Out of the cage

Chapter 1317 Chapter 2634 (Part 1) Killing demons and warding off evil spirits

In 2849, the Human Alliance fleet cluster approached the earth's low-Earth orbit and began to use the "carbon-based satellite array" to issue an ultimatum to the Gaia cluster headed by Sun Yao.

The "Celestial Being Group" demands that the insect swarm forces in the Pacific stop invading.

This kind of ultimatum is the first official reciprocal statement made by humans to alien forces. In the past, humans refused to communicate with such alien creatures.

Wei Keng thinks that is wrong: just like the Qing Dynasty in the early days, it always considered the external invaders as "barbarians" and refused to communicate. It was not until the War of Two Crows that they were forced to communicate. However, at that time, it was no longer equal exchange, but In the fear after the avalanche of confidence, I waited carefully.

The ultimatum is not just for the enemy, but to show determination to the "hot-blooded people" in your own camp.

Now the Human Rights Alliance does not expect to "persuad the swarm to surrender with just one piece of paper" but instead reminds all the forces on the earth. Now the main force in this war of mankind has changed its role.

...Wei Keng has completed the celestial reflection experiment, and the dimensional folds of Sun Yong and other traversers have been accurately locked...

At this time, on the Pacific side, a dark purple carpet has spread in the middle of the Pacific. This Sargassum-like carpet undulates with the waves of the ocean and begins to absorb as much organic matter from the earth as possible.

Sun Yao had just corrupted sixty human lords and established forty-five "sub-nests".

The biological weapons he controls have reached the level of tens of millions of tons. The "high-sounding" declaration issued by the Human Rights Alliance to stop the invasion makes this time traveler who is feeling better feel baffled.

Even as more and more human elites have been integrated into the control of the hive mind center of his swarm, these human elites also feel that when there are more and more flying dragons in the sky and thousands of battle beasts approaching on the sea, The sudden "high-sounding" appearance of the Human Rights Alliance is a joke.

In the corrupted Canberra, the modern glass building has been covered by germ carpet, but in the building covered with tentacles, the insect swarm has left an intact room.

In this modern living room, Sun Yao, who was leaning on the silk sheets, looked at the serious look of the spokesperson of the Humane Alliance on TV and smiled arrogantly: "A joke that knows nothing about the number of insect swarms."

Then Sun Yao walked on the top floor of the building, and a flying dragon carried him to the higher sky. Linked to the heart of the swarm, he declared to the earth: "All "courageous" speeches do not depend on the content and speech of the speech. The charm of a person lies in his strength!"

At this time, Sun Yao thought that he was very powerful, at least he thought that he was a bully on earth!

However, the Alliance for Humanity believes that the margin is now sufficient to support the chance of victory, and as the "elites" of the Earth's humans have joined the insect swarm, they are no longer qualified to derail the path of "wisdom" behind the Alliance's human base.

Wei Keng: The odds of winning a war have been calculated long ago. Now the key to starting a war is to determine whether the world will accept it.

On Qian Yun's plane, the federal warriors have already accepted the path of the "Condensing Sword Master", and now they have to accept the "Dharma of Heaven and Earth".

In 2849, a huge team of two hundred frigates and transport ships from the Humane Alliance arrived in geosynchronous orbit. Also arriving were seven celestial beings who physically traveled across space, including Wei Keng.

Wei Keng, as the No. 1 heavenly being, looked at the blue planet under his feet, held back his fire and untied the carbon-based radiator (chicken), and made an arrogant "boy's urine" towards the Pacific Ocean.

The "rainbow" discharged from the "pillars" under the body of the Dharma Realm, in which the "symbiotic carbon-based genes" have an impact on the life of the Pacific insect swarm, is just like the influence of some "biological viruses" on the glass-covered city during the chaos of demon spirits. Ecological invasion, this is the ability of the human pedestal to roll out.

Of course, this wave of "urine" by heavenly beings on the Pacific Ocean does not have the effect of destroying the insect swarm, but serves as a tracer.

Six hours later, Wei Keng immediately determined the concentration of insect swarms in the Pacific region through "organic induction" and began to share his sensory information with the "Space Fleet", "Star List Strike System", and the powerful carbon-based mind. Language signals spread across the surface of the blue earth, establishing a command network.

At this time, Tianren belongs to a "command center" position in space. In this way, the effect is much greater than the "ejection of tungsten steel warheads" played by heavenly beings with their fingers.

…the dividing line between space and star catalogues…

The spiritual person is Yuanyu, and the one who travels to the stars still needs to be a "wisdom person". The natural human body is the basic evolution suitable for the star chart.

In the Indo-Equatorial Islands region of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, when the Celestial Being was twinkling like a satellite in space, Wei Keng's separate body infused with the Celestial Being's consciousness had already arrived on the surface of the planet.

The clone is now sitting in the "tilt-rotor combat command aircraft", preparing to execute Dragon Guard tactics.

The "Dragon Guard" tactic is to quickly intersperse assaults with the support of informationized firepower.

Under this tactical system, not only are the cutting-edge "Dragon Guards" extraordinary in their assault, but they also require the team to quickly fill the space with information after the assault. That is to say, a large number of automatic information stations are dropped, and the logistics fleet and aircraft can keep up.

So at 8 a.m. on April 20, tens of thousands of parallel lines appeared in the sky over the Eastern Hemisphere, just like the strings of a harp. This was the first salvo launched by the Humane Alliance's giant artillery, which was aimed at multiple points in the Indonesian archipelago.

Under the precise attack of artillery fire, the "King Insect Center" of the human city that the insect swarm had just occupied was destroyed by the ground-penetrating bomb before it could move.

The huge insect swarm lost a large number of interaction nodes in an instant, and then the carbon-based signal of the insect swarm was simulated by the heavenly beings in space, sending a large number of insect swarm systems into the firepower of the Human Alliance.

Just as hunters can use ventriloquism to simulate the sounds of birds and beasts, now the language of the mind is also complex enough to simulate the signals of insect swarms.

As long as the central nodes of the insect swarm are destroyed and there is no encrypted signal node control, these simple carbon-based commands from "superiors" can fool large numbers of the insect swarm's troops into following along without thinking.

In the final analysis, it still depends on the efficiency of "organism carrying intelligence".

Once the war is satisfied with the "death struggle" conditions, humans, the least organic species to achieve independent intelligence, will have an absolute advantage over the insect swarm's organic species that have lost their central intelligence.

…The side hit by artillery fire…

On the island of Sumatra, this is a sub-base of the insect swarm. In the brown insect swarm biopod, Qian Wuyi now begins to take over the insect swarm command center.

This Qian Wuyi was formerly a warrior, and now he has been semi-integrated into the consciousness of the insect swarm.

With 90% of the child nests in the area destroyed, and after the central consciousness of Gaia was destroyed, the nodes had to be dispersed to the sub-centers. It was precisely because the human body evaded flexibly in the bunker and avoided the first round of attacks. He took over command of the swarm field.

Of course, what Qian Wuyi took over was a mess. When he integrated into the base, he saw the "complex situation faced by the insect swarm."

The insect swarm troops seemed to be manipulated by black hands and randomly moved to the corners of the battlefield.

Qian Wuyi was faced with the situation of "insufficient insect swarms". He saw that many insect swarms had been mobilized, and now it was too late to mobilize them back.

After re-verifying the "latest carbon-based frequency band information", money and materials finally gathered 30% of the troops.

But before Qianwuyi could organize his defense, a large number of information sensors were lost along a line behind him on the west side. The speed of loss made his hair stand on end! Oh, he has no hair now, he has mucus all over his body.

The Dragon Guard Assault Regiment is coming. Money, material, and meaning are strongly interspersed here.

On the back side of these insect swarms in Australia, the Human Alliance also completed the airdrop of combat groups. Among them, the one who locked up the money and material goods was the No. 023 Assault Group.

Money and material goods are just one of the small nodes that survived the first wave of fire. Now the reserve team begins to deal with Qian Wuyi, the guy who is trying to "reconstruct the heart of the swarm".

As the low-altitude assault mecha quickly attacked, many jumping insect swarms along the way began to pounce on them with shrill screams.

However, these assault groups like the insect swarm are not a command system. When they dispersed the attack, blue lasers shot down from a thousand meters in the air and accurately targeted these guys.

These lasers come from disposable transmitters, which are metal rods about 60 centimeters in size. Through particle detonation, a laser beam capable of cutting small and medium-sized insect swarms is erupted in one go.

After the lunar industrial system is restored, hundreds of billions of these cheap industrial products can be produced every year. Now, when a star attack occurs, space will shower hundreds of thousands of laser emitters on the war zone at once.

Although the insect swarm troops are cheap, they still cannot keep up with the attrition in the face of this kind of industrial output.

The human assault corps was making a rapid assault. The corrupted humans who emerged were ready to stop them, but they were destroyed by several times the precision ammunition.

A large number of insect swarms are harvested like wheat with laser irradiation.

With the Dragon Guard-like assault of the human legion, the insect swarm collapsed extremely quickly, and the carbon-based biological towers curled up like leg hair scorched by flames.

...In the context of the war, a certain group is undertaking a detailed task in a complex battle. …

In Commando No. 023, Wang Jiejian operated electromagnetic armor-piercing bombs to shoot at the insect swarms that escaped the net, and at the same time, he quickly recited and communicated the battlefield situation in his mental language.

Wang Oijian now somewhat understood what the voice said: "War is a special developmental process of human beings."

"Before the war started, I only saw one person and one sword in my eyes. Now after joining the war, my vision is that thousands of people unite!"

In the interactive images of the language of the soul, Wang Oijian has a comprehensive and dynamic understanding of the location of every building on the battlefield and the location of the enemy. This is a perspective that he did not have when he was a swordsman.

The dark insect swarm cave is unknown to ordinary people, but at the moment, Wang Fujian, with the support of carbon-based scanning, is very interested in the squirming beasts in the cave.

Wang Oijian turned around and said to the other team members including Qian Yun: Let's go to the core of the baneling swarm.

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