Out of the cage

Chapter 19 Chapter 1.19 The fittest, resonance

The war is over, and the rest is to clean up the battlefield, peel those that should be peeled, and grill those that should be grilled. The water vapor in the jungle is very thick. Just after nightfall, some places have already formed a cloud of fog. We must quickly light a fire to get rid of the moisture.

As for his own body, Wei Keng dug a hole and buried it hastily. I don't need to cry myself, I just need to remember the lessons from the pain, scars and blood and sweat, that's enough.

Every time they buried themselves, Wei Keng would break a stone, half of the stone was placed on the grave, and half was taken away.

Now the work is urgent, and there is no condition to hold a funeral. But before leaving, Wei Keng wanted to engrave on the cliff the relevant information left by his sacrificed individuals in this world. The gravel that was taken away will be placed in front of the inscriptions on these mountains in the future.

As for now, pain needs to be turned into motivation.

Wei Keng has already determined the location of this place, which belongs to the Zhujijiao area. The once high-rise buildings all collapsed within a hundred years, and they were covered by vegetation and could not be seen.

During the battle just now, the several 50-meter mounds that Wei Keng once saw were actually the accumulation of debris after the collapse of skyscrapers. Washed by decades of rain. The glass slag has turned into broken sand, which has been eroded by the moss and herbaceous plants on the surface day after day, and it has long been invisible on the surface.

It wasn't until Wei Keng started digging a hole, and found a series of items such as red bricks, tile fragments, rusty doorknobs, etc., that Wei Keng realized that this place used to be a city. Wei Keng did not have the literacy of archaeologists to protect relics. He picked up bricks, built bathhouses, and built beds. These burnt red bricks are quite good materials now.


After a brief confirmation, Wei Keng decided to station in the area to search for more underground materials.

As the soul of the 21st century, digging the city of the 21st century, Master Wei Keng has no psychological burden.

Groups of people begin to switch to construction team mode.

The first group began to disassemble the steel pipes and assemble the tent.

On the surface of the original water source lake, the second Wei Keng, who are planning the water source, took advantage of the natural river that existed here, and began to pad the pebbles of the nearby creek, and then dug ditches to let the water flow of the creek rush in here. , filtered to become a source of drinking water.

A team of 100 people worked silently, and sometimes had fun while putting some dug up grass roots in their mouths to taste the possible sweetness.

Wei Keng No. 1344 suddenly said: "We live in the city center now, but unfortunately there is no hospital."

Wei Keng No. 1365: "There are no fast food restaurants or Internet cafes yet."

Wei Keng No. 1343: "Now all that can be dug up are bricks, glass bottles are all cracked, and there is nothing to drink."

Another response: "How dare you drink sugar water from hundreds of years ago."

At this time, Wei Keng who was in the communication group came over and asked, "Are you guys chatting?"

Wei Keng raised his head and nodded, but suddenly realized something.

Wei Keng, who was in charge of communication, said, "You didn't move your mouth just now!"

Wei Keng looked at each other in surprise! They didn’t move their mouths just now, even the distance between the two of them talking to each other was ten meters away, and the sound of digging stones with engineer shovels was very noisy. In theory, this was an obstacle to communication, but just now they released each other naturally own ideas and got mutual responses.

But now, everyone deliberately wants to do this, but it is like the situation in a dream "floating from the air to the ground and wanting to continue flying, but it can never be reproduced again".

Wei Keng from the communication group: "Don't worry, everyone, I'll ask other groups about this matter later! It shouldn't be an isolated case." ——As long as it is not an isolated case, you can see it without any surprises, and analyze it objectively.

If this kind of telepathy can be realized actively, then the internal collaboration ability of Wei Keng will be greatly enhanced.


Of course, this is not an isolated case. Members of other groups also experienced temporary unobstructed communication of consciousness.

At this time, at the supervisor's place, she was in the shock of the data just sent back by Wei Keng's node particle.

The individual copied by information enthalpy is only the body and thinking, and the phenomenon of consciousness is not included in the copying process.

To be precise, the phenomenon of consciousness is a phenomenon of quantum physics, which cannot be accurately observed and measured, because once observed, the wave function will collapse and fix, which is equivalent to killing people.

What happens when there is only a body and a fixed mind but no consciousness? Act according to inertial thinking, hesitate when encountering various situations, and act according to instinct.

Thinking of this massive self-replication, the biggest possibility is that the chaos collapsed, but Wei Keng did not. There were some dogmatic things in his inertial thinking. These dogmatic things obviously made Wei Keng not disperse from the beginning, but Form a collective.

As an individual, Wei Keng has always followed that he is an ordinary person, not an existence capable of turning the tide, so when faced with danger, he instinctively defaults that he should move closer to the collective.

But this is still inertial thinking, if it's just like this, it won't work! Without consciousness for further cohesion, this collective will encounter various contradictions and begin to disintegrate.

After Wei Keng's arrival, his movements disappeared synchronously at the beginning. Although the subconsciousness maintained the whole, the trend was still developing toward discreteness.

If this was a case of traveling on an isolated island, it would take a few days for Wei Keng and the others to have various splits.

But with the subsequent crisis, this trend quickly stopped.

Interlude: When the crisis happened, Bai Linglu thought that Wei Keng would accelerate the chaos later, and finally fled in all directions. After all, this human accident occurred in many experiments by Western traversers ten years ago.

But Wei Keng didn't know which string he touched here. In an instant, his consciousness suddenly skyrocketed. In all the original replicant thinking, there were more than 1,500 individuals with only instinct and inertia, and subjective initiative!

And throughout the ensuing battle, this skyrocketing continued.

When Wei Keng's individual died tragically, this surge reached its peak!

At that time, the scale of consciousness in most of Wei Keng's individuals exceeded the level of civilians, and the scale of some individual consciousnesses, such as those who rushed directly to the node creatures for close combat, was obviously at the level of non-commissioned officers.

This kind of skyrocketed, with the end of the battle, it declined, and the consciousness scale of all Wei Keng monomers fell below the civilian level again.

But even so, with nearly 1,600 bodies, the total scale of such consciousness is still terrifyingly high.

The supervisor Bai Linglu is currently busy with his job.

Her job is not just to provide Wei Keng with various hooks! It also includes: storing the state of thinking of Wei Keng's fallen individuals before death!

The space-time travel department is very concerned about the life and death status of the traveler, but in terms of medical standards, the evaluation is always based on the total amount of consciousness of the traveler! Memory loss makes consciousness unfounded.

However, during the process of plane exploration, the total amount of consciousness is increasing, and some memories are accidentally lost during the shuttle, and the impact is not great.

And as long as valuable memories are preserved and copied, this is equivalent to a small part of memory dormant! Because when you return, the ego accepts the memory again, it's like lifting the dormancy.

To a certain extent, Wei Keng's individual death in this world is just a forced pause. When he returns to the main world, he will recall his past.

So at the moment, Wei Keng's self-individuals are temporarily exploring the plane, and Bai Linglu is not nervous as a supervisor. However, she did not tell Wei Keng about the "memory preservation" of those who died in battle.

After Bai Linglu finished the necessary tasks on Wei Keng's side, he hurriedly reported this important discovery.

After standard time spanned by the four dimensions.

The response from the exit of the gravitational well came: "Are there fusion barriers for many of his individuals?"

Bai Linglu: "No, the frequency of all consciousnesses is very good and can be perfectly integrated."

There seems to be a discussion on the side of the gravitational well, and a response: "There are still a few months, please observe under the premise of keeping the traversers safe."

What is Bai Linglu thinking? The Space-Time Administration knows it! Even when discussing this issue, the Space-Time Administration clearly showed radicals.

The plane of Pandora is a high-risk restricted area! So classified because effective survival technology for this plane has yet to be found.

As for the survival technology of the native humans on this plane, can they blaze a bright path? ——Let's put it this way, the human settlements here are in the process of extinction.

So even if Shangqing came, it would only change the plot of a few people in this era and exert some influence.

but now! Wei Keng seems to have given a new explanation for the situation of life radiation in this plane!

More than 1,500 individuals have the same genes, and there is no conflict between their thinking, and their wills are unified. Although there may be many complicated mechanisms in all these processes, can it be replicated on other traversers? Still to be verified.

But it is now certain that:

In Bai Linglu's latest evaluation, in the situation where life in Pandora radiates each other, Wei Keng is not like other traversers who are constantly inserted into foreign genes by the radiation of life here. On the contrary, Wei Keng is radiating!

Moreover, Wei Keng's life radiation began to further evolve in depth according to the environment!

No, what is the situation of consciousness communication that has occurred in the Wei Keng group now? It is that the life radiation begins to evolve toward the function of information transmission.

Bai Linglu in the high-energy warehouse of the plane confirmed that Wei Keng is suitable for development, exploration, and accumulation in this plane. In the contemporary era, if the exploration team has made great contributions to the exploration of a high-risk plane, allowing the space-time exploration department to develop the area on a large scale, then the team will have exclusive authority to the plane.

(Not so important addition: this authority belongs to the traverser and the monitors he follows.)

So, Bai Linglu in the space bubble covered his ears and quietly defended himself: "I hope you will be successful, what's wrong?"

And now, the current situation faced by space-time planners is also different from before!

The plane battle between the main world traversers has reached a fever pitch.

If Wei Keng can complete the unprecedented development in the Pandora plane, it will open a new strategic channel for the Eastern Time and Space Administration. This will play a key role in breaking the stalemate in multi-time and space zones.

The first war conflict of human civilization in the realm of the plane is of great significance. The first-mover advantage is lost, and some people have to bear historical responsibility.

Therefore, on the side of the Earth Space-Time Bureau, there are some bold and proactive ideas about the plane where Wei Keng descended.

However, the problem is still the same, Wei Keng is currently the "civilian" level time traveler who has just joined the time travel.

"People" level, as the name suggests, people. Strictly speaking, according to the definition ten years ago, the "civilian" level traversers are not considered regular troops during the traverse process, but also belong to the reserve force during training. Letting them take on the task of breaking through the high-risk planes is a bit...a bit cruel!

"Yes, it's a bit cruel." Supporters don't deny that the radical plan puts too much pressure on novice traversers, but they cite the situation on the front line.

The relevant discussion of the space-time management department has come to this point, and the space bubble located near the Weikeng space-time area has begun to express opinions.

Luo Hongxing, a 'Shangqing' level traverser: "But the contest ahead, isn't it more cruel? The war has caused our three non-commissioned officer level traversers to fall into space."

This heavyweight speech brought the discussion to an end for the time being.


At this time, on the plane of Pandora,

It has entered the night, and the outside fog is a bit thick, making the fence wet, so the bonfire in the center of the camp is a little more vigorous, and the hot bricks in the fire are taken out one by one, wrapped with straw rope, and distributed It was given to Wei Keng's quilt.

The condition of the twenty-three wounded in Wei Keng had stabilized, and Wei Keng couldn't help marveling at his vitality.

One of his seriously injured individuals lost blood to the extent of shock and death, but as we poured the boiled blood soup into the seriously injured individual's mouth and kept warm with blankets, he recovered.

The bonfire in the camp is burning, the surrounding fence has been built, and there are pits behind the fence.

And the staff on duty are also arranged. The more you do, the more peace of mind you will have. ,

Most of Wei Keng's group began to summarize today's work, and gathered together to explore the consciousness resonance phenomenon that occurred in many of his groups during the day. When just thinking about it, the thinking will spread along the surroundings, and the phenomenon of collective telepathy has just appeared again.

The communication group Wei Keng began to obtain detailed information from the system.

In Wei Keng's consciousness, the system rarely has a perceivable form.

Bai Linglu appeared in Wei Keng's mind in the shape of a shining star. She connected the images collected from each individual during the battle and began to explain.

In Wei Keng's eyes, this flamboyant system: "Currently, there is a lack of information and data about your exchange of ideas. You are the only traverser who has arrived at this plane in your current form and survived effectively.

It is currently known that the life genes of this plane replicate the information of proteins, which will carry out a powerful quantum tunneling phenomenon, resulting in genetic chaos in various species.

But the phenomenon of life itself has the ability to sort out the chaos,

For example, the node creature and its group that you met are the life in the natural area of ​​the earth, and it is an example of trying to complete the integration of life information in the environment of the Pandora field, and they are a gene group.

And you, as a new group, are much more orderly than the traditional group of life on this plane in terms of genetic basis.

So, you might resonate with some level of life? "

Wei Keng Communication Group 33: "What is the relationship between this genetic life activity information and my consciousness communication?"

System: "Consciousness is essentially a life phenomenon. The consciousness you understand now is understood by thinking. Most lives have not evolved thinking to carry consciousness. Their current life consciousness is the gene in the evolution process. The choice was born after corresponding to the quantum tunneling phenomenon of the life phenomenon in the Pandora era."

Weikeng Newsletter 13: "So, I can try the resonance of thinking, try the resonance of consciousness, and then achieve the resonance of life?"

System: "Yes, just, you? It seems that you can't control the resonance yet."

Wei Keng's wounded No. 87: "Maybe, I can try, let me think about things that give me goosebumps."

Fifteen seconds later.

Forty Wei Keng gathered together, and under the waving of the conductor, they began to let go of their voices and sing: "The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind! How loud the victory song is..."

Wei Keng had forgotten how long he hadn't let go of his voice in the chorus wholeheartedly.

When he was a teenager, when the national flag was raised, Wei Keng always hummed instead of letting go of his voice. Because of his loud voice, people around him couldn't help but notice him, so his voice couldn't help but weaken again.

During military training, everyone will be asked to sing loudly. However, that was because the instructor required that the volume must reach a certain level, and everyone was just trying to complete the task.

As for being like now, singing indulgently in this exotic land with a large group of yourself.

The chorus of forty people quickly resonated, and more and more people joined in, and the sound became louder and louder.

In the air, it seems that an invisible force is spreading—the common sanctity, and everyone feels a kind of resonance amidst the excitement.

This kind of resonance is felt, all kinds of fatigue in the day, as well as other own pains.

Strange things happened?

For those Wei Keng who were seriously injured, the wounds that had healed began a new round of hyperplasia. The Wei Keng with the broken leg felt very thirsty, drank a lot of water, and supplemented food violently, while the cells in the leg, It grows as fast as the proliferation of fungi.

Of course, this kind of growth does not include bones, it just grows muscles, but! Since the flesh can grow, it is natural for the bones to take a little time.

After singing a song, the telepathic phenomenon that temporarily appeared in various working groups during the day, this time it appeared uniformly in the minds of all Wei Keng, and information was established between each self and six to thirty other selves. comminicate. Duration up to two hours.

The supervisor, Bai Linglu, was busy again. This situation far exceeded her and those managers' best expectations.

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