Out of the cage

Chapter 17 1.17 Groups, a chance to prove.

When Wei Keng was in the team, the system was still introducing the background to Wei Keng in the communication group: In this era, human civilization has existed like oases in the desert.

In the process of great integration, the emerging biological communities have achieved the state of coexistence of regional life communities through the guidance of regional masters, and all of this has had a corresponding impact on the human society of the old era. Coexistence of species to hold power...

Wei Keng (Communication 1): "Wait, stop talking about this!"

Wei Keng (communication 2 to 11) explained the situation urgently to those on the periphery: "Come to the grass, join us quickly, don't be alone. Move closer."

Wei Keng's thousands of selves in the center, the first scene he saw after his arrival was a large number of his own gods synchronized, but not all of Wei Keng's first scenes when he opened his eyes after his arrival were like this. The eyes are the surrounding flowers and trees, because they are in the discrete outer area of ​​the Advent Point, so they are still surprised to see the first self who is the same as themselves, and they have not figured out the situation, and even feel a little scared, and even turn around and run away. It is necessary for the communication group and these nearly one hundred and fifty unlucky selves to be notified one by one, and no one is missing.

Now the voice of the central report is very loud, and it provided the movement of self-gathering for the scattered self in the early arrival place,

Wei Keng (communication 12) searched the public information of the system, and asked the system's automatic question-and-answer function: "Yes, genes and other life are prone to cross-connection now, what's the situation with me now!"

Wei Keng (communication 45) is still talking to the supervisor: "Where is my 'hang'? Support, map, and shooting punctuation in the perspective, throwing predictions, yes! Hurry up."

Of course Wei Keng knew that the supervisor was a girl. If he was alone, he would be shy and polite to this girl, but now that he was a group of people and in such an uncertain situation, during the conversation, some people could not help but be aggressive towards the clerk at the window. The posture of pressing.

As for Wei Keng, he should take care of himself first.

The vegetation in this jungle is very strong, but traces of human beings can barely be seen, because some red brick fragments and cement-sand mixture remain in the soil. It's just that the structure of the hardened pavement in these civilization eras is squeezed crookedly. Just like the past glory of human beings, it is now shattered.

Wei Keng has completed the self-organized four teams and has gone to the periphery to guard. The others are hurrying to integrate their current resources. Now everyone has a quantum node that can jump over material information. Now some submachine guns have been folded into the hands, and some Kevlar and ceramic protective clothing have also been distributed to the surrounding individuals.

The rubbing of the magnesium strips ignited the collected dead branches, and then the fuel brought in by forty Wei Keng queued up to make the fire flourish, and the rough logs cut down one by one were sent inside and roasted to become simple torches. peripheral area.

It’s not really a torch. There are a lot of dry vines wrapped around the torch, and it’s better to tie some oily fruits or pine branches. This burns for a longer time, and after these torches are sent to the periphery, there may only be red charcoal fires smoking at the top, and the dried vines next to the fire need to be tied again.

At this time, the movements in the forest to the north made Wei Keng feel more and more urgent.

Finally, in the northwest corner, Wei Keng's team came into contact with the threat there. The huge roar and Wei Keng's shouting at each other made Wei Keng, who was still in the central area, terrified.

Wei Keng, who was in charge of organizing on the north side, shouted: "Everyone spread out, the first group and the second group come to the front."

Since the subsequent grouping has not been completed, the first and second largest groups should be given priority from a global perspective.

The Wei Keng in the two organized formations hesitated for about one-tenth of a second, but still collectively obeyed the group's orders.

No. 33 in the first large group: "Timidity is definitely timid, but the rules of the system are the basis for ensuring the survival of my group on a large scale. When it is time to go up, I must go up. This is the rule, the rule of the country, and the rule of society. Morality, and the responsibilities a man should have.”


Wei Keng was originally going to the 8th Plane and arrived as a businessman. Of course, the first step as a businessman is inspection, and he has a little self-defense equipment on him.

These equipment are now body armor, a Kevlar helmet on the head, and carbon fiber skeletons on the shoulders, back, waist, ankles and knees, which can assist in carrying weight. Carrying a small-caliber rapid-fire submachine gun weighing two kilograms, as for the main weapon, it is a mechanical crossbow that is stringed by the foot, because there are only a hundred rounds of bullets in total, and once fired, there is no shot, and the metal arrow can be fired again. Take advantage of.

So the Wei Keng who went to support now took out the mechanical crossbow first. It's not that crossbows are more powerful than submachine guns, nor is it to save bullets, but Wei Keng's supplies in the jungle are currently not equipped with walkie-talkies. If the firearms are placed indiscriminately, the noise will block communication, making it difficult to form an organized resistance.

And in each team, there are still three people who have prepared submachine guns, ready to form alternate firepower when necessary, to cover the retreat of the large troops! Yes, Wei Keng, who was holding the gun, knew that he was responsible.


In the first brigade, the fourth squadron (a total of 30 people) contacted the target first.

When the combat team arrived at the front line, what they encountered was the ego individual in the reconnaissance team who ran away.

Seeing the support team, this individual whose arm seemed to be entangled by some kind of thorny tentacles immediately pointed to the back, then suddenly lay down on the ground and shouted: "Quick fire."

The team immediately pointed the crossbow in the direction of Wei Keng's finger, and as the bushes swayed behind him, one of them shot with a gun, and the rest also shot out the crossbow arrows.

The thing in the grass seemed to be quiet for a moment after being hit, and Wei Keng, who had been lying on the ground before, immediately got up and shouted: "Continue to be careful, that thing is as big as an elephant." After two steps, the thing emerged from the jungle.

Boy, what kind of monster is this!

The lower body is the four legs of the tiger, the upper body is the metal bone plate of the worm, and the front part has sixteen tentacles like octopus suckers, and the center of the tentacles is not the teeth of the octopus, but the mouthparts of the praying mantis.

What the hell is this thing?

Wei Keng's communication team immediately asked the system, and the system said: "The level of exploration in this plane is too little, and there are changes in species after various gene fusions every day, so..."

Wei Keng's communication group: "It's fine if you don't know." Then he focused on the present and ignored the currently useless system.

In the immediate scene.

The monster that had just been forced to retreat to the jungle saw Wei Keng (the investigation team) who had fled back from the infrared perspective, and was about to flee back to the team, and immediately launched a stab. The explosive power of this feline animal is vividly displayed on its lower body. Wei Keng, the surviving member of the investigation team, was obviously too slow to return.

Seeing that it was about to turn into a successful hunt, at this time, as the temporary commander, Wei Keng with a submachine gun went up to him, grabbed the scout Wei Keng, put the gun on his shoulder, and pointed at the The chasing monster at a distance of five meters pressed the trigger and fired.

This is not so much a rescue, but more like using the other self as a shield cover during the attack.

Wei Keng, who was fleeing, was obviously stunned, but he quickly regained his mind and did not resent himself for holding the submachine gun.

In this case, Wei Keng himself would choose the most: if the probability of successful survival is only 50%, then he will choose the 100% plan to make the target bleed.

The forward impact of fugitive Wei Keng and the recoil of gun Wei Keng firing,

Among the two, one fell on his back and held a gun and stared at the approaching monster, while the other lay on top of it and acted as a human shield. If both of them have to die, at least hit this thing a few more times.

Fortunately, the giant beast was once again stopped by the firepower, and the second row of crossbow arrows from Wei Keng who was behind also arrived. Swish, swish, the crossbow arrows were directly inserted into the body of this monster. It cannot be said that this monster was inserted into a hedgehog , because it only needs to use the pedal wheel to roll three times, and the arrow fired from the crossbow full of bowstrings will directly sink into the monster's body!

This monster was really badly injured. After dozens of crossbow arrows were inserted into the nerve-dense part of the head, no matter what, it could not continue to control the movement of the whole body. It could only rely on the chaotic movement of other nerve nodes in the body. The monster rushed over staggeringly as if drunk.

The two Wei Keng who were originally on the ground rolled to avoid the final trampling, but Wei Keng's queue dispersed in time, and finally the thing hit a tree and fell into the pit.

"Not just one, but at least six more." The detective Wei Keng, who escaped from death, continued to explain his intelligence.

At this time, shouts came from the east of the jungle, and other teams also encountered encounters.

"Go support!" Wei Keng, who was in charge of communication, shouted, and all the personnel began to turn around. The personnel wearing body armor with torches consciously walked in the front, swinging red charcoal sticks to prevent sneak attacks in the grass.


Wei Keng's arrival seemed to have poked a hornet's nest in a genetic community in this plane.

And the surviving Wei Keng also seemed to have a glimpse of the leopard, and the information he obtained in the panic was not complete.

It is true that there are seven or eight large species, but this is not the whole of a genetic community. There are other small species in the entire area, and now they follow the will of life in this area to repel outsiders.

When the Fourth Squadron of Wei Keng arrived at the conflict area, the first phase of the fierce battle had ended. In the center of the battlefield, three of Wei Keng's bodies had been separated, and seven or eight Wei Keng were dragged to the hospital with bleeding injuries. The rear, protected by queues.

Wei Keng of two squadrons is now confronting the group of monsters by the lake. When the fourth squadron arrives, three squadrons are now confronting each other. Originally, the trembling hands of the central defenders of the two teams holding the crossbow stabilized a little with the arrival of their own side.

This lakeside is obviously a former artificial lake, because there is a large pebble on the small island in the middle of the lake, which is obviously only found in large rivers. Oh, this should be a human park in the past, but now it can't be seen, the monsters are still gathering, and what about the Wei Keng cluster?


The cluster also carried out a purge of its own soul in the rear.

The several squadrons in front have been closely united, that's because Wei Keng and the others have no brains to think about other things in the face of risks. Wei Keng's study efficiency is the highest when the exam is approaching.

As for the rear, although it is absolutely logically recognized that it is necessary to support the frontier self, some hesitation, some timidity, and some self-luck are unavoidable.

And a real army should be one in which every individual is willing to sacrifice for the collective victory at any time.

Of course, Wei Keng knew himself well. Facing such a group formed by himself, Wei Keng would stand up and point out this hidden danger. And point the way! It can be very direct.

After applying to speak, Wei Keng 18 of the communication group took the initiative to come to his group to mobilize.

This Wei Keng looked very difficult, but in the end he got out, opened up the most secret things in his heart, and started the first self-insight in this life: "Everyone, everyone has the same thinking, and we are all Wei Keng, so everyone should know , as an individual, an unimportant individual, the feeling of being alone and being rejected by the group! In this life we ​​want to forget some things, let go of some burdens, and try not to go the wrong way.

But now, we are a group! into this hostile environment.

As a group, we have to show ourselves! If a society does not ignore or give up on the basic and necessary conditions for the survival of each individual, and does everything possible to fulfill the bottom line of responsibilities and obligations in all aspects, will it allow everything to develop in another direction? "

And these words made Wei Keng, whose eyes were not unified, suddenly look at the self who was speaking in unison, and then, seeing the same movements of all the selves around him, he understood that everyone was the same.

The same thinking, the same will, the same resonance point! Unification is done in an instant.

After a single spark started a prairie fire, each of Wei Keng began to consciously act on his own post.

I, 12 teams, line up based on my benchmark. Prepare to integrate available tree materials nearby.

Me, Team 7, take me as the benchmark. Quickly collect powder from the fire, - look for large dry leaves. (This is for a simple smoke cover.)


Wei Keng's view of society: The most frightening thing about society is that after the group is separated, it starts to ignore one by one. One day you can ignore your food, but tomorrow you will ignore my drinking water. And the day after tomorrow, everyone lives in a crippled society, driven by some people with big goals as consumable parts and lubricants.

In the island country of World War II, in order to prevent American soldiers from rape at will, the government recruited some women who were engaged in prostitution to fill the desire of the occupying army. Let most people not have to worry, and most people in island countries will be grateful to those women? No, I will not be grateful, I will ignore it, and I will think that "they are originally in this profession, since politicians have chosen this method, then let it be acquiesced."

Even the whole society has a sense of self-preservation superiority towards these individuals who are selected to fill in the pits. When the individual who fills the pit makes a sound, it will go up and use all kinds of soft violence and hard indifference like a fly smelling blood to satisfy the group's feeling of violence.

Therefore, there is such a poison in its culture: think that you can be timid in the face of disasters, but others do this, and this is your fate! With the explosive development of its economy for a period of time, this virus spread to the whole of East Asia with the spread of culture. The degrees of social change and immunity of East Asian countries are also very different, but there is no doubt that they are all affected.

This poison is "ignoring\

,"Social symptoms after poisoning: As long as it is others who are suffering, then try to anesthetize as much as possible, as long as there is always someone to resist the responsibility, then take it for granted, and the society should have completed the distribution for everyone in this way.

Wei Keng has not had time to forget the pain caused by such social poisoning phenomenon, and time has not yet diluted the pain.

Obviously it is exploitation, but it is not to say that it is "creating you", but also curiously asked "why is there a lack of gratitude and struggle", and began to reflect on behalf of the society, "Is there something wrong with this generation. "

As for Wei Keng, because he has not had time to forget it, because his group is not a "poisoned" hopeless person, because there is no class in his group yet.

So, why not prove now that you can mobilize the society you have formed, and you don't have to follow certain "taken for granted".

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