Out of the cage

Chapter 1260 Chapter 2603 (Part 2) Plane landing

Recovering an abandoned city is not an easy task. If it were easy, a genius would have done it long ago. The "geniuses" here are not only the local talents of this land, but also those who have traveled through the vast land.

If it's just that the threshold is too high, that's it! There are often time travelers with a hook in this plot world, but in fact, no time travelers are interested in regaining the city.

Because "black mud" has strong ideological contamination properties, everyone who comes into contact with it begins to lose control of their desires and begins to "turn into animals."

On the moon, all mutants who have come into contact with black mud and have abnormal cells in their bodies are the abandoned people of this era.

Forty years ago, the first group of lords who were enfeoffed here tried to rebuild the prosperity of the moon.

However, the "infected people" living in underground tunnels are no longer suitable for human society. If they are forcibly brought back to life in the hive city, they want to "evict human tyranny."

At that time, the territorial lord tried to act as a savior and came to the abandoned territory to try to recruit this wave of labor force in the name of "rescue". This naive idea is just like some countries in the 21st century trying to accept refugees to obtain labor force.

So until now, the Black Mud Polluters have lived on the fringes, undertaking the most shady of employment practices.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Keng is not a genius, he is just an accumulation system that adheres to the "civilized line". This is not a man driving an excavator in the 21st century, and he must be better than Xiang Yu in siege.

This was the case for the abandoned people who were previously bribed by Li Zhao. Li Gui (Wei Keng) quietly accepted them and began medical recovery while collecting intelligence on the ruins area.

Compared to the "Gaia route" which spreads itself across the entire world, the Human Base maintains its "hands" to transform the world. …

On December 12, 2815 in the Qin Dynasty, Wei Keng took over the 9333 lunar ruins area closest to his territory.

Wei Keng, who has mastered the leap gate technology, can be regarded as a direct overlord and takes control of this area. Start calling the traceability travellers to take action.

In the evolution space, a general-level time traveler, wearing smart armor, led thousands of large and small combat robots to capture the mine here. Every occupied area was disinfected with "oxidation torches."

In the millet space, scientists build a biological projection base here.

As for the underground black mud pool! When the minions brought in by "Gaia Consciousness" came to care about Wei Keng, Wei Keng suddenly stopped acting.

In front of many creatures, a "carbon-based radiation tower" was moved out. This thirty-meter silicon-carbon crystal facet was smashed into the black pool by Wei Keng!

The thousands of cubic meters of black mud pool began to twist and twitch, and the chaotic genetic information inside was forcibly parasitized by the "carbon-based radiation tower".

The black mud began to turn transparent, and within ten minutes the amniotic fluid formed like a cocoon. In the amniotic fluid, blood circulation is rapidly generated in bones, internal organs, and muscles.

The black mud is like "pregnancy", starting to create new life.

Narrator: In the world of Zhutianzi, first-level traceability can be directly traveled, just like an evolving military officer, whose self-awareness can quickly adapt to changes in "dimensional rules". However, the first level of traceability is rare after all. Plane wars require extensive mobilization of the native consciousness of the heavens and planes. Therefore, most of the "consciousness" that cannot reach the first level of traceability must adopt the soul penetration mode.

After being forcibly "pregnant", the first batch of embryos in Hei Muli successfully gave birth within three months and were transferred to the cloning warehouse.

At the same time, on the cloning warehouse, a "high-energy flashing" dimensional light point was continuously exerting an influence on the embryonic brain. This is a refined "soul penetration" operation.

The first wave of fast-born soul-transporters totaled 3,275 people.

Now at Wei Keng's level, the more troops the better. Of course, the black mud pool that was originally four meters deep was drained until only half a meter remained! ——As a "pregnant" existence, Hei Ni has not resisted, but this is the highest technological level in the "human base" system.

Under the same "rules of life", it is not up to this weak Gaia consciousness to decide whether it is pregnant or not.

These recruits from the planes of the heavens do not know Wei Keng with the identity of "Li Gui" now, but Wei Keng knows them all. In each plane, Wei Keng has more or less socialized with these people who have traveled through the planes of the heavens. Pass.

Of course, to them, I may be an "NPC in the blacksmith shop on the street", "the administrator of the library with one or two incomplete spells" and "the owner of the restaurant".

For example, among the group of people who came this time, there was Qian Yun.

After he walked out of the training chamber, he moved his skeleton. His muscles were like flowing marble. After doing a series of physical exercises including push-ups and pull-ups, Qian Yun found that the strength of his skeleton was still slightly insufficient. After exerting a little force, there was some pain in the skeletal nerves, so he began to adjust the fit of the power armor to his own muscles.

As Qian Yun, a member of the 67th batch of soul-piercing members, he saw Li Gui when he walked out of the training room.

Since Wei Keng was always very polite, he did not regard Li Gui as his leader.

After listening to Li Guimin's approachable plan, Qian Yun paused and said: "Since the plan is set like this, then it will be completed like this. You will be your lord and I will do my thing."

Wei Keng nodded, but then he demonstrated the "Psychic Power System" and began to introduce to him the basic strength training plan of some time travelers in this plane.

The summoned ones such as Qian Yun still "center on themselves" in their own shuttle perspective.

Because of Wei Keng's good words, he has become an NPC to a certain extent. These soul-piercing people use the systems they belong to to issue targets as instructions. As for Li Gui, he is just a "marker" now.

Laozi said: "Your Majesty, I don't know about it; secondly, be familiar with it and praise it; secondly, be afraid of it; thirdly, insult it. If you don't believe it, you can't believe it. If you are long-term, your words are noble. If you succeed, people will praise you. I naturally."

...the division lines of work that perform their duties like cells...

This plane inherits history, which is the previous Ming Dynasty.

Controlling objects with true energy and telekinesis are the original abilities of this plane. In the development of this power, complex systems emerged.

For example, inner breath and stellar energy! These are all words that describe the level of martial arts cultivation.

But the inner breath is the conduction process of "magnetic organic matter" in the human body, and it is like a stream of air in the perception of inner practitioners. And opening up a meridian is not opening up in the physical sense, but the accumulation of "organic matter" in the area of ​​​​the meridian increases, allowing the conduction force to connect.

Compared with internal energy, Gang is outside the body. In the later stage, early martial practitioners will find that if they take a small amount of golden elixirs of silicon, iron, lead and mercury, the force field created will be strengthened. This is because the metabolized substances are more conducive to magnetic conduction!

But later, the "Dianzhou Cyclamen" spread the true law. The major sects began to use hair and lead and mercury to configure "Gang", so they can take Jindan to refine Gang without harming the body. Now that we have entered the space age, Gang is the nano cloud.

With the "progress of human biological science" in modern times, there are three realms of cultivation: "qi training", "spirit training" and "anti-virtual".

"Qi training" is the state of induction of the inner breath in the body.

"Refining God" is the realm of driving Gangqi outside the body.

"Anti-virtual" is a real environment in which every cell can record self-information, and the body is destroyed and self-repaired.

But the contemporary era is the age of science and technology, and the three realms do not represent absolute combat power.

Each realm actually has benefits, which can be continuously accumulated.

For example, even at the most basic level of Qi training, theoretically, it does not drive the external stellar energy, but directly enhances the nerve response speed, so the "foreign boxing" can be extremely strong!

Well, the "outsiders" here are equipped with a mecha that fits well with the body for combat training. Compared with the "inner family" embedded in the drone command system driven by "refinement" to drive the qi and fleet, the "outer family" is more brute force.

Practitioners are completely fine, just like Pokémon, they are forced not to evolve, and specialize in a certain realm. Surprise someone on a special occasion!

Martial arts mechs in the realm of "qi training" are relatively easy to obtain. However, the Stellar Qi in the "God Refining" realm is more "expensive", because this thing is a consumable, and the supply needs to be guaranteed by the forces behind it.

"Gang" can be bought, but the production equipment of "Gang" (nano cloud) is monopolized by big forces.

And the quality of "Gang" can fill the gap in the cultivation base of the alchemists.

Such as the performance between "200 nanometers" and "7 nanometers" of chips in the 21st century.

For example, the gang that Li Gui is using now is a microscopic particle of 200 nanometers, which can be freely purchased in the federal market as a viscount.

Compared with the first-class "Gang" of 50 nanometers, this 200-nanometer "Gang" takes almost four times the mental power to achieve the same operation.

…the listener’s intentional dividing line…

After Qian Yun learned about the cultivation situation in this plane. He immediately paid attention to "Gang's independent production and manufacturing", and immediately asked Li Gui whether "Gang" could be produced in the current territory.

That's right, even "200nm self-made" is necessary. Although it is available in the market now, once a crisis occurs, others can block it.

Li Gui replied in embarrassment: "At present, there is no production chain."

In fact, Wei Keng's reserves have been well prepared for a long time. The evolution space provides the production chain, and the belief space provides talents.

But Wei Keng hopes that people from this plane will create it! It is better to teach someone to fish than to teach him to fish. Now as the spokesperson for dozens of spaces on this plane, Mr. Wei will not give everything to these weak-willed "soul-travelers" and say "everything is available". The situation in the main world where "all kinds of hooks" can be exchanged is a waste-raising model.

Now that Wei Keng says "no", once the time traveler here decides to "get it started", all kinds of equipment and production organizations will be there!

At this moment, Qian Yun's eyes widened when he heard Li Gui's answer. After he was stunned, he asked: "Without this kind of strategic materials, we have no confidence! If others send high-level combat forces, let's not say whether we can have the upper hand." , directly blocking our trade, aren’t we done?!”

Since he had been to this timeline a long time ago, during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, he also argued with his old friend Dr. Baili (another clone of Wei Keng) about the route. The difference lies in whether to "take the initiative to destroy the Ming Dynasty" or "sit back and watch the natural development of history."

Qian Yun felt that he was qualified and responsible to shoulder the problem.

Although it is already 1,300 years later, the Ming Dynasty has long ceased to exist.

As for Qian Yun, who has experienced missions in sixteen dimensions, the "Dr. Baili" who made the argument back then is also missing. But Qian Yun is now quite sure that "Dr. Baili's plan for a rainy day" back then, he now decided to make up for this shortcoming.

However, when preparing to work hard, Qian Yun needs to know the determination of his organization.

Qian Yun took a deep breath and asked Li Gui: "I have a general understanding of the basic situation of this plane. What is your first goal? When there is a conflict between the scope of the lord's power and the expansion of human beings, which one comes first?"

Qian Yun looked at Li Gui with burning eyes.

Wei Keng looked at the eyes of the forced palace and couldn't help but feel happy. This study in the "People's Third Mental Hospital" really paid off. Wei Keng coughed, and Zhong Er responded: "I am loyal to mankind."

From Qian Yun's perspective, when he saw that in this future era, on the moon, the lord named Li swore the so-called "loyalty to mankind", he smiled inwardly.

Qian Yun's vicissitudes of life whispered: "During time travel, many people have great ideals, but in the end they all have to compromise under numerous tests."

Qian Yun solemnly said to Li Gui: "Remember your words, I will always check whether every action you take goes against what you said today."

Wei Keng felt inexplicably happy about this. It was worth his efforts and his will finally sprouted.

Facing this scorching gaze, Wei Keng responded cheerfully: "For the common goal, let's divide the work!"

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