Out of the cage

Chapter 1498 Chapter 3002 Entering the

Chapter 1498 Chapter 30.02 Entering the "Game"

Wukai civilization rules 300 million administrative planets, and the territory of the star sea can be said to be endless. In such a huge star sea area, star fortresses are dotted all over the place, and space network channels are densely packed.

In a huge country in the planetary age (such as the 21st century), most individuals are insignificant, but in such a huge star-sea regime now, even the planet is insignificant to the rulers, let alone human beings. .

In the development of civilization, when the smallest unit is determined to be "insignificant", social operations will be governed based on the most basic mathematical efficiency without any human feelings.

Just like a human being is composed of 60 trillion cells, so if you scratch an itch casually, you won't care if you get a little blood stain.

As long as the ruler's goal of setting order is to ensure regional stability, then the bottom should not talk about dreams.

Middle Man: Talking about dreams with superiors who have different desires is nothing more than weighing "fresh" ideas on the cold social scales and then packaging them for the superiors as delicious food.

Wei Keng, who was on the lower level, was absorbed into the spaceship after Wukaixing graduated normally and went to the star sea to contribute to Wukaixing civilization.

In the simulated surface garden in the underground living area of ​​the spaceship, among the crowds of people, Wei Keng sighed at this life experience: "Here he comes again." - In the high dimension, many cosmic controllers in the Black Alliance When the reporter confirmed that his dimension area was infiltrated by Wei Keng, he also said the same thing: "He's here again."

The ideal of civilization originally belonged to "everyone", but somehow it became the "great achievements" of a few people in the history books.

This may not seem harmful at first, but as social development reaches a bottleneck and opportunities shrink, more and more people only care about the "great achievements" provided by a small number of people and no longer provide hope for the majority of people. At this time, the blood circulation of society will become more and more rigid.

In the end, everyone is in fact a cold part of this huge social machine.

The ideological class of this society will spiritually explain and believe that "civilization should be like this" to everyone.

From then on, the top people who control this ruling machine can openly and openly promote the "end of history theory": when civilization develops to a certain level, the personal nature of ordinary people will be useless and just be a qualified part.

Suppression and massacres occurred frequently on various planets in the star sea, but this information was quickly suppressed.

Wei Keng: A large society cannot tolerate the existence of dreams. It only revolves around the "ultimate goal" pointed by a small number of people's fingers. So, for whom is the development purpose of such a society? ——There is huge selfishness behind the "achievements" of the "leadership" consciousness who hold up golden bottles and praise them on various platforms in history.

...Wei Keng: The future I want is that everyone in the star sea is a seed that can grow into a towering tree on its own. "…

Relatively speaking, in the main world in the second half of the thirty-eighth century, "Starfield" is still accelerating its outward expansion. As the "Youchao Plan" approaches, Starfield has built a large number of "houses" on the Roller Continent. More and more idealists are coming to this new era pastoral,

As the "middle man", Wei Keng himself once again quietly hid in the countryside. (In current surveying and mapping, the first plane of ether is used as a reference, and the main world is now cooling down slower)

In terms of naming, Xingtian is no longer the Wei Keng line, but the "Xinghai Pastoral School".

Everyone who arrives from the inner circle of the solar system to this new "pastoral", or a child born in this pastoral, can have hope of developing himself.

The total population in the future will increase with the expansion of the starry sea. The outward expansion of human civilization will not only allow a few people to look up at the starry sky, but also allow more people to touch the "soil" in the starry sky.

"Pastoralism" is by no means the result of the earth's ancient Mediterranean civilization. In the idea of ​​​​great navigation, a large number of people can only be packed into a space like a "slave filling ship" to realize the value of consumables to civilization.

...In a dream society, perhaps the interest binding between people is not strong, but once the "core values" are related, different consciousnesses are willing to live and die together...

At this time, on the genetic plane of God, Wei Keng, who is working as an undercover agent outside the fence, is starting his own path to become the "Devil King".

Approaching the immigration machinery cabin, Wei Keng looked at the electronic screen on the door. This is the "government management system" of Wu Kaiming on the planet, and it is also the "value list" set by the managers of the planet for every citizen.

On the electronic system, Wei Keng could see his resume, which showed that he was now a second-level physical practitioner and had not been able to transform.

In the ruling system of Wukai civilization, only those with level three physical skills and level three mental strength have citizenship rights. If they are not level three, they are just civilians, and civilians have no citizenship rights.

Therefore, as a natural person born in a ninth-level civilization, once he has not grown up after a certain period of time, he will lose his body autonomy, and the government will carry out specific transformations according to the needs of the civilization in order to maintain the rule of a huge and bloated civilization.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and looked at the star port servers who kept smiling. Well, these port servers, who are called "star port souls", also have their own small lives.

For example, the one who accompanied Wei Keng just now kept chattering on the road until the hatch was closed. He kept asking, what is the young man's favorite "female" cartoon model?

Wei Keng looked at the sea of ​​​​stars outside the window with nowhere to escape, and determined that he had to reach the third level of physical skills as soon as possible.

...Just when Wei Keng began to deal with the system as an "obsession", at the same time, the travelers from the main world arrived...

A non-obsessed time traveler from the Black Alliance in the main world: Dimo, is confirming his arrival.

The naked and beautiful young man got up from the bed, touched his forehead, and felt the dream just now.

Compared to Wei Keng, a player and temporary worker recruited from the "game system". Dimo is a time traveler who is projected by the will of the universe within the Black Alliance. He belongs to the "official organization" of the Black Alliance because he can return after the mission is completed. Most of the echoers are not allowed to return to the plane and are abandoned "debris".

However, once a traveler travels, he will inevitably have "conscious metabolism" in the plane where he is.

You will be proud when encountering great progress, and you will be unwilling to accept unsatisfactory things. These reflections are reflected in parallel timelines, and finally cause the consciousness to reverberate. As the timeline proliferates, there are always new "debris" remaining on the plane, becoming reverberating consciousness.

For the consciousnesses who occupy leadership positions in the Black Alliance, there is no way to lose themselves in the parallel timeline. Therefore, the consciousness cluster of the Black Alliance feels that it is a forced duty to fight in the "non-profit" time and space.

Before Ji Mo comes down, his upper body knows clearly: There is no guarantee that all of himself can go back. But he still conveyed his consciousness indifferently.

Dingmo: Just now, it seemed that he had a special game dream, oh - he looked around, there were birds singing and flowers fragrant. This seems strange, but I should have been taking care of these flowers in the flower room.

At this time, the nodes in his mind were still flickering smoothly, and memories began to flicker intermittently.

...When the soul travels, memories will conflict. In order for the consciousness to load combat power most effectively at the moment, a lot of memories will be injected. …

He put on his combat armor and came outside the window. He looked at the overwhelming floating flying disks and the "Gundam" on land - a multi-legged suspended mining industrial mecha. He breathed out. In this plane, he is the successor. He took over the family business and became a lord.

Artificial intelligence: "The military equipment you applied for will be delivered to your fortress in ten days." The fortress mentioned here is the completely metalized moon hanging in the sky, and the energy towers distributed on the moon. Just like a chip.

Ever since, this beautiful young man put on the metal laurel crown and stood on the mental power operating platform.

Faced with artificial intelligence’s “military mission prompts”. Ding Mo took a breath and said: "If we send troops, you know that we are in a period of scientific and technological progress, and what follows is a stage of population growth (a fertility fluctuation of every twenty years), but their minds are pursuing stability. Life. I don’t have the motivation to participate in the war at this time. I can’t go against people’s hearts.”

This is what Ding Mo said in his current words, but in fact it was because he had just recovered from the time-travel state and felt that he was not familiar with the control of this third-level divine body, so he found an excuse to temporarily avoid the war.

Wu Kaiming's intelligent adjutant judged the planet lord's request and approved it. But then he reminded: "Fifteen years later, we must participate in the war, we cannot shirk it."

Dingmo nodded slightly: "Thank you, I will pay attention." Then he entered the personal special training pool in the spacecraft. They were spherical spaceships with a diameter of 70 kilometers, and he was the only one serving it.

…the dividing line between the luxury swimming pool and the public bathhouse. …

There are a large number of "special physical training stars" in Wukai Mining, which are like various education and training centers in the 21st century. All kinds of dazzling information, on the screens on the road and the suspended projections of tunnel traffic, are instilled in the passers-by, just like the pervasive hot water vapor in a bathhouse entering every pore.

In the 600-meter hall, forty or fifty people were checking here. As they came in and out, the gates kept opening and falling, and various electronic prompts sounded one after another.

In this smoke and fire atmosphere, Wei Keng ignorantly followed the electronic tour guide to enter the place, ran around and looked around, and saw firsthand the various aspects of society here.

There is a rule in industrial history that the "complexity" of the old era will not disappear in the new era and will keep pace with the times.

At present, there are many "physical training centers" on the spacecraft, using the guise of "guaranteeing" to deceive young people into running away. Wei Keng can't help but think back to the franchising chambers of commerce in the 21st century that defrauded college students.

Therefore, Wei Keng carefully avoided the invitations from some of the "beautiful" transformed customer service staff on the spaceship who came to solicit customers.

Oh, by the way, in a ninth-level civilization, a cargo spacecraft with a length of less than 50 kilometers is equivalent to a van in the 21st century.

The planet Wei Keng selected for special training is a relatively cheap planet, and you can even work part-time to offset the fee. After Wei Keng got off the spacecraft, he checked into a space station near the planet. The huge space station has lakes and natural trees, but the large glass-covered ecological area cannot be approached by Wei Keng. In order to save operating costs, the space station only has 400 cubic meters of living space for itself.

Dang, Dang, Dang, the electric bell rang in the spaceship hall within 600 meters of Wei Keng's location, which reminded the staff in each area that it was time to start work.

As a second-level physical practitioner with a legal age of no more than sixty years old, Wei Keng did not have to go to work. He walked through the path marked by lights on the star and reached his training venue through the elevator platform.

In the training ground, a large number of Fusion people are busy. They are Wei Keng's physical training coaches, and of course they are also his lessons learned.

Because they were originally at the bottom of Wukaixing, but they did not work hard in physical training, and at the same time they were in debt because of their indulgences. As a result, they were transformed into androids to work to pay off their debts.

These bionic people look like normal people. Their bodies can be opened with a mechanical cover to see inside. The force field structure on their bodies can imitate the force field of Gang Qi.

Although they are losers, they still have carbon-based brains and are the property of the lord.

Wei Keng, who was also chained, still showed the necessary respect when passing by.

Already a member of the plane, every time Wei Keng sees these "lessons from the past", he always reminds himself that he must "study" well, otherwise his own value will be manipulated by them in the future just like these reformers.

However, the reality is that Wei Keng's intermittent progress will make it difficult to achieve outstanding performance in the short term.

On the martial arts battlefield, Wei Keng slowly put away his energy light blade. At this time, multiple burnt scars could be seen on his palms. It's stupid to burn yourself while playing with the light blade, and it's a "middle-to-lower" qualification.

A long time ago, when Wei Keng was a Sword Immortal in the Space Twist Plane, he should be talented in using swords. After the Seventh Plane War of the entire main world Black Alliance, some conservative monitors collected intelligence. , focusing on monitoring the dimensional traces of "Sword Immortal Skills" and trying to locate Wei Keng.

But times have changed. As Wei Keng begins to follow the path of his dreams, he no longer has the obsession with "skills" and does not carry his previous "travel experience". This makes Wei Keng, who is currently undercover, clumsy most of the time and can only walk Diligence can make up for the mistakes.

Wei Keng laughed at himself: In this plane, hard work can make up for weakness, and he is only qualified to be a foil (miscellaneous soldier).

After Wei Keng finished the warm-up training, he was preparing for the next step of training. However, the one-kilometer-diameter space of the space station began to deform and rotate. The space station system notified Wei Keng: "Student No. 23234, please stop training temporarily. The trial space has been occupied." Contracted by higher authority personnel.”

A few minutes later, Wei Keng was sent into the stands by the isolation force field and saw that the tennis court-sized field where he originally trained was being merged with other fields.

The picture of this kind of merging of places is like two bubbles merging, and people are the tiny dust in such "bubbles".

Wei Keng confirmed that he was currently in the stands, and at the same time, the personal information interface explained: Level 5 physical practitioners in Xinghai were going to compete, so they directly used their authority to recruit the venue.

...At this time, in this hierarchical star universe of the "Nine-level Zhongzheng System", there are still traces of trends left by the "great time travelers" of various Black Alliances. …

The expanded venue was as big as four football fields. Wei Keng sneaked into the stands and saw the two people suspended in the center of the venue. They were two "Star Sea Warriors", fifth-level physical skills experts, equivalent to a fifth-level civilization. (Earth's nuclear bomb + information network era) military commander.

Behind these two fifth-level warriors are twenty suspended combat robots. This is a knight system for ground combat, with the defensive power of a fourth-generation main battle tank and the flexibility of an armed helicopter.

These two fifth-level physical warriors were covered in tactical armor with a high degree of information technology, and they launched their own "information aura" in the battle arena.

This is a battlefield skill for fifth-level warriors, and after they turned on the "halo", Wei Keng's keen energy perception discovered that the internal information nodes of the suspended combat robots were controlled by physical masters.

The combat robots floating around the physical warriors and in a "synchronized" state are equivalent to the incarnation of the powerful physical warriors. The "particle cutting light blade" carried on the fighter body and the "armor-piercing gun" with a full metallic mechanical texture formed a standard battle group.

This combination of "physical skills and high-tech incarnation" fighting form is the causal residue brought about by the gene user of God entering this plane.

About 14,000 years ago, at that time, the martial arts civilization had just repelled the invasion of the fairy civilization that was still in the "alliance" state at that time, and the physical arts system underwent "revolutionary" changes.

During star wars and boarding battles, a large number of combat robots led by physical warriors were lost, making the battle very difficult. So use such an energy shell to reduce losses.

Narrator: It’s not that space civilization cannot afford to build robots, but that once the robots on the front line are lost, it is difficult to temporarily replace them.

The points of contention in space often take place in a small space like a spaceship. Once destroyed by the defenders, the strong physical warriors will be left without cover in the short term.

Robots in factories do not mean they can directly enter the front line.

As for the space capsule technology, it is an item that requires an eighth-level civilization to produce, and can only be carried by a seventh-level physical practitioner. Therefore, this kind of "personal bodyguard" personal intelligent machine group that can be used by fifth-level physical practitioners has become the mainstream of this level.

…Level 5 mental power and level 5 physical skills are already at the level of a ball leader on a planet in the plane of stars…

On the battlefield, a dazzling battle began. People outside the venue saw only light points moving rapidly. The "omnic avatars" of each light point were hit by cannonballs. After being weakened (damaged), they were mobilized (pulled) to their backs by the physical command. Two to three hundred meters away, temporary repairs were carried out through nano clouds (replenishing blood volume and raising one hand).

But most of the time, with the eyesight of the third-level dark energy users, they just watch the excitement in this supersonic confrontation, but few people can keep up with this thrilling rhythm.

The two sides are constantly playing games, planning to capture the opponent's "pieces" like chess, or setting up a chain plan to lock in the opponent's coach and directly "check".

In the corner of the venue, Wei Keng looked at the troops who seemed to have been given "life".

Wei Keng has no doubt that a fifth-level physical warrior with these thirty floating mechanical knight systems descending on the surface of an ordinary fifth-level civilization can, like the protagonist group of the "Metal Slug" game, single-handedly destroy dozens of armors on the opposite side. division.

…The collision ultimately determines the winner as the wreckage falls…

The winner opened his mechanical mask, clapped his hands and walked to the center of the field. He seemed to praise his opponent generously, and the spectators on the platform also cheered.

In this shock, Wei Keng walked away silently, just like a country bumpkin who was frightened by the Gulf War in the 1990s.

However, the cheers of the spectators are not brave, because they have no plan to deal with it at all. Just like Germany, Japan, India and other countries at that time, they knew that the information-based troops of the US emperor would not attack another opponent before defeating them. .

Wei Keng felt a tight thread in his heart. In the next ten years, he would definitely have to go head-to-head with similar armed forces.

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