Out of the cage

Chapter 1276 Chapter 2611 (Part 2) Qinghai County

On December 4th, at Li Gui's place, Zhu Yunsui, who was still having fun, finally reluctantly returned under orders from his family.

Zhu Yunshui especially likes the green vegetation planted in rows in the large oxygen tanks all over Wei Keng's control area. In the metal-enclosed underground, these green belts make the girl in the space city feel particularly relaxed and happy.

Although Wei Keng thinks this is just a natural green belt.

The moon still has natural gravity, which is much better than the space city at the Lagrange point.

The Lagrange point where Zhu Yunshui is located is the lunar palace overlooking the earth.

Although the Tiangong is very luxurious and has precious flowers, overall, it is a "bonsai" within a fifty-kilometer diameter range. No matter how big a "bonsai" is, it cannot compare with the "towering trees" in the fields.

The largest plantation area in Wei Keng's territory, it is constructed according to a negative entropy system that matches the tidal changes of the Earth-Moon system. From underground to surface, there is a spiral layering.

The water flows along this spiral tunnel, step by step, to the bottom. When the water reaches the bottom, it will be pressurized by the nuclear fusion energy station and surge up along the central axis of the 40-kilometer center near the lunar surface. A 100-meter water reservoir, and then one step down a spiral staircase, forming an ecological cycle.

The plants on each step of the spiral area are different, from high dimensions to tropical ones, and the seasons change. It's like an underground revolving garden.

This set of large worlds in the universe shows how many days correspond to the small worlds, which is far more mysterious than the space city at the Lagrange point.

The so-called mystery is the full sense of comfort that the negative entropy system brings to human beings who accept the existence of negative entropy.

In the life formation system, Wei Keng's ability to deploy negative entropy engineering design is a rare art in the entire main world.

If this set of artistic structure is open to one person alone, it is a top-notch magic tool for seducing girls. However, Wei Keng designs this kind of system, which often operates for the health of many people. Therefore, many girls cannot be touched.

Mr. Wei was only willing to work hard on the "aesthetic education" of the new generation.

When Zhu Yunsui reluctantly left, he took off the gem from his neck and used a battle armor laser to weld it to the metal fountain of the plantation as a souvenir. (Wei Keng: Damn, this rich man’s ‘come here’ is just awesome)

Zhu Yunshui lamented that these fulfilling days passed too fast. She was very satisfied with the person she had fallen in love with. When visiting the ecological garden, the green pines, green moss and berries were like the environment of Adam and Eve's Garden of Eden. She inexplicably remembered it. When the young lady said he was "testing love", she looked at Li Gui carefully and found that he was getting more and more handsome if he looked closely. Therefore, I can't help but blush, thinking about what if the young lady really marries this person in the future. Zhu Yunxiao couldn't help but lose consciousness.

...the dividing line between the rear and the battlefield. …

On the other side, on the ground, the overall plan for the killing of Qingjun Yuehai area has also been laid out.

After being restrained by the harassing troops for six days, the biochemical tide had begun to mutate from its original ants into a mantis form during its long march. Now this group under the command of Gaia consciousness has become a standard insect group.

The insect swarm had been dispersed into at least seventeen groups, and its main force was weakened by half, and finally poured into the planned strike location. On the battle map of Moya, this place is marked as "Holiday Plain".

Holiday Plain is a piece of broken beach with fifteen concrete patches and a total area of ​​4,000 square kilometers.

This was originally the landing pad where the spacecraft landed a hundred years ago. Now the surrounding towers are in ruins. The broken remains of the lunar armed chariot and the mecha collapsed in the pit, just like a post-apocalyptic movie.

When the main force of the insect swarm poured in here, the heavy armor group of the Lunar New Army resisted here.

Rows of cement pillars and wires were pulled up in rows. During the ten-hour blocking battle, the barriers built by a large amount of rubble were broken through by the insect swarm. Of course, a large number of insects also fell on these layers of defense nets.

Every barrier position captured by the insect swarm was completely abandoned by humans.

In the position taken over by the insect swarm, not to mention water resources and other supplies, even their corpses were cooked with microwave radiators.

These alien species, after occupying human positions in such an empty space and wandering around for five days, could only crawl in the ditch and devour themselves. The human commander knew that the biochemical group's behavior was due to the unfavorable war situation and the start of new mutations.

What will be born here next?

Moya ordered the forward commander to remain under observation.

Since the moon has no atmosphere, there is no need to worry about the insect swarm mutating into an aerodynamic air force. Most of the war is on the ground. If you build a temporary high platform five kilometers away, you can have a panoramic view.

…the dividing line between war and scientific research…

A digression on the battlefield: In the undefensible Holiday Plain, the insect swarms can be wiped out completely by the "Humanitarian Corps" who have an absolute advantage in firepower. The reason why they didn't take action was that at this time, the black mud in the entire lunar ruins area began to emit "carbon-based quantum radiation" to support the insect swarm.

Li Gui's scientific research department is deciphering the "carbon-based frequency band in black mud" on the moon.

In a special humane base underground in the Moon Earthquake Sea, in a blue ecological area, a super-advanced computer system is calculating and deciphering the "collected protein activities."

And underground, the super-oxidized human life form code-named "Celestial Being" is slowly opening its one-meter-diameter eyes and analyzing the data of hundreds of billions of bases in the black mud on the moon!

Li Gui (Wei Keng) stood on the platform, sensing the message from his own "celestial being" life.

Wei Keng sent a message to Mo Ya on the front line: The immune system is being built and should be maintained.

…silent versus spoken contest…

On December 5th, Moya reviewed past intelligence data at the headquarters and determined that the insects gathered in the Holiday Plain showed signs of digging holes in an attempt to gather and proliferate. In order to prevent them from mutating into a giant war individual, he began to reduce them.

Giant war entity! A monster with thick armor and the ability to shoot acid shells.

The staff will promptly authorize the launch of a rocket. Nuclear rockets. The equivalent is about 150 tons. Try to collect large alien species directly in the gasification pit.

In this kind of war, humans are also fighting day and night on the move. A legion will send multiple teams in several directions every few hours. The Gaia biota has to break away from its own biological timing and must maintain To cope with the state of excitement and high consumption.

Under the crater, under the black sky, the sun and stars twinkled together, arrows rained down from the sky, piercing the alien skulls bit by bit...

The blocking battle at Holiday Plain lasted for a full month. When the main force of the alien center was trapped, the originally divided alien groups also wanted to get closer, but they were also trapped by the blockade and could not come together.

In late January 2828, the surrounded aliens had reached their physiological limits in the continuous confinement. Although a large number of carbon-based particles in the periphery were being illuminated by solar energy and rushing towards the center of the battlefield like tiny sandstorm particles, once they arrived in the war zone The nearby area has been disinfected by a carbon superoxide tower, and not a single fly can fly over.

The aliens were extremely restless. They began to eat each other on a large scale.

The humans in the observation post saw that after seeing a weak individual of three to four meters passing by, a powerful individual of seven or eight meters penetrated the spine of the weak one with a claw, and then put it into the mouth to chew and swallow it.

This mutual devouring phenomenon shows that the quantum consciousness of heterogeneous groups can no longer maintain the information effect between each biological individual. Each individual can no longer suppress its physiological needs for organic matter, and collapse is imminent.

This kind of gnawing consumes organic matter in a chaotic and disorderly process, and no super body has evolved. In addition to swallowing, all super bodies also need to evolve in the cocoon for a period of time, but they are all forced to interrupt during the prototype mutation process. As a result Dragging the body that is not fully developed and participating, it consumes all its energy while running around, and is eaten by the same kind.

On February 1st, almost all the alien species in the Battle of Moon Sea in Qing County had disappeared, and they were trying to break out.

The human blockade corps eliminated most of them, but deliberately let a small part go! Due to their small size, these small fleas jump around very slowly, traveling no more than 500 meters a day on average. Therefore, these little things trying to reach the surrounding black mud nests through small passages will become the guide party.

At four o'clock in the afternoon on February 1, the human troops penetrated into the center of the insect swarm under the cover of shells, carried out the final clearing, and killed twenty-seven super bodies.

Mo Ya inserted the particle blade into the bus-sized alien creature and sent a message to Wei Keng: "We won."

He let out a long breath. The whole battle was much easier than he thought, although it took a full month. Half of the stone in his heart was relieved.

Please note that this war of annihilation against the alien species has so far only eliminated mobile forces. There is still a large amount of black mud in each ruins. Humans called these cities the Rot Bacteria Jedi during the last demonic chaos. Under the current human federal technology , have no idea about these.

But Mo Ya knew that during the time when he surrounded the enemy, Li Gyu achieved significant results in the carbon-based frequency band genetic confrontation."

Groups of "Holy Roots of Humanity" are being transported towards these ruins areas by some top-secret vehicles.

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