Out of the cage

Chapter 1398 Chapter 2816 (Part 2) Exploring the future

In 3567, He Chongyun and He Zhanxin began to connect, but this time the target was not Wei Keng, but the emerging forces that emerged after the shattering of the times.

He Chongyun, who was kicked out of Haotou Palace, is now spying on the artifact.

Once upon a time, he regarded himself as an emerging progressive in the previous generation and confidently challenged old antiques like Tukang, but now!

In the dimension area, Bai Huanling showed a playful smile after receiving the news.

At this time, a special piece of information was displayed in the monitoring system: He Chongyun's remaining consciousness began to form space-time worms in the Zhutian area.

In the dimensional space, Bai Huanling turned around and sarcastically said: You want to imitate that person, do you have his axis?

Bai Huanling pulled another monitoring system, which at this time was his personal "Space-Time Worm" operating interface.

In the thirty-fourth century, the conservatives headed by He Chongyun did not recognize the "time and space worm" that made waves in the planes of heaven two centuries ago. But the way of heaven is reincarnation.

Nowadays, careerists from all over time and space are imitating the story of Qin Tianfang and collecting soldiers and horses in the "emerging time and space areas". Narrator: Back then, Wei Keng cultivated a plane deeply and brought out a group of people. Qin Tianfang gathered a group of people behind him to form the Great Land. Bai Huanling from the Shenzhou plane, Peng Haitao from the Pandora plane, and Yan Ming from the Dark plane all grew up from the "earth" side and were accepted by the "Haotian Palace".

In the current world of the heavens, among the batch of time and space worms built by Wei Keng, the time travelers have also become the targets of competition.

Wei Keng's fifth plane war left an opportunity for the growth of "heroic spirit", but now it has become an opportunity for the new factions in the main world to stir up trouble.

Bai Huanling is now an establishment conservative in the Space-Time Management Bureau.

Kageori is the evolution faction.

He Chongyun is a retrogressor who wants to restore the past glory.

Since then, there have been at least three major factions in the Space-Time Administration! Bai Huanling does not think He Chongyun is a threat. In his opinion, as long as he operates correctly, He Chongyun can be used to consume the opportunities of his competitors.

…dimensional space…

In the spirit-calling space, in a world where data codes are constantly jumping, in this game-style world, the white spirit-calling human body composed of countless data appears in front of the travelers here.

As space spirits, the dozens of "loading game-style plug-ins" travelers standing here began to announce a new mission: in the area of ​​the positive displacement particle plane, there is a group of careerists trying to build a new territory, slowly charting the course, and reliving old dreams. Your task is to lock them down.

As the red digital light jumped, when the people came over, everyone entered the "travel spaces" in the plane of the heavens.

There are still very few heroes in the pastoral era, and there is only one Qin Tianfang who is proactive and enterprising from the bottom up! But now in the Space-Time Management Bureau, everyone's methods and ambitions are no less than Qin Tianfang's.

Time travel from the Bronze Age to the Black Iron Age. In the fifth plane war, after Wei Keng "killed one and created one", this may be the last peaceful atmosphere of the Bronze Age.

Wei Keng's "killing one" and "creating one" was because the conflict between He Chongyun and He Qiuye still focused on "public interests."

Nowadays, the new generation of time travelers in the main world can be beaten to death for "self-interest".

The beginning of the sixth plane war will be a real life-and-death battle.

...Multiple planes have always been the source of Gonghuo...

While Bai Linglu was drinking soup and eating fried rice with eggs, he was watching Li Ximeng, who was in the supervisor space, denounced the "chaos of time and space", quite like a girl who is chasing dramas.

On the Bailinglu interface, in the latest space-time conference, Li Ximeng spoke sternly: "Now the time-travel system must be standardized, and the disordered phenomenon in the planes of the heavens (the special name here is the space-time worm) must be curbed!"

Bai Linglu took a sip of the mutton soup and couldn't help but curl his lips when he heard Li Ximeng himself calling "space-time worms" illegal.

According to what Bai Linglu knows: there are quite a few people under Li Ximeng who secretly engage in space travel.

It is very similar to the official media in the ancient industrial era that shouted "Jue Juezi", and shouting "Jini is too beautiful" is a bad joke.

Bai Linglu said harshly: "After her husband died, she looked like a coward."

Bai Linglu said the most vicious words in the most disgusting tone, which made Liao Yangxiu on the side find it difficult to say anything. She has now realized why everyone always becomes taciturn after being in contact with Bai Linglu, a "good sister" for a long time.

Now in the circle of supervisors, only Bai Linglu can be so poisonous. Someone else would have been killed long ago if he had to replace him.

Liao Yangxiu: "Senior Bai, us."

Before she finished speaking, Bai Linglu said, "Go find Jing Guyu, she is more senior than me."

When Liao Yangxiu saw Bai Linglu playing ball, she understood that this was a show of contempt for herself. Liao Yangxiu adjusted her mood and said, "Sister Bai, please point me to a clear path now."

When the title is changed to "sister", it is equivalent to the title in a classic movie changing from "sir" to "my godfather". This is very important. The former is a neutral and equal transaction, while the latter is a primary and secondary request. relation.

When you say "sister", it means "I'll take it if you scold me or hit me, but don't abandon me."

Sure enough, Bai Linglu turned around this time, crossed her long legs and put them down, slamming her high heels on the floor. Bai Linglu's expression turned cold: "You still think of me as your sister!" She walked over and held Liao Yangxiu's face in her hands. : "You are my aunt." - Liao Yangxiu is a part of the "evolution of anti-keng" trend.

Fifteen medium hourglass times later.

Bai Linglu checked the latest situation in the dimension area. Liao Yangxiu sat on his knees, looking like a dignified maid.

Of course, there are more than 3,000 supervisors in the surrounding area. They were all summoned back by Liao Yangxiu after verbal exchanges. When they heard that Bai Linglu, the "good sister", was willing to forgive them, they gathered again.

After making sure that everyone had joined the confidentiality system, Bai Linglu began to re-plan their plane evacuation plan. Bai Linglu asked them to quickly sell off the assets in the old planes and then transfer all assets to the "time and space dam" system in the dark plane.

Yan Beixiang: "But..." Bai Linglu looked at this Qiqi Ai Ai's subordinate, his eyes fixed on her: "But what? Are you reluctant to give up the control of your three shuttle spaces?"

Yan Beixiang was a beneficiary of the Fifth War. During the Fifth War, she invested in the first-generation space shuttle (space-time worm) in the heavens and reaped the earliest and richest dividends.

But then, the problem came. She had too many interests involved. Although she had a great time fooling Qin Yiyun during the war, she had to be involved in the old school camp after the war. Among her three spatial control rights, she did not have complete control. She was trapped in it.

Bai Linglu: "Since we can't sell it, just cut it off."

Yan Beixiang stared at the threat from his old boss and knew that he would never get off the ship.

Now Bai Linglu is leading everyone to break away from the old dimensional system. This is a big plan. Anyone who dares to jump off the ship will be thrown directly into the edge plane and imprisoned for a period of time. They will not be able to come out until the end of this plane war.

After Bai Linglu saw that there was no objection below, he made an arrangement: "That's it."

Men plow and women weave. "Plowing" is in the star field, and "weaving" is in the stars.

What Bai Linglu arranged for this wave of supervisors was to find a star in the dark plane, and carry out a step-by-step plan to "control the star" and weave the information enthalpy to provide "dimensional information" for the space-time dam.

The physical rules of the main world are too complicated, so Bai Linglu did not expect them to work as weavers on the stars of the main world.

In the previous one, Yan Beixiang looked sad as he stepped on a sewing machine in a "plane three hundred degrees away".

As the supervisor above everyone else, she has turned back into an "ordinary female weaver". How should I put it, this sense of gap is difficult for her to adapt to.

Everyone knows Bai Linglu's temperament. When she is interested in helping you, it is when she has a conscience, and you must not refuse her at this time.

...Bai Linglu is on the "anti-displacement particle" space platform in the ultra-distant dimension...

Dimensional information is flickering here. Wei Keng and Bai Linglu share an information work platform, and the two divide their labor again.

As an observer, Wei Keng focuses on observing the explosion of life on the plane, while Bai Linglu, as a monitor, observes the changes in dimensional values ​​when the plane changes drastically.

At this time, a set of facilities for observing "extra-space-time civilization" was code-named "Huang'an Base".

After entering dimensional civilization for nearly a thousand years, Wei Keng determined that some "specific negative entropy accretion areas" in space and time exist in the same space and time civilization as the main world by summarizing the characteristics of space and time.

Wei Keng: "Those "fossil planes" are not necessarily "fossils"."

Bai Linglu: "What is that?" She looked at Wei Keng and found that the middle man was particularly serious at this time. Bai Linglu and Wei Keng had lived together for many years and knew that Wei Keng would only have this attitude on important matters.

Wei Keng paused: "Could it be a metabolite of other time and space civilizations?"

Then, Wei Keng raised his head and said seriously to Bai Linglu: "If you find metabolites, you can find other signs of life in time and space."

The corner of Bai Linglu's mouth twitched and he muttered: "You are looking for shit!"

Wei Keng paused for a moment: "To a certain extent." - Yes, similar to a world like the Star Plane, Wei Keng has encountered a lot of very "stinky" plots while traveling through these areas.

Bai Linglu: "Cut~" (End of this chapter)

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