Out of the cage

Chapter 1604 Chapter 3215 Recalling the

Chapter 1604 Chapter 32.15 Looking back at the "starting line"

In the Qin Tongli year 7383, in the solar system, the Emperor Xinhuang Interstellar Fortress of the Dazhao Empire was blocked in the Guixu Nebula Belt, and was forced to fight a decisive battle with the rebel fleet. As a result, he was defeated and the spirit energy burned itself to death.

The top brass of the imperial military have taken the empire's elite fleet to Sirius, trying to open a strategic gap (with a final jump). However, he lost his way in the starfield array near Sirius and returned to the war zone.

But in the Luoshu dimension space station, the historians were not affected by the war, but began to record all civilization records.

Compared to the group of fortune-tellers in Hetu who are trying to calculate the future destiny,

The historians at the center of Luoshu time and space faithfully recorded that a dynasty can be destroyed, but the inheritance of civilization and writing will be left to the next generation of rulers. From geothermal power plants to nuclear power plants, to solar power plants near the poles, and marine heavy algae collection alkane chemical processing stations, this knowledge is perfectly recorded in the "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map" space facilities drawn by the Luoshu River Map.

"In the old days, the swallows in front of the king's palace flew into the homes of ordinary people." This is a poem read by a certain historian now.

The importance of knowledge comes from learners. When knowledge is shelved in a high cabinet, trapped in the Forbidden City and turned into a "xx ceremony", it means that it will be lost. Only when it leaves these "high halls and temples" and lives in the vast countryside can it have knowledge. vitality.

The historian, Dan Jian, is the avatar of Wei Keng staying in this plane. He is not responsible for fighting, but only responsible for recording...

In the year 7384 of the Qin Dynasty, the rebels of the Xinghai Zhoutian Alliance broke into the solar system. Six Dyson rings appeared around the sun. A series of space-time energy projections locked the unstable areas on the sun's surface to prevent the old Black Alliance parties in the Dazhao Dynasty. The time traveler is crazy about blowing up human assets in this plane.

After negotiations, the defenders of the Solar System retained part of the sovereignty of the Sun Government, agreed to join the Zhoutian Alliance, and ceased allegiance to the Dazhao Empire.

In November 7384, the last human emperor of Zhao Dynasty was defeated in Sirius.

This cousin of Emperor Xin was ultimately unable to turn the tide. His battleship was crumbling under six times the siege of the fleet. In the end, he wore the imperial crown, sat on the throne in the battleship, drove the battleship into Sirius, and burned himself to death. .

...This year, Teruochao was completely destroyed...

In Luoshui, Earth, Wei Keng's mortal body here met with the split body of Lord No. 1 Jian who stayed here.

This is the place where the imperial court of Shenzhou Guan clan studied Pojun Golden Armor, and it is now a historic site. Of course, it was here that Wei Keng and Ke Feijia met.

Ke Rufei (the mortal body of Lord No. 1) was wearing a nano energy suit from the Zhaochao Research Department. He looked at Wei Keng, who was wearing an engineer's uniform, and said, "You won very clearly." At this time, the moon was high in the sky, and some black spots of debris were surrounding the moon. Spin, that was the jump ship used by the Black Alliance resisters to finally escape to the dimensional tunnel, but now it was hit and exploded.

Wei Keng: "Winning? I just fulfilled my responsibility in the earth age."

Ke Rufei looked at the sun in the sky silently: "I heard that you don't want the human consciousness born on the earth to travel through time."

Wei Keng: "You still have to travel through time, but the center of time travel is not on the earth. The next generation of people must first go to the sea of ​​​​stars to farm and study, and complete a sufficient period of compulsory education. They cannot be thrown into various places before they have grown up, as in the old era. The plane is crooked and indulgent."

When Ke Rufei heard this, he paused and nodded: "Yes, after the next generation of children develop a character like yours in the pastoral farming of the main world, there will be fewer plane conflicts, right?"

Wei Keng glanced at him without answering. ——Obviously, Wei Keng doesn't like his behavior being reduced to a certain name.

After the two sides were silent for a while, Ke Rufei was finally upset.

Ke Rufei took a breath: "Well, if back then, I mean if, I followed your wishes and didn't let you travel through time, would I have avoided today's fate?"

Wei Keng looked at him: "Then let me ask you, in the last battle just after the Seventh War in the Solar System, do you think it would be better for me to betray and turn to you, or for him (Jun Zhaixing) to turn to you."

Ke Rufei: "You? (He shook his head suddenly) Well, it's impossible for you (Tai Zhu) to fall to me. As for him (showing consideration) to fall to me, maybe he can suppress you this time. As for me, I can have more Take more time to transform.”

Wei Keng said nothing. But there was no approval in the silence.

Ke Rufei: "Huh? You're angry. In fact, it's better for you to turn to me. Over the years, I have been thinking about your bottom line. As long as you stay within your bottom line, the relationship with Sun Core can be maintained."

Wei Keng: "Actually, it is not good for me to fall to you or for him to fall to you. - If I fall to you, the hero in history will become a madman, and if he falls to you, I in history, They will become one of the grassroots bandits in the vast records (in history, rulers will separate the "people" and the "heroes", and they will always become the victorious party).

Ke Rufei: "Successful kings and defeated bandits, that's how it should be. Now, how are you going to write about me in the history books?"

Wei Keng looked at the starry sky: "This time the history books will not focus on how proud the dark and humble people are - the history books have already recorded too many good governance and bloody suppression. What I want to write about this time is the long-term The sacrificial watch and the great liberation that only occurs once in a thousand years.”

Wei Keng pointed at Ke Rufei: "From now on, you shouldn't be in the history books, you should be in the garbage dump."

Ke Rufei's face twitched, and he was obviously very angry, but then he sarcastically said: "But people like to rummage through garbage dumps! They make all kinds of dramatic stories out of the 'strange anecdotes' they find - and no matter how true your blood-stained history is, no one likes to read it."

Wei Keng said: "Someone will read it! Because there will always be people who need to fight, and those who fight will read blood-stained books."

Ke Rufei stopped abruptly, he sighed and said: "Whatever you want."

Since there was really nothing to talk about, Wei Keng left, and the floating flying saucer on the side was waiting for him.

Seeing Wei Keng leaving, Ke Rufei shouted to Wei Keng's back: "Aren't you done with everything in this plane?" He was puzzled by Wei Keng's hurried pace, and of course he wanted his "old friend" to accompany him for a while.

Wei Keng looked up at the stardust in the sky. He said leisurely: "There are still many things to do, and the main world pastoral (Stardust Pastoral) should also appear here."

Ke Rufei opened his mouth, and was filled with sand by the airflow of the flying saucer. After the wind and sand dispersed, he looked up at the starry sky, and he seemed to see that the vast sea of ​​stars in the main world had already formed in the Shenzhou plane.

Ke Rufei seemed to recall the topic he had talked about with Wei Keng in the Shenzhou plane a long time ago: there is no agricultural civilization in the tropics, because the fruits are abundant and there is no need. But when the industrial civilization developed from agricultural civilization comes to the tropics, planting technology will also spread, and new competition models will also come.

At present, the Shenzhou plane team is such a "fruit-rich" area. Physical technology supports interstellar folding. Humans do not have to completely become information states to navigate one planet after another in the universe. But such a beautiful Garden of Eden will not exist forever, and everyone will eventually return to work.

When the flying saucer left, Ke Feijia whispered: "Hehe, in the end, everyone was killed by you."

What he called everyone not only includes the entire Shenzhou plane, but also all those "top traversers" who were selected to join the team in the initial traversal era.

Tian Ji's horse racing, getting on the horse, getting in the middle of the horse, and getting off the horse.

But now, with the track infinitely longer, all the horses that dismounted back then eventually died.

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