Out of the cage

Chapter 1542 Chapter 3034 (Part 1) Shining Moment

The perspective comes to the realm of inverse displacement particles, the earliest battle zone of this plane war. On this plane that was once a fossil, there are many shining moments of extreme brightness on some timelines. ——From a dimensional perspective, these shining timelines are the evolutionary space working for the end of this plane.

Dimensionally inversely displace the particle territory within the time zone of Dingwu 252511. Suddenly, a large-scale uprising broke out in the Wukai Empire.

Experts from the Wukai Empire believed that this rebellion was simply due to scabies. But soon, those "despicable" rebels of lower civilizations on planets began to link up across galaxies, and a single spark quickly started a prairie fire.

On the four cantilevers of the Milky Way, the rebels have mastered interstellar transportation capabilities, allowing this uprising to spread among hundreds of thousands of planets. The Wukai Empire's interstellar battleships had to repeatedly shuttle through multiple artificial wormhole areas.

The bureaucrats of Vukai Mingxing Palace are also thinking, where is the source of the uprising?

Each time, dozens of planets revolted at the same time, and the development rhythm remained unified after the uprising. After completing the initial liberation mission of seizing the planet, they did not slack off and completed the space program at the same time.

In the past, anti-oppression uprisings on planets were looked down upon by the empire, and were even described as "small planetary rebellions." This is because the insurgents are not organized. The actions on each planet are singular. Sometimes, even if the planetary governor is overthrown in a short period of time, there is no next step of strategic planning, and there is no strategic margin for planning in space. The grassroots rebel group fell into the so-called "who has purer ideas than whose" competition on the planet, and was quickly wiped out by the empire.

Now, the ability to organize across galaxies has emerged.

The empire's seventh-level spiritual power users were not stupid, and they naturally surmised that this "chaos" came from some kind of "ancient evil" invasion.

After research, imperial scholars found that this ability is related to the distribution of neutron stars in the uprising area. There seem to be a number of "subspace" entrances on these neutron stars. In fact, this statement is correct. This is the entrance to the dimensional information enthalpy projection material interference. It is a channel for "gods" to interfere in the world as understood by the Wukai Empire.

It's just that the former "gods" of the empire, the Black Alliance, have now withdrawn from the territory, and the newly arrived time and space officers of the evolutionary system are unwilling to abide by the old civilized order of the Ninth Grade Zhongzheng.

In the trend of "evolution", some emerging civilizations have built Dyson rings that were previously unimaginable. These majestic wonders that did not belong to the martial arts civilization appeared in the star sea, stirring up the enterprising spirit of a large number of civilizations in the star sea who had been oppressed by the ninth-level Zhongzheng system for tens of thousands or a hundred thousand years, and at the same time, the concept of evolution spread in the star sea.

When the fourth wave of uprisings began, the number of uprising planets reached 70 million, spread across all parts of the galaxy.

The civilizations that succeeded in the first wave of uprisings have completed an independent technological evolution and revolution, and completed the cultivation of local technological and humanistic spirits.

To the northeast of Wukai Star, the earliest batch of uprising civilizations resisted the pressure of the empire, completed the capital ship manufacturing technology, and began to build jump wormholes in the direction of the core capital area of ​​​​the Wukai system.

Approximately three hundred and eighty standard years later, the Materialist Legion and the Wukai Empire fought their first head-on battle.

The battle broke out in the cantilever area of ​​the Immortal King, the Hunter constellation belt, and the star cluster area of ​​6,000 main sequence stars. In the early stages of the battle, the rebels in this area relied on the advantage of the gravitational shielding of the "double star system" and "three star system" The terrain, and the Wukai Empire fought dozens of "standard years" of guerrilla warfare, wearing down the patience of the Wukai Empire's interstellar marshals.

Therefore, after discovering the movements of the rebels in the Hunter constellation, the Empire determined that this was a seizeable battle opportunity and immediately completed the assembly. These 3,657 fortresses in total were pressing towards the target star area in a mighty manner.

The Hunting Throne is the star region where the war is most intense. There are 900 medium and large stars in the center of the star cluster, a total of hundreds of thousands of warships, and 3,600 interstellar fortresses. They are not crowded together, and it is impossible to squeeze into the gravitational area of ​​​​a star. Double-digit planetary fortress.

The gravitational tides created by the interspersed creation of planetary fortresses will cause the orbits of large planets to fluctuate, thereby producing a large number of colliding asteroid fragments, restricting the maneuverability of the spacecraft.

Narrator: Just as a village cannot accommodate more than two hundred cavalry, because even if there is enough food, the water from the two or three wells in the village cannot withstand the drinking of the horses.

Of course, just like hundreds of thousands of armies fighting on Earth, there will be a "Hu family shack" that plays a key role in the battle. In this super battle, a certain star will also play a decisive role in the battle.

…In the tide of liberation, no one is small. …

In the Hunter constellation belt, on a planet in fixed orbit called the Earth Spirit Star, the civilization born here is now a small member of the materialist army's uprising group in the star sea.

Wei Keng split, and Wei Chuxin looked straight at the defense network unfolding on his own fourth and fifth planetary orbital systems, hand-drawing the current star image on the projection.

Behind him is the newly built Dyson Sphere. The entire Earthling Star civilization completed industrialization within a hundred years after its initial liberation, and then took on the important task of challenging Wu Kai's imperialism in space.

At present, in the big decision of the interstellar material organization, the Earthling Star Civilization has transferred all the "ecosystem" and the backup population of 60 million young people to the eighteen backup planets in the rear, and the entire Earthling Star Civilization "will be ordered to Block the Imperial Starfleet here and prevent its passage.

Narrator: Just like during national wars in the industrial age, organizers wanted to improve the treatment of military families. In this super-large interstellar war, the organizers of the uprising group must resolutely ensure the inheritance of the participating civilizations. Just like the current land division, well, giving up the many planets developed behind the war zone to the participating civilizations is a basic operation. Now this Earthling Star civilization will stick to these three planets instead of wandering and fleeing, just because it has been allocated those eighteen planets.

About fifteen star rotation cycles later, the interstellar fortress of the Wukai Empire arrived from the perspective of the Earth Spirit Planet.

This red interstellar fortress is three thousand kilometers in diameter! It appeared like a crimson killing star. After the jump was completed, gravitational chaos occurred in the star system, and the orbits of many asteroids were pushed crooked by the spreading gravitational waves.

Corresponding defense deployments have also been completed on Earthling Planet, and all production systems have been moved to the sea. The atmosphere is hydrogenated, the oceans are thickened, the reducing properties of the atmosphere are enhanced, and the loss of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon particle states after the atmosphere is hit by particle weapons is reduced. At the same time, the sea builds a nano-layer and begins to form a shield, making it impossible for nuclear bombs falling from space to penetrate within a hundred meters and explode accurately.

In addition to the above-mentioned defense system, in the rugged mountains, large subways transport materials like blood vessels and supply giant cannons like skyscrapers on the planet, explaining what a planetary fortress is.

A small soldier in the war, Wei Chuxin stood in the telescope array on the satellite, providing his comrades with a perspective of the enemy's and our fleets' formations in the narrow starry sky.

He whispered: "This battle should leave a deep mark in history."

Yes, in countless other time streams, a large number of weak civilizations faced super civilizations, scurrying like mosquitoes in the sea of ​​​​stars, accumulating negative entropy during their escape, and various civilization attributes degraded. Some civilizations even escaped in the spaceship. After dozens of generations, the language has degenerated, and it has become a beast that roars and has incest in various cabins.

However, in this timeline, at this moment, those lower-level civilizations in the uprising area that were defined by the arrogant had a shining moment. A large number of planets that received the order did not escape and began to fight resolutely.

...The road to civilization sometimes cannot be retreated! …

At this time, the perspective is slightly wider. With the Earth Spirit Star as the center, five stars in the four light-year area around it have experienced fluctuations in the Wukai Empire's planetary fortress transition at the same time.

The Wukai Empire invested fifteen interstellar fortresses in this multi-star area, aiming to penetrate it and then penetrate into the Luoxi Nebula behind the rebel army.

As for the Revolutionary Army, there are only eight mobile interstellar fortresses here. The defensive battle depends on the natural planets.

…The forty-five-month offensive and defensive war began…

Take the Earthling Star as an example. In the early stages of the battle, due to the ability to mobilize stellar energy and project particle stream attacks at ultra-long distances, the protective shield around the Wukai Empire's interstellar fortress was weakened layer by layer, and a large number of warships were also sprayed by fire. Like flies, they no longer have the splendor of the Imperial Army.

In the middle of the battle, Wu Kaixing finally relied on the second interstellar fortress to guide the main ship to attack in a roundabout way. In the second round, the Star Fortress on the Materialist Legion side was defeated.

Just when Wu Kaiming thought that the fortress confrontation was over, his side had won.

On the materialistic side, they dispatched a fleet to block the pursuit of the imperial fleet and successfully evacuated the battle-damaged fortress.

At the same time, the gravitational restraint between Planet 8 and its satellite was released, allowing the fortress-like satellite to rush into the battlefield, blocking the continued advance of the Empire's second interstellar fortress, and ensuring the Materialist Legion's control of the Dyson Ring.

Thirty-seven months later, in the middle and late stages of the battle.

Wu Kai launched another attack. This time the fortress rushed to the third orbit and focused on bombing the resisting Earthling Star.

But in this interstellar fortress, when millions of mirrors were deployed to attack the Earth Spirit Star, they were caught off guard by a "sneak attack" from the rebels. The Materialist Legion launched a directed gamma ray burst at the expense of the No. 8 auxiliary ring of Dyson Ring.

After being hit, the huge interstellar fortress suddenly turned red and collapsed like a punctured persimmon. What looks like a small collapse on a planetary scale, is like a scene of sky-shattering and earth-shattering on an interstellar fortress thousands of kilometers away.

Such a huge man-made celestial body has natural gravity, and any smallest load-bearing deck of the main structure is one million tons. It collapsed after being destroyed, and there was no way to prevent it from collapsing inwards. At the same time, the heat generated by the collapse will accumulate below, causing more load-bearing failures, and the collapse zone will continue to grow like mold growing on an apple.

Of course, the real "amazing" thing is within thirty seconds after the gamma ray burst ends.

The advanced civilization group on the Wukai galaxy, and the eighth-level spiritual power users in the fortress, saw the star controlled by the rebel Dyson ring, and there were signs of a second flash of light facing them. Frustrated, he ordered the core personnel to retreat and move to a new fortress outside. A seventh-level physical arts expert was left behind.

He didn't even know that this second flare was just a false shot. Under the cover of this harmless flare, a group of sky knights successfully covered the mechanized troops landing on the surface of the fortress despite the misfire of the fortress's surface defense system. (End of chapter)

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