Out of the cage

Chapter 1269 Chapter 2608 Northern Chapter The Clay Dolls

Chapter 1269 Chapter 26.08 Northern Chapter The Clay Dolls "Work and Raise"

The year 2824, in space. The 18-kilometer-long battleship Bifang passed through the lunar orbit. The nine-year-old Zhang Bei was sneaking to the observation window on the right side of the battleship to look at the lunar territory below from space.

Wearing a blue and gold protective suit, Beizi Zhang is now a very cute little man, with his pupils shining with curiosity and expectation towards the moon below.

At this time, in the northern area of ​​the earthquake, there was a dazzling green patch, like a bright gem dotted on the moon. He stared at the patch with longing in his eyes.

The child was pitiful. After he was born, he asked where his father was. The answer found in the system was Viscount Li Gui. But his mother told him that this was not his father. His father is in the stars.

After 2821, his mother Bei Lingxiang suddenly changed her temperament and claimed that his father was dead.

At this time, Gao Shenglan was getting married to Miss Loneliness, and Bei Lingxiang wanted to rekindle their old relationship, but was dumped. This cold and hot situation brought great confusion to Bei Xizhang.

At this time, when the family servant saw Bei Xizhang's decadence, he told him something: Li Gui's father had been giving him gifts every year for several years, but his mother had thrown them away.

Bei Xizhang was stunned, and then he suddenly felt a desire and impulse.

So, when Bei Lingxiang didn't know and couldn't care about it, he contacted Li Gui. Then I received very valuable encouragement.

In Bei Xizhang's view, his father, who has always been rejected by Bei Lingxiang (mother), is actually a very good person.

Despite rumors in his upper-class circles, "Lee Gyu" is a vulgar person.

But in fact, when Bei Xizhang saw Li Gui for the first time, what he saw was not a tall and rough man. On the contrary, he looked very handsome and handsome, and his temperament was exceptionally reliable. Compared to that gorgeous and gloomy home, Wei Keng, who was driving an electric excavator to dig trenches on the lunar soil, looked cheerful in the sunshine.

When they met for the first time, Li Gui inspected his grades. After he was quite satisfied, he secretly sent him a gift. This was the first time he was encouraged.

This gift is a set of "body training secrets" and supporting body monitoring facilities.

Li Gui said seriously: "Practice regularly every day, don't be tired, but you must persevere."

These assigned homework are very painful for many children. But Zhang Beizi faced the instructions of his "father". But he nodded especially seriously, because compared to his mother, this "father" loves without any "negative emotions".

Narrator: In order to ensure the smooth reproduction of the human base, Wei Keng directly adjusted his physiology to the natural "fifty-year-old" state. This is the state in which men on earth are most willing to give to their offspring by nature. In this state, one is resigned to being a bully.

...As a "father", he must act as a "measuring ruler" that his children can understand and restrain himself. …

When Wei Keng confirmed that Bei Xizhang's young thinking and will had always been for encouragement, he cared from the bottom of his heart.

Although Wei Keng used to give gifts every year on his birthday, oh, it was an unintentional act. It was made for the Li family and the Bei family. He showed that he had been separated from Miss Bei, that he did not blame himself, and that he had always been in contact.

But right now Wei Keng is sincere about this doll. Mr. Wei's self-esteem makes it impossible for him to contact Bei Lingxiang.

Wei Keng's mentality at the time: "Being a dog licker is very tiring, it takes a lot of effort and time, and you won't listen to a word you say. As for teaching children, I'm much better at it."

But now, when Bei Xi Zhang contacted Wei Keng in a low voice, Mr. Wei was very soft-hearted. Especially when the little boy carefully explained at the end why the original gifts might not have been well preserved.

Wei Keng felt so bad for those heartless heroes in his family who kicked his nose and face, giving him a headache. But that's the boy's nature. This Northern style behaves in a disciplined manner. What a shackles it has placed on his spirit since he was a child.

This kind of shackles is put on the child when he is the most obedient, but once he reaches the age of thirteen or fourteen, as his nature turns rebellious, he will inevitably find a way to release it. It is very likely that at this time, cruelty will breed under the weak shell.

Human teenagers are bloody by nature. If the sharp edge of teenagers cannot be directed at the darkness, they must be tamed according to the preferences of adults. Then these "edges" will turn into cruelty, trying to find those weak who have no resistance to release.

Wei Keng sighed: He was too observant of etiquette, but was suppressed from thinking about the meaning behind "etiquette" for himself. Then there is "animal nature" behind the etiquette.

Wei Keng has been teaching Bei Xizhang in the past few years: "If you want to shout, you have to shout, but you must respect your mother. As long as you are sure that you have not caused harm to innocent people, you can ignore some words. As for the What should you do and what shouldn't be done? Observe morality and have a clear conscience. For other things, ignore outsiders' comments about "whether you are good or not" and "you don't meet my expectations." They are nothing."

Bai Linglu: Gee, education, male and female teachers have different priorities. …

Now on the spacecraft, Zhang Bei was lying on the observation module, looking at the green patch territory on the moon. He suddenly had the urge to "run away from home." Beishi Zhang took a look at the electronic robot responsible for taking care of (monitoring) him, and made a plan in his mind.

In the glass cover of a pit on the moon's surface, Wei Keng also raised his head below. At this time, the summer camp was being prepared here.

Near the lunar crater, more than fifty flying saucer-shaped hovercrafts are on standby. These crafts are filled with supplies.

Under the flying saucer, an army of teenagers were all dressed in lunar surface walking clothes. The small heads in the helmets were swinging. Many people were constantly pressing the "red and blue flashers" on the helmets. This flasher was used to Call the police, but these children are now undisciplined. They look like a group of teletubbies when they press the overhead flashlight.

These more than a thousand children started hiking this time carrying 40 kilogram backpacks.

Born on the moon, they went out from the underground camp for the first time. Everyone wore electric spacesuits. When they went out, they were more or less crazy. Although they were queuing up and crackling, their shoes deliberately kicked up rocks. Fortunately, the shoe shells were made of wear-resistant manganese steel, otherwise they would really be unable to bear the heaviness of their feet.

This summer camp activity is also the process by which children will be integrated into the general public.

At this time, the young volunteers responsible for guiding these children to sign up at various locations in the team were the local youth groups newly recruited by Li Gui in the territory.

These local young people from the Moon Territory were incredulous when they first saw this group of children. Because there are very few places on the moon where so many years are spent chattering together.

However, they have not inquired or investigated carefully for the time being, and these children are very energetic, which also makes these young people who lead the children feel that "the population is prosperous" is good.

Yes, the moon has not been so populated for a long time after the massacre sixty years ago.

Because Li Gui's territory has entered a stage of material abundance. In the stage of material abundance, human beings are still very tolerant and are willing to share resources with the next generation.

If when Wei Keng first arrived, everyone had not enough to eat, and suddenly there were so many children, due to the shortage of resources, the first stage would be to think in a bad direction.

"Young dissatisfaction" is a popular sentiment that will naturally arise when social conditions are not conducive to reproduction.

Now Li Gyu’s rhetoric: The children are collected from outside. Although the entire territory was "suspicious" at this time, they generally had good intentions towards these children.

At present, Wei Keng has not informed the locals of the moon that these children were born from the black mud by the source of the human emperor.

At least now the psychological endurance of the people in the territory has not reached the point where they can accept such technology. Although this technology is the same as the technology of using cloning chambers to cultivate modified humans at Lagrange points. The lunar bumpkins are very tolerant of the Lagrange point terraformers. (Just like in the 21st century, some people always look up to new foreign technologies and criticize internal R\u0026D technology harshly)

But in the next ten or twenty years, as they gain a deeper understanding of this technology and watch this black generation grow up normally and join society, people will gradually accept it, just like the attitude towards in vitro fertilization in the 21st century.

Narrator: The gene expression of the generation born in Hei Ni before the age of sixty is no different from that of normal natural people.

After the age of sixty, subsequent genes begin to appear, and one's own knowledge system and thinking are completely at the level of a rare human wise man, and his understanding of human society, history, and morality is exactly the same. And will also enter space and the center of the earth to work. There will be no interest disputes with the younger generation under the age of sixty, just like adults will not compete with children aged three or four for candy.

In this contemporary era, after completing the initial "enrichment of material civilization", the residents of Li Gyu's lunar territory need "spiritual enrichment", that is, they need to find a direction to "accumulate hope."

At this time, raising these half-grown children that have emerged just fills the sense of mission. At the same time, the atmosphere brought by growing children is an atmosphere of "hope".

Li Gyu: Well, let us gradually watch these children grow up.

At this time, each of the adults and children in the summer camp was assigned to be in charge of different work logistics.

Solar panels, oxygen tubes, and monitoring and alarming of each person's body data are all the responsibility of adults. (Mr. Wei takes care of safety.)

Water, food, batteries, and the materials recorded on the schedule for the inflatable tent will be counted by the children.

September 23, 2826 at 7 am. Wei Keng set a general march goal: The urgent march now is to reach a temporary settlement fifty kilometers away and then cook a meal.

Some children have to ride moon motorcycles and rush to the crater ahead with some "mid-way supplies" that require time to take care of. They use moon bricks to build the camp wall skeleton and then set up an inflatable tent.

The dishes cooked on the moon are all simple meals heated by vacuum heating in tin foil paper. Boxes of salted fish and noodles should be separated and heated with a sunglass. Then while the hot oil is sizzling, quickly cover the box and stir fry it.

If the cooking team cannot arrive at the predetermined area in advance and unfold the stove cabin, then everyone will have to eat instant noodles.

Should I wait and end up eating dry, cold crispy noodles, or should I arrive early and enjoy a bowl of salted fish, steamed eggs, and green pepper and shredded pork fried rice? Once you experience this difference, you will never forget it.

Wei Keng, who has always been the standard for "middle-class appearance": The best social cooperation education at this age is to provide for one's own food and clothing during the collective march.

Throughout the process, there were many problems.

For example, a careless child who was in charge of a vehicle in a lunar crater forgot to bring maintenance tools, causing the entire team to stop and wait for support from other teams.

Of course, there are some impatient people who rush all the way to win the first place. However, after arriving at the location, the fuel alcohol is missing, resulting in the rice being undercooked and the food not tasting good.

All these questions can profoundly educate them: What is collaboration?

Wei Keng, who "had been exposed to rain" when he was a child: Instead of scolding them from the parents' perspective for being inconsiderate, it would be better for them to understand for themselves how it feels to not be in a hurry and end up falling into the trap.

...Parents’ experience: It’s useless if you worry for him, you have to let him worry on his own…

After the summer camp, Wei Keng took these tired boys back to the underground tunnel hall like a "subway station" and announced happily: "A complete success. All those who failed to reach the goal on time, go back and write a Travel thoughts, 500 words!”

Wei Keng stood near the crater and entered the entrance area of ​​the underground tunnel, and announced the "After Reading" work to all the children who entered.

This notice about assigning homework caused these children, who were already exhausted, to sigh in the communicator: "Ah!" "Alas!" "Oh no!"

Wei Keng was quite satisfied when he saw that these children had the same opinion this time: "The cubs I brought up will be engaged in righteous gang fights when they grow up. In this regard, they are destined to be different from the elites of the earth and moon system. .”

Wei Keng said with a serious face: "Are you willing or not? The voice is so small, I want to add 200 more words."

The children were chirping at this time: "I don't want to" and "I don't want to write."

Wei Keng gave a thumbs up and shook his head: "Speak louder. If you can't hear me, if you can't shout in unison, increase the number of words."

Thousands of people with childish voices uniformly sang the opposite tune: "I don't want to!"

Wei Keng nodded: "Very good, then we won't write it down. Let's go back and discuss it with each other. Everyone should fill out this form."

The children in the team cheered. The form was much easier to write than the composition.

The table Wei Keng set up was a large number of word problems, which included how much food each person ate, the arrival rate of backpack supplies, and various digital problems.

At the end, there was a threat: "If you make a mistake, the entire group will have to write a thousand-word paper."

When those first-level traceability travelers saw this scene, they understood that this was the style of a post-war summary report!

Wei Keng is subtly telling the generation on the moon how to deal with war in the future! How to deal with the disaster created by Gaia’s consciousness.

After assigning homework, Wei Keng pointed to the bottom groups: "Don't be discouraged. Didn't you kick stones when you came here? Now be energetic, don't look like a defeated army. Sing with me, unity is strength~"

Young voices roared collectively in the communication system: "Unity is strength, this strength is iron, this strength is steel..."

Wei Keng thought silently in his heart: Morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor, eh!

...On the moon, Wei Keng had a son and also welcomed his little brother...

On October 1st, Wei Keng once again opened the summoning door. This time a new batch of time travelers arrived, including one named "Mo Ya". (26.10, 24.09)

Wei Keng looked at these people with heartfelt smiles on their faces.

Wei Keng has been paying close attention to this "special traveler" from the dark plane.

Before the magnificent time and space dam closed and the fiery historical processes were developing, Wei Keng quietly sent Mo Ya to the plane elevator, and no one told anyone about this, including Jing Guyu. During the fifth plane war, even Bai Linglu didn't pay attention to the growth path Wei Keng quietly arranged for Mo Ya.

After the summons was over, Wei Keng and everyone informed each other about the situation on the planet. Start a discussion meeting.

Wei Keng sat in the main seat, and Mo Ya sat in the second seat. The plan to build an electromagnetic railgun and create a "planetary fortress" system on the moon was discussed.

After the meeting, Wei Keng paused and said to everyone, "Well, let's have a casual meal together." Wei Keng was a little deliberate when he said this. It seems that they are looking for a "springboard" for further communication.

No, while consulting the man's advice, Mr. Wei turned to Mo Ya stiffly and asked, "Can this be implemented?" Mo Ya paused. He looked at Wei Keng's abrupt conversation and nodded.

Mr. Wei walked into the kitchen, put on his apron, started the stove, tore open the ingredients that had been prepared long ago, and started to show off his skills.

Of course, some time-travelers also come to help. Narrator: As "travelers", when we go to a new place, we are wary of food provided by strangers, but it is rude to refuse directly, so we take the initiative to help.

However, none of them expected that the "NPC" at the base of the plane would do the meal himself. He also asked everyone to help wash the dishes and help with seasonings, as if he treated everyone as his own.

Mo Ya looked at Wei Keng's back, curious, staring at the skillful cooking movements, feeling inexplicably touched.

Mo Ya felt that Li Gui seemed to be very happy after seeing him.

Tracing ancient times

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