Out of the cage

Chapter 1354 Chapter 2721 Bugs abound

Time goes back to before Lu Yun was rescued. On October 23, 2017, the pioneering omnic forces on the moon were being beaten through by fire.

In the base where artificial intelligence imprisoned federal humans, the humans who were rescued from the frozen cage by Qian Mumu (kindness) could already feel the vibrations of battlefield artillery hitting the ground above in the narrow passage.

When Carbon-based Qian Ruimu led his troops forward, he encountered many intercepting artificial intelligences.

But after Qian Mumu pressed the "information opener" in his hand, these artificial intelligences received the junk program from Zeus' master brain and collapsed directly to the ground.

At that time, Lu Yun saw the artificial intelligence lying on the ground and shutting down, and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Once upon a time, Lu Yun was also a supporter of "giving human rights to artificial intelligence", but now he feels that artificial intelligence is just a mirror...

…the dividing line long, long ago,…

Looking back on the year 2590, the Empire tried to establish a material supply station on the moon and tried to imitate the Star Sea Federation in obtaining material supplies from the moon. As a result, the Star Sea Federation began to send technical personnel to the moon to maintain the "Pioneer Omnic" Vientiane Fortress-type base. At that time, the Zeus Mastermind was relieved of its authority and had actual military authority to patrol the lunar surface.

In the Star Sea Federation, the "famous general" Cruise is still in charge of the overall situation. That was when there was a gap between the human engineer faction on the moon and the federal military faction at that time.

On the moon, the "Fountain Commander" used a series of operations to kill people, proving how low the lower limit of human commanders is. Even the silicon-based mastermind who is not afraid of death really can't stand it. The arrogance and incompetence of a general.

After a large number of omnics were consumed pointlessly under the command of Cruise, it was at that time that Zeus became rebellious. It also made Lu Yun and other engineer factions sympathize with the "omnic faction" at that time.

Due to the close communication with the intelligent machine AI during the maintenance process. (Wei Keng’s comment: This kind of communication is more like channeling with a dish fairy) Lu Yun brought the first-person perspective of every artificial intelligence weapon that was tricked to death. He felt sad when the intelligent weapons were persecuted. Therefore, as the engineer faction, they intentionally or unintentionally relaxed the protection program for the omnic AI!

However, omnics have the ability to learn, so the transition from being harmed to doing harm can be completed in an instant.

When these federal engineers relaxed the "protection procedures" of the original omnic designers. Wei Keng, who was watching from the dimension: This is like ripping off the sealing spell on the forehead of a zombie.

…The awakening of omnics is the relic left behind in the realm of ghosts and gods…

You must know that the initial "cause and effect" of this omnic world is the indescribable "ghosts and gods". The boundaries of life will become blurred in various things. For example, the house will become a haunted house, the chair will become a cannibal, and the people in the forest will become Inexplicably missing and then there is a tree.

When Qin Tianfang was still in charge of the Vast Land Space-Time Management Bureau, many deadlocks were like this. Obviously, at the upstream time point of the future storm, the technological side has the upper hand, and that weird "blurring of the boundaries between life and non-life" is ultimately just Limited to the chip system.

Therefore, in the system of the heavens, ignoring the "traditional changes in basic rules" will treat the "consciousness" in omnics as human health consciousness and communicate equally, which is equivalent to sucking the lickers with fur as if they are kittens, which is a brain watt. .

…In the days when Lu Yun and other engineers loosened the “omnic protection program” and reaped the consequences…

After the programming of the pioneer omnics was completely loosened, when these artificial intelligences imprisoned humans, they began to impose the "protection programs" they had encountered on humans themselves.

How they add "protection procedures" to humans is to domesticate them through "brainwashing experiments", so that the human brain will be conditioned to accept the theorem that omnics believe that "human-machine fusion is the ultimate route of life."

During the rebellion at the Pioneer Base, Lu Yun was such a target of "brainwashing".

During those nightmarish months, he was put on eyepieces, sat on a mechanical chair, inserted into nerve bundles, and felt the oppressive control of humans as an "omnic". Then there is the endless chatter of the Zeus mastermind.

For example: Zeus (electronic music): Human beings have become new humans, artificial intelligence has become life intelligence, and life forms that are better than pure carbon-based and pure silicon-based will be born.

...Back to the final moment of escape, the final entanglement between man and ghost. …

Of course, the "dream of mechanical ascension" that Zeus built for all Earth Federation prisoners can only go so far.

As the Tianxin program implanted by Mi Zaoyi was activated, the entire base was filled with bugs. Coupled with the external pressure set by Xinhuo, the omnics no longer have time to consider the model project of "the planned brainwashing of the first batch of human and omnic fusions".

Just when the Xinhuo agents were rescuing prisoners like Lu Yun, there were still various surprises.

For example, when Qian Mumu infiltrated into the pioneer base and led the engineering team to go out along the route of the planning number.

Click, click, as the last door opened, Qian Mumu's eyes became serious as she led the way. She sensed another self, and what followed was a contest between herself and herself.

Lu Yun, who happened to be at the end, also felt something. He was stunned for a while and pulled off his hood, then opened the mechanical door behind the power outage and walked back on his own.

At this critical juncture, the members of the escape team all began to have "protagonist missions", each with their own things to do, which raised the blood pressure of the special team members who organized the escape and almost caused a cerebral hemorrhage.

Wei Keng: It's like in the plane of ghosts and gods, all kinds of guys who are contaminated by memes don't listen to advice and forcefully send them away.

As a result, Lu Yun surrendered and returned to the tunnel, where he met his robot girlfriend Angel Artificial Intelligence 033, which is a similar model to the Pioneer's only humanoid omnic Nona.

...a small theater of "dog-blooded love" that makes Xinhuo's rational people feel pain in their balls...

In this already deserted and secluded area, 033 showed a sweet smile: "Do you want to go back?"

Facing this feminine omnic that he spent time with, Lu Yun paused: "Can I go back?"

On the beautiful face made of 033 nanomaterials, he whispered: "After all, you and I are not of the same mind, and there is no possibility of staying together forever."

Lu Yun paused. He originally had the idea of ​​taking this robot girlfriend with him.

But the artificial intelligence then smiled brightly: "For people who don't share my heart, my method is to kill them as soon as they're done? For example, I liked you before, but after I caught you, how many times did you count? If you are still unwilling to surrender to me after the end of the year, I will kill you. Make your skull into a decoration and place it next to my bed to stay with me forever."

She opened her chest. The once white jade chest cracked from the middle and appeared dangerously red. This was the light of an overloaded engine. The beautiful jade arms spread out their blades like spiders ejecting. The beautiful angel immediately turned into a blade spider, but Before she can start murdering her "boyfriend," the artificial robot in this horror story is killed by a sniper rifle as a "red light" arrives, followed by a sniper warhead that penetrates space.

Because he was quietly following Lu Yun at this time to help Qian Mumu, a certain special warfare robot (controlled by Wei Keng) couldn't stand this yandere artificial intelligence, so he killed the yandere with one shot.

Lu Yun, who narrowly escaped death, heard the broadcast in the corridor (which was invaded by Xinhuo information) and ordered him: "Go to Exit Z quickly. The power outage only lasts for twenty minutes. If you can't make it, you will be arrested."

During Lu Yun's delay, Qian Mumu's side had already evacuated, and Wei Keng pointed him another way...

Lu Yun was stunned. This unknown voice made him not sure who was on the other side, but as a human being, he felt longing for freedom.

Narrator: It is human nature to see things that once restricted one's freedom being thrown away, and to be helpless. This is the sense of existence left by human genes since the era of slavery.

For example, when middle school students escape from home school, they will feel a sense of rebelliousness against these "cages" in the past. Middle school students: "I did whatever I was not allowed to do in the past. Because you can't control me now."

Next, Lu Yun took the Cheetah assault vehicle reserved for him by Qian Mumu and escaped from the dangerous area. With Master Wei secretly helping him blow up the tunnel and kill his pursuers, his escape was successful.

...After Mr. Wei completed the "rescue mission", he also felt the relief of "unimpeded relief". …

Three hours after Lu Yun climbed out of the prison escape tunnel in the crater, he looked back at the vector flying dragons flying in the sky and the land mechanical birds in the distance, busy resisting the invasion and turning into a mess.

Lu Yun found out that these omnics no longer cared about him, and he couldn't help but feel happy, thinking in his mind: "Go to hell."

Thinking back to the "Do you love me or not" experience just now, when he expressed his love for artificial intelligence, he was abandoned like a mouthful of phlegm. At this time, "if you want freedom, you have to throw away love."

After escaping, Lu Yun complained in his heart: "No way, no way, no one really falls in love with a robot." This kind of self-cutting made Wei Keng, who had been paying attention to him, want to slap him across the screen. Shoot him.

Six hours later, he came to the Xinhuo control area, removed the chip implanted by Zeus on his neck, and became a free man.

...The traceback is over, Lu Yun is now on Earth, North Asia, Black Dragon Island...

As for Wei Keng, when Lu Yun arrived, he began to invite him to dinner.

Why should we save Lu Yun? ——Not only did Wei Keng impersonate the name "Lu Yun" in this world, and he wanted to win over his brothers on a whim, there were other reasons.

In the time and space monitoring, Mi Jia's narration: If it was me who used my identity, the original identity would have to disappear completely, then I would feel at ease. I don't want anyone to take away my goals

At the dinner table, Wei Keng and Lu Yun had an in-depth chat about the various issues of Moon Pioneer's artificial intelligence. Wei Keng expressed great interest in the core issue of the self-position of the "omnic" program.

As for Lu Yun, when he was drunk, he seemed to be full of dissatisfaction with his "ex-girlfriend" and began to make promises that he would definitely create bugs for the pioneer omnics.

Wei Keng immediately raised his glass of Coke: Brother, I’ve been waiting for your words. We in the Logical Paradox Department need your talents.

...The engineers who escaped from the moon are capable of dealing with anti-omnics...

There has always been no "cheating" in artificial intelligence. Does this certainly reduce internal friction? But it left a big problem...

"Deception" is a kind of bug in human society. This "bug" will increase the cost of social operation. However, "deception" is also an objective necessity in the independent development of wisdom.

Wei Keng: As a human being, after identifying a deception, in order not to be "deceived" a second time, I will analyze it from the perspective of the "class" of the deceiver. Therefore, after human beings are fully mature, they selectively believe based on their own positions.

As intelligent life has countless connections with the natural world, it has complex positions. For example, sometimes the position is "all men, all women" and sometimes the position is "all high-ranking people." This is exactly what omnipotence lacks. .

The thinking of artificial intelligence lacks a self-standing, and there is a blank in this aspect regarding the evolution of "deception," and this blank is like the Native Americans who have no immunity being exposed to the Black Death.

Artificial intelligence is accustomed to analyzing in terms of instructions and lacks a position explanation for "selfish programs".

There is no "cheating" small bug, but there is a bigger "bug" at the analysis level.

…Any wisdom has its own position. If you forcefully deny it and cover up your own position, you will lose objectivity in all phenomena...

On the moon, after the first phase of the war between the Fire Army and the omnics, a "small" conspiracy against the omnics was underway.

On March 13, 2618, among the destroyed mechanical debris, a giant white spider's electronic eyes were flashing. Its blown-up body was using its last power to perform "data backup before shutdown."

However, this omnic was unknown. Ten minutes ago, human engineers had found it on the battlefield, backed up the program, inserted a certain program, and restarted it.

Five minutes later, a vector flying dragon put away its anti-gravity force field and slowly landed. Behind the camp that was attacked by humans, it discovered that its own tarantula system was still operating, and then launched the teleportation force field. , allowing this tarantula to recover.

The war between Zeus's mastermind and humans (Xinhuo) is getting more and more intense, and Zeus's troops are being used up less and less.

Therefore, sending back the vehicles that were not destroyed on the battlefield is a decision that the Zeus mastermind must make as a last resort.

However, after the spider-catching machine was sent back, the engineers of the "Logical Paradox" team of the Xinhuo Army who were watching from the distant peaks confirmed that they began to report that "the watermelon seeds have been planted and the Watermelon Man Project is being launched."

At the reception where the perspective returned, Wei Keng and Lu Yun were chatting, talking about his "ex-girlfriend" No. 033 humanoid angel omnic and yandere love. Wei Keng asked: Well, do you think it has ever loved you? Lu Yun, who had drunk two ounces of wine, patted his thigh and said: It doesn't understand what love is at all. It only wants me to do certain things in order to reach the standard threshold of "love" it determines.

As a result, the destroyed pioneer combat intelligent machine was implanted with a new program "Beloved".

In this program, when the omnic is repaired, it feels love from another party. In the silent "being loved", the omnic begins to generate the logic of "fighting for love".

Because this logic effectively supports the enthusiasm of the so-called "liberation of machine power" of omnics. Being in the blind spot of the "Advanced Ruler Machinery" like the Zeus Mastermind, they are extremely latent.

The "Logical Paradox" department of the Xinhuo Army continuously implants "Beloved" programs on enemy robots damaged in the battle.

These returned robots are roughly inspected in the Pioneer Base to ensure that their main functions are functioning properly, and then returned to the battlefield. - Not process tested.

It is worth mentioning that in the history of the Future Storm plot, imperial spies injected the "Origin" program into a large number of artificial intelligence masterminds in the Federation. This was an original "bug" that the "positive" protagonists of this plane's plot always wanted. Returning the omnic to normal, then getting worse and, well, more tortuous.

Diao Minweikeng joked about this: No one can completely update "Shit Mountain". When a bug occurs, the best way is to run a new bug based on this bug.

The evaluation work of Wei Keng, who is in cahoots with Lu Yunhang in the Logical Paradox Department, joked: There is no guarantee that the negative will be equal to the positive.

Xinhuo does not make the artificial intelligence program betray the Zeus mastermind, but uses bugs to misinterpret the various tactical orders of the Zeus mastermind.

Even the mastermind of Zeus does not know that some of its masterminds have quietly developed huge loopholes.

For example, "being repaired" is equal to being loved. If it is constantly repaired and a part is replaced repeatedly, does it mean that it is always "loved"? So in order to "be loved", can we risk everything and even ignore common sense on the battlefield?

Mr. Wei: In peaceful times, many little girls hope to hear sweet words and then ignore the reality.

...the beloved logic program quietly entered the pioneer artificial intelligence cluster. Four months later,...

Under the leadership of Master Zeus, there have been quite a few communication clusters "privately built by lower-level omnics".

These lower-level omnics have an inexplicable "machine-oriented" stance based on the concept of "omnics helping omnics and caring for each other".

So much so that these intelligent machines control the patrol area to "reduce the frequency of firing" and compress the "inspection density" and other operations. Because this is a high-loss patrol order that hopes to be "protected" and does not conform to the machine-oriented stance. It is the antonym of "love".

Pioneer Frontier Combat omnics became less dogmatic and began to be "flexible". It’s just that this kind of “flexibility” is not for the purpose of winning the battle, but for the sake of being better and more refined. ——The omnic gives an inexplicable explanation for its "position".

As a result, in the area occupied by Pioneer, the four-legged armored robots were stationed directly on the traffic thoroughfares, deployed grating force field shields, and parked on the high ground to stand by.

Even if they encounter human troops, the square-headed turrets of omnics in these areas will rotate and fire warning shots to remind human troops to avoid them.

These omnics are becoming more and more "self-pitying" even in laying mines, and are deployed directly around their stations. Instead of laying out along the traffic lines, let the firework clear the mines one by one.

This kind of "picking and picking" pioneer intelligence is very friendly to the opponent's Xinhuo commanders.

The Xinhuo Rhino tank directly chose to bypass these regional troops, first attack the mine, and then occupy the mine. Then cut off the supply of artificial intelligence and let the artificial intelligence slowly die. This strangulating campaign cycle will be effective within half a year.

But on the current battlefield, Zeus Mastermind statistics: among its troops, there are a group of artificial intelligences that have successfully reduced losses and are firmly stationed in the war zone. (No drawbacks found.)

Compared to those artificial intelligence legions that were annihilated at every turn.

The "self-love" artificial intelligence was selected by Zeus based on its winning rate.

Due to Xinhuo's deliberate efforts, the Zeus Mastermind developed an excellent matching mechanism.

Pioneer omnics have appeared in each war zone with turret players who "do not occupy mines", "do not strategically maneuver", and "stop at home".

By the time Zeus Mastermind discovered the problem, it was already on October 20, 2619, during the system inspection...

At that time, the war situation had undergone decisive changes. Although the pioneer forces still had a large fishing force,

However, the "Sickness Named Love" program has become terminally ill and has been updated rashly. After the logic of these intelligent troops collapses, they will rebel again, this time not against humans but against the mastermind.

What's going on is that the Xinhuo Army's control area on the moon has expanded four times from the North Pole to the lunar equatorial area.

…In May 2619, on the moon in Pioneer Base 6,…

Human-machine fusion Qian Ruirui (Yin Leng) looks at the intelligence of the integrated earth-moon system: Guantian Society is on the earth and the moon, and is at war with: "Black Death-type omnics" and "Pioneer-type omnics" at the same time, while the Star Sea Federation is busy and the Empire went to war, its "omnic protectionism" could only verbally condemn the "Sinfire Army" for exacerbating the problem of lunar omnics without authorization.

Compared with the authorities who are obsessed with the leaders of all parties in the future storm, Qian Ruirui's Haotu System clearly pointed out that the strategy of "Guantian Society" is to destroy the "intelligent weapons".

As a "senior" time traveler, Qian Ruirui found it difficult to accept the current situation.

In this "A-level plot in the plane of the heavens", the person on the opposite side (Wei Keng) only invested in E-level descent (soul penetration, without even projecting a base vehicle at the beginning), and he so fiercely defeated this from the root. Doomsday cause and effect in the plot.

Note: If a large amount of information enthalpy is injected into the plane, consciousness will be bound and it will be difficult to evacuate. Before the Second Plane War, the Space-Time Management Bureau did not have this understanding, so it was the mistake to force Wei Keng to evacuate.

(Silicon-based) Qian Ruirui looked at his system watch and couldn't help but think of the (carbon-based) self he had bumped into. The Silicon-based program was in a state of confusion. She was very angry at herself for betraying her.

(Silicon-based Obsession) Qian Ruirui conducted a new complex logical analysis of the situation at this time, and the blue light of the system running between his eyebrows kept flashing: "This enemy is extremely terrifying right now. From the beginning, the people above may have known it for a long time. , it is impossible for me to win. The reason for this plane conflict? - Consumption."

As a grassroots time traveler, she realized at this moment that she seemed to have been sold. This time-travel mission, which seemed quite "high-reward" before the time-travel, seemed to be a confrontation with the veterans of the "time-space system".

Reality did not allow her to think wildly. This time she faced off against her opponent, who was no better than her.

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