Out of the cage

Chapter 1539 Chapter 3031 Solidified in

The great uprising on the Sorok planet restrained the two Losunas. He turned his perspective to the "Lanyan Star" and Wei Keng read another file.

In the wormhole, the separate body of Wei Keng, who had the memory of "Jizhong", arrived, and Xi Danyu, who was waiting in orbit here, was slightly startled when he saw Wei Keng with this identity. ——It seems that I have seen him a long time ago, but I really can’t remember it now.

"Jizhong" said hello to Xi Danyu, and then started to link to Yu Cheng below.

As the "Dream Base", Yu Chen is the core of the dimensional war.

At this time, Yu Cheng, who was leisurely and leisurely in the city, looked at the several superpowers confronting each other in the sky, carefully avoiding the gangsters who took advantage of the chaos and robbed him on the street. He looks like an ordinary passerby, but from a dimensional perspective, this world time stream is rapidly narrowing.

The time stream narrows, i.e., a large amount of the timeline remains unchanged.

If there is enough consciousness to press on time and space, then the postures of the gangsters running with the knife in the street robbery are slightly different. These differences still constitute the thickness of the time layer, and now these no longer change, representing the solidification of time. .

And if you observe the consciousness of "Yu Chen" from a dimensional perspective, it is like a black hole swallowing up space-time variables. From a dimensional perspective, the quantum waves within a hundred light-years around Yu Chen are also calming down. Yes, this massive amount of quantum information is falling into an "information black hole."

Yu Chen is a "reader" who completely "reads" the non-variable information in the entire ruined plane, and correspondingly, he is the "author" in the fertile soil. Well, that is, the people who made a living by making up stories in the Fertile Soil Age, the "inspiration" for the origin of their stories in the Fertile Soil Plane was the completely shattered remains of these ruined planes!

…In the Seventh Plane War, some territories began to be “annihilated”…

On Lanyan Star, the plot came as promised. Two months after the disappearance of Fire Phoenix Luosuna, the senior officials of Feiyu Civilization arrived, preparing to completely blockade Soroko Civilization. ——And Wei Keng has been squatting again since then, and Luosuna's mother is also the base point of consciousness.

At this time, Ji Zhong's identity in Lan Yanxing was: an ordinary citizen with no power but considerable attainments in physical skills. When the "mother" arrived, Ji Zhong followed the stream and looked up at the bee queen.

After the Feiyu Military Alliance's High Throne arrived, under the sacred light, Ji Zhong, who was a native of the planet, was undoubtedly chosen. After entering the hall of this three hundred-kilometer "Heaven Soul" class battleship back. Told of a final trial.

And this trial is to participate in the suppression of the uprising on the planet Soroko.

In the heavenly soul ship, the pregnant queen is sitting on the throne. On the left, rows of female ministers in golden costumes are waiting.

Ming You: Haven’t you found the fire phoenix yet? Her fingers slid through rows of planets. Of course, this was no different from how some women in the 21st century browse Taobao.

Queen Sorok, who was originally responsible for the custody of the planet's giant divine weapons, knelt on one knee on the steps and confessed like a daughter who had made a mistake: "We have searched the nearby three light-year area and found no trace of the fire phoenix."

Ming You seemed to be saying to herself: "You can't see people when you are alive, and you can't see corpses when you die!" - At this time, she seemed to be asking herself, but she was actually very angry.

Suddenly, on the left interface, the selection of Lan Yanxing warriors had ended. Ming Yu waved her hand to end the matter, and the model-like sword-wielding female warrior on the side opened the space door.

On the space station that looks like a silver flying eagle six thousand kilometers away. The "lucky one" selected by Ji Zhong through the "Xiong Peak" was teleported up under the envious and jealous eyes of countless people in Lan Yanxing.

Ji Zhong was in the middle in the trial, well, for Wei Keng, the middle was enough, but Wei Keng had misjudged the thinking of the being who was sitting on the throne and radiating light.

Ming You looked at the low-level civilized martial arts warriors below with a noncommittal expression. Suddenly she waved her hand very calmly and said: "Erase 90%."

The female messenger on the side was stunned: Ninety percent?

Ming You glanced at the female minister and explained casually: "We won't need so many people next time, and I won't collect garbage here." - At this time, she was panicking. As a consciousness that came down from the dimension, she I know that the basis of my personality in this dimension is being erased.

Narrator: Ming Zheng's simple words, the hidden meaning behind it is that the original expansion of the recruitment of Lan Yanxing warriors was necessary. This need is to suppress the rebellion of Soroko civilization, but now it is "not needed". Is it because the rebellion of Soroko civilization has stalled? No, the "planet extinction" plan is about to be launched, and soldiers are no longer needed to occupy it.

As for things that are not needed, as a "luxurious person" at the top of the plane, he can naturally write them off in an understatement.

At this time, on the Silver Eagle flying platform, the teleported warriors were all fixed in their seats. Then, starting from the back of the queue, the beam of destruction erased rows of people like erroneous characters.

At this time, the "proud sons of heaven" of Lan Yanxing who were fixed on the platform could not accept such ups and downs for a while.


"We are willing to serve!"

A large number of unwilling voices echoed in the lower selection platform.

However, the Feiyu Civilization Envoy chuckled and replied on the platform: Only a small number of male peaks are needed in a hive.

Just after such perfunctory words ended, a ray of light shot out from the platform.

In the beginning, it was just a small dot, but then in the form of "diamond molecular bond angle", sixteen were born in one life, and sixty-four were born in sixteen. Soon the crystal lattice expanded the entire space, and the growth that violated the physical constants moved from the starting point to the endless Cosmic coverage.

And this starting point is only at Wei Keng's fingertips.

From Ming Yu's perspective: In the process of this person expanding everything, the surrounding universe information became unfamiliar, and the positions of all stars were confused.

Of course, it is more likely that the universe outside the light cone has switched to another dimension. The entire space station platform was brought to a parallel universe. This is a technology that even the ninth-level civilization of this plane cannot understand.

It seemed that there was no time for everyone here to accept the change. The three-hundred-kilometer-long Queen's Battleship disintegrated silently.

Everyone present had their values ​​marked and disappeared from the space as if they were reincarnated.

Wei Keng pulled out a floating steel plate and sat on it, as if working at a desk. He opened his notebook and started marking numbers for everyone. Then the wormhole flicker was matched, and the crossing was arranged on the spot.

Even the characters (conscious individuals) who had just been destroyed by Ming Zheng were being repaired as if going back in time. After being marked with an unknown number, they were sent into the black hole in ignorance. .

This "processed" operation put great pressure on Ming Zheng, who had previously "disdained everything" on the throne.

She stared at this newly appeared guy and determined that his realm was quite terrifying. Well, judging from his performance of pushing away a small black hole, it is an unprecedented level of physical skills. And being able to jump out of the plot setting and go straight to the upper limit of the laws of the universe is the top level of time travel consciousness. And behind his understatement, it is obvious that He has studied the rules of this universe to an extremely profound level.

Ming You stood up from the golden seat and said, "King, can you give me a reason for appearing in our star field and making such a big noise?"

Wei Keng, who had always been busy with things, looked at Ming Yun with interest - this playful gaze made Ming Yun very uncomfortable.

Narrator: The reason why Wei Keng was thinking about it at this time was because he now discovered the role of this super civilized female leader. One thousandth of its consciousness does not originate from the main world, but is originally the "indigenous consciousness source" of this plane and has the same origin as the consciousness of a certain harpy leader in the Hezheng displacement particle magic plane.

Similar to the archaeological discovery of ancient dinosaur fossils and modern chickens, they have a homologous relationship.

Of course, this kind of "consciousness" life inheritance phenomenon in the non-main world proves that the previous generation of time and space civilization that may have been encountered in the early pastoral era of the main world should have also played the role of "labeling" obsessions! Therefore, extensive left traces of “weak reverberation of consciousness” in the dimension.

Similarly, broken "biological genetic molecules" have been found in fossils.

…the dividing line between fertile soil and ruins…

On the Tai plane, in the post-modern industrial era. In a noisy and busy society, everyone is busy with heavy work, but no one has any illusions.

Writer Wei Yucheng took the elevator back home, put on the goggles and turned on the Internet connection. He looked at his own painting of "Stars in the Storm", clicked on the comment area, and browsed with relish.

I found some of the comments in the comment section to be annoying.

Comment on the first floor: "Why is this Feather Queen similar to the character of the character next door in "Steel Territory"?"

Comment on the second floor: "It's just a novice's work. The characters are all standardized and boring. It's just a fantasy or a science fiction."

Wei Yucheng was stunned and opened the comic "Steel Territory". This second-rate novelist, after flipping through the relevant chapters, patted his forehead and muttered: "Why is it the same as what others think?"

On the overpass outside the window, electric vehicles are flying in the sky. Although they are produced by different manufacturers, some of the design concepts are similar. (End of chapter)

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