Out of the cage

Chapter 1559 Chapter 3110 Immortal Punk

Chapter 1559 Chapter 31.10 Immortal Punk

On the Eastern Star, the Wuwei Sect is a modern sect that is not only a mountain sect, but also an industrial guild.

The fearless Shangzong is now in Dongsheng, and controls the ocean ship shipping, deep-ocean space station, water-proof energy shield, deep-sea mining business, and other technical systems.

Li Zhu looked at the technological island on the electronic map in front of him and determined that it was a cultivation sect. Then, follow the route of the suspended vehicle in the air, pedal the flying skateboard, and fly by the light all the way.

After passing the imperial examination, Li Chu became a disciple of Master Zhixing. Introduction to the mechanical spirit (intelligent system): This person is in the late Jindan period and is a Jinshi in the imperial examination system.

Jinshi is not a state, but a prestigious position given by the national system at this time.

However, Jinshi are usually Confucian cultivators at the Dancheng level, while those monks who are attentive (at the Nascent Soul stage) will be awarded the titles of Great National Scholar and Great National Master.

In the Acute Angle Building, Li Xu rode his skateboard and landed in this building modeled after a cave, and met his teacher. This teacher is researching new energy configuration materials with three senior brothers. In the ancient cultivation era, this was similar to the research of weapon refining, but now it is not a robe with wide sleeves, shaking a fan and magic weapon by the fire, but a laser furnace. , discussing while using a dust-free isolation cover.

When the teacher saw Li Xu arriving, he scanned the spiritual radiator between his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

Wuwei Shangzong had already investigated Li Zhu's net worth, mainly to find out whether his disciple was innocent.

Nowadays, there are a lot of secrets in various technologies of the sect industry. If unreliable people are mixed in to get started, considerable losses will occur.

In this world, it is not uncommon for people recruited into a sect to have bad character, gamble, and be greedy, and then their weaknesses are caught by the enemy, so they have to become spies and take away a certain key technology.

Therefore, Master Zhixing’s various concerns about Li Chi are not as simple as “hearing about them”

After meeting Li Xu, I was very satisfied to see that he was just like the rumors. He was dressed in pure yang and strictly guarded his Dantian. He had a restrained and steady personality.

Note: Every move of Li Xu when he returned to visit his relatives was also under investigation by the sect, so he took revenge without permission. Even if the sect was sure that he would not pursue the case after "ending the world of mortals", there still had to be a period of investigation to determine whether the disciple was serious. "Finished".

Li Zhu made a comparison in the parallel timeline and knew that the sect wanted to test the character of the "poor" disciples.

Wei Keng: Damn it, there are so many tests for people with no background in this circle.

…In the Immortal Refining Society, as a person, it is like a piece of raw material entering the refining furnace, and will be severely assessed at every moment…

Something like a remote control flashed out in the hand of Zhu Xingren. Please note that it is flashing. This thing looks like a remote control, but it is actually a magic weapon.

On the hexagonal grid on the ceiling, six rhombus-shaped "magic weapons" were ejected. After these rhombus-shaped objects circled around Li Chu, they completed the process of identifying their owner.

Zhenxing Zhenren handed this to Li Xu, and Li Xu bowed his hand and thanked his master for the treasure.

Master Ji Xing: "When you come to me, there are two ways for you. The first is to do research in the Binhai Experimental Laboratory, and the second is to serve in the Tianyue Fleet."

Li Xu: I definitely can’t choose the second option, the fleet circle, because the mentor in front of me is not a senior officer. If I run over and encounter a problem, he can take care of the "after-sales service".

As Li Xu chose to be a scholar with a firm heart towards the Tao, Zhan Xingzhen sent a "letter of recommendation" to the shipbuilding department and asked Li Xu to be responsible for smelting steel.

This is a project that involves few benefits but is very hard on management and technology. Of course, it is precisely because of this that nobles with "connections" rarely choose this path.

...Li Xu did not raise his head, but as he breathed in the calm atmosphere around him, he knew that his choice was right...

When Li Xu left, Zhenxing Zhenren asked his eldest disciple: "What do you think of your new junior brother?"

The senior disciple said: "He is a very steady and measured person" - he could not see Li Chu's talent at present, so he could only give a fair evaluation based on the first meeting.

The mechanical master nodded. He could also see that after Li Xu entered the door, except for technology, he did not show any sway in his mind about any other high-tech things in the sect. This was a very stable performance.

However, the eldest disciple of Zhenxing Zhenren saw another thing. The little junior sister behind him was loved by everyone. All the disciples who started would be attracted to her at the first sight. Li Zhu's eyes swept over naturally, focusing directly on Master Ji Xing and himself, who was second only to Master Ji Xing.

The eldest disciple's first impression of Li Zhu was that he had a very simple demeanor, much more stable than those disciples from aristocratic families in the sect who were born easy.

People who do things in a down-to-earth manner have a solid sense of priority for things and people, and will not be distracted by "strange", "noble" or "glorious".

...Actually, when Li Xu saw Ji Xing, he was thinking about the two naughty troublemakers at home, and he should arrange school affairs for them...

On the second day after moving to Binhai, Li Zhu was washing the sheets. Standing next to him, Sun Buran and Li Wuman, one big and one small, were squatting together with a small basin to wash socks. Like poor kittens and bunnies.

While brushing the bed sheets, Li Xu said: "You said, it's okay for one of you to wet the bed, but two of you wet the bed together at night. I told you not to eat so much sugar at night, but you didn't listen. If you eat too much, you should drink water." If you drink too much water, you will wet the bed.”

Uncle Li Xu vented his resentment like an old lady. In fact, when cleaning clothes, only a "dust purification technique" can remove all the stains. Now they have to use a washboard to rub by hand. In fact, it is just for education, so that these two silly girls know from an early age that they have to solve the troubles they cause by themselves.

After helping her wash the sheets, she sent them to kindergarten. Yes, they had to go to school wearing clothes that were wrinkled by Li Chu.

…The transition from sect to local industry…

In the Department of Shipbuilding Industry, Li Zhu was wearing a suspended spiritual weapon and looking at the 60-meter-high shipyard with metal beams and mechanical skeletons.

In addition to heavy industry, there are also technological equipment enchanted with various pipelines, just like a brush dipped in thick ink across rice paper. The energy injector uses the energy mass pen tip and the barrel steel as paper to inject energy lines into the cast barrel.

Li Xu seemed to hear a voice saying "Welcome to the age of fairy industry." The rules of the world are different. Some inheritances are too harsh and cannot be practiced under the current conditions. .

For example, martial arts routes, including skin training, muscle training, blood training, bone tempering, and mind concentration, require "all kinds of enriched spiritual energy" which are too harsh for contemporary practitioners. Through this route.) Currently, under the current "single spiritual energy" situation, martial arts cultivators rely on practicing in artificial spiritual fields created by high gravity. There are only two or three types of martial arts that can be used, which is extremely single compared to ancient times.

In order to meet the needs of high-level martial arts cultivators, the major powers on the planet drilled wells one after another. Martial Saint-level experts directly entered the spiritual wells of different natures in the high-pressure area of ​​the earth as if they were self-abuse.

And in the practice of spiritual mind, it is no longer the "splitting the god", "quenching the god" and "refining the god" in ancient times. It is like "the starfish breaks off its limbs and is reborn", and it can grow stronger.

The spiritual consciousness of modern cultivators is not connected with the thick essence and Qi. Just like the human body, it is okay to be damaged only by scratches. If it is cut off directly, it will be like a broken leg or limb in the physical body, which will always be incomplete.

Compared with ancient times, the spiritual consciousness of contemporary cultivators is fragile, so there is no such thing as spiritual consciousness shooting. When Li Xu saw Zhenxing Zhenren, he didn't have the consciousness to penetrate his dantian and the spiritual power between his eyebrows. This is also the reason. Everyone's spiritual thoughts enter the "chip"-shaped facility and are well protected. They flow out signals through electromagnetic commands and enter another creature with a chip to complete the "object expulsion." In this way, if the spiritual thought has just been cultivated and has not entered the "attachment", and suddenly encounters thunder or sun fire, it will immediately melt like ice and snow.

Today's spiritual cultivation realm is divided into meditation, gathering, attachment, and imaging.

Meditation: (attention shrinks in the sea of ​​consciousness),

Sense of concentration: (focus on closing your eyes, ears, and skin to find the sixth sense) Auxiliary understanding is that you can also see light when you close your eyes! When you close your eyes, you can vaguely feel the stream of light in front of you.

Attachment: At this level, attention can perceive the state of matter! For example, when people watch the Terminator raise his hand to change his eyes and scrape the metal eye sockets with a knife, they feel like the knife is scraping the metal eye sockets.

Imagery: Directly turn the phenomena in your own mind into semi-real phenomena and manifest them in the outside world, such as the surging waves or the tilt of the building that you have imagined. When the data accumulated in your thoughts is real enough, enough information can be output by casting the spell. Enthalpy, let the phenomenon appear directly!

The auxiliary training of spiritual thoughts in Taoism is the above four levels. If you want to further refine it, regardless of the origin of the body, then cultivate the spirit.

When the stage of spiritual cultivation reaches the stage of creating images (creating phenomena), the brain can no longer support this kind of operation, and the mind is attached to the energy carrier. This is the Yin Shen stage. If in the Shinto way, the Taoist practice of "creating images" can withstand the shock of nine thunder disasters, then your thinking can be connected to zero-point energy and can directly transform the information enthalpy into the reality of this small world! ——And this realm is the achievement of Yang Shen, which can also be said to be the godhead of the Western path.

...In this Yuanhui, it is an era where science and technology are prevalent, and all those who enter the Tao can only enter through scientific and technological means. …

On the entire Blue Saint Planet, the highest level of Qi training is Nascent Soul. The highest level of martial arts cultivation is Wusheng, while the level of spiritual cultivation is Yinshen (ghost cultivating Yuanying).

There is a distraction above the Nascent Soul, and there is a cave above the distraction. Once you really reach the realm of the cave, you can drive a 100-kilometer-level Star Destroyer in this universe.

The Human Immortal above the Martial Saint, and the Taiyi Earth Immortal above the Human Immortal. If you really want to reach the Earth Immortal state, then there will be the corresponding space divine armor. The mecha here can be a close-fitting combat suit on the ground, and it can be used as a super It can reach two thousand meters when unfolded. It can flicker in space around a gravitational field thousands of kilometers away.

The Yin God has survived the three thunder tribulations, and the heaven and earth recognize the elves, and the spirit that has survived the six thunder tribulations is Ruiling. According to Western Taoism, it is also called a quasi-god. The quasi-god can remotely control an aircraft carrier of the same hundred kilometers in space. Hundreds of five-hundred-meter air and space fighter planes attack the enemy.

The current technology of the entire Blue Sacred Star is still at the level of the late twentieth century. Space and Star Wars are still futuristic fantasies for people of this era.

...The technological breakthroughs here depend on the breakthroughs of top cultivators...

Li Xu sat in the office and the electronic system in front of him began to eject. It was time to check things. Looking at the current production processes of various industrial furnaces and key materials, he needed to inject spiritual chips to control them.

Li Zhi, who was originally about to arrest personnel, was confused. Industrial production in this world does not need to arrest personnel. He only needs to have enough cultivation, and the control chip will know every move of each employee at work.

Li Zhu recalled his memories. The social situation here, oh, it seems that when he looked back at the main world in the 30th century, it was this style of cyber cultivation.

After reading the processing chain of tens of thousands of industrial materials, Li Xu said: It is also the age of cultivating immortals, so there should be treasures from heaven and earth.

…In the era of science and technology, there is no search for natural resources and treasures in the narrow sense, but there is the mineral mining and refining industry in the broad sense...

At this time, the contemporary mining industry is a "high-risk" and "high-reward" industry.

Sixty days later, Li Xu came to the mining area. Tong Shu continued to explore the earth. At the same time, he began to draw pictures and describe the geological conditions. By integrating the data from multiple observation points, he determined the depth of the depression in the bottom layer. After calculation, Li Xu contracted one or two ships. He also applied for a prospecting license and invested the borrowed funds in the license. The reason why Mr. Wei dares to do this is that through eye analysis, he is sure that there is something here.

Go to Dongsheng Junior High School and directly invest your own money into shares when applying.

Sect disciples have ten diamond mining rights within the sect's maritime sphere of influence. The mining authority can be fully paid by the sect, but some disciples can also invest in it. For example, Li Xu can now invest 30% of the shares. He put all his belongings into a mine.

...In the eyes of outsiders, this is a gamble, but then the entire prospecting industry will understand how much the eyes of a charlatan are worth...

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sea was very rough. This 600-meter heavy-duty ship sailed on the ocean. During the ten-day voyage, it avoided attacks by swarms of deep-sea vampire squid and also avoided the interference of thunderstorm birds.

The employees on the ship put on their anti-wave machinery and put down their drill bits.

"Axle wheel set is normal"

"Drill bit OK"

"The sea is one hundred and twenty-three feet deep"

The entire operating platform was prepared to return without success, because they saw that the owner of the ship was a young man who acted on a whim. As an old worker in the prospecting industry, I have seen too much of young people like this. They came in arrogantly with their family property, and ended up losing everything.

Everyone had already made preparations to dissuade the young man from jumping into the sea in anger due to the failure of this prospecting.

Well, at this time, the mechanical faucet, which was hundreds of meters away, fell from the side of the ship. The steel structure rolled into the deep sea and headed towards the bottom of the sea. Soon the head deformed and turned into a drill bit.

Li Xu stared at this industrial mining mecha and sighed in admiration at this miracle of creation in the punk era of immortality. He did not pay attention to the experienced prospectors at the leisure tower who were pointing fingers at him.

Li Zhu: Diamond mining is just a source of "legitimate income". If you suddenly become rich without any reason, your net worth will not be clear.

As the seabed penetrated downwards, mud drilling was carried out. After drilling for a thousand meters, a different spiritual energy was sensed on the lowered drill head. When it was lifted up, it was discovered that this was a second-level mineral from Tianying Iron, with a market price of 6,000 copper per kilogram.

The sailor who was originally "ringing the bell like a monk" on the slipway started to report monitoring data with a tone as excited as if he had taken drugs!

As the largest shareholder of this bank, Li Xu made a huge profit of forty times with his 30% investment.

At the celebration party that night, the old miner was drunk and said to Li Zhu: Boss, few people can drill into the big dragon (ore vein) for the first time. You are very lucky!

Li Xu smiled and nodded: It's just a coincidence.

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