Out of the cage

Chapter 1528 Chapter 3023 House of Cards, Dam Construction Site

In the year 3878 in the main world, the Black Alliance Space-Time Management Bureau underwent a complete reorganization.

Since this plane war, under the pressure of the "anti-thieves" in the dimension and the pressure of scandals released by ghosts in the game system, the Black Alliance has been troubled internally and externally. Sixty-seven consciousness groups have formed a space-time general alliance called "Lord God" ,

It is similar to the "Alliance of Kings" in the past, but because the word king has been abandoned in the last plane war, the similar space-time imperialism was changed to the code name Lord God.

Of course, Wei Keng also has a detailed definition of the newly emerged "main god": that is, in the process of adapting to different planes and different environments, the space-time will group will produce the premise of personality differentiation and form an integrated division of labor group.

Of course, the biggest difference between Wei Keng's definition of "main god" and the "main god" of the Black Alliance is.

Wei Keng's differentiated consciousness is reversible. That is to say, those consciousnesses that unconsciously "observe words and emotions" are still assigned to adapt to the environment and restore their "unruly" nature, but the differentiated consciousnesses of the Black Alliance have fallen from the core source consciousness and become "instrumentalized" reverberations in dimensions. Consciousness cannot be reversibly restored.

Although both sides can produce separate groups with various personalities in the plane war, carry out complex "division of labor" and attack with all their strength in the war, the main god of the Black Alliance has always lacked activity.

Especially in 3878, Wei Keng presented evidence that the top leaders of the Black Alliance camp restarted the inhumane behavior of "filling" consciousness during the war. ——This has great harm to the "conscious division of labor" order of the main god group of the Black Alliance.

After all, when "consumables" have become part of the "reasonable" division of labor in society, no wonder everyone prefers to take the public examination instead of entering the factory.

…History is repeating itself…

In the confrontation between the old and the new, since the outcome of the right direction has been decided, the conservatives will push all kinds of evil spirits to the extreme in order to prove that they should not withdraw from the competition.

For example: In the era of the feudal empire, there was righteousness under normal operations, and the existence of upright officials like Hai Rui was acquiesced to maintain the bottom line of internal fairness and justice. But once it encounters the newer capitalist era, no one is willing to work as a Hai Rui in the old system, and it can only rely on ruffians like Li Hongzhang to paper it over.

The aging team is not enough to provide hope. The only enterprising characteristic of the lower class is "speculation".

Looking back at the early days after the Sixth War, the main world Black Alliance still has a large number of "inner universes" that can rely on the benefits of the "bonus period" and maintain "healthy" vitality.

Leadership awareness: Blame the unruly people for their rebellion. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer "bonus periods". We can only try our best to endure hardships at the grassroots level and squeeze out new growth drivers.

In the new communication channel established between Starfield and the solar system.

Wei Laonong is asking Bai Weaver Girl about the situation in which the "main god" group in the dimension has openly taken over the resource allocation authority in the dimension.

Bai Linglu: This is a model of disbanding old groups and establishing new ones. It can be expected that in the next ten or several decades, these oligarchic groups will transcend the internal rules of the Black Alliance and carry out more "creative" ( sarcasm) dimension activities.

After Bai Linglu finished speaking, he noticed that Wei Keng was silent and saw that Wei Keng's consciousness was staring at the school where Xingtian went to school.

After Bai Linglu reminded him again and again, Wei Keng reacted and nodded: Well, our mission has almost been completed. Next, we will have talented people from all over the world.

In this battle, Wei Keng brought out the ugliest nature of the leadershipism of the Black Alliance to seize profits. But if we want to completely revolutionize all this, we have to rely on the new generation of teenagers.

Wei Keng’s heartfelt words: I was used to a lot of unfairness in the old days. So I can't get rid of this dirt.

…camp dividing line…

In the dimension, Yang Chunfeng, as the head of the supervisory group of Lord No. 4, is looking through the "historical revolution" of this century.

Eighty years ago, the Black Alliance won the battle against the Halo Alliance and gained control of 14,344 popular territories. The Black Alliance was at its peak at that time

The reality before them now is that the resources and manpower available in all planes are being completely exhausted.

Eighty Earth years. "Diao Consciousness" has reached 3,400 territories from the positive and negative displacement particle planes.

Especially when the self-proclaimed "middle man" consciousness group also launched the "obsession" system, both sides tried their best to mobilize,

The Black Alliance has gradually transformed from a "self-proclaimed emerging" era force a hundred years ago to a doomsday dynasty buried up to its neck in loess.

"What, why don't you (Tukang) have your neck buried in loess?!" This was the very unwilling question asked by a representative of the Black Alliance three years ago!

Wei Keng: Because I did not seize the throne and did not seek to rule. Well, every dynasty will perish, but every dynasty needs someone to farm. Well, every generation of leadership groups hopes to completely enslave the farmers and create a label of "unruly people" to isolate the "dishonest" saboteurs below.

Of course, now, when Yang Chunfeng looks back on the past, he is not reflecting on his past arrogance. Rather, it is to investigate the reasons why Wei Keng and his group suddenly actively resisted in the "anti-replacement territory" at the time point 80 years ago.

As a space-time investigator, Yang Chunfeng's main god group recently discovered the breakthrough area of ​​the new space-time civilization that Wei Keng had "selfishly hidden" in the positive displacement ion territory for decades.

The main gods, who were currently losing ground, were overjoyed when they discovered the secret of Wei Keng Group's love in time and space.

The Lord God is evaluating: Because these new space-time civilizations are growing rapidly, they have high development potential and can create new growth dividends. And it is inferred that Wei Keng's sudden rise in the past eighty years should be the source of this part of the dividend.

…once you establish the perspective of “dividends”, what you see will always be “dividends”…

It is worth mentioning that the Black Alliance, which is currently facing a plane war, is theoretically unable to plunder those planes adjacent to Xia Sheng with a time flow rate similar to that of the main world.

However, Xia Sheng's consciousness is now exploring time and space, and the pursuit of "the economic value of time and space" has caused consciousness to overflow, which can be regarded as "running in both directions with the main gods of the Black Alliance."

This is just like two thousand years ago, the lighthouse on the other side of the ocean was unable to break through the unified social camp in the East, but it could seduce a large number of "selfish" and "pretentious" scholars through concepts such as "devoid of masters" and "freedom". Scholars came to seek refuge.

The main god organization that Yang Chunfeng currently belongs to began to specialize in producing "small time travel machines" corresponding to "game systems", and robbed part of the Taiyi plane consciousness. It also uses powerful "gold fingers" to make these people linger.

Even in the Xia Sheng Plane, in this era of time and space travel, some of those who step outside are always missing.

…The year 3900 has arrived in a blink of an eye…

At this time, in the high-dimensional dimension, the top eight main gods at the forefront have gone through a series of evaluations.

The main gods believe that these human beings who have stepped out of the taiwan plane are very good and have the spirit of exploration (Narration: Just like the capitalists, the young man is very motivated.) As long as the requirements are strict, you can achieve great success in exploration. (Capitalist: As long as I arrange the 996 work system, I will definitely be able to roll in and out, no, no, I will train capable business personnel).

Next, these sixty-seven main gods announced their findings on a small scale during meetings with middle-level cadres of the Black Alliance.

In the highest space-time control room across multiple dimensions in the center of the earth, the second batch of "elites" from the Black Alliance who knew about the "new space-time civilization" were quite shocked. Everyone seemed to know the reason why the "Wei Keng Cluster" suddenly became stronger. …

It has to be said that the time and space civilization of the main world has reached the "migration center" of history.

Due to the different "space-time value" models, their respective value concepts are as different as the two species of "bird" and "bird".

"The space-time civilization called Taiyi District has been taken over by Wei Keng." This is the new group led by the main god of the Black Alliance, and it has now reached consensus.

In seat No. 4 of the Lord God Conference, Yang Chunfeng concluded: "But now there is no way to obtain those planes. He successfully hid it from us and has been in this field for a long time."

After all participants fell silent,

Immediately afterwards, the main gods at the meeting signed a new plan for the development of the plane in a catch-up manner.

Year after year, every time the Black Alliance met, there was a lot of controversy over the "scandal." After the meeting of the Lord God, everything went smoothly as the "threat theory" was created.

At this time of urgency for the Black League elite, no one is dwelling on the “consciousness filling” scandal. Must be bold and strong at all costs.

There are many "immoral" options in the Lord God's development plan for the Tai dimension:

Including tacit consent, the "hunters" of the main world, um, "special monitors", sneak into the layout of the adjacent planes where these emerging planes are located, and construct a world view.

Narrator: It is exactly the mysterious side that the first generation of travelers in the main world saw. Of course, now that the main world has experienced seven plane wars, this generation of leadership has long lost the feeling of the pastoral generation.

The main gods partly blamed Wei Keng for their "moral decline".

The consciousness of the main god's decision-making circle in the first sequence, codenamed "Lao Luo", opened the cover in his diary like this: Because Wei Keng did not report to the upper levels of the Space-Time Management Bureau immediately at that time, so that now They had to use extraordinary measures.

Of course, Wei Keng, the undercover agent responsible for managing Lao Luo's information files, sighed when he saw this: "Leaders are like this. They always feel that others are ignorant and don't think about whether they are just too big."

In recent times, some countries also had this mentality. When a beacon has been shining for many years, it is found that its light is not attractive enough, and others no longer regard itself as a benchmark. At that time, it was because others did not send oil to it, so it was necessary to compensate itself for the birth of the world. The mentality of going out to grab gas or steal gas is considered natural in self-perception.

In the final analysis, leadership consciousness has always been like a bird after humans entered complex social organizations.

Wei Keng: You (those highly qualified people from across the ages)! Sitting in the leadership position, he refused to talk about equality from the beginning when he was wealthy and relaxed, and established the detachment that "as long as it can provide everyone with all kinds of protection they need, he maintains the so-called, he is more equal than others." idea. Then after the dividends dried up, everything changed, and suddenly I felt that the people below didn't believe in the distribution rules established by the "equality" value in the past?

...The perspective goes from the terrible house of cards to the dam at the Xinghai construction site...

In the gravitational area near the Sirius b star (white dwarf version), at this time, the guard in front of the gate said to the area a: Reaching for the stars, my gate here has been completed, waiting for you to release the water, have you given me the "star" "Pick it over" and press it.

At this time, the person who was at the planet surface observation station near the Sirius A star finally nodded: "Alright, in another 6,800 Earth seconds, the Sirius eruption will begin."

At this time, the blue-white flare on Sirius A is flashing. An eruption of matter begins.

Let me mention here the "water release mechanism" of Sirius A and B at this time.

There is a "swallowing" phenomenon in the natural ladder of the universe. This swallowing phenomenon is not that a small mass swallows a large mass, but that a high density swallows a low density. For example, if a neutron star is near a blue giant star, then this high-density sky will The experience is like sucking noodles, absorbing all the matter emitted by the super blue giant star.

Of course, the neutron star cannot absorb all the matter in the gluttonous swallowing beast. The blue giant material forms an accretion disk around it and regenerates heat! It turns into a high-energy ray and escapes. Compared to the high-energy material rays produced by supernova explosions, this slow release mode is like a stable fuel furnace!

Let’s return to the current situation. High-energy particles in the universe are now the raw materials for creating “information enthalpy.” Starfield absorbs high-energy particles in the universe, just like the earth’s farmland absorbs sunlight to grow crops.

In the past, it was all up to God! The information enthalpy collected by Starfield is very cost-effective. After successfully receiving particles from a supernova explosion in this universe in 3867, it increased production.

Wei Laonong lamented: It’s like thunder bringing nitrogen fertilizer. Um? Gee, when will ammonia be artificially synthesized?

So after continuing to invest in Starfield for a long time, I suddenly felt that it was possible to find a stable "cosmic high-energy particle ray source" (to carry out artificial stable high-energy particles)

Therefore, it is natural to find the "high-density companion star" pair of "blue giant" system in the binary star system.

The most famous "double star system" away from the earth is naturally Sirius A and B.

The topic returned to the present, as Zhai Xing excitedly shouted: Chicken soup is here.

In this controllable solar eruption on Sirius, a material flow was sent. Six days later, as the material flow completed a stable release on the prepared white dwarf accretion disk, the output of the surrounding experimental star fields began to increase dramatically!

This is an epic technological breakthrough in the universe, with historical significance comparable to the emergence of the ammonia synthesis industry in the Earth era!

In the star field, Wei Keng looked at the flow of interstellar matter connected like a spindle between Sirius A and Sirius B, and unconsciously sang in a low voice: A big river with wide waves, the wind blew the fragrance of rice and flowers on both sides,... Emotions brewed with the singing , resonates with the working people of the past in time and space.

As an old farmer with his face facing the loess and his back facing the sky, as long as he has fields, he will be stable.

At this time, on the planets near Sirius, the planetary core consciousnesses who were the first to arrive at the Final Star were conducting local grassroots communication work.

Narrator: These planetary core consciousnesses came from the Qin Tianfang era and traveled across the universe to get here through gravitational wave technology. They were pioneers, just like the Austronesians who crossed the Pacific in canoes to master modern industry in the twenty-first century.

These, the consciousness of the earth in the core of the planet, have "complex emotions" regarding the current act of farming in the magnificent starry sky.

Finally Reaching for the Stars faces these planetary consciousnesses: Dear aunts and uncles, we are willing to share technology and achieve a community of destiny with you. (End of chapter)

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