Out of the cage

Chapter 1392 Chapter 2811 Nine-level Zhongzheng Civilization System

In Mill College, the most popular subject is business. The same dark blue school uniforms, those in the School of Commerce are trimmed with gold, while those in the Philosophy Department have a platinum breastband on their chest.

As for the industrial discipline Ji Zhong chose, he only had a black iron title on his shoulder.

Wei Keng originally thought that this was just a difference in ornaments, but later he discovered that it was precisely on these ornaments with distinct prices that they reflected the civilization's attitude towards subjects.

Just like the "eight-legged imperial examination" during the Ming and Qing Dynasties was more orthodox than the "Gewu" examination.

"Choose the wrong major" Ji Zhong secretly cursed after one year of enrollment: "Historical history, business, philosophy and art are actually more popular than mechanical engineering!"

However, Ji Zhong "wandered" around the food stalls around the school, looked at the prices that had not changed for decades, and whispered: "Okay, maybe I don't understand, but this is the normal state of low-level civilization in this star sea."

Ji Zhong, who works at a food stall, is trying to understand this era. As the natural sounds of famous singers come from the distant school concert hall, the shaking light of fluorescent sticks shows the passion of "youth". Ji Zhong's feet were still very "idle" and he dug a hole in the ground.

…The economies of aggressive civilization and non-aggressive civilization are completely different…

In earth civilization, "tyrant" and "difficult people" are a pair of words.

Objectively speaking, this is an adjective given to each other by the two classes after the superstructure and grassroots workers have become disconnected during the development of productive forces.

For Mr. Wei, an unruly man, during times of abundant supplies, the upper class usually held up the banner of greatness and light, eating more and occupying more. As long as civilization can develop and break through, then his own unruly class can still understand that a small number of people need a wealthy supply of resources to obtain it. The “inspiration” of civilizational breakthroughs.

But on the right side of the times, if supplies are no longer abundant, the "tyrant" feels that he has his own constitution and is shouldering the responsibilities of the world. What's wrong with continuing to enjoy things? Then don't blame the unscrupulous people for "dancing the shovel".

Historically, society on earth has always developed amid fluctuations in profits and losses between "good weather" and "bad years".

Contradictions have always existed in the development process, but all conflicts erupted during "losses"

In the perception of the earth's people, the standard of "luxury" also fluctuates. When the year is good, women wearing cars and beautiful women are the new urban culture and will be sought after. And when the year is bad, if the master feeds eggs to the birds, he will also be angered by the public.

At this time, Wei Keng looked back at the history of the earth and suddenly came up with a new hypothesis: Is there a historical possibility that a civilization has always been in a state of "surplus", so that historical conflicts will not always break out.

The era of farming is difficult. Farming relies on natural harvests. Periodic fluctuations in climate (impermanence of heaven) make the population that can be accommodated by the earth's ecology and the growth of farming population inconsistent. Crisis in "troubled times" will inevitably show the outbreak of cyclical laws.

However, in the industrial age, productivity can theoretically be kept in surplus, labor force is also surplus, and the production chain can always stably meet the needs of the people.

At this time, the bulk commodities such as food and energy used by the residents at the bottom to survive and the luxury goods used by the upper class to show off their status will be two economically isolated chains.

Just like the immortal cultivators and mortals in the world of immortality, the spiritual stone economic system is different from the mortal gold and silver system, but the spiritual stone economic system will not affect mortals.

Sociologically speaking, if the boundaries between the upper and lower classes are fixed, then the world of immortality will be the same as the mortal world, and they will not interfere with each other's economic market. In reality, if the market for luxury goods is stable and does not expand, it will not affect basic people’s livelihood!

But the Earth can’t do that in the 21st century! Because in history, all countries in the main world need to compete, and whoever falls one step behind will perish. Competition requires "new blood" and opening up channels for advancement. Therefore, the boundaries of resource allocation between the upper and lower classes are easy to change, and the advancement of society makes the market more mixed and upward, resulting in "expansion of luxury goods production." Therefore, when the "upper market overheats" (art, bonds, etc.) absorbs too many production resources, it will lead to a shortage of production of "basic consumer goods" (bread and milk).

But if there is no "international competition", that is, like the Ge Xu civilization, the grassroots can be small and lucky, and the upper-class families can sit high and elegantly and calmly for generations. The economy and society will be quite stable

The cosmetics used by big stars and the limited-edition cars used by nobles are all old brands that have been around for decades and centuries. These luxury goods are stably supplied to family customers and have always been in limited quantities.

Yes, there will be no middle-class people who will be in urgent need of these "luxury goods" after rising to the top to help them get into the circle. Therefore, there will be no middle-level company managers and social officials who will need to improve their consumption levels in the process of rising, while the lower class will Exploitation.

The established families in the Gesu Civilization's upper-level alliance spend a lot of money, which will not cause the price of street snacks to increase.

[Qianlong’s garden construction and Cixi’s garden construction were completely different economically. During the Qianlong period, the Qing Dynasty had a closed economy, and the upper and lower classes were too stable and had no promotions. To a certain extent, the funds used by the upper class in garden construction would eventually flow into the country. Economic production, to some extent this also enhances social stability. However, during the Cixi period, the Qing Dynasty had already opened its door to the country, and in the international competition, the Qing Dynasty passively ushered in the rise of the internal Westernization class such as Li and Zhang. The central government needed the economy to win over the interests of the rising class. At this time, it was the government that wasted money on building the courtyard. Valuable foreign military procurement and industrial upgrading capital. ]

From the perspective of the unruly people, when Wei Keng was delving into how to "reform", he was surprised to find that there was no period of class economic contradictions in the Gesu civilization in its hundreds of years of history.

Oh, there have been "riots" in Gesu civilized cities, but they were not due to class economic issues, but were caused by racial hatred and religious conflicts. In such a conflict of non-economic factors, there is no need to think about any revolution.

In short, Gesu civilization lacks the motivation to make progress! The socio-economic structure is extremely stable. There is no need for "volumes" at the civilized, national level.

Wei Keng: This so-called civilization is not a "car" that drives forward at all, but a stable "house".

At this time, the state of Earth's civilization cannot be used to apply it to this plane of stars.

The entire cosmic civilization here is a nine-level Zhongzheng system.

The higher civilization only absorbs the talents and minerals of the lower civilization and controls its diplomacy. It has no intention of utilizing the huge manpower of the lower civilization. (A group of subordinate civilization soldiers will be transformed during the war)

Higher civilizations only have an "appreciative" attitude toward lower civilizations and do not destroy the industrial chains of lower civilizations.

Higher civilizations will not transport "cups, mobile phones, and computers" hundreds of light years away, forcing lower civilizations to lose their jobs. Because for advanced civilizations: What is this picture?

At the same time, a large amount of industrial technology of lower civilizations comes from the assistance of higher civilizations, and key talents have been taken away by higher civilizations, so there is no possibility of development.

Therefore, in a fourth-level lower-level civilization like the Gesu Civilization, the only key point for increasing the value of social wealth is "artwork."

This is like how the Qing Dynasty liked to build gardens when it was at its peak. After Ge Xu entered the industrial age, as all classes remained stable, the prices of ordinary daily necessities at the grassroots level did not increase. This also shows that there is no "growth rate" in various industries.

Only the fields of "art" and "philosophy" still meet human beings' need for continuous perfection.

For this reason, the art industry in Gesu Civilization has strict barriers. Each art master is recognized and determined by the wealthy class.

Narrator: The Gesu civilized aristocrats have extremely high taste, and the ice cubes at high-level cocktail parties are all shaped like lotus flowers.

Wei Keng had no chance to join the cocktail party held by the wealthy children and aristocratic students of Mill College.

It's not that there's a lack of invitations, it's that you have to join this cocktail party and buy clothes from a specific tailor shop. That tailor shop has been passed down for more than ten generations, and its craftsmanship is very expensive. Wei Keng has no habit of spending energy climbing up the threshold just to join in the fun.

On the other hand, since the wealthy class is always changing, the new upstarts, who cannot buy old art for the time being, will take up the new art world and create new artistic tastes.

For example, jadeite was called "fake jade" before the Qing Dynasty and was worthless. But after Qing entered the customs, he just liked such glamorous things, so he bought them for a high price. Wine was originally produced only in a few European estates and was not available to the Chinese. So they began to grow their own grapes, raised the grade, and directly turned the wine into mass-produced wine.

The Gesu Civilization has not had a "large-scale rising population" for thousands of years, and the area of ​​economic "value-added" is very narrow.

The gold bags used by celebrities are all made by masters, and the masters are passed down from generation to generation.

All banquet chocolate and cream cakes are divided into civilian and aristocratic versions.

The aristocratic version has dozens of additional craftsmanship steps, and the selection of raw materials must be produced in years that meet the "rainfall and light" standards. One copy is sold for thirty silver coins.

On the Weihuang Planet, a certain cook Wei Keng (unconvinced) touched his soup pot: "I can also make this thing. The so-called year of the cocoa beans and the difference in sunlight every year can be completely adjusted through the extraction and cooking heat. A portion that tastes exactly the same, and I sell it for 100 yuan, and my store can continue to make a profit. Damn the added value. Isn’t it a good idea to have the energy to research chemical engineering and medical breakthroughs?"

However, in the Gesu civilization, studying chemical engineering and machinery has no future.

All high-tech industries come from the support of higher-level interstellar civilizations. For these technology industry chains, the Gesu civilization did not have a technical team produced by "self-research" from the beginning. All relevant technical controls are controlled by a few fixed families with very few "academy experts".

Historically, Ge Xu Zhengfu began to announce several times that he would develop "new energy" technology, allowing a large number of students to apply for this major. As a result, after a period of time, the popularity of this "new energy" dropped. Those students who went to the wrong major ended up taking to the streets to protest, but when they protested, people disappeared. In the end, some drank to get by, and some Joined the underworld.

Narrator: On Earth, if a large number of people with science and engineering majors in an industrial country cannot survive, there will be a crisis soon. But in this overly stable civilization, technicians and workers cannot unite. All the riots were regional ethnic conflicts.

After the social survey is completed.

Ji Zhong found a comparative example of the Gesu civilization: “That is the Zhiwan Province in the ancient industrial era.

During the Third Industrial Revolution and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the island relied on stable industries and a very stable environment to maintain a fairly stable state in a situation of neither improvement nor decline. "

The guard at the interstellar base, Keng Keng, was rewarded and tapped the star map with his fingers: If you don't make progress and you won't be beaten, what kind of shallow water bastard pond is this?

It is not just the Gesu Civilization that is so small, most of the lower-middle-class civilizations and low-level civilizations in the universe of stars are in this state.

On Weihuang Star, Wei Keng looked at the starry sky: "I don't know if a ninth-level civilization like Wu Kai is aggressive enough. If not."

Wei Keng sighed leisurely and stopped looking at the stars. Gamma rays come in waves in the galactic disk.

…dimensionally, the ultimate goal of life is defined as “breakthrough”…

Now Wei Keng understood how the other person felt when he encountered "Pulse Wheel" in the Pandora plane.

A star sea plane that has become a zombie, even though it looks gorgeous, it is worthless. Destruction is needed, and perhaps new life will be given in destruction.

Wei Keng also understood at this time that during the process of the mind field plane, when the Holy Spear saw him and knew that he might be on the opposite side, he still gave him a series of technologies such as controlling stars.

In the time and space observation of the main world, looking at this fossil plane, there is a flash every four years and a reincarnation every four years.

In other words, in four years in the main world, we can see the reincarnation of civilization signs in the fossil plane.

From the perspective of an observer like Wei Keng: after countless reincarnations in the fossil plane, it has never had the characteristics of "dimensionally progressive life", so it will be destroyed again and again indifferently (this is how the Holy Spear viewed the civilization of the mind field back then).

If it is discovered that "life characteristics" appear on one of the timelines, conditions and space for growth will be given at that initial stage. It's like seeing a sapling in the desert and watching with hope that its roots will spread throughout the earth and its leaves will fall in all directions.

...Four hundred years behind, Tukang finally understood the Holy Spear...

As Wei Keng understood the fossil plane clearly, he began to have no scruples. Wei Keng straightened his clothes: "Now, conquer this sea of ​​stars."

On the tree-lined path of Mill College, young Ji Zhong drew a box with his left hand, right hand, thumb, and index finger. He made this camera gesture and put it in front of his eyes. He aimed at the surroundings and simulated a "click" sound with his mouth to amuse himself. Enjoy yourself.

However, students from nearby schools walked by and saw this look, with half-smiling expressions. In their eyes, this was a poor man who had no money and couldn't afford a camera, so he childishly used this method to enjoy himself. Their hearts were silent. He mocked: "How come there is such a person in Mill Academy? He is so boring and tasteless."

For the unruly people, the more margin they have, the more boring their behavior will be.

In fact, the weak should be lucky that the remaining ones are not so boring that they are being promoted...

At this time, there were already satellites of the "Tianxin Alliance" on the Haihui planet where Mir College was located.

Although "Ji Zhong" (Wei Keng) is wearing cheap clothes and eating box lunches, he is listed in the "star array" in space!

These stealth satellites, shrouded in force fields, have been networked to observe the planet. Groups of hundreds of meters of silicon nitride mirrors form precise angles and are aimed at the planet.

This kind of "close observation" would be impossible for powerful countries to tolerate in the 22nd century, but who calls the Gesu civilization a fourth-level civilization that does not want to make progress? The talents on this planet are all engaged in art and commerce, and there is no professional astronomical team to be alert to the sky.

Wei Keng: According to the rules of the 21st century, if you cannot do something in a field, then you have no say in that field. If there is no scientific research station in Antarctica, you have no say. Chemical rockets cannot launch probes to Mars. There is no right to speak at the so-called "International Conference on Humanity's Discussion of the Development and Destiny of Mars".

If we tighten our belts to create technology, if we can't be arrogant and instead share with you based on humanistic concepts, then my special hardships will not be in vain.

...so arrogant that he has the ability to be arrogant...

At this moment, what makes Wei Keng particularly incomprehensible is: "The Gesu Civilization is so bad and unprogressive, but it actually has the Xinghai Colony! How many third-level civilizations does it control?"

Wei Keng: Pull him down!

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