Out of the cage

Chapter 1557 Chapter 3108 The small seedling that pushed through the boulder

Chapter 1557 Chapter 31.08 The small seedling that pushed through the boulder

Li Xun rushed to Yingdi and looked up at the "Lianxin Academy", which was built on a high mountain. It was a high-end institution like a sect. The entire institution was built on "a profound spiritual heritage."

The "spiritual energy" of the spiritual veins comes from the energy generated by the movement of the panels below.

During the stress extrusion process of the earth's crust, following the laws of this world, the magnetism and heat generated are converted into energy with material attributes such as "clouds". "

In the main world, the same plate movement phenomenon occurs, and the stress in the plates lacks this kind of "matter storage" intermediate state storage. So it can only erupt in the form of an earthquake. There are no spiritual veins in places with violent crustal movements, only large fault zones or violent orogeny.

After understanding the principle, as for how to name the "phenomenon", it depends on the cultural habits of the region. The naming of various "qi" in this world is quite oriental.

Li Xu recalled that he had read and practiced basic disciplines: the plate rupture, the rift valley area is called a bad zone, the generation is "evil energy", and the converging and squeezing of the plates produces "spiritual energy". ——Therefore, the narrow valley is called a barren mountain and bad water, where there are often zombies and demons, while the valley between two stable mountains is often full of green grass and clear water.

When spiritual energy and evil energy enter the cultivator's body, the corresponding fusion energy state is named "Qi".

...step by step, step on the steps, it is said that this is the "sincere" ceremony when entering school...

The ancient school is isolated by layers of protective shields, just like the nano-protective shields of the Rising Sun Empire in the Chinese plane. This is a restriction imposed by the sect.

In the last Huiyuan (hundreds of thousands of years later), it is said that the laws of heaven and earth began to change at that time, the elements of the traditional cultivation process "law and earth for wealthy couples" changed, and the industrial revolution appeared in each small world (planet). Sects The organization has also undergone changes and actively joined the WTO.

The layout of the mountain gate has been changed by generations of masters, following the trend, making it more and more cool. "

Li Xu followed the team to the entrance of the mountain gate. This was a simulated 100-meter-high waterfall. The water did not hang on the cliff, but seemed to come from the sky. After the scan was completed, the waterfall unfolded like a curtain, and then a A huge arch fifty meters high. There is a light blue force field film in the arch. You can only enter it by taking out the recommended jade card, otherwise you will be ejected.

Li Xu entered the Ling Testing Hall, which is a necessary procedure for testing the qualifications of entrants within the sect.

The person in charge of the Ling Meiling Hall was obviously an old man. He had a silver toothpick in his mouth. He curled his lips when he saw that Li Xu was born in the lowest class.

But when Li Xu's qualification was displayed on the monitoring system, he was obviously shocked. Because it is rare to see superior qualifications.

Later, when asked a series of questions such as where Li Xu came from, Li Xu behaved "ignorantly" and failed to offer any "meaning". He waved his hand to let Li Xu leave, and then assigned him a grade of only medium qualifications.

This "grade" determination is very important for disciples from poor families who have just entered school.

Because in contemporary cultivation, "fa, couple" has become the "priority" of training within the group, and they are rated as highly qualified and have a higher priority. If you are "downgraded", it will be very difficult even if you are actually very qualified.

Similar to: The concept of the 21st Century College Entrance Examination, where scores can be calculated incorrectly and twenty points are deducted.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Keng specially made a save point here.

Wei Keng was well aware of the humanities and sophistication of the "Measuring Lingtang". If necessary, Li Zhu will also provide a meeting gift. After all, I can bear the slap at the train station. But just because you can endure it, doesn’t mean you should.

After weighing his future development, Li Xu determined that he did not need "too much priority from his group" at the current stage of development, and it was most cost-effective to be among the "middle-class" people.

Therefore, I have no intention of "drilling down" on this link. By the way, who wouldn’t want to maintain a little “arrogance” if conditions permit? As a middle-aged person, we often encounter embarrassment, mostly because we don’t have enough margin to support our “presumptuousness”

Note: On other timelines at the same save point, Wei Keng's other clones need to cater to these worldly sentiments due to differences in goal planning. And these moments of flattery "happened" to meet the time-traveling consciousnesses in other dimensions (some from the own main world, and some from the taiwan plane), and Li Zhu's flattering appearance was a stain that made other time-travelers despise, these proud people The well-preserved time travelers will therefore ignore these "Wei Keng passers-by", but little do they know that their journey through different time and space has been caught in Wei Keng's "big net".

Back to the main line of "mundane".

At this time, Li Xu, who came out of the mourning hall, compared the other timelines and dealt with it by himself. He proudly faced the huge academic building that resembled a mountain and muttered: I have everything to cover and no extra baggage. Now I can be said to be "free and happy". "At ease".

…the dividing line six months later. …

In Dongsheng Kingdom, Li Xu now set up Tai Xuetang in the same place. Scholars who enter the school have to take the "Ji Zi" test here.

And a "Ji Ren" must not only have corresponding social undertakings, but also must have a certain level of cultivation.

The undertakings needed to recruit people can fall into one of the following three categories.

The first is to take charge of scientific research, and the second is to manage the company's business. Third: Governing the political achievements of dozens of villages in one town

Under the Dong Sheng Kingdom’s “man-governed” system, these three types of undertakings require the chief officials to consume their energy and energy.

(In the industrial age of the 21st century on earth, after undergraduate students enter the postgraduate stage, their hair volume will become less and less, for the same reason. Their energy and physical strength cannot keep up.)

In this world, as early as the ancient cultivation era, sects would choose to exploit people with Qi training and spiritual stone mining. Instead of using mechanics to update the excavator. At present, with complex grassroots governance, corporate management, and scientific research, it is easy to understand the logic that Dong Sheng Kingdom prefers qualified scholars to carry out "rule of man" instead of adjusting the system from the bottom up for "rule of law."

Wei Keng’s notebook summary: Under certain circumstances, as long as the selected talents match the “virtue”, “rule by man” will have a comparative advantage over “rule by law”.

After the unification of the East and the death of Qin Fa I, later dynasties had to respect Confucianism, give all scholars the stamp of following the "sage" ideology, improve the moral quality of the "governors", and implement rule by man. Because of the great unification of the country, there were great differences in different regions. It was difficult for the "law" to take care of all aspects at that time, so there were loopholes in the "law". These "loopholes" could easily lead to the emergence of rulers who were "incompatible with morality".

"Using the "contradiction theory" to objectively describe the "rule of law", there must be loopholes in the law." People who do not match their moral integrity will inevitably take advantage of loopholes and act recklessly based on the law.

In the era when the "rule of law" prevailed in modern times, similar drawbacks were obvious.

For example, in some local legal rulings, it is obvious that there is a mismatch between morals. Helpers rely on the rigidity of the law to perform utilitarian operations. The law even becomes a lever, so "a certain mountain must win", or it is to protect a certain medicinal wine place. Industry, thousands of miles of detention of "rumour-mongers" appeared - if it were in the "man-governed" stage, with public opinion and money, these unscrupulous people would have been put to death long ago.

Of course, the most extreme case is that of America at that time. Lawyers who exploited legal loopholes became a huge industry and protected the ruling group at that time. When the beneficiaries of the "rule of law" in the entire country's management class unilaterally exploit loopholes, most of the grassroots are unilaterally constrained by the "rule of law." "Dharma" has become the sword and shield of "double-standard and unscrupulous people", which can be used both offensively and defensively.

Such a "law" has gradually become very close to the historical "law of violent Qin".

The above problems are bound to be more serious when the governance system is imperfect. Therefore, for a long time, the rule of law under the unified system of CUHK has been suppressed by the rule of man.

Returning to the topic, the management of "people-oriented" management adopted by the Eastern Holy Kingdom must also solve the biggest problem of "people-oriented" management.

The "people" in "rule by man" are changeable, especially when people only have a short "hundred years" and their energy changes greatly from young to old. Therefore, "rule by man" is unstable compared to "rule by law".

Therefore, scholars in the Eastern Holy Kingdom must have matching "extraordinary" cultivation at the stage of "raising people."

In the training center, Li Xu looked at the "Taizhao Jue" that he had obtained

This is the qi training method taught by Lianxin Academy. When students enter school and record it in the information file, they will get a jade crystal recorder. Everyone can go to the Tibetan Gong Pavilion to find ways to practice Kung Fu based on this jade tablet.

Usually, students with ordinary qualifications will feel the inner energy after one month. Li Xu almost got it and started to do it. While others are still exploring the sense of qi, the true qi in the body has completed its daily cycle.

...Wei Keng: The methods of cultivation in the world are all the same. They all use oneself as the starting point to establish a connection with the negative entropy system of heaven and earth.

On this planet (small world) where Dong Sheng is located, there are three paths to cultivation.

If the energy is in harmony with the sea of ​​consciousness and it is spiritual cultivation, then it means being good at magic. (Spiritual thoughts are attached to direct digital attacks in today’s network system)

If the energy is consistent with the Dantian, then the Qi practitioner is good at "controlling the device" (flying swords in the old days, and aerospace satellites in modern times)

Energy is stored in the meridians. That is the warrior. Good at fighting skills, (today it is a body-fitting combat mecha)

Any practice requires the mutual support of "Dharma couple, wealth and land". But today, it is necessary to rely on a big force.

For example, in the process of refining qi from the initial practice to the condensation of the golden elixir, if there is no medicine to take, no heavenly materials and earthly treasures to assist, and no other adventures, and only relying on hard training, the time it takes for a real middle-qualified monk to reach the golden elixir stage is about Half of the life span is required.

Some people would say that it only takes half of the "Shou Yuan" to form an elixir, so is it still very easy to form an elixir? ——Answer: That is the most ideal state in planning, but there is a gap between ideal and reality.

In the 21st century, many parents believe that if their children study hard, they will ideally be admitted to a first-class university.

But in fact, the ideal state is unattainable. Most parents will relax and drink on Sundays, watch TV, play games, and mahjong while their children are studying. They will not avoid quarrels and disagreements. Various factors will lead to middle-aged children. Not even one-thirtieth of those who have the qualifications to truly become talents.

At present, less than one percent of the students in Lian Xin Academy have achieved the "Golden Elixir", "Yin Shen" and "Martial Saint" realms.

"Self-discipline" is often a more luxurious ability than "golden fingers".

After the registration ended, Li Zhu did not do anything extra and continued as usual.

At the stage of completing the introductory practice, in order to ensure that you are full of energy, you should eat well when you eat, and fall asleep when you go to bed. When you wake up, you will naturally be full of energy.

Eight months after enrolling, one of the academy's Hanlin officials took a fancy to Li Chu.

In the Hanlin's courtyard, Li Xu behaved respectfully and went through the apprenticeship ceremony before successfully entering. ——At this time, there is no pride as in the "Measurement Hall", because this is necessary.

Next, regardless of whether it was cold or hot, Li Xu followed Hanlin's requirements and completed each subject within a period of several months and passed the exam.

A year later, Li Xu successfully obtained the opportunity to enter the laboratory operation, and soon began to undertake important work.

In the laboratory, in front of each energy facility, Li Xu summarized more and more data reports, gradually relying on himself to do a lot of the work.

During this period, Miss Sun gave birth. The Sun family wrote to their nominal uncle Li Xu to give her a name. After confirming that it was a girl, Li Xu thought about it and chose the name "Bu Ran". The expectations given by this name are self-evident.

s...abandoned home to study, and time flies...

Unknowingly, Li Xu has been in school for three years. It seems that nothing has changed about him. He only needs a place to live, a pot, and a bed. He works at sunrise and rests at sunset.

In the past three years, Li Xu has seen many bright and beautiful girls. For example, the three sisters of the Blue Wind Group are like blooming lilies and are the three recognized school beauties.

However, Li Xu knew it in his heart. If I want to embrace all these beautiful things, do I have the life to enjoy them? ——The answer is yes, but I don’t think it is necessary.

Even if he posted it, Keng wouldn't feel at ease - it was like a farmer who had been farming all his life and faced the huge price of his mountain goods in the city. I feel uneasy and have no bottom.

Li Xu also understands that his character is particularly easy to miss these windfalls.

…But three years of hard work will not be buried, and real gold is not afraid of fire...

In the year 3449 of the Tiandao calendar, in the Jialiuchenba laboratory of the school's central research institute, the laboratory's furnace was opened. Li Xu's teacher Yang Hanlin is supervising Li Xu's operations. This is a topic applied for by the campus research department.

This technological furnace is equipped with various electronic digital information systems, but the basic configuration can still be seen from the ancient cultivation era. There are ripples jumping on the furnace, which is the operating system of this furnace.

Li Zhu's eyes were like an awl. At this time, he concentrated his mind highly and stabilized it on the operating node. His steps were brisk, and his fingers formed standard mudra of fast and slow movements. When he was slow, he was like a tortoise, and when he was fast, he was like a running rabbit. It’s a swishing dance that turns into an afterimage

This was originally a level that could only be achieved by practicing at the seventh level of Qi training, but now Li Zhu could only achieve it by practicing at the fifth level.

If you don't have enough cultivation, you must force yourself to perform hand seals. The energy that increases in entropy will accumulate on the mana, causing a burning sensation to the mind.

Therefore, it is necessary to stop every once in a while, but if you stop for a while, the stable state of the furnace fire energy will be out of control, and it will not be able to accumulate. This is the shackles that restrict most gas refiners from operating advanced furnaces.

If you are an expert, you will find that when Li Xu's handprints slow down, it is when the fire control in the furnace can be slowed down just enough. ——In short, the heat of the furnace was planned in advance by Li Zhu.

In terms of furnace control, Li Xu concentrated some unimportant processes together, while the important processes were placed at a fast pace.

This talent and spirituality actually surpasses many talents in the academy.

After the furnace was opened, Li Xu took out the material called "mica steel", placed it in the force field isolator, and handed it to the instructor for inspection. This material is an important energy material for preparing the energy core of fighter planes and tanks.

Real industrial furnaces are much larger than today's experimental furnaces, have much greater output, and are easier to automate.

However, as a scholar, only by successfully mastering all the steps in front of the experimental furnace and during a large cycle of the operation of the industrial furnace can we ensure that no problems will occur.

Yang Hanlin stepped into a protective stance. After kneading the hair technique with his hands, the "mica steel" was held up by Qi Jin, and he began to examine his student's skills.

This is the seventeenth assessment paper on the smelting of key materials that Li Xu has come up with this year. To participate in the test, the children of the aristocratic family only need to master six. And it is these six types that have blocked many children from aristocratic families in the academy. Only 10% to 20% of those in the academy pass the examination all year round.

After Yang Hanlin checked the materials, he was sure that this was "excellent". He looked at Li Xu who was adjusting his breath, and thought silently in his heart: "If he had a better background, I'm afraid he would have become famous long ago." Compared with Li Xu, his closed disciple , seems to be smart. He was not good at studies, but in order to earn a reputation for his talents, he flourished in music, painting and other miscellaneous industries.

After seeing Yang Hanlin draw the "excellent" symbol, Li Zhu thanked his instructor and resigned.

Yang Hanlin couldn't help but smile when he looked at the "red mark" on Li Xu's forehead and between his eyebrows that was caused by overwork.

In the school where Li Xu lived, his identity was that of a married man with children. But the Confucian cultivators in the academy can all see that Li Xu is a standard Chunyang boy, and the method of practice is still the kind of abstinence to cultivate one's nature, and the whole body is flawless, which can only be seen in Taoism. .

It is an interesting and strange thing that such a boy has a wife and a daughter.

However, after the old scholar learned that Li Xu was his wife, he immediately understood the reason. ——Everyone sees through it but doesn’t say it out loud.

Of course, because Li Xu had a family business, it was difficult for the instructors in the college to arrange for some female cultivators to be with Li Xu.

As a mentor, Yang Hanlin could see that the innate Yang Gang in Li Zhu was getting stronger and stronger.

"Being humble" and "already having a family" have obviously become the best barriers for Li Chu to put an end to the red, pink and weak water, creating a single-minded focus on studying Taoism.

Yang Hanlin and other old scholars lamented: It is true that misfortunes and blessings depend on each other.

On this side, Li Zhu, who returned to his residence, saw a pop-up window on the information goggles he was wearing. He saw the academy's prompt that he had been selected for this year's exam.

Li Xu took a long breath, it was not easy. Looking at the sun, I unconsciously inhaled a surge of innate power.

This process of striving upward is like a small seedling, silently shattering the boulder pressing on the head.

When Li Xu felt something in his mind, he suddenly started to feel something. The nebula-like disk in the sea of ​​consciousness now shone, and a shooting star formed.

Li Xu paused and began to meditate. A few hours later, another meteor formed. Each meteor took one turn in the sea of ​​consciousness, absorbing the power of the sun ten times more efficiently than before.

Li Xu stood on the balcony facing the sun, and the sunlight within five meters suddenly began to twist. A ray of true sun fire was now like a funnel-shaped body, quickly transforming into life.

If other cultivators take the true fire of the sun into their bodies in this way, their energy and spirit will have problems. First of all, their "spirits" will become restless and irritable. "Essence" is in a burning state, and desires are exciting but harmful to the root. And if you have too much "qi" and use too much force, you may injure yourself.

It can be said that the "True Sun Fire" is an energy that most practitioners cannot control, but Li Zhu has a first-class "innate Yang spirit" in his body.

The improvement in the efficiency of absorbing the power of the sun made Li Zhu do some calculations and realize that he was equivalent to building a foundation.

Li Xu raised his hand, and there was light under his skin, as bright as golden blood flowing through his meridians, and he whispered: "This is not foundation building, it's just a wave of energy from the (initial red giant star) that just matches The energy of my state of consciousness.”

Li Xu rubbed his forehead. After this breakthrough, he had to take a leave and recuperate.

…At this time, on the fishing timeline next door, Wei Keng had already caught a fish. …

Wei Keng was shocked to find that Ji Xu was on the timeline near him, and there was another consciousness that surprised him.

The time and space commander of the Xia Sheng plane is called Yuan Chun, and he is trying to explore the core timeline of his own place through the auspicious sequence.

This auspicious sequence is dyed by the main god of our main world.

Wei Keng from the dimension murmured: Yuan Chun, Qin Tianfang, hey, you are doing evil!

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