Out of the cage

Chapter 1341 Chapter 2713 (Part 1) The wind is coming, the season has changed

November 2609. The southeast wind from the sea to the land on the East Asian continent began to turn into the northwest wind from the land to the sea.

The Yadong Great Uprising War has been going on for two and a half years.

The "Solidarity Meeting" of the Star Sea Federation was held in Baihai City in previous years. However, due to the "too cold weather" now, it had to be moved to warmer Mumbai. That's sent stock markets in Asia's pearl plummeting this year.

For the military strategists of Yadong Xinghai, the most troublesome thing is that although the federal politicians have moved their offices far away, they are still controlling the "key" things of the war situation remotely.

This Song Dynasty-style strategy, in which the emperor sent formation diagrams and asked the troops to form formations, resulted in "brilliant" results. Of course, this victory was given to the Xinhuo Army.

On the Eastern Front battlefield, the Tianxin Alliance started with 100,000 versus 400,000.

After more than a year, the size of the Xinhuo Army has increased from 100,000 to 250,000, the personnel have been regularized, and the mechanization rate has skyrocketed from 30% to 90%.

The scope of the battle was to capture Hunan and Guangzhou across the Yangtze River to the south.

The Southeast and South Front Operations Base has arrived in the Qiantang River Basin, and its edge is directly approaching Suzhou and Hangzhou.

The North China Line firmly controls the Taihang Mountains.

The northeast line is a circuitous route back to the Heihe River Basin.

Nowadays, on the most frontal battlefield on the eastern front, the Xinhuo Legion has the ability to launch a decisive battle against the Star Sea Federation forces in the long snake formation on the front line of the Grand Canal.

It turned out that the Eastern Front was just here to contain them! The growth rate is so fast that the commander-in-chief of Guantian Society has to rethink strategic adjustments and study whether the time is ripe for a "general strategic offensive".

Of course, Wei Keng believes that such conditions are not yet available politically.

...In the building, in the neon lights of cyberspace, there is hysteria and conservatism...

Wei Keng: Big cities always pride themselves on being "progressive" and denounce the countryside as conservative and barbaric. However, in terms of "monopolizing the trend of progress", they show no less stubborn adherence to tradition than rural clans, as if "progress" "It belongs to you.

Although the Xinhuo Army has achieved victory on the battlefield, the public opinion of the Star Sea Alliance has long cultivated opposition, which has resulted in the existence of a stable ideological fortress in society. Guantianshe did not win the hearts of Yadong people because of the victory in the military struggle.

For example, Xinghai bureaucrats and literati are currently cursing that this is a mob robbery orgy against civilized people.

These "Taoists" killed Guantian Society when it was first founded as a group of unscrupulous people who were evading loans!

To various extents, people who evade loans are indeed at the bottom of the people's list of people in the Federation in terms of integrity and morality. They are at the bottom of the contempt chain in this era. Therefore, the federal government can only attack from the composition of the personnel recruited by Guantian Society! is quite effective.

The impression that residents in big cities have on Guantianshe is "you owe me money, and now you start building it again".

In this regard, Wei Keng was helpless: "The peasant uprising cannot absorb good men from the beginning. They are all backward compatible, and they are all "heroes" of the Liangshan style.

An insurrectionary group cannot be judged by its composition in the early stage. The core depends on the ideology used to guide it!

The lowest level was Song Jiang and Wu Yong's team, which eventually became bandits who dispersed in a hurry.

The top one is Zhu Yuanzhang who founded the country, but the top one is the Hunanese who worked hard with a bunch of mud-legged people to practice "Iron Ambition".

The top-level "Heavenly Minder" of the Guantian Society currently views the federation's strategy as follows: "Your Star Sea Federation indeed occupies the largest voice on Earth, has the largest reputation capital at present, has unlimited debt issuance, recruits cannon fodder from big cities, and purchases from all over the world. The ability of resources, but the reverse approach, we can learn from Mangxin’s mistakes!”

Of course, this kind of "propaganda" counterattack is still very weak at present, and the federal economy has not yet completely collapsed.

Talking back about Guan Tianshe seems to have angered the federation's elites, who decided not to give the "debt" gang in Shanwo the road to Zhao'an.

As the ruling alliance that has existed on the planet for hundreds of years, the Yadong Group of the Star Sea Federation has the confidence to drag on and eventually blockade and suppress the rebellion.

On November 11, 2609, at the Taihang Mountain base, Wei Keng began to make a new round of strategic judgment on the entire situation.

Wei Keng: "Our strength has grown to a point that cannot be ignored in the world, but at the same time it has also reached a point where the entire world is facing a joint suppression of East Asianism. It is currently impossible to win quickly in Yadong. The enemy They will mobilize forces from all over the world to suppress us. On the contrary, the enemy wants to quickly exterminate us! Therefore, our strategy should be a protracted war."

Wei Keng knocked and Guan Tianshe sent a new global economic report!

The Achilles’ heel of commercialism is that a region must be “profitable” enough for the oligarchic capital alliance to continue investing in it. If a region has negative equity investment for a long time, the capital group must reconsider its strategy for the region.

For example, in Afghanistan, although its strategy is very important and its military level is still in the tribal era, because the cost of governance is greater than the output, every empire must exit after ten years of losses after entering it. .

The population and territory of the East Asia River Region are dozens of times that of Afghanistan. In the past, it allowed world capital to successfully suck blood, so the Star Sea Federation is now making great strategic determination to take it back. However, if we persist and fight for a long time to cut off the external blood-sucking channels for the "human resources" and "resources" here, Star Sea will If the alliance's military cannot be resolved in the short term, the capital alliance behind it will consume hundreds of times as much as Afghanistan!

Wei Keng resolutely said: "The mountain kingdoms of Inner Asia can wear out the powerful empire in ten years, but we are dozens of times larger than the empire's cemetery. We only need to survive with them for three years to wear out the entire Star Sea Alliance." Until the blood dries up and the marrow dries up.”

Now the Fire Legion also has the ability to continuously generate blood.

As of the second half of 2009, Xinhuo Group's education system has been producing thousands of high-level "Tianxin" perfected graduates every month, and a "Tianxin" perfected human being can provide "Tianxin" for an entire region's intelligent machines. cycle.

This kind of talent output is also the strongest determination for Guantianshe Group to continue. This period of protracted war in the "non-central area" will also allow Guantianshe's group to cultivate a large number of grassroots members.

Wei Keng: "If you enter a big city too early, you will inevitably be bribed. Even though the slogan has not changed, under the reality that a house in the capital is dozens of times that of a marginal area, and the school district household registration is higher than others, the ruling group will inevitably tend to" Central City's interests, rather than treating the world fairly."

At present, Guantianshe is rapidly bringing advanced production systems and education systems to the river basin.

Yes, people who have been in backward areas for a long time suddenly discovered that the gentlemen in the central cities are not "stars descending to earth". The halo surrounding "outstanding people and places" was broken, causing the world's "heroic hearts" to suddenly rise.

Beginning in 2609, famous generals appeared in large numbers in the Xinhuo Legion, making the federal military school gather together like a carrot for a meeting.

At the Star Sea Federation Combat Command, which is far away on the shore of the Black Sea Coast, everyone still wears white gloves. Every day, the female adjutant squats down and carefully wipes the conference room spotless, but the electronically projected red logo is not missing at all.

… strategically intersecting dividing lines…

At the end of 2011, when the Star Sea Federation was preparing to add twenty Class A divisions to the eastern front, the Xinhuo Legion was facing off at the front and launched a partial division diagonally towards the weak parts of the Star Sea Alliance's ruled area.

Northwest of Yumen Pass, in the passage from Shangan to the Western Regions, the Fifth Front Army of the Xinhuo Corps opened a new battlefield directly along this ancient road to the Western Regions.

This was the Silk Road from the Han and Tang dynasties to the geographical center of Asia. The commander of the Xinhuo Army is called Yang Wanwan.

This guy graduated from the Mathematics Department of Nanjiang University. Of course, being good at mathematics is not enough to convince people.

This kid was tricked by a loan scheme. In 2003, he fled to Yucheng to avoid debts, and then came to Guantianshe. Originally, he just wanted to escape from the debt collection group, but in the Tianxin assessment, he has been covered up. His talent exploded.

Ever since, Yang Wanwan, who had received a complete higher education, began a journey of killing the Xinghai Federation's "Sky Fragrance Formation Penetrating Chang'an".

Within three months, he swept all federal mining companies in the Kunlun Basin of Tianshan Mountains. The Omnic Corps painted in Gobi colors was described as "locusts" after appearing in the Lihai area and under the blessing of the European black filter.

In its own promotion, Federal News used a "heroism filter" to photograph the blue Star Shield armored robot, just like Optimus Prime.

But the fact is that the reinforcements that jumped from Europe and Tianzhu Bay were completely unable to cope with the "Xinhuo Alliance's battle on a scale exceeding ten thousand omnics" - the command center of tens of thousands of omnics, Xinhuo relied on fifty to one More than a hundred non-commissioned officers work in shifts to complete the control. As for the Star Sea Federation, well, except for the "Pioneer Mastermind" designed on the moon, they dare not delegate power to intelligent weapons on the earth, and the Star Sea Federation's own military system is too aristocratic. There is no way to produce such talents through intensive assessment.

It is worth mentioning that the Federation now seems to have the ability for humans to cooperate with intelligent weapons in combat, but they have not given the soldiers the authority to make decisions, implanted smart chips into each soldier to supervise the soldiers, and have not delegated the crucial "fight for themselves" that power. In this way, the army is a collection of the weaknesses of omnics and humans.

...Wei Keng also served as a soldier in Xinghai, Men Qing...

In February 2610, Wanwan set up a temporary headquarters in Tianshan. Taking advantage of the fact that several star sea commanders had just jumped and had not yet completed their merger and assembly, they used 20,000 to 30,000 artificial intelligence troops to cross the northwest exit and attack the Hengshui Basin. The Star Sea Federation forces fought back.

On the battlefield, under the attack of self-exploding bombs, artillery fire, and laser missiles, the newly recruited infantrymen of the Federation suffered the tragedy of "50,000 people" being killed every day due to the lack of combat experience of their commanders.

All fifteen conical fortress base vehicles deployed by the Federation in the area were destroyed.

That's it, 2610. In the Western Region, Yang Wanwan relied on the Yibo sea as a river and the Tianshan Mountain as a city wall. He fought against all the high-ranking officers in Europe in turn, and he was undefeated!

The military talents cultivated by the elitism of the Federal Seine River Military Academy were completely torn off in this war!

...on small battles. Even the light infantry regiment of the Xinhuo Legion is performing miracles...

On March 25, 2612, a light infantry unit performed the miracle of capturing a regiment of mechanized troops.

When the enemy's armored troops entered the mountainous area, the commander of the light infantry formation Mi Zaoyi projected a large amount of "electronic interference smoke" from the ambush troops on both sides, which disabled the Star Sea Federation's fire targeting system.

Subsequently, the suspended black flying saucer arrived in the sky, began to emit time and space signal points, and forcibly hacked into the federal command system.

Narrator: This flying saucer is the highest armament technology system of the Black Death Omnic System. Its manufacturing difficulty is on the same level as that of the Glory Battleship. However, most of the time, the survival rate of this fragile flying saucer on the battlefield is extremely low. Considered to be useless technology by the commanders of the Fire Alliance, of course, this equipment must really be able to play a role on the battlefield. That shows that the level of campaign planning is very high.

Mi Zaoyi was leaning in the command module. The two communication lines on her spine were connected by human-machine fusion, which showed that she had obtained the highest authority over the enemy's combat vehicle.

Mi Zaoyi showed a dangerous woman's smile and gave the order for the entire Light Prism Seidon formation to take the lead and lead the Star Sea Federation troops towards their second ambush circle to "break out".

After they completely entered the pocket formation, they displayed the siege guns on the mountain and ordered all pilots to surrender.

Yang Wanwan's fierce fighting in the Western Regions directly led to the fact that the Xinghai Federation even moved its offices and even the Asia conference was not held successfully!

The Xinghai Federation highlighted Yibohai on the map of the Mumbai venue.

Yibohai is only separated by an imperial cemetery to the south, and it can directly enter the Nanya subcontinent.

…To the south, the Ganges River is rolling with snow-white foam…

At the Bombay meeting, these guys wore silk gowns with collar ties and spoke a lot of high-class vocabulary. The Star Sea Federation is required to approve 300 billion special funds and 10 million tons of military supplies.

When their hands wearing white mechanical gloves waved their hands on the virtual screen to sign out the astronomical figures that ordinary people would not dare to imagine, the spotlight and applause roared around them, as if they were extremely advanced!

But in fact, the smiles of these establishment members are all forced out. They have no hope for the future! The immediate reaction was that stocks and bonds across Mumbai plummeted like diarrhea.

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