Out of the cage

Chapter 130 Chapter 4.24 Arranging the plot by myself

On the Wuzhuang Peak, the young swordsman's test for the bottom line began.

On the viewing pavilion on the mountain peak, Wei Keng was absent-minded, looking at the aisle in the distance, where he walked by as a cook back then. Now change the perspective. After decades of fighting, it has become a stand.

Soon, it was Wei Keng's turn.

This time, Wei Keng was retraining his account because he was going to a large area as a supervisor. Therefore, he should have the qualifications of a swordsman, and to have such a qualification, he must now show that he is a young swordsman with "superior" qualifications.


half an hour later,


During the Zheyue battle, Wei Keng was stopped by Song Dian.

Wei Keng paused, and secretly proudly said: "I have the upper hand, but it's not too much. Isn't it too much to praise me now?"

But the truth is~

From the perspective of all swordsmen, Song Dian flickered fiercely in front of Wei Keng.

Song Dian stared at Wei Keng and said coldly: "Wei Pan, the basic space, you still didn't practice correctly. After the end, practice again ten times."

Wei Keng: "..."

Then he said unhappily: "Teacher, you have already taught Senior Brother Zheng the continuous space leap. They didn't use the foundation."

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down, Song Dian stared at Wei Keng, and a sudden sword pierced the space next to Wei Keng's earlobe. Regarding this sword, Wei Keng was very aware of it, it was impossible to stab himself, and his expression was very calm.

Song Dian was slightly taken aback, but it didn't show on his face.

Song Dian: "Do you have any objections to my teaching?"

Wei Keng: "Students dare not."

Song Dian: "Then go practice!"


The jump was over, and Wei Keng stayed where he was. As for the other fellow swordsmen, they ignored Wei Keng, as if they were disdainful of Wei Keng's "high self-esteem".

For example, go to the group of young swordsmen in the tea sea on the left.

Classmate 1: "Heh, you are so courageous, you dare to question your mentor directly."

Classmate 2: "After all, I came from a small place, and I don't understand some things."

Two kilometers behind Wei Keng, there were three female swordsmen.

Classmate 3: "Hey, the tutor is angry, it's over halfway."

Classmate 4: "Did you get hit by that guy named Wei Pan?"

Classmate 5: "He's the only one? How is that possible? The tutor is going to give the big sister a little trouble."


These gossips were evaluated behind Wei Keng's back, but Wei Keng's space perception ability is so good that he heard it "inadvertently".

Wei Keng didn't care about the guy with the same passion as these situations.

Wei Keng complained: "Even if I'm not good at speaking, but your thoughts and attention are all commenting on my lack of level, isn't your attention all crooked?"

Regarding Song Dian, Wei Keng had already seen his plan.

He was picking the seeds that he thought might reach the level of sword master.

Therefore, the "six disciples" were selected to teach higher spatial skills. As for other swordsmen, especially some disciples from "non-swordsman families", they still emphasized the basics of their practice.

This made Master Wei feel ironic: If only the inheritance department of the Tianze sect did this, it would be fine, but you are an academic department.

The colleges and departments have always emphasized the eclectic selection of materials for the inheritance department.

Hehe, now that I am like this, I have no background, no family history, why not be looked down upon by you?

Song Dian asked students like Wei Keng to practice the basic skills of swordsman's space leap, in order to serve as the cornerstone of the team and keep the core fighters.

First of all, this has no future!

According to Wei Keng's technical summary, the tactics practiced in this way will be targeted by his own algorithm system in the future, and will be defeated by the "firepower of the array system" in the future tide.

Furthermore, this is not fair!

In the game, you can guarantee four and one, and the protected person will cook for everyone, and that's ok, but what about war? Why, why are you a nobleman?

A large number of swordsmen who use basic jumping, in the existing combat system, are like soldiers who are shot and shot, and their jumping actions will be very rigid.

Only core fighters can be flexible. And it will get the maximum cooperation from the standard warping swordsman.

Obviously, only the six young swordsmen selected by Song Dian were selected as the core.

This is equivalent to the difference between being a non-commissioned officer and a school officer when entering the army in modern Europe. The former is the big head soldiers recruited to hold guns, and the highest is to be promoted to a sergeant. But the latter is from a good family background, who pays to enter the military academy, becomes a school officer when he comes out, and then he can be promoted to a general after making meritorious service.

Now this kind of unfairness is taken for granted. Now that Wei Keng is questioning, none of the swordsmen of the same class think that Wei Keng is reasonable. How many catties?

After receiving so many negative comments, Master Wei also doubted himself a little, whether he really "has a problem with the ability to communicate with the outside world, which led to cognitive dislocation?".

So, staying on the space field, Wei Keng re-practiced the "basic space jump" a few times. Let's re-familiarize, there is no "low-tech version" of the space warp skill.

You know, Wei Keng has already mastered all independent technologies in the last stage of the Tianze faction. And I have named each system-Qiankun Wide Area System and Mustard Precise Measurement System.

Due to relying on convenient high-tech for a long time, the basics have been transformed into various basic exercises, and because they are not commonly used, I am not used to them.

It's like: After the 21st century, with WeChat and QQ, you can type, send videos, and voice. I am a little unfamiliar with the most basic "letter format" and "leave note format".

Master Wei's self-doubt did not last for half an hour before being interrupted by Qin Xiaohan.

Sitting on the lotus platform (props) in the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan saw that Wei Keng was doing nothing to practice the lowest level of space jumping. At first, he thought that Master Wei had found a new mode of dazed and dawdling, but then he didn't think so, so he asked Wei Keng After giving the reason, he was immediately surprised: "What?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Do you care about these guys chewing their tongues? What?~Objective evaluation?" You are looking for rational neutrality here! My God, you have already reached this level, why do you care about those mediocre opinions? You are a little bright As soon as the level of the sword master is lowered, they will immediately fall with the wind! It is modest to find faults for yourself, but it is uncomfortable to let these people find faults for you."


On Song Dian's side, returning to his own hall, for some reason, after finishing teaching at the training ground today, he always felt a little uncertain and uneasy.

Today, that Wei Pan relied on his own tricks during the jump, and slightly beat the disciple he instructed on the jump field. Immediately, I severely reprimanded this disobedient behavior, cut off this "self-expression", and restored the combat training order of the new swordsmen. But I always feel that this group of students will appear to be clever and destroy the tacit understanding of the swordsman formation.

Song Dian shook his head: "There is a lot of mouse shit, and a pot of soup is broken."

Just as he was thinking, his wife came out wearing a shawl, and said to him: "What's the matter, are you worrying about the disciple's affairs again?" A wave of space wave popped out from the bright wrist, and the light in the hall was turned up two gears.

Song Dian shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just daily life, how are Yue'er and Neng'er doing?"

Madam: "Very good, they all worship under Mr. Lu Gaojian in Ji Luefeng."

After the two lingered for a while,

Madam said: "Husband, I heard that the Star Wars on the eighteenth orbit is about to start again."

Song Dian took a deep breath: "Yes, this time the trial of my group of disciples is to experience there. The indicators set above allow for a 40% mortality rate."

Madam paused: "So tall?"

Song Dian: "There is no other way. After experiencing the bloody battle, the probability of promotion is higher. I will pay attention to those few good seedlings, and that will be fine."

After a while of silence, Madam: "Yue'er and Neng'er also want to participate in the trial?"

Song Dian paused: "Sword Master Lu Gao, there must be arrangements."


On Wei Keng's side, he knew the entire conversation between Song Dian and his wife.

Not only is Song Dian an acquaintance, even this lady is an acquaintance.

She is the beauty of Oak City back then, Liu Yangyue, her battle incarnation legs, um, very long. After so many years, although it is not as bright and moving as before, it still has a special charm.

As for their pair of children.

Wei Keng: "Tsk tsk, it's okay. Auspicious people have their own destiny." Master Wei has a mentality that has nothing to do with himself.

In fact, it is very simple to get Song Dian's approval. Just take out the old man's object that is modeled on the "student sword", and Song Dian will be able to favor himself a little.

But Mr. Wei: "Is it necessary to engage in this relationship? To engage in this relationship, I will fall into a human relationship, and I have to return the favor, such as helping him take care of the pair of children. Now, you don't take sides with me, and I don't take sides." How nice of you!"

According to the current technical data accumulation and the comprehensive data analysis of Song Dian,

Master Wei Keng can now directly turn Song Dian into a sword king within five years!

Regarding how Wei Keng's experience system can benefit others, the space-time shuttle system has already tried boldly before Wei Keng.


In the space dimension, the Dahe camp puts the "Ambush" system and the "Photon Guard" system (relying on the energy center) directly in the "skill exchange column" of the lucky ones in the system.

On a large number of timelines in the war zone of the empty twisting plane, there have been system traversers who use this as a leapfrog challenge killer.

At this time, it is on the Axis timeline, the eighteenth orbit, on the 345th asteroid.

The traverser who mastered the "Heaven System" collided with the traverser of the "Heaven System".


Asteroid 345.

Kuo Guang (sword master), as the current supreme officer, looked at the large number of fleets in the distance, and couldn't help asking the system: "Heavenly Dao System, help me to lock."

In his space sensing perspective, each enemy fleet is marked.

But there are still loopholes. Vortex: "Tiandao system, all my current experience is used to upgrade the photon guardian."

Heavenly Dao System: "Yes, it can be upgraded, please prepare for mental carrying."

In an instant, a large amount of experience exchanged was integrated into his brain, and these experiences were not simply stuffed in, but also helped Tuoguang to understand.


Thought transplantation technology has always been strictly controlled by the Space-Time Administration. Because thought systems require continuity.

Let's put it this way, you memorized a high school math book and only knew the definition. But my own thinking is incomprehensible. However, if you have the memory of saving money, then you can use the concept of revolving interest after saving money to explain the index.

The knowledge in books is the same, but the process of understanding knowledge is different for everyone. For example, the knowledge point of "parabola", some people understand the entry point is the calculation when playing badminton, while some guys use mathematics to summarize the laws when hitting the bird's nest with a slingshot.

Vortex picked up the system in this way, and then directly upgraded it simply. It seems like nothing needs to be done.

But in this case, his thinking will be read by the system first! There is no privacy in this process.

Only by understanding certain phenomena imprinted in his experience, and linking experience knowledge to his thinking through these "experience nodes", can he "enlighten himself"!

Of course, the vortex itself has been guided by the tasks of the Heavenly Dao system in the past few decades. The phenomena of seeing and simple thinking are all systematic arrangements and hints, which are convenient for docking and remembering.

As for comprehension efficiency? The lucky ones of the system can reach 70%, in the evaluation of the system: it has usability.


As for the traversers who are "original experience systems", most of the sources of inspiration are kept secret from the system (supervisors).

Master Wei, who has been in this plane for almost a hundred years, still has all kinds of thoughts jumping out of his mind, which still make the monitors unable to keep up with the rhythm.

Maybe one second I was thinking "fried eggs are burnt on the outside and tender on the inside", and a string popped up in my mind the next second, how to derive stellar firepower, make the asteroid baked crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and then make a serious deduction technically possible.


Qin Xiaohan was also in charge of grafting the thinking of the eddy light.

Compared with when he was serving Uncle Wei, he was always aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law. When facing the local system holders, Qin Xiaohan is now quite indifferent as a "system administrator".

Qin Xiaohan reported to his supervisor, Li Ximeng: "Timeline No. 0, the holder of No. 3 system, grafted the memory of the third-level photon guardian, and the grafting success rate was 74.3%."

In the monitoring space of the superior, Li Ximeng asked: "The success rate of grafting is getting lower and lower. I remember that Wei Keng uploaded the memory, and many of the connection points of thinking are common sense. Why can't the holder accept this even like this?"

Li Ximeng remembered that on the axis timeline, the holders of the Heavenly Dao system were originally from the middle and lower classes. That is to say, the social class that Wei Keng stumbled when he studied basic technology. There is no reason why the holder's understanding rate is insufficient.

Qin Xiaohan said helplessly: "Inspiration cannot be grafted to the past. Sergeant Wei sometimes finds interesting things, but in traditional swordsman's thinking is very flat (low) ideas, so these Sergeant Wei Keng can think patiently. , People who are obsessed with power cannot bring it in."

[In short, I was born in the lower middle class, but after picking up the system and starting to look up, I completely diverged from Wei Keng's inspiration ideas]

Li Ximeng, the Shangqing, nodded.

As a veteran traveler who is also in the shuttle, he also feels the same for the "genius". The so-called "inspiration", taking it off the altar, is the interest in the direction that other people ignore.

And Tao, in high mountains and oceans, is also drowned in rubble and excrement. When consciousness is willing to accept everything broadly, then it is alive.


On Wuzhuang Peak, after training for a year.

Wei Keng was sure that it was time for the rehearsal, and he was planning his trip to outer space and starry sky this time, like writing the outline of a novel, how to "escape from the dead", then "improvement in skill", "comprehension in battle", and finally " Advance to the battle."

After planning the draft, give it to your editor, no, the supervisor, and ask her to review it to see if there is any abruptness. Can he obtain the identity of a sword master without anyone questioning him?

Qin Xiaohan: "Do you need me to be sure of your idea?" Her tone was sullen.

It's no wonder Qin Xiaohan was unhappy. When it came to the real risky plan in the previous mission, Wei Keng had never heard of the supervisor's plan. He made his own decisions and chose the safest path in the end. And now the "false promotion" performance is left to myself to plan?

Qin Xiaohan's mouth pouted.

Wei Keng didn't sense Qin Xiaohan's emotions. Although he has partnered in this plane for nearly a hundred years, the last level of tacit understanding is just a little bit lacking.

Qin Xiaohan gave Wei Keng a piece of information, and the "promotion performance" on it was authentic. .

So Wei Keng began to take a series of real upgrade files of the lucky guy named "Turbo Light" and began to refer to them.

Wei Keng: "It turns out that my technical system has already been used in actual combat?"

On the interface in front of Wei Keng, there are pictures of the lucky winners of the systems on various timelines exchanging for the "Photon Guardian" and "Ambush" systems to fight on the asteroid.

Among them, there are many real combat scenes against Yungangxing's avatar technology.

On the No. 33 interface that floated in front of Wei Keng, in a space battlefield with a transport ship as the background, the battle avatar as the defender had just left the battleship, flashed three to twenty times, and was locked by the space. The algorithm deduced the law, and then the energy popped out at four to fifty transition points, and these avatars were burned to powder one by one.

Wei Keng studied very carefully. In Qin Xiaohan's eyes, this attitude is like a superpower selling arms, studying the application of its own weapons on the battlefield of a small country.

Wei Keng patted his thigh and affirmed the bold attempts of these lucky ones on the battlefield: "Hey, that's right, war is about destruction, so what's the fuss about. Information is respect, and firepower is king."

Taking advantage of Wei Keng's rare interest in discussing "entering the upper class circle", Qin Xiaohan began to discuss the progress in a questioning tone: "Sergeant Wei Keng, there is nothing unexpected about the trial on Tianze Star this time, you have obtained the status of 'sword master' no problem."

Wei Keng was in a good mood, and couldn't help joking to Qin Xiaohan: "What do you mean by 'no accident', but there is no problem with flag tree Kazuki, tsk tsk, I want to go back to the main world after completing this task, um, to find a girl."— — Wei Keng wanted to plant the flag by himself, but suddenly found that the main world did not wait for his sister.


At this time, a hum sounded in Qin Xiaohan's space. A pop-up window suddenly appeared.

On the interface, Bai Linglu reported blankly: "On November 7, 146 in the plane of Pandora, Sergeant Wei Keng's consciousness was shaken, and there has been a phenomenon of dimension leaping. Situation."

Before Qin Xiaohan could say anything, the Bailinglu interface disappeared.

Qin Xiaohan paused and whispered: "What is the Pandora plane on November 7, 146?" She immediately inquired on the Pandora plane, but found that some content around this date was very confidential, and it was impossible to get specific information from it.

Qin Xiaohan couldn't help becoming serious: "Bai Linglu, what did you do there?" According to Qin's understanding, something must have happened to cause Wei Keng's consciousness to fluctuate. And thinking of it, when she asked herself to agree to the dual-plane parallel task, she had a bad feeling about the materials she read.

As for why Song Dian didn't know Wei Keng anymore, because he only remembered Wei Keng's cooking. This is the reference to the following allusion.

Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan · Wang Wenzheng's Generosity"

There was a horse pawn who resigned at the end of the year. The gentleman asked, "How long have you been in charge of horses?"

Said: "Five years."

The Duke said: "I don't know you."

After leaving, he called back and said, "are you a certain adult?" So he gave it generously.

It is to control the horse day by day, but when you see the back, you never look at the face, because you go to see the back and save yourself.

There was a coachman who was about to leave Wang Dan when his driving term expired. Wang Dan asked, "How long have you been driving?" The coachman said, "I have been driving for five years."

Wang Dan said, "I didn't know there was you."

When the coachman was about to leave, Wang Dan called him back again and said, "Aren't you just so-and-so?" So he gave him a very rich gift.

It turned out that when I was driving day after day, I only saw his back, never saw his face, because I saw his back when I left, so I recognized him.

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