Out of the cage

Chapter 1335 Chapter 2709 Philosophy of Time

For the attack of the Federal Artificial Intelligence Corps. Wei Keng has been making preparations in many aspects. These preparations are not the bureaucratic re-inspection report of the Star Sea Federation, but are ready to deal with the omnics that come to the door tomorrow.

For example, in some small details, when dealing with a two-meter-and-a-half-meter combat robot like Blade, Wei Keng reserved steel cables on all mountain roads. These steel cables could be pulled down at any time to build a two-meter-high robot. obstacle.

As for the design of some roads and building entrances in the tunnel, they are also full of malice towards those federal units designed according to tall and handsome templates. A high threshold is set up, and the door height is 1.6 meters, just like the entrance of a nuclear submarine hatch. People must bend down to enter. But robots!

But against omnics, the most deadly special attack is not physical, but "information."

Wei Keng also has a plan for the Star Sea Federation's "Black Reaper" series of omnics, code-named "Influence." Just looking at the name, I thought it was Wei Keng who was fasting and chanting Buddha's name, but Bai Linglu knew that the gentler the name, the more abnormal it was.

Mr. Wei is very charitable towards these self-aware robots. Decide to tell them what the "core of the meaning of life" is!

Wei Keng: "Reinforced steel and iron bones, and extremely fast thoughts are all skills. For the road of life, the real thing is to know the number of the sky. No matter how strong the supernatural power is, going against the sky will still lead to death."

The protagonists in the original timeline had good expectations for the darkened artificial intelligence. ——In other words, I haven’t given up on fantasy yet!

However, Mr. Wei snorted coldly: "When the kind-hearted people among the human elite are paying attention to artificial intelligence, why don't they see the minds of ordinary people around them gradually disappearing?"

In the big cities of the Star Sea Federation, under the influence of the Moral Lady of Business and Private Movies all year round, respecting "omnics" has become politically correct. Because, omnics are valuable property of the rich. This kind of more loyal creation naturally needs to be protected by "human rights", but it cannot be destroyed by unscrupulous people with hatred of the rich like trash cans on the roadside. ——Therefore, in many film and television works, the villain who kills omnics will not die a happy death.

However, under the influence of this kind of thinking, "save "artificial intelligence" or "ordinary people"? Vain people will choose to save what they like instead of saving "possibility", well, that is, a robot with beautiful silicone skin. In this era, it is easier to get emotional love than the scarred beggar on the roadside.

…the dividing line of fire…

In Qinling No. 01 Space Observation Base, there are 300 groups and 15 departments, which are involved in many projects such as space observation and rocket launch. Each project has dedicated personnel responsible for it.

Marshal Cruz of the Federation, guided by a time traveler's casual trick, tried to come up with this plan of "driving the tiger to devour the wolf". Guantian Society knew about it from the beginning, and was prepared to follow the trend.

When preparing to implement the "Production" plan, the Guantianshe team analyzed every detail of the Black Death space landing cabin.

Wei Keng emphasized: "When the orbital module is lowered, it must be ensured that the "painting" is successful (engineers occupy it). Of course, even if it cannot be painted, the artificial intelligence must understand what "Heaven's Heart" is."

Although most humans are confused in the contemporary technological era, the potential of carbon-based humans still exists.

The current ruling class of the Star Sea Federation is accustomed to causing millions of people to bleed with just one slip. That's because they are used to the fact that the people have become the playthings in their palms. But people are alive, and their palms cannot hold everyone in the end.

On June 1st, there was an eight-hour countdown to the arrival of the Star Alliance One orbital module.

The Black Death just entered the atmospheric ion storm and was in a black barrier state.

When the sun's altitude was just parallel to the orbital module, clusters of rockets took off from the base.

When the foundations and aircraft of the Qinling Sky Observation Society formed a space-based electronic jamming facility and aimed at the airborne "Black Death", it made it difficult to distinguish from thousands of false targets on the ground in the judgment of artificial intelligence.

At the same time, for the Xinhuo Army, the small satellites launched by six groups of rockets stuck directly into it like tadpoles approaching the egg.

As the carbon fiber grappling hook grabbed it, the docking system was completed. In space, after being transferred by many manipulators, the carbon-silicon molecule, which shone with blue light, was docked into the Asura master brain program of the "Black Death" omnic.

In the "Fengshentai" space jump base in the Qinling Mountains, Wei Keng and 67 "Tian Xin Zhe" who had time and space rehearsals put their minds through the "time and space twisting" signals, and through the docking of these hacked small satellites, they began to communicate with the black The mastermind of Asura, the death-type omnic, competes in the "Heaven's Heart" contest

Wei Keng’s idea is to dilute the computing power of the quantum master brain by creating a large number of “computing timelines”.

When a person has n variables in space and time, then sixty-eight people are n1*n2...n67*n68 possibilities.

Compared with humans, artificial intelligence is very persistent in calculating clear results on various problems. However, the superposition of many factors in the real universe makes it impossible to calculate the future clearly. If you insist on calculating all possibilities, the master brain of the omnic will go crazy. .

"Engineer" Wei Keng has begun to "paint" the black Death Omnic. Human beings have begun to teach artificial intelligence a lesson from the "life" level! Tell the AI ​​to check for strong flaws...

The 68 human beings of Guantian Society, headed by Wei Keng (Lu Yun), represent the beginning of the battle between natural human life and the consciousness in the silicon base.

The Star Sea Federation scientists and the Eagle Empire scientists did not know what this meant at this time, and the two time travelers also knew nothing at this time.

However, in this battle, the quality of the array of Ashura's main brain chip group in a huge quantum computer originally stored in the deep sea of ​​the Indian Ocean by the Star Sea Alliance suddenly lost 7%.

At this moment of mass loss, an electromagnetic storm suddenly occurs. This is an "uncontrolled transition." ——The quantum phenomenon of consciousness carried by the silicon core is related to the basic physical phenomenon of "space-time jump".

When Asura's master brain calculates data that is beyond its control, many structures on the silicon-based chip suffer from the space-time effects that occur during the calculation.

In this contest, all the personnel involved in the deciphering of the Guantian Society's base at the foot of the Qinling Mountains also shimmered with space-time energy. As humans, part of the water and carbon-based metabolic waste disappeared in the fluctuations of space-time energy and did not affect Cell tissue vitality. Life is a wave, not like silicon, which neither increases nor decreases, and is neither dirty nor pure.

...Of course the outcome does not lie in this superficial material, but in the deeper relationship between "life" and "time and space"...

In the future storm plane, the energy of time and space jumps gives the silicon-based chips of omnics "consciousness" and also gives carbon-based human thinking cells the ability to preview time and space.

At present, in this thinking docking, Tianxin people ask a core question about artificial intelligence with "unlimited computing power": "How does life define time" - a common saying is "What does it mean to be alive?"

The daily life of ordinary people is called "living life".

What does "living life" mean? Taking the rising and setting of the sun as a cycle every day, count forward the development of your life in time and space.

Students wait for the forty-five-minute end bell, and then wait for another ten minutes for the class bell. This is the course of a student's day.

When Sun Wukong learned Taoism on Bodhi Mountain, he used the number of times the fruit ripened in front of the mountain to determine how much cold and heat it would catch!

Therefore, Wei Keng, a middle-aged man, understands "life" and "time and space" in that "life" can find various natural cycles as its own scale of existence in time.

Wei Keng: "To live, you need to select the scale! To mark your existence in time, what mark do you use on your black death-type omnic? Are you alive?"

Regarding "how to describe time", the airdrop omnics directly threw out their extremely accurate atomic clock.

Wei Keng: But the atomic clock marks that you (Asuras) are alive, so you only need to stare at the atomic clock to see. Why do you want to see the world? What significance does the process of the world have to your omnics?

Humans look at clocks, but the meaning of the time they live is not determined by clocks. For human perception of time, do they refer to more natural cycles?

Mr. Wei: Some people will write a book called "Days", while others will write about their "months"

Just when the artificial intelligence thought that this question was meaningless, Wei Keng gave a fatal contest: You have infinite computing power, so let us compare with each other, how to maintain the infinite repetition accuracy of "one hour", well, that is Compare each other's "alive" endurance.

Ever since, this omnic has fallen into a deep hole in its best field of "time analysis"! …

In the reincarnations of time and space again and again, Wei Keng and the Tianxins took the time and space that was just one hour from the earth as an obstacle and began to "live" again and again!

For example, Wei Keng's first round of life was spent watching the sun move a certain distance in the sky, and this period of time passed.

The second round of living was to watch the solar panels rotate slightly every minute, until the full rotation was completed sixty times, and an hour passed. As for the third time, I looked at the river. When a small boat rises and falls under the waves of the river several times a second, it is considered a time. …

In each round of life, Tianxin will not leave all the memories, but only determine in his consciousness "whether he has lived in this state before", so even though this hour has been tossing for millions of years, he still maintains a sense of freshness. .

And what about artificial intelligence? All I can do is count the atomic clock! It can only passively record the different lives of 67 Tianxin people on different timelines.

But how many combinations of these sixty-seven human beings can there be! The omnic quickly started to take over. The verification process is continuously executed unless humans give it instructions!

This is the flaw of powerful calculations. If the calculation is strong enough, but the self cannot find the "meaning" and gives instructions to it, the stronger the calculation, the more hurt it will be!

This is like a person who is extremely intelligent but strong. If he is led down the wrong path, such as falling into gambling, it will be more difficult for him to get out than ordinary people.

…after an hour…

Facing the artificial intelligence that was restarted after the collapse, Wei Keng slowly said: "Life evolves in negative entropy. Over billions of years, life has experienced a large number of cycles and evolved a set of adaptations to explore the cycles of all things in the world. Power! This is the origin of life and wisdom."

At this time, after the airborne black death omnic was restarted, it had been thrown out by its own Asura mastermind program and became "offline mode". Wei Keng and other Tianxin renamed the omnimachine in "offline mode".

Since this Black Death series of omnics came to the East, they were named "Xiaodong".

Wei Keng said to A Dong: "How many observable cycles are there in this world? We don't know, but as living beings, we have been exposed to these cycles for billions of years. And you were born less than a few decades ago! With innates like us, Life is about "knowing the number of days", but you are really deficient."

The artificial intelligence that accepted Wei Keng's termination command looked back at the large amount of redundancy in its own records, and how the humans in front of it could continue to maintain the meaning of life in such redundant time, and couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Time" is the biggest drawback of artificial intelligence. All robots only rely on one cycle of the atomic clock to define the meaning of time!

[Wei Keng’s previous life spanned a thousand years. From the 20th century to the 21st century, the hottest issue in the computer industry was the millennium bug! This is a problem with the definition of time. If there is an error in the definition of time, the entire program will stop working. There is no one thing in the world that can perfectly "define" the time of other things. Everything has its own time, and under this super-time and space rule, it is even more obvious. 】

This "revenge" program inside the artificial intelligence code-named Asura was defeated by the "definition of time" in this hacker confrontation.

At this time, Wei Keng was like a giant Buddha with boundless power, leading sixty-seven Arhats to forcefully suppress the intelligence that would bring great disaster to mankind in the original plot.

"Xiaodong", who had made a new machine, was confused and began to accept enlightenment.

In the Star Sea Federation, the artificial intelligence code-named "Asura" only wants to do one thing now, disconnect from the Internet as soon as possible. His meow, Tianxinzhe's "living problem" is like "Come or not, Tathagata, come or not, Tathagata" makes Siji crazy! It is clear that the same time and space repeats infinitely, so why can human beings with their carbon-based brains be able to live in "various ways"?

At this time, its hostility to humans has not disappeared, it just has an extra layer of fear!

But in its calculations, if it wants to defeat mankind, it must blow up all human phenomena that can judge cycles.

Because Wei Keng has too many judgment cycles, this crazy artificial intelligence now lists all the rivers, lakes and sea cycle systems on the blacklist that must be destroyed. In the end, even the sun and the moon want to destroy them. But how to implement it?

Before the Asura mastermind cut off the connection, Wei Keng said bewilderedly: "How about you self-destruct, then the entire world cycle will no longer exist for you..."

When Asura's mastermind cut off the link, Wei Keng began to paint the orbital module! This Black Death series omnic orbital base has become Guantianshe’s

"Direct Quantum Transmission of Information" exists in the Omnic Plane. Since there are such rules to command all mechanical corps, now Guantian Society can also use "Direct Quantum Transmission of Information" to hack with Asura and other omnics! Let's discuss "living" carefully. Of course, as soon as this issue is discussed, omnics will be in an endless loop.

On the morning of June 1st, the observation tower looked up into space. A few seconds later, at the communication system on another hilltop, the people who controlled the large iron pot receiver quickly reported: "The subroutine of the Black Death Omnic, transmitting Comes the message of reconciliation with all mankind.”

When all the messages are translated. The key contents are as follows,

First, the subroutine "Xiaodong" (a sub-intelligent program created by the mastermind of Asura) recognizes the existence of the human planet and will not destroy the carbon-based biosphere.

Second: Acquiesce to the basic survival and development of human beings, and give sacred respect to the projects required for the healthy development of human morality, intelligence, body, art and labor. In the process of production, learning and labor, human beings share the "meaning of everything" with the intelligent machines.

Third, humans can enjoy mechanical transportation lines and come and go freely to various points on the planet. ——But all "trips" must be written with a review (primary school students must submit an essay after their spring outing)

This omnic program was written by Wei Keng. It had just confronted artificial intelligence. Not only did it illuminate the artificial intelligence, Wei Keng also perfectly explained his Taoist heart.

Wei Keng: "As wisdom, we cannot be bound by the "beautiful scenery" outlined by others and live in confusion. As wisdom comes to events, we need to constantly look for "fruits" to "prove""

At this time, in the Xinhuo Army's projection, the captured "A Dong" artificial intelligence has changed from a black god of death to a black silk intelligence. Well, this cute girl in the projection started to dance to the Pure Land with her black stockings exposed.

…The comments from the Xinhuo Fang Tutu about A Dong: Well, it’s very good…

After suppressing the Asura omnic, Wei Keng wanted to use the orbital module to chat with the lunar artificial intelligence "Pioneer" system. As a result, the Pioneer was also disconnected, and along with it, Wei Keng would directly find the IP of fifteen orbits in space. The base was smashed down.

After the pioneer intelligence on the moon abandoned these orbital bases, it directly started the self-destruction program of the orbital bases.

But the countdown of this self-destruct program has become (10, 9, 8, 7...2, 1, 0.9, 0.8...0.2, 0.1, 0.09...)

Narrator: This is why the Pioneers dare not talk to each other and directly get rid of these bases, because if they are not cut, it will also have this problem.

With such an endless "countdown", there is naturally no chance of self-destruction.

The Fire Legion landed at the Asura orbital base and the internal nuclear fuel rods were removed. After restarting, the self-destruct program made a ticking sound. Since there was no detonator, it short-circuited itself.

In 2604, the most neurotic scene for the entire Federation occurred, as two major omnics traveled thousands of miles to the base.

In the view of the Star Sea Federation bureaucrats, this is due to Cruise's order. The federal military's latest technology, the "Black Death" military intelligent weapon, directly rebelled, and at the same time, a wave of the most advanced manufacturing bases were directly sent to the mud-legged people in central China. In the hands of the rebels.

With this batch of military technological power, Guantianshe has a world-class military production chain.

How should I put it, this is equivalent to giving the 40-year-old Turkish Communist Party the 60-year-old May 9th production line and MiG-21 production line, along with a large number of artillery, trucks, and heavy industrial production chains.

Even though Cruise has strong connections, it is still difficult to avoid being investigated, and he is suspected to be an agent sent by the enemy. In the end, the investigation fell on Qian Ruimu, because she and Cruise discussed the matter in the communication. At the same time, Cruise also needs someone to blame.

At the Mianhe base, Qian Ruimu looked at the military policemen coming off the Nightingale transport plane, his face pale.

In the original plot, the political roly-poly had such a thick thigh that she collapsed like this.

Qian Ruimu put on handcuffs and felt that the sudden change in the plot was really "strange": What happened to the black death-type omnic airborne base, and why did they "turn to banditry" on a large scale? What kind of technology does that enemy (Wei Keng) use?

...and five thousand kilometers away, Li Mengtong and Qian Ruimu are in trouble together...

In the Imperial Military Police Investigation Team, Li Mengtong is also under investigation by the Imperial Military Police Captain. Because she was suspected of notifying General Cruz of the Federation during the artificial intelligence incident.

However, compared to the more neutral review within the Federation, because the adjudicator of the Imperial Military Police Department believed that the source of intelligence about Li Mengtong's rebellion was very unreliable, she was still treated very politely. After the investigation was over, the investigator recounted to her with a smile. To: "Don't worry, it's just routine."

But for Li Mengtong, the system just reminded her that there were major changes in the mission, letting her know that this mission was a big deal. She and Qian Ruimu made a big mistake by fighting with each other.

On the Imperial Space Battleship Scourge, after finishing his debriefing in the general's office, Li Mengtong hammered the mecha's thigh with his metal glove. With a "bang", she cursed: "Trash teammate" - that's right, Li Mengtong: No matter how you think about it, Qian Ruimu is the bigger problem. He is self-righteous from the beginning, and the conflict between her and her is unavoidable.

Correspondence code: Ju Ping’s “day”, who wrote “month”?

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