Out of the cage

Chapter 1567 Chapter 3118 Admitted to Jinshi

Chapter 1567 Chapter 31.18 Admitted to Jinshi

Traveling here, Wei Keng discovered more and more: Dongsheng Kingdom is a unified country, but the supply of talent system is exhausted. Just like Eastern football in the 21st century, there is no talent to play, and this is the root of the "doomsday look".

For example, the demise of the Ming Dynasty was actually due to the fact that the imperial examinations could no longer select practical talents capable of running a huge country. It was not just caused by natural disasters during the Little Ice Age.

It was also the Little Ice Age. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty went against the will of heaven. Through several wars, grassroots talents were selected to become the backbone, and the state structure did not change.

Forty percent of the talents selected by Dongsheng's imperial examination system, civil and military examinations, are now concentrated in four megacities. What does this mean?

Zhongguo, which is equivalent to a certain timeline of ruins, allowed universities to recruit students independently, so that all industrial, scientific and technological graduates tended to be local students from Beidu, Puhai, Nandu, and Prefecture.

Of course, this is not a problem with the ability of non-local students, but rather the concentration of educational resources, which makes students in developed areas perform better.

However, if all student circles are from developed areas, then the perspective and experience of this circle must be lacking in other areas. If the young people in this circle reach the stubborn stage of thirty or forty years old, they will Stubborn ideological barriers are formed, and strong external rejection emerges.

At this time, Li Xu was able to go smoothly and without any mistakes, and with the help of "regional security protection" in Dongsheng, he had the status of "the right path to the top level of science and technology".

However, Li Xu was able to work his way up the "official path of the imperial examination" as a civilian, and this path could not be copied by others.

Wei Keng: You (upper management) don’t quibble, leave a way for real geniuses to come forward. Is this "line of sky" passage you left for humans?

Do we have to wait for genius to govern the country? This itself is wrong. Without a nurturing environment, expect a genius with a low starting point to clarify Yuyu?

Even if the grassroots really have a "middle-class appearance", due to the environment of their birth, they will deteriorate into gangsters and street bullies, and they will have wrong intentions at an early age. Some of them who can cultivate themselves through hard work will live a clear life and be Yan Songye, not Yu Qian!

...In the Fertile Earth timeline, a staff member attended a promotion meeting for department leaders. Looking at the proud look of this leader who was good at working hard, he sighed: Hey, this is the standard of competence in the eyes of the people above! …

In 1964, Li Xu attended the Jinshi preparatory class. Begin to welcome the palace examination.

In this academy where talented people gather, it is said that the students there will all have a place in the court in the future.

However, Li Xu realized that, except for himself, everyone here was the descendant of the big family, and those with slightly weaker family backgrounds were also the collateral children recommended by the big family.

how to say? Although these Jinshi candidates are not as "naturally talented" as they boast, the lower limit is not that low.

Jinshi who are admitted here must advance to the alchemy stage within five years. If they cannot reach the alchemy stage, they will have to be sent to the moon base to undergo seclusion under the power of the stars.

In the past, Dongsheng Kingdom used excellent candidates in the Jinshi system, and there was such a "seclusion" oppressive screening process.

Judging from past history, within the past three hundred years, the probability of Jinshi forming an elixir has reached 98%.

Wei Keng: "But this is the past."

After Wei Keng entered the circle, he saw through the lag of the contemporary Jinshi selection system.

Because over the past thousand years, technology on the planet has advanced. The probability of Jinshi forming an elixir in the past three hundred years is 100%! This is of course not that the current generation has become more progressive, but that it has found a way to ensure the bottom line in technology.

According to the standards of this Middle Thousand World, golden elixirs are divided into three grades.

The lowest quality is the implantation of "intelligent spirit", which is an ancient cultivation technique that sends the golden elixir of natural monsters into the body and becomes a container for carrying thoughts. In contemporary times, this process of "artificial elixir cultivation" is led by "artificial intelligence" (artificial intelligence in the alchemy furnace). .

When Li Xu visited a secret base in the capital, he saw the intellectual elixirs cultivated in the elixir furnaces that consume countless amounts of electricity. These can be sent into the body to form elixirs at any time.

Currently, 50% of the wealthy families are using this method to advance to the golden elixir level.

Of course, in order to gather resources, these powerful families had to annex the Eastern Holy Kingdom court. The golden elixir masters of Dongsheng also rely on this method to control all parties.

The middle grade is to use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to enlighten spirits. This kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures must be "high-grade Yunxia Qi", such as the "foreign spirit Qi" in Li Xue's arms that is playing tricks on him. (The little guy was playing in a dark forest confrontation with Li Xu. He usually flattered her with words such as "Your Majesty, you are my slave". Once Wei Keng wanted to throw her out, he immediately claimed that he would expose the great opportunity Li Xu had.)

For the Eastern Holy Kingdom, this kind of natural treasures cannot be piled up by throwing away resources, because the entire planet can only produce one or two wisps of high-grade "foreign spirit energy" during a period of reincarnation where vitality converges. , allowing some geniuses to emerge in response to the calamity.

As for the super powerful forces in the world, this can still be done with resources, because they control many planets.

The top grade is one who consciously observes and condenses opportunities, seizes this opportunity, and uses his own perseverance and wisdom to retain the fleeting "micro changes" and "turn from micro to macro" to form a wave of mana energy. Core structure.

For people in the entire galaxy world, this method is the most orthodox and cannot be destroyed with resources. If you take this path, you can hope for a long life.

Looking back to the Eastern Holy Kingdom, there may have been people who formed the elixir of mind in the early years, but now?

The difference is like the gap between the gilded overseas returnees in the 21st century and the talents who are willing to return home and contribute in the 20th century.

... Putting aside the above theory, Wei Keng has his own system of "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor"...

When Wei Keng entered this plane to practice, he had never heard of the method of "forming the elixir of the mind and retaining the essence of the soul".

In Wei Keng's definition, "cultivation" is a kind of "development" and "growth". That is, "the unity of heaven and man" and "the fate of heaven".

"Sky" is the negative entropy of the great cycles of the universe, such as tidal changes, the rotation of the four seasons, the periodic fluctuations of stars, and the rotation of galaxies. "People" are their own physiological cycles, and the "artificial ecology" that contributes to themselves under their own control, such as farmland.

After experiencing countless time travels, for Wei Keng, many practices are as natural as eating and breathing.

The negentropy in the large period is intercepted and then used as a more refined small negentropy system. Guided into the negentropy of human control. (Rivers and dams, Xinghai farmland) This kind of human and celestial cycles are in harmony, that is, the unity of heaven and man.

Therefore, according to Wei Keng's standard, what exactly is the "mind" emphasized in this plane cultivation system?

Mind is when human beings organize the chaos around them into a state of orderly operation with themselves as the axis.

In the process of self-unification with nature and man, when encountering external complex interference and destruction, oneself will not be affected.

For example, the pointing eyes from outsiders when "getting married" and the annoying encounters while studying at the train station did not interfere with the trajectory that this person named Li Chu had planned for himself in this world.

It means that when you face your own interests, you should stick to your heart and not be tempted to veer off course.

For example, investing in minerals and gaining military exploits on the front line are all matters of letting go. Treat the "cloud spirit" that comes to you with a normal attitude.

The moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor system cannot be summarized by the word "xinxing", because in addition to liberating oneself, moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor systems also need to leave a path for liberation for others. This is regarded as taking the initiative to bear the shackles in the mind.

"Xinxing" means respecting all sources and destinations.

Li Zhu did not ignore the old man Li who raised him because he had climbed high enough, nor did he neglect his nurturing responsibility for Bu Ran and Wu Man because he encountered unpleasant experiences. At the same time, he did not detach himself from the situation he was in. society.

During the war, Li Xu had been investing in deep-sea farms, mining processing, building materials development and other industries.

In order to ensure that his business in the East China Sea can match the current climate, he quietly used Yunxiao Qi (Xiao Ai) in the cultural and educational system of the workers.

In the deep ocean, every child's dream will be managed by "Little Ai" (the name Wei Keng gave to the little angel). Letting go of such "valuable" things can serve a more valuable purpose than keeping them in your own hands.

Ever since, after giving up this piece of "luck", a piece of vitality will be poured out.

…If you follow your own path, you won’t be confused by the standards set by others. …

Therefore, according to the standards of this plane, Li Zhu's "mind" is not lacking. And I don’t think it’s a big deal, it’s just a must-have for “looking like a middle-aged person”. ——Just as wars broke out frequently in the world in the 21st century, short video historians in the East often lamented: What they have is exactly what others envy the most.

After Li Xu entered this world and determined that he had magic power, spiritual thoughts, and essence, he instinctively searched for clues related to all phenomena in the world where he was.

The avenues are connected, and "mind" is the idea that creates the standard in enlightenment. As long as you have this "idea" and execute it without interference from the outside world, you have grasped the "mind"

In other words, Li Xu has not yet deeply understood the "Tao Fruit" system of this plane, so he does not regard himself as a "Tao Ancestor" or "Mighty" to evaluate the life growth path here.

However, as a well-informed "dimensional consciousness", he has already had a set of cognitive rules, and this cognitive system belongs to the "root avenue" in this plane.

Mr. Wei, who has "the appearance of a middle-aged man", has accumulated a stable orthodox path for so many years. Wei Keng: Follow your own path. Don't be surprised or fear when you see other paths. Just keep walking and you will be happy. I discovered, "Oh, so you are like this."

Blue Saint Star is a medium-sized planet, and the "ancestors" of this planet's cultivation world cannot distinguish high-grade golden elixirs at all.

And Li Xu was mistaken by them for a middle-grade golden elixir, that is, he sensed the vitality of heaven and earth on the battlefield and became an elixir. In fact, these real people, and even the Supreme Ancestors, did not realize that Li Xu was a top-grade golden elixir.

In December 1954, the imperial examination began.

There is no doubt that Li Xu has entered high school, and he is in the second place, that is, Chuanlu.

In Enke's top three rankings, there are only three people in the top rankings, namely the top pick, the third overall pick, and the second pick.

Now these three are all disciples of aristocratic families and elites selected from the Imperial Academy. When Li Xu entered the spaceship that maintained the appearance of a palace at the same time as them, he scanned them with his spiritual thoughts and confirmed that they were all of the foundation-building perfection, and each of them had special skills.

The number one scholar is called Wang Jing. He not only has the Great Perfection of Foundation Building, but also has the magical power to control fire. The "fire" here is a high-energy state that can continuously sustain itself by decomposing matter. In the ancient world of cultivation, for example, the "Southern Li Fire" ignited by the accumulation of vegetation miasma, and the "Meteor Divine Flame" found only on meteorites falling from space, are all this kind of fire. Now that the rules have changed, this kind of divine fire can be created using energy, but the talent of controlling fire is rare.

Li Xu could see the fire essence leaking from his body and could judge his flame attributes and current level of fire control.

Tanhua Su Heng, he is also in the foundation building stage. As for his magical power, he can control the two explosive energies of the extremely quiet air and the high-altitude thunder gang in the body to form a symmetry in the body. Once the two energies of water and fire are in harmony, they can be like a nuclear power. With the same trigger, you can control powerful bursts of mana and leapfrog mechanical vehicles. This is a powerful magical power, and the mana in his body has produced a wisp of pill-level mana from the combination of water and fire.

Li Xu judged that he would form a middle-grade golden elixir in about two or three years, and within a hundred years in the Eastern Holy Kingdom, he would already be an extraordinary genius. Its magical power is more than ten times that of those "spiritual golden elixirs", and is even stronger than Wei Keng's golden elixir. (Wei Keng's golden elixir mana is three orders of magnitude behind him in efficiency. If both sides have the technological and industrial resources to fight, the gap is equivalent to the gap between precision-guided ballistic missiles and World War I artillery groups).

After the scientific examination, Li Xu took advantage of an exchange meeting to invite him to enter the astronomical platform.

After the two parties exchanged their interests, Li Xu used the shining light matrix on the observatory to conduct calculations and scans of various sky areas, and discussed the related issues of "cultivation and time".

During this discussion, Li Zhu obtained his magical properties through "palm reading", and then suggested that he take a spaceship to the moon's star in a hundred days. At that time, the angle between the moon and the sun was exactly 120 degrees, which was a "good omen".

The technical plans and ideas given by Li Xu made Su Heng suspicious at first. However, a hundred days later, after he arrived on the moon on the White Dragon spacecraft, he indeed sensed an opportunity that corresponded to his own. After he successfully formed the elixir and reported the good news to his family, he immediately contacted Li Xu to express his gratitude. ——At the same time, he also began to pay attention to the Kanyu deduction facilities controlled by Li Xu and regarded them as important human resources.

As for the second place on the list, it’s called Tian Jin. That was the woman who sat with Wei Keng on the plane before it was hijacked.

At first, Li Xu didn't realize there was anything special about her, but he always felt that her eyes were very bright. Finally, when Wei Keng learned that she was from the Lanfeng Sect in the south, he suddenly realized that her trump card was.

Lan Feng is an organization similar to the Tang Clan. They control the biological, pharmaceutical and other industrial systems of the entire Eastern Holy Kingdom. The blue edge means poison quenching. Of course, poison quenching is nothing, they also raise "gu spirits".

Gu spirits existed in the form of spiritual insects in the ancient world of cultivation. Of course, in the current rules, it is a special aura. Such aura is very secretive, so it's no wonder Wei Keng didn't notice it at first.

After confirming Tian Jin's family background, Wei Keng looked at her and noticed that no matter what clothes she wore, she had a colorful pattern on her body. Wei Keng took a closer look and determined that what she brought was a natal Gu insect like the Celestial Eye Butterfly. These patterns can be moved to metal, ceramics and other materials to quietly affect the opponent. From then on, Wei Keng kept smiling and keeping his distance from her.

Li Zhu did not envy the three of them, because in terms of chance, the Yunxiao Qi called "Little Love" surpassed the three of them in terms of quality.

Narrator: According to the calculations of the two great powers in the east and west of Blue Saint Star, whoever gets this strange spirit energy is truly a being born in response to the calamity.

When Li Xu was establishing a database of the top three in this scientific examination.

After these three people were on the list, they also learned from the elders of the clan that Li Xie, who was "behind" them, had already taken the scientific examination after forming an elixir.

These big figures in the clan told them the truth at this time to encourage them to work hard to advance to the Golden Elixir.

Of course, in this way, these three people have quite equal attitudes towards Li Xu. It is to treat Li Chu as an equal genius. This is a rare attitude among these proud and arrogant first-class disciples.

At this time, everyone is in the same class and classmates who have come out of the Kejia Normal University, and they have a teacher-student relationship.

On the platform of Dongsheng's space station, during the Hundred Sages' Banquet, Li Zhu sat with the number one list and toasted to the Holy Master.

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