mankind!

The faster the development, the faster the iterative selection of the species under domestication. Just like dog breeds can become all kinds of weird and wonderful within the two hundred years of modern human cultivation.

The amphibian species selected after being conquered by humans have gradually become more and more loyal, and have slim bodies, strong thighs and arms, in line with human beauty.

Ten years later, the Xu Di arsenal began to replace human beings in the evolutionary frenzy with shotguns.

As the metal door opened, the 30mm automatic cannon armored vehicle and, yes, the jeep with three 120mm semi-automatic mortars also came off the assembly line.

But one-third of them are equipped with weapon systems and full-body mechanical armor, which are obviously not human or non-human races. The "trigger" and other settings on these firearms are sometimes unnecessary for human fingers, but they are more suitable for "webbed" palms.

Yes, just as ancient humans equipped war horses with iron hooves and armor, why would the surviving humans equip these domesticated species with weapons. Of course, just as humans give bridles to horses, humans also equip these "new intelligent species" with absolute control performance. That is controlling communication.

All domesticated amphibian species have their external communication controlled. This is a restriction placed on them by humans. No matter how strong their individual IQ is, they can only perform within a specific range of skills."

Narrator: This is also the ideological bridle that humans created when they domesticated themselves in the 21st century.

Since then, the basic wisdom of these domesticated species has only been applied to "weapon" operation and control, and a single "more than a dozen people" industrial production subsystem.

...What do you think: When riding a tall horse, your thighs should be able to clamp the horse's belly...

He Xiang opened his arms and embraced this "great era of life evolution" and made a declaration: In this great era of life adjustment upper limit, the adult human being defined by the human base is now after the age of fifty.

Compared with most species currently having more than 100 thinking abilities within ten years of age, human development should still take its time on the pedestal!

Narrator The current human survivor camp has developed a state of "new evolution of intelligence".

Why think about those fifty-sixty-year-olds left in the survivor camps? In the laboratory, after injecting liquid purified from the brains of these "evolved species", they continued to develop. After the age of fifty, their intelligence, energy, and physical strength improved. They will all reach their peak state within a hundred years of human beings.

Narrator: The tireless energy of sixteen years old, the physical strength of twenty years old, the self-emotional control ability of forty years old, the social vision (cooperation belief) of over sixty years old, this perfect development stage is not a genius line, but " Following the "Middle Man" route, human beings are picking up the "advantages" of each period on their own pedestal. Compared with the old "Homo sapiens", the era of wise man is coming!

In Shanghuai, in the survivor camp, millions of humans from the old era are still developing.

In this frenzied chess game of life evolution, human beings have just made their move.

Harry Potter Academy Impression Song-Hogwarts

Singer: Yun Geran/Benmiao/Xueba Zhang play/Xuan Yu/Brown Huan/Zi Luo

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