Out of the cage

Chapter 1289 Chapter 2618 (Part 2) Gong Dao

Through the prosperous urban belt along Japan's coastline, we can find that Japan is a mountainous country.

The entire Japanese archipelago has a total area the same as Sichuan, and is also mountainous.

The mountainous areas of East Asia are connected together and the plains are divided. However, in Japan, the mountains and forests are divided by the coastline, while the prosperous plains are connected to the coastline.

Wei Keng and others took a small tram and walked toward the mountainous areas of Shikoku Island. They used psychic carbon-based beam scanning and saw wild boars, bears and other large creatures along the way. The dark mountain forests, due to the lack of development, were actually darker than the mountainous areas of East Asia. wild.

The reason why Japan’s mountains and rivers can maintain their original ecology is precisely because they are divided by coastlines.

When the great plains of China are in turmoil, there will be massive population movements, defeated armies, and families fleeing the chaos into the mountains and forests, which may form natural villages. And each of these population movements is a bombardment of the ecology of the barren land.

Even during the reign of the imperial court, there were records of bandits traveling to several provinces. The unruly people were in and out of the mountains and forests, and after thousands of reincarnations, the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains lost their wild spirit.

As for Japan, it is completely different. All the prosperous areas are concentrated on the coastline. When the daimyo are fighting, the mountains and forests surrounded by the prosperous areas along the coast are prisons for the losers. Groups of large families have fled to the mountains and forests. He can only become a lonely ghost.

In addition to books about the x family, ancient shrines prove the existence of these losers. The mountainous areas of Japan are more backwater areas than Bashu in East Asia.

In the end, Wei Keng made a comprehensive evaluation: Due to the low development level of mountainous areas in Japan, it is not possible to establish base areas, and it is impossible to adopt the strategy of first rural areas and then cities. The mountains and oceans are cut off, and there is no room for strategic detours.

Of course, because there is no "comeback", after Chinese Confucianism was introduced to Japan, there was a lack of benevolence.

Because "benevolence" is of no use in the island country!

When Japan encounters resistance from the lower levels, it will continue to press hard.

When the lower levels cannot bear it and enter the deep mountains and old forests, they will not be able to gather roars and sweep across other areas. Instead, they will be devoured by the legendary "mountain spirits".

Wei Keng: For rulers, when suppression can solve problems, then why do they need to control people's hearts?

For a long time, daimyo did not count the population, but only counted rice production.

So how many people did samurai kill in history? There are countless historical records.

Wei Keng: This is a trapped place.

On the way into the mountainous area, not even a single person was seen. Finally, we followed the traffic line and approached the castle in the center of the mountainous area.

This castle has a special cable car to transport supplies, while personnel travel by helicopter.

Such an exotic atmosphere made Wei Keng couldn't help complaining: It's all from the East Asian cultural circle. According to Eastern hospitality culture, there shouldn't be an old man in this mountain who would give a bowl of water and invite a young man like himself to come in and sit down.

Wei Keng glanced at Mo Ya, who was coming with him, and murmured in his heart: "Such a handsome young man, I'm sure Gu Liang will take a liking to him."

Wei Keng's yy was divorced from reality. At this time, the villa was heavily guarded. Multiple groups of unmanned aerial vehicles were scanning back and forth for surveillance. Three security guards in black were holding firearms and pointed at the sign that read "Do not trespass into private residences."

In this deep forest, the law is meaningless. Even if an ordinary person dies in a rich man's mansion, as long as he is not an important figure of social concern, he can be buried in the mountains and disappear forever.

Of course, "evil" is relative. The owner's defensive attitude made Mr. Wei have some bad thoughts of "setting the mountain on fire".

Wei Keng showed a Taoist token.

Fifteen minutes later, with the birds flying in the forest, the token Wei Keng took out was held out by an insider. A few minutes later, a row of serious butlers and their attendants politely extended an invitation to Wei Keng, the distinguished guest. .

The owner of this villa is "Blue Fairy".

After Wei Keng took him away from the Taoist temple in Jiajing, and passed the alchemy knowledge to multiple "biochemical planes" in the flow of time and space, he returned to this plane with the exchanged strong vitality body.

When he returned, it happened to be the expansion period of the Industrial Revolution. He came to Japan and settled here. He has not aged for hundreds of years, as if he has become a legend.

Wei Keng came to the hall, leaned on the sofa, and placed his hiking bag at the door. Ordinary behavior received a lot of attention.

Wei Keng dictated: "I am a mountaineer from China. I came here to try out my ability to survive in the wild. I walked all the way north, so I am very offended."

The housekeeper handed over the towel and said politely: "There haven't been guests here for a long time. You are welcome to come." "

As he spoke, the screen in front of him opened, the butler stepped back, and the face of the master appeared on the interface.

Mo Ya was silently on guard, which reminded Wei Keng of Journey to the West when Monk Tang Monk accidentally entered the spider spirit's villa, and Sun Wukong was wary of monsters.

The cyborg incarnation of Lan Daoxing looked at Wei Keng: "How did you obtain your Immortal Sect Order?"

Wei Keng: "Fellow Taoist, it's been a thousand years."

Lan Daoxing's mechanical face showed no emotion: "Who are you?" But deep in the villa, the culture vat emitted trembling carbon-based fluctuations.

Wei Keng: "Thousands of years ago, the total number of people who set up camp in front of your view was 344. The brand of the forklift back then was, well, a bit far away, I can't remember."

Lan Daoxing paused and backed away from the others. A few minutes later, he came out with a head full of white hair but like a fourteen-year-old boy.

Wei Keng did not treat him politely, and directly placed his plan in front of him just like he had done thousands of years ago.

Lan Daoxing read the information on the "Earth Center Well" here and the plan to connect it to the "Moon Center Well".

This Taoist priest who had lived for a thousand years had a rosy face. He said: "I must follow the orders of the immortal world. I am just an envoy of the immortals~~" He was a little worried.

After Lan Daoxing returned to the "human world", he invested in Pacific Company. He became an important shareholder by relying on biotechnology brought from the "fairy world".

In this plane, the ancestors of all families who can survive in the cylinder and achieve the "loose immortal" state of consciousness are all due to his technology. It can be said that Lan Daoxing is the ancestor of the earthly immortals in this world.

However, no matter how long an Earth Immortal lives, he will still be an Earth Immortal.

Wei Keng looked at him and thought for a while, maybe what he wanted was to return to time travel.

As the top person in charge of a large number of space-time worm systems, this matter can be satisfied by just waving his hand. but! The meaning of time travel lies in clarity. His doom is not over yet, and he has not yet understood his true nature.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and said slowly: "After all these years, you have indeed accomplished your merits, but you need to know that there is an essential difference between the "gong" you strive for and the "Tao" you realize by yourself."

Lan Daoxing raised his hands and asked, "May I ask, Immortal Envoy? What's the difference?"

Wei Keng said leisurely: "How has it been a thousand years since I met you?"

Lan Daoxing: "Since the noble envoy Jiajing took me to spy on the ways of the heavens in the 44th year, it has now been more than 49 years of the millennium."

Wei Keng: "Well, I told you at that time that compared with those Shura worlds, the Qi of your world is still very long. However, just like human destiny, no matter how long it is, it is limited."

Lan Daoxing's pupils contracted. He had witnessed many "Ashura Realm" scenes in the time and space worms in the sky.

Lan Daoxing: "Another round of calamity is coming?" (The demon transformation eighty years ago was already a calamity)

Wei Keng stared at him and said faintly: "This time is an infinite calamity!" (This time the physical constants suddenly changed at a very high level. It was no longer as simple as creating the luck of several protagonists, but a direct plane promotion in the plot world. To a stable world with a large biological frontier.)

Wei Keng came here to tell him: The world is about to face destruction. If you stay here to achieve enlightenment with your heart, then once you get through this disaster, your consciousness will prove itself and shine in the dimension.

In the current time traveler system, there are many ways to improve consciousness, but the core is embodied in courage and perseverance. These all require "self-spiritual enlightenment" and there is no shortcut.

Lan Daoxing had endured a thousand years of hard work, and Wei Keng wanted to give him a chance to "get the Tao".

However, Lan Daoxing's expression changed when he heard Wuliangjie. He has witnessed the destruction of the world in the Rubik's Cube space.

Among the most tragic tribulations he encountered was the uprising of intelligent life on the chip in that plane, and a tragic scene of mechanized massacre of the entire city.

He was powerless in that scene and had always been mentally blocked.

In the end, Lan Daoxing refused to participate in this immeasurable calamity operation and asked the "immortal world" to include him in the immortal book according to his "merit".

…The smoke in the mountains became intermittent and eventually disappeared. …

After coming out of the Shikoku area, Wei Keng and Mo Ya got on the plane again. On the plane, Wei Keng looked at the mountains of the island country below and commented leisurely: "The water mouth here is winding. It is obviously easy to get rich, but the mountains If you are unable to get pregnant, even if you become wealthy, your situation will not be much bigger."

B? When human beings still have variables, um, when they start to rebel at the age of twelve or thirteen, the constraints are very small.

However, when people grow up, they will be more or less "empirical", which is trapped by the empiricism developed by the terrain, such as "relying on mountains to eat, relying on mountains and water to eat water".

When studying sociology, this kind of feng shui (empirical world view developed by terrain) is particularly important.

In Feng Shui, there are two elements: "mountain" and "water". There are mountains to rely on and water to pass through. Mountains cannot form a trap and water cannot disperse.

A place full of outstanding people must first have enough cover to ensure that some areas are simple enough, and this must be close to a mountain!

Use mountains to create isolation and prevent the glitz outside. But the mountain cannot completely cut off the area, and there is still the possibility of facing prosperity. This allows the "people" here to maintain their simple values ​​while still broadening their horizons and looking at changes outside.

The luck of a place is its "social and cultural health." For the ideal state of the region, everyone needs to be healthy and simple in their thinking, but also have a broad perspective.

The 21st century has proven that if a great man descends from heaven in a place, although he maintains clear thinking and rationality at the top, he will still be swayed by the hearts of the people in the area. If ordinary people in a certain place have a "big picture" in major matters and can be "simple" in daily life, then this place is in the period of destiny.

Luck can be divided into many types. Among them, in the Taiping era, the most popular ones are "wealth luck" and "literary luck".

But as the world changes and enters troubled times, if a place's "financial luck" and "literary luck" are not supported by great luck, it will turn into ashes in a catastrophe. Classic examples include Byzantium and the several prosperous times in Jinling City that were wiped out in the catastrophe.

On a thousand-year scale, the most lucky places are not the most prosperous, but often the border areas between prosperity and hardship.

Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, Guanzhong was such a place of good fortune, facing the prosperous land of the Central Plains, while natural barriers guarded the pass. They were ridiculed as poor by the six eastern kingdoms, but in fact all the six kingdoms were poisoned by the ostentation of Zhou's ministers. As for Qin, looking at the outside world through a window, it was doing the old business of Zhou Dynasty. Grasp the most important foundation of farming and warfare in the feudal era. The Eastern countries with random cultural points were killed.

Since Duke Mu of Qin, there have been basically no faint kings, which has a lot to do with the "place" where they live.

As for Japan, this place relies on water to draw water. The water is prosperous, the roads are wide, and the ports are prosperous. It can attract wealth, but it cannot control the "national power". Its people's ideas (the key to luck) are easily influenced by outsiders, and among many imported ideas, they only look at the best, which is one-sided.

In terms of Feng Shui, the "mountains" of the archipelago are still scattered and not enough to become powerful (people who rely on the inland do not have the ability to form a voice). This leads to the fact that their humanities often only seek immediate wealth and do not care about long-term things. .

Looking at the villa again, Wei Keng sighed: "Lan Daoxing locked himself here."

Lan Daoxing has lived peacefully for a thousand years. As an "old man", his understanding of new things is unknowingly influenced by the young people around him. The world view of each generation of young people is affected by geographical factors. and the impact of the times.

Narrator: Someone comes to the twenty-seventh century with twenty-first century ideas. He is extremely cautious about things in the new era. He keeps everything in mind and takes things slow, waiting for the limelight to pass before pursuing them.

Sitting on the plane and leaving the "trapped place", Wei Keng sighed to Mo Ya: "If you are old and unable to survive, you must talk to reliable young people and don't show off your strength when you are old. Don't covet the glory of the moment. , drilled to death."

However, Mo Ya asked Wei Keng a question in another direction: "What is the immortal world, gong, and Tao you are talking about?"

Wei Keng looked at him and smiled: "The fairy world is actually the name for dimensional travel. Do I still need to explain this?"

Mo Ya: "What about Kung Fu and Dao?"

Wei Keng: "Gong is recorded by external judges. There is order in the entire dimension, and rewards and punishments are regulated to coordinate actions. When you promote their plans, you will be recorded. And Tao is What you prove by yourself represents your own willpower. In the current system of "morality, intelligence, body, art, and labor," as long as you have enough inner conduct, you can go all the way to earth-shattering success."

Wei Keng nodded his head: "In the dimensional world, how do you go on and how do you make the shuttle consciousness shine brightly? This needs to be proved by yourself. When you find the way, you can move forward unswervingly. , while leading others forward and formulating their own plans. You can record "credit" for others."

Mo Ya was slightly startled. He already understood the concepts of "immortal" and "god", but then he took a deep look at Wei Keng.

The ordinary Li Gui seemed to be exactly the same as everyone else at the beginning of this time travel. He seemed to be a "little fairy" doing things. But just now, he saw with his own eyes that this Li Gui was for the "one who stays in this plane for immortality." Much "gong"!

What kind of existence is Li Gyu?

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