Out of the cage

Chapter 14: Chapter 1.14

After the Fenghou Group's Cuju competition, Ke Feijia, as a person involved in the 4.1 incident, accepted the relevant investigation.

After clearing his suspicions, he made a report and hurried to Wei Keng's place by plane.

"Your actions have greatly changed history." Ke Feijia said this question to Wei Keng very seriously.

After reading the assassination information he sent, Wei Keng said, "Is it because of my influence in time and space? So there was an assassination downstream?"

What happened to this unlucky boy Bai Jingqi made Wei Keng a little embarrassed.

Wei Keng thinks further, he is currently only providing employment for people with lower education, and at the same time planning a market for cheap products.

Doing so may promote the rise of the smart program industry in the future, and just by doing so, other countries in the downstream of this plane will overturn the table, and they will not hesitate to obliterate the source of their seemingly 'wrong'.

So... If I directly show a clear program to launch an offensive against the high-level intellectuals in this era, wouldn't it be?

Wei Keng's expression became more and more solemn, and he began to understand why he was the only one improving.

Ke Feijia interrupted Wei Keng's deep thinking: "You have accumulated super powers for a year."

Wei Keng nodded.

The system in Wei Keng's consciousness now is code-named Jiajing No. 3443 Operation.

This system measures in detail the resonance amplitude between Wei Keng's current fluctuation of consciousness in the body and Jie Hongzi. According to the original training method in this world, that is, the internal energy training method collected by Ke Feijia, fine-tuning is made according to Wei Keng's daily life conditions.

Taoist Tuna has daily homework.

Wei Keng's system is more detailed in this respect.

Every morning at six o'clock, first check the body's current exercise and blood conditions, and then perform a set of Tai Chi-like exercises on the plum blossom pile to coordinate the body. Then during the day, it is divided into six o’clock in the day, and different frequencies of breathing are carried out respectively. Meals are coordinated to the precise gram. At night, when the yin is born, lie in the life support cabin, and fall into a deep sleep under the coordination of magnetic force.

With this method, the internal energy will become deeper and deeper in the later stage, but it is very slow in the early stage, how slow is it?

Wei Keng entered this world for the first time, and his consciousness and spirit are very mismatched. According to the current speed, it will take another ten years or so before he can attach a trace of true energy to precisely control when throwing a small note to a girl. The small note flew to the girl's hand. It is still possible to guide the aircraft model at this level, but to control a large mech? There's no play, so it's no wonder that the Taoist chief looked down on Wei Keng.

Ke Feijia: "You enable sharing on the system, and show me the accumulation of your super energy."


Ke Feijia carefully checked Wei Keng's situation.

The three-dimensional projection of Wei Keng's physical condition was displayed in front of the two of them, and Ke Feijia's facial expression was very calm. Wei Keng obviously abides by the rules and regulations. There is no lust, no drinking, and the daily diet is also on time, but ah, in the projection, the frequency fluctuations of the mesons in each nervous system are still in the state of the seeds breaking the shell.

Of course, there is nothing to be disappointed about. As for the traverser, it is impossible for the traverser to perfectly fit the target plane through the first time travel. Ke Feijia's current aptitude in this world is only obtained after traveling three times.

After the projection was put away, Ke Feijia said, "Do you want to have superpowers sooner?"

Hearing this, Wei Keng didn't take the bait, but asked tentatively, "Walking wealth and wealth?"

Ke Feijia: "Traveling is inherently risky. I just proposed a way. The choice is yours."

Wei Keng nodded.

Ke Feijia: "After our consciousness reaches the plane, it binds some particles of this world, and these particles often include particles that can produce unique phenomena in each plane." He snapped his fingers, and the airflow on his fingers burst out crisply The sound said, "Because this plane meson is affected by the consciousness, so the consciousness, the potential movement will make these related particles more energetic."

Wei Keng's nerves were pulled: "Position shift? Is this the key word?"

Ke Feijia: "Damn, it's this one. If you use this plane as the basis, if you go through another time travel. When you return, you can feel the sub-scale of consciousness."

Wei Keng: "Go back to the main world?"

Ke Feijia: "If it was (the main world) in 2603, it would be fine. But now it is wartime, and you travel back to the main world. After returning, the time is too late. The time flow here is 10 times faster than that of the main world. It will take you a week to pass through the gravitational well, and you will stay for one day after returning to the main world, and ten days here. Our mission is to stay in this time and space, and you cannot leave this plane for too long."

Wei Keng nodded and understood that he was going to the space-time area where time flowed faster.

At the same time, I realized once again that my younger brother worked a few years earlier than me, and his management ability in this plane far exceeded my previous expectations. Now his position as the weak leader in the Luoshui Group has not changed.


Two months later, Wei Keng asked for a two-week leave within the group.

When he came to northern Shaanxi, the headquarter of Luoshui Group was in Guanzhong Qindi, but it was the first time Wei Keng learned that there was another facility here.

With a diameter of 100 meters, the hemispherical electromagnetic field controller and the arrangement of energy tiles on the shell are like golden dragon scales. And this facility is code-named Hetu in official documents.

Where there is Hetu, there is Luoshu, so Wei Keng understands that there are at least two laboratories.

In this world, in 1943, the United States of America conducted a hyperspace experiment in Philadelphia, and the entire warship jumped directly to Norfolk, 479 kilometers away. Although the North American side kept the test a high degree of secrecy, it was still obtained by the Chinese side.

The Chinese military followed up this project, and this is one of the laboratories of this project. In this laboratory, the phenomenon of time-traveling and space rifts have been successfully tested.

It is just the Chinese military's evaluation of this technology: the specific phenomenon caused by specific conditions is easy to be disturbed, and consumes too much power, and its actual combat value is low.

The current tactical thinking of the Shenzhou Combat Research Department is: through electromagnetic overload, the speed and range of projectiles can be accelerated, and the protection ability of electromagnetic armor can be enhanced, while a large amount of electric energy is consumed to complete the teleportation in time and space. The tactical value is not great, so there is no focus on research and development. Currently only as a technical reserve.

However, from the perspective of the main world, sending the material energy level transition into the space-time rift in this world is a big step forward in the projection of the main world. So for the traversers of the main world, this instrument that sends self-material information into the space-time rift level is enough, enough for people to make a second time travel.

Wei Keng, the weak master, has just learned from the archives of Luoshui Group that the hyperspace technology in Shenzhou, where this plane is located, was first supported by Wei Keng's father, and then by Wei Keng's younger brother. Invest in R\u0026D with the military. As for Wei Keng? The elders in the family wanted to remove these unnecessary items, so they didn't tell Wei Keng.

But how can this be withdrawn. In the main world, this project was Wei Qiang's important achievement during his sixth time travel, which allowed him to be promoted from corporal to sergeant. In this space-time zone of the plane, the time-travelers who are close to the timeline also set up corresponding facilities and established a tactical support system according to the research provided by Wei Qiang.

Again: the situation is different on different timelines, and the next door to the Shenzhou timeline is the China Revolutionary Union. And there are several timelines in this space-time area, and there are serious conflicts between the two factions of traversers in the main world.

After understanding the situation, Wei Keng couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The guys in front of me are all capable people."


Wei Keng came to this facility in the name of investigation, but after entering this facility, Ke Feijia and Wei Keng immediately obtained full authority of the artificial intelligence here.

In the main world, there is still a hand in the important technological facilities for this plane. During the construction, Wei Qiang connected some nodes on the computer chip here to the main world, and now it is directly jumping information. Wei Keng didn't even need to swipe his card, and he entered the space-time warehouse through facial recognition all the way.

With the convergence of electric energy on the space-time capsule, Wei Keng's body slid towards an unknown space area in the super-space-time flow.

After entering the space-time rift, Wei Keng connected to the system in his consciousness, the system: "I have matched to a suitable plane, please choose to shuttle."

Wei Keng looked at the multiple optional plane information in front of him.

There is still something particular about traveling between planes. First of all, Wei Keng does not travel back and forth from the main world, so Jie Hongzi's final expressiveness may not be suitable for Zhenqi. This kind of shuttle towards a high time flow rate will make a certain attribute of Jie Hongzi particularly extreme. When Wei Keng came back, the link between consciousness and Jie Hongzi, and the superpower phenomenon manifested, may be more similar to the situation of the capable people trained in the laboratory in the West.

Currently, there are four mainstream superpower application methods in near planes like Shenzhou:

The first is mind control.

The second is energy storage: super energy blasts out like a bomb.

The third is shaping: Super energy accumulates tools that have almost no mass but are rigid and tough (this is often used for shields).

The fourth is erosion: it is loaded on a certain substance (such as a bullet), and its material properties are strengthened to the extreme in a short period of time, so that the information bullet of the nanomaterial can easily penetrate the thick walls of tanks and warships. Armor, locate and eliminate internal personnel.

Wei Keng now chooses to travel between planes with physical differences, and when he returns, the nature of superpowers will match one or two of the above trends.

Wei Keng knew that he was a recruit, and considering safety, he chose to focus on the two planes corresponding to energy storage and shaping.

Among them, the shaping plane is the interstellar war plane.

Wei Keng: "Well, in interstellar wars, does faster-than-light travel have a paradox of irreparable energy?"

System: "The region of the universe where our star is located is a normal region. In some dark matter series regions, atomic matter can undergo leaps and bounds. These regions have found correspondences from today's astronomical observations."

A map of the universe was opened, and five billion light-years away, among the many galaxies, areas that fit the leap were marked.

Of course, the interstellar space that can be warped is not very large. There are more than two hundred stars in the large space, and only a few stars in the small space. They are distributed in a galaxy and become the station on the high-speed shuttle network of this galaxy. , if there happens to be a living planet near this area, then it will be as convenient as buying a house in the 21st century with a subway station next to it.

Regarding this interstellar plane, Wei Keng hesitated.

There is also human civilization in this plane, and there is a partial gap between genes and humans on earth, which can be regarded as two subspecies. Of course, the problem is not here. That plane also has superpowers, and the name of superpowers is phantom power. Since it is the interstellar world of ship technology, there is no guarantee that there will be any accidents there.

So Wei Keng looked at the second plane again.

This place is a bit strange, according to the information that has been detected, it is a whole continent, and there are eight suns shining alternately, so that in these eight days, the ratio of eight days is 9:7:8.5:7.6:6.4 :7.8:6.4:8.1:8.7.

Wei Keng: "The eight stars shine in turn? What's going on?"

System: "According to the current survey and mapping, the continent and the water area are in the state of a rotating axis cylinder. According to its geological structure, a plate split occurred 30 million years ago with a cesium atomic clock, and the gravitational turbulence seemed to be a planet being pulled into fine noodles."

The picture quickly simulated a picture of a large planet being stretched into a long strip, and then the picture expanded, and a black hole absorbed the planet into it, and then this long strip structure was swinging by at an extremely fast speed compared to the outside world. Eight stars surround the black hole.

Since the time in the inner area of ​​the black hole is different from the outside, it does not feel too fast inside, so the torn planetary ball has undergone initial destruction and melting and then seems to have stabilized, forming a belt-like substance,

Because each rotation on this ribbon-shaped substance has only passed eight days. And as it falls, the time inside will become longer and longer, and the rotation speed will become faster and faster from the outside, but the inside will still have to endure the cycle of hundreds of millions of years, so after falling into the black hole, with the early The destruction of human beings gradually ended, and new life gradually began to evolve.

The system added: "The above, using the black hole theory to explain, is only a hypothesis at present, because we only travel through it, and cannot jump out of that world to build a comprehensive observation system. We can only use existing theories and observations for deduction."

Wei Keng carefully looked at the picture on the data of this plane, eight suns with different brightnesses went to work one by one, the key is that there are human beings in this world. So, how big is the universe that the civilization of the main world can see now, and how much is it that has not yet been seen?

The countdown reminded Wei Keng that now was not the time to be emotional, it was time to make a decision.

Wei Keng still hesitated after receiving the plane information, hoping that the system would give him more specific advice.

[Some people understand the situation in order to make decisions, while others, like Wei Keng, "understand the situation" in order to know whether they have suffered a disadvantage when others make decisions for them. Unlike other young time travelers who want to start a career, Wei Keng is more like an old man in his work unit. 】

A system, however, is not an object that can be relied upon.

System: "The interstellar plane, your parents have already arranged the initial power on this plane, and when you can enter, you can inherit an excellent social status."

Wei Keng murmured in his heart: "Could it be another couple of brothers, my father, this life is not in vain."

The system continued: "Choose the axis plane of the black hole, and you can carry a part of the material into it one way. For the first shuttle, you can carry goods that weigh one-third of your body weight. Please make a decision within ten seconds, 10, 9, 8 ..."

Wei Keng touched himself and found that there was no coin to toss for himself.

In the end, he lost his mind, raised his hand and smacked his face five times in quick succession, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap—the last slap.

Wei Keng: "I feel pain on the fourth stroke, even number, yes, I will choose the second one." Wei Keng happily made a decision.

The Chrono Legionnaire is an Allied infantry unit in the series Red Alert 2. No matter where the Chrono Air Corps is going, he does not need to move his feet, but moves directly on the map instantly. The distance of the instant movement will determine how long it takes him to teleport to a new location before moving or attacking again. Since it will be unable to move and attack for a certain period of time after teleportation (the immobilization time is proportional to the moving distance), so the overtime air force regiment will be very vulnerable at this time. The weapons of Chrono Legionnaires are very unique (suspected to be modified crack generators), which will directly wipe out enemy troops and buildings from time and space (the neutral buildings will not leave ruins after being wiped), instead of destroying them . The higher the health of the enemy, the longer it will take, and during the process of erasing enemy troops, the eradicated units cannot attack and cannot move.

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