Out of the cage

Chapter 1284 Chapter 2616 (Part 1) The appearance of “accumulation but little success”

Chapter 1284 Chapter 26.16 (Part 1) The appearance of “accumulation but little success”

The development level of the solar system in Li Gyu's plot line at this time is equivalent to that of the solar system in the main world 25 centuries later.

There are much more deep-seated problems here, because it was too easy to enter the previous technological eras and there are many historical problems left behind.

You must know that a place with perfect willpower like the main world has been traveling through the ages for more than 800 years and has continued to be strong, but it has shown a loss of direction and confusion. This world of emperors completes history through the twisting of "cause and effect". Faced with all kinds of temptations when exploring "relics of plane civilization", it is even more difficult to control one's original intention.

The adventurous spirit that emerged from this great voyage in the world where Li Gui lives is like a durian smell that refuses to dissipate. It has remained from the Ming Dynasty to the interstellar age. Theoretically, when the "sweetness" can no longer be tasted, people will gradually abandon the "durian taste".

But when this man's reputation was about to run out, Haotu forcibly sprinkled a handful of sugar on the "durian" of adventurism in the plot editing of Zhutian! Adds sweetness.

Because twenty years ago, while exploring the ruins of the solar system, even picking up some junk could lead to major technological breakthroughs on the earth. But from now on, the ruins are no longer profitable, but more troubles are emerging. But now all governments in the solar system are unwilling to admit this reality and still want to operate according to the past model.

Wei Keng: To put it simply, civilization is too shallow. Under the short-term benefits brought by the trend, it cannot stay in the "middle" and adhere to the inherent long-term accumulation line.

What is "middle"? For example, under the "biological crisis" such as Moon and Qingjun, they can produce their own food, and intermediate basic talents can be self-sufficient. Focus on development directions that can accumulate in the long term.

At this time, neither the Earth Federation nor Mars currently pays attention to basic talents. They only value "high-level talents".

In Mars' Junjie Star Fortress, when the general mourned the disappearance of Gao Shenglan, his eulogy was as follows: He is the top warrior who can carry out ruins adventure work. Losing him was even more important than losing the war.

A war can kill millions of people. Under this kind of rhetoric, ordinary people have become superfluous and useless.

Wei Keng sighed: The technologies taken from the ruins are changing rapidly, but most of them are "doomsday" technologies, which has allowed major forces to support a large number of "technical experts". However, before the real doomsday comes, these "doomsday technologies" "Talents are all "surplus". Because almost all "doomsday technologies" cannot save the doomsday, but are just the final madness.

Bai Linglu plot narration: It is difficult to change values ​​​​because it involves the buttocks.

Especially in the past ten years, the group of explorers who relied on the "dividends" of exploring the ruins to climb up. Now asking them to close the door to the ruins and focus on research and development is tantamount to ruining their "success and fame." The warriors who have climbed to the command position will only increase the cost and arrange more young warriors to explore those difficult ruins that they did not want to explore before.

From the year 2780 of the Qin Dynasty to the present year 2831. The scientific field of the entire solar system, Mars, Earth, and Venus, the three major planets, has been reaping the dividends of relic exploration and has lost the ability to establish a scientific research system among industrial teams.

These high-ranking and well-paid technocrats attribute to themselves the glory of all technological innovations in this era. He holds the keys to the databases of scientific research institutes.

A few consciousnesses who are exploring the current situation on this timeline commented after jumping out of this plot line: In the current solar system federation, as long as the "exploring ruins" group does not die of old age, human civilization in the solar system will face this situation. If you are in a bad situation, you are destined to do nothing. But precisely, the vitality enhancement technology in the ruins has kept these people good.

...As a "middle man", he can't compete for the limelight, so he is very stable on the route...

On the moon, although Li Gui was highly skilled in "martial arts", he did not want to set a wrong example for the children. (In the 21st century, no matter how good an athlete is, he will not show his children how to fight on the street.)

At least before 2830, many aristocratic families in the Earth-Moon system were joking that Li Gui "could not keep up with the times" and only deserved to stay on the moon and eat dirt.

It is precisely this process of "eating soil" that improves the "self-blood production" ability to resist the doomsday.

Looking back on the past twenty years, Wei Keng did not lock the technology in the database, hold the key, and control the permissions. Instead, he took advantage of the "slow process" of industrial practice to transfer technology to technicians of different working ages. It was passed on to batches of engineers step by step from the shallower to the more advanced.

For example, more than 60 new laboratories on the moon have cultivated a huge "life science" research team by independently controlling the "crop genetic system".

The same technicians who are skilled in editing cell genes in such an industrial atmosphere on the moon are hundreds of times more likely to do the same work as those on Earth and in the lunar scientific research bureaucracy.

After 2832, as the governments of various planets in the solar system have fallen into the "relic resource trap", a large number of sober people appeared on this timeline. Many people asserted that the moon will inevitably be the center of the solar system in the next twenty years. The first-class power in China.

At this time, in the dimension of the heavens, He Qiuye, who was playing chess with Wei Keng, happened to be locked into this timeline! But when she locked in, this timeline had grown and expanded into a violent bundle.

Even if He Qiuye orders time travel intervention now, he can't change this timeline. Wei Keng has too much margin there. Projecting "Gaia system" time travellers will only create historical ups and downs, but cannot deflect it.

He Qiuye whispered: "He can't express his achievements?"

In 2832, in the Tempest Ocean region, Yaochi City was recovered.

Before the "Demon Spirit Rebellion" eighty years ago, this industrial city had the deepest lunar drilling. That year, it drilled to 300 kilometers from the center of the moon, and the Demon Spirit Rebellion broke out.

Of course, later on, there was even the power of cause and effect on this world line that tried to hide the existence of this well, but it was preserved in notes by a researcher in the drilling department at the time. The preservation of the cause and effect was crucial, making it impossible for Haoshu to mobilize the "power of cause and effect". force" to erase the existence of this well.

Narrator: The consciousness of the researcher back then, Wei Keng. Of course he eventually died in the apocalypse. But even if he died in a biological disaster, he still accomplished his mission.

In this kind of plane war, the organizational coordination of individuals obeying the overall strategic goals is something that contemporary travelers do not have.

Now that the wellhead has been re-excavated, a "gravitational radiator" has been deployed to reach the center of the moon and open a space wormhole.

As the first members of the "Xinhuo" group, they were trained to explore the ruins. At first, I thought he was cooperating with the Earth-Moon Ruins Exploration Company, but I was caught deep underground in the moon, in front of the dimensional portal connecting the center of the moon.

After these "Dimension Exploration Teams" studied the dimensional theory and confirmed that this was a facility for "autonomously penetrating dimensions", these people realized that the Lunar Humanity Alliance, which had always been considered "earth", had quietly emerged. The application of shuttle technology has reached the forefront.

Li Fang walked on this shuttle platform and looked at the hexagonal wellhead like a bottomless pit, and there seemed to be a light deep in the bottomless pit - later he knew that this was the "time and space storm" condensed in the center of the moon.

In the space-time center of the moon center, historical parallel timelines are listed one by one.

Since the time of the "Wanzhou" Xianke, there have been countless timelines, and these parallel time and spaces have also been subjected to biochemical invasions.

Qian Yun's projection appeared next to these juniors.

Qian Yun began to explain the various post-depression worlds after the outbreak of these "zombie".

Qian Yun: The "Xinhuo" Corps was established. The total number of participants in the first batch is 2,740, and the strategic goal is to reshape human nature in various historical areas of "biological infection". Your task is difficult. (The human base penetrates the territory of Gaia in various postures)

Qian Yun then launched the second introduction: "This is the golden elixir." A spherical crystal with mysterious texture appeared in the projection.

Today's first-generation golden elixir system is about 1.2 to 1.7 centimeters in size. The carbon-based fluctuations in the golden elixir require a high degree of matching between body weight and height.

Qian Yun knocked on the blackboard: It’s not like I swallowed a golden elixir, my fate is up to me.

The optimal period for the human body to be matched by the golden elixir is the fixed life stages after the second birth and development at the age of 16, and after the full muscular body growth at the age of 20. Your initial age in that plane is 15 years old, please note.

Everyone in the time travel group whispered.

Qian Yun: By the way, one more thing. Although the physical basis of golden elixir is the same as that of zombie brain core, they are as different as the difference between human organs and carrion. Many natives of this plane risked swallowing brain cores to develop their own power, but in fact the price they paid for power was to separate themselves from the human species. The orderly organic matter in their bodies would be controlled by the brain core system.

Qian Yun opened the "negative model", a madman who devoured brain cores, was pressed on the platform. Through dissection and observation, the blood was flowing around like bugs, and the wriggling flesh cut out of the abdominal cavity seemed to be independent of the human body. It's squirming outside. Quite disgusting.

The first batch of members selected by the Xinhuo Group are all forty years old, which means that the "new generation when Hei Ni was born" is still in the compulsory education stage and will not be able to time travel.

Wei Keng: Why did you choose the age of forty? Because at the age of forty, you know your destiny and your mind is fully developed. This is when the life process has basically reached the halfway point. The basis of human beings is to appreciate the "all-natural human life cycle".

In the later stages of human base technology, we still need the life data of natural people who have reached the sixtieth, seventies, and old age, this "aging" stage. Because even in an aging state of life, it is still useful at certain stages!

The "golden elixir" project is only a rudimentary technology, while "physical sanctification" is the most cutting-edge technology.

Regarding Hei Ni's generation, Wei Keng positioned them as the main force in the decisive battle with the Gaia system in all major territorial planes after their future plane promotion.

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