Out of the cage

Chapter 1253 Extra Volume 25, Chapter 15 (Part 2) The Slow Steps of the

In 3395, there was no turbulent waves from the Space-Time Administration in the Star Department. On the Dyson ring, groups of controllable flares, just like the rotating light balls in the dance halls in the 1980s, were regularly arranged on the surface of the sun to release energy and control the sun. technology has come from the outer layers of the sun to the inner chromosphere.

In the same year, the share of Wei Keng's consciousness returned from the dimension reached 2333 people this year, that is, 2333 Wei Keng individuals were regenerated on the earth. In contrast, the 19 Wei Keng who came back 60 years ago had their consciousness docked with the stars, completed the transmission of consciousness in high-energy carbon ions within 24 hours of real time, and became interns of the star department.

In fact, Wei Keng was sure that he could defeat the faction of the kings of heaven headed by He Chongyun when the Space-Time Administration banned him (they had no choice). And after knowing the dimension, he made the decision to "cut one, create one, and leave a ray of heroism in the world", Wei Keng, the star department of the main world, no longer cared about the many ugly things about Haotu's doomsday.

Master Wei, who benefits one side of the main world, is now concentrating on the Xinghai Project,

This year, 8% of the information enthalpy produced by the stars will be used in the Xinghai project, which is an increase of 7% compared to last year. This is not good news for the Haotu camp headed by He Chongyun, because the information enthalpy produced by the stellar department may face the possibility of being permanently diverted

Yes, the great development of the Xinghai Project will compete with the Space-Time Administration for resources.

Therefore, the Stellar Department resolutely affirmed He Chongyun's determination to streamline the land, reform the Space-Time Administration, and combat the disadvantages of "high energy consumption and low efficiency". By decreasing year by year, the information enthalpy consumed by the Space-Time Administration in 3394 was reduced to Sixty-three percent of 3363!

, Aside, Wei Keng is not the only one who has been sanctioned by He Chongyun these years. Energy conservation! Then increase space investment year by year.

Moreover, the information enthalpy is further used in the replacement of the control technology of the star itself.

In the 34th century, star control technology has developed more fully than it did 300 years ago.

In the 30th century, human civilization built a Dyson ring on the sun, just to build a ring, to obtain energy and regularly extract high-energy rays from the solar wind to synthesize heavy elements.

In the 32nd century, the Stellar Department successfully intercepted and collected the solar prominence for the first time, and stripped "carbon, oxygen, iron" and other elements through the magnetic field effect. At this time, most of the newly added materials in the outer layer of the sun did not come from Mercury, but from in the core of the sun.

Now in the thirty-fourth century, due to the "suddenly sufficient manpower", the Department of Stars and the Department of Deep Space have begun in-depth scientific research cooperation, and the "information enthalpy" produced by stars is stored in the "tidal cloud" outside the solar system in the form of gravitational waves. Force-affected material cloud), which makes the energy deposited on the solar chromosphere by the original nuclear reaction inside the sun be derived through a series of "theoretical means of quantum state".

To translate it, it is to change the "boiler" of the sun into a more efficient "energy conduction rod" in physics, which drives the change of the outermost material belt of the star.

At the end of the 33rd century, the Department of Stars cooperated with the Department of Deep Space Development, and the most "scientific" application in this regard, due to the strengthening of the external tides of stars, formed a gravitational concept of "imaginary planets"!

There are eight planets in the solar system. These eight planets are the early stage of the solar system, where the stellar gravitational tidal confluence formed a gathering point, which is the final result of the gravitational process.

But beyond Neptune, due to the weak influence of the solar system, new large planets cannot be formed.

Now the earth star department and the deep space department are cooperating to adjust the external output of the sun through engineering. In theory, if this adjusted state can last for hundreds of millions of years (please note that if it can), it will make Charon and others dwarf. The planets collide, and finally form the real giant planet at this "imaginary giant planet point". Of course, it is impossible for human engineering to last for hundreds of millions of years, so now it is only an "imaginary planet" that only exists in calculations.

The "imaginary number planets" cannot have gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are like constant stable "orbit moving objects".

Since dwarf planets such as Charon and Pluto are multiple scalars in the "formula", the mathematical "existence" of imaginary planets is like the flickering of electrons around the nucleus, and it exists probabilistically in the calculated space.

Narrator: At present, this theoretical technology is only used in the aspect that the stellar department can save information enthalpy on a large scale. The application of more valuable effects was really developed after the 37th century!

All in all, the end of the 34th century! The information enthalpy that the Star Department does not give to the Space and Space Administration this time can be saved! The price will not drop if you save it.

Wei Keng: I am a farmer, so I build a warehouse for my own use.

…“The Worker Has Power”…

Historically, industrial progress has been accompanied by educational progress.

Just like the iron smelting industry in the early 20th century and the iron smelting industry in the 21st century, industrial workers were replaced from junior high school students to undergraduates, and after the 22nd century, they were replaced by "graduate students of various engineering disciplines"

The sun also follows this theorem. In the 29th century, the standard for cultivating solar engineers on the earth is only the standard for trainees today. Moreover, the training alone for contemporary interns takes fifty years. After the training, they can only do odd jobs on the periphery of the Dyson ring.

Sun control technology is increasingly dependent on the experience accumulated by the "big consciousness" for hundreds of years.

Many work items need the consciousness across the entire solar orbit, for example, in the sub-job of collecting solar prominences, the engineer of the carbon-heat cloud form needs to calibrate 600 billion “space-to-point” corrections within one nanosecond.

After the consciousness enters the high-energy carbon-based cloud, it uses the quantum effect to construct its own action response in the Dyson ring facility. This is almost a difficult evolutionary path of life!

At this level of "work", the required level of human consciousness can be imagined,

The thinking of solar engineers is millions of times that of carbon-based human thinking. During the two centuries of rapid development of earth technology, the threshold of this work has been raised.

At present, the human beings jumping out of the earth have gone through 60 years of learning in the carbon-based natural person state, and they need almost a hundred years of training to transform into the hot carbon cloud state. In order to be competent for cutting-edge refined positions,

And with the further development of the solar project progress in the future, the demand for workers' willpower will increase! I am afraid that after two centuries, it will take three hundred years of service!

Narrator: This is why Wei Keng puts so much emphasis on "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor" on the plane, because to carry the mission of controlling the stars, as the initial "seed" of all things, there is really nothing wrong with it.

On other planes in the dimension, if you can control a star through consciousness, you can prove the "divine position" on that plane. It's not like in the main world, it's just a "star repair old farmer" status

As for the traverser in the main world, on the alien plane, in a sci-fi-like world, the number of people who can control a star is no more than "the number of hands".

Stars under the rules of other planes are not comparable.

For example, the "Sun God" of some ghost planes

Either the star is very small, according to human proportions, it is actually only as big as a moon, so it is easy to grasp.

Or just let your "spirit" occupy the frequency band of the stellar beam, you can borrow power from the stellar system, and pretend to be x in front of mortals.

The physical rules of the main world are extremely strict! This makes "controlling the stars" more difficult.

...a warning line of the shaky foundations of civilization...

At the end of the 34th century, Wei Keng, the most cutting-edge technology system in the Stellar Department, looked back at the "few followers" behind him, and questioned his own route: "Did I climb a bit high?"

After 656 hours, Wei Keng, who was near Pluto in the Shenyu Department, responded: "Yes, but I can't farm fast! ——Don't urge me, I can't keep up even if you urge me."

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