Out of the cage

Chapter 190 Chapter 6.04 The tacit understanding of the hegemony, the number of the board game

Pandora calendar December 148 to January 149.

Jiangxi District has become a place where two superpowers, Tongfa District and Jianye, compete with each other!

But for the city-states in Gan District, it was the plot they expected, but it did not produce the results they wanted.

The result they want is that the superpowers will kill each other, and they will benefit from them as local leaders. But in fact, only when there are serious conflicts in a certain area will the superpowers end. At this time, the swayers at the center of the contradiction are actually the ones who lack the chips the most, just because their limited chips are used first in the long wrangling time before the superpowers invest their own chips, so it looks like "has the chips" "The force.

When the unified cutting area entered Jiangxi and established a peacekeeping area on the river, Jianye was notified. Jianye was "very furious" and asked Song Heng to lead a team and bring a large number of trainers to the city-state in the area. A serious warning is given to the behavior of the unified logging area! At the same time, it shows that Jianye has the ability to protect the city-state.

that's all.

The unified logging area runs from December to February, achieving the strategic purpose of peacekeeping and transferring people during this winter. Jianye has demonstrated the ability to "defend the city-state" and make the commanded areas "not dare to cross the border". This is a strategic win-win!

A win-win situation: the unified cutting area has won the most ordinary people in the area, and Jianye is to make the city-state rulers in the area firmly attached to themselves. In addition, the unified cutting area will leave in February, and Jianye will directly control the area.

The upper echelons of the city-states in southern Jiangxi did not understand this kind of "win-win", so they felt that "why did the Tongfa Army and Jianye not fight because they were so close to each other" was a strange thing.

"How could this be a fight!" A Jianye trainer stationed in Poyang City, who did not want to be named, commented sharply: "The two sides have already deterred each other."

Jianye has brought nearly 500 mechanical beasts, including sea, land and air, and they are all very high-level, but they are also very expensive.

Among them, the ground series of mechanical beasts weigh more than 1.2 tons, and the aerial series have a mass of 300 kilograms.

Before the biomass energy supply furnace specially used for energy conversion is completed, Jianye's garrison in central Jiangxi has to consume more than 30 tons of refined grains (rich in protein and starch) every day. They can only be stationed on the riverside, and the bioreactor on the hull of the riverside will supply the life quality.

In order to ensure the garrison of Jianye, the upper-level forces in the city-states in central Jiangxi, including Poyang City, had to go bankrupt and provide supplies.

The strange thing is that Jiangxi has produced so much food that it can feed at least 30,000 people a day for heavy physical labor.

And the food consumption of the commanding army in the peacekeeping area to the containment area is only about ten tons per day. This is still to ensure that each containment has sufficient consumption of exercise, training and rest.

If General Jiangxi provided food for the Jianye garrison and improved people's livelihood, the commanding area would have no chance of intervening.

Behind such a strange thing is the stinky upper-level logic of the nobles of the city-state in Jiangxi: resources can be returned when they are used to communicate with the upper class, but it is useless to spread them to the vast number of beggars.

The nobles in central Jiangxi acted in such a perverse way, but the unified logging area did not allow such a waste of food resources for human consumption.

In January 149, merchants in the unified cutting area helped Jianye to set up a reactor, so that Jianye could completely maintain the garrison.

In the camps of the city-states in Jiangxi, five-meter-high metal furnaces stand, and a large amount of forage and wood are poured into the stomachs of the creatures in the furnaces, and then protrude out of the fleshy pipes, insert them into the abdomens of mechanical beasts, and supply nutrient solution. Of course, these biomasses are used for animals and carry very strong biological radiation, so they cannot be supplied to humans.

[The erection of the reaction furnace was carried out with sufficient communication between the unified cutting area and Jianye. Behind the confrontation between the two sides is a very subtle tacit understanding. 】

The scale of Jianye's mechanical beast swarm forces outside the area is unprecedented. The unified logging area has also projected a mechanical force of the same scale in the area.

In the air, a detachable steel structure was used to build a metal shed covering an area of ​​80 acres, and 327 Rogia were on standby in it.

Fifty-seven temporary, 20-meter-high temporary signal towers were erected on the hills near the river, allowing Rogia to conduct aerial information operations.

In terms of ground strength, the commanding army has a total of 150 tanks that have been refitted and refitted, and they remain visible and ready to fight at any time.


The standardized construction of the unified army's heavy equipment is the tank - breaking armor and attacking fortifications!

Of course, due to the impossibility of large-scale armored battles on the technological plane.

This tank is a light tank that has been eliminated from the Desperate Plane. The specific technical type is similar to the Type 62. It looks larger than the Type 59 in numbers, but the Type 59 has a volume of 36 tons, and the width ratio of the Type 62 is only 21 tons. Nearly half a meter more.

The tank corps of the Jiangxi peacekeeping force in the commanding area can swim most of the small rivers well, and the conditions of the pontoon bridge are not so harsh. It can be said that it is well received.

Of course, in Jiangxi, these tanks are most often used with a bucket installed on the front, which is used as a bulldozer for civil construction, widening the roads, and making it easier for steam buses to transport people to the south.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that Jianye's trainers were very cautious about the option of fighting the unified army when they used mechanical power in the wilderness.


On the high platform in Poyang City, Qiu Mengfei sat on his war eagle and landed on the 50 square meter brick beacon tower.

At this time, he is linked with the other three partners of the mechanical beast in the air. Because the once-a-day routine in the air isn't done yet. The Rogia formation in the commanding area still stays in the sky, and will never retreat in the sky if it is not on time every day.

This makes the trainers very helpless for such a duty confrontation!

Getting off the war eagle, Qiu Mengfei took off his helmet and tidied his hair accessories.

He looked up to the west.

For a mechanical beast like Rogia, his emotions are a bit complicated.

As early as three years ago, when that ordinary guy took out the air mechanical beast with not so obvious armed features, he didn't pay much attention.

In front of the performance and diverse armed skills of the high-end flying war beasts of the major families in Jianye City. That black-style Lugia really doesn't have any bright spots.

But now, when this kind of war beast is equipped as a standard in the unified cutting area, Rogia's performance is simply amazing!

A herringbone team composed of more than a dozen Rogia can suppress at least 1.5 times the group of aerial war beasts of the same weight when cruising in the air. Its original single air weapon skill air slash = wire-guided biological rockets, but because of the formation of battles, it is invincible in confrontation.

In the "Friendly Discussion" a week ago,

Well, in fact, this is because the unified cutting area and Jianye could not reach a consensus on the scope of "throwing leaflets" around the central Jiangxi city-state

, resulting in intense friction events.

In the incident: First, the "out of control" aerial war beasts of the great trainer in Jianye had a conflict with the "impact" of the Rogia formation. Then upgrade to "Throwing Stones".

At that time, the air commander of the commanding army, after broadcasting and communicating three warnings, drove four formations of Rogia to the battlefield on the spot, and one of the formations went into battle. The air combat team composed of eleven mechanical beasts in the air was smashed down.

Although the weapons fired by the commanding army Lugia did not have warheads, the kinetic energy of the rocket hit the air mechanical beast's neck, abdomen, back and other vital points, still resulting in a large number of scattered pinna structures.

[The result of this battle finally determined that the Rogia formation of the Conqueror Army peacekeeping force can "freely" choose a direction outside the city to drop air leaflets from the upper wind and let them float into the city. If they lose, they will be limited to the airspace designated by Jianye's air force. 】

It was also because of this battle that Qiu Mengfei, the aristocrats of Jianye City, had a deep impression on Yu Mosu, the trainer of the Commanding Army who commanded the battle.

In the judgment of Jianye City: when Yu Mosu from the commanding area commands twelve aerial mechanical beasts at the same time, his level of flexible mobilization and pulling is at least a master level, maybe a quasi-king!

back to the present,

Qiu Mengfei stood on the beacon tower for 20 minutes. It was not until the Rogia formation evacuated to the southern airspace that he let his airborne partners come down and ended today's routine joint airspace patrol.


On the side of the unified logging area, in the air traffic control center of Ganhe No. 08,

Today's duty officer, Dai Jiawei, also started to get off work. After climbing out of the cockpit, he asked the successor to get in, and after checking the operation of the signal tower in the main operation room, he began to hand over the shift.

Like Yu Mosu, he is a gold rank in the air force ranking. The gold rank is the top ten percent, and now there are fifty-seven ranks in total. (Wei Keng is not in the ranking.)

Yu Mosu and Dai Jiawei, who are highly regarded as geniuses in Jianye City, graduated from the same class.

Dai Jiawei was very sorry about the air conflict between Tongfa and Jianye a week ago~~~~~~ Sorry, why didn't he meet him on duty at that time?

Dai Jiawei and the golden helmets re-evaluated the air power of Jianye City after "that conflict", and their attitude towards Jianye's master trainers with countless auras was: "That's it? This?"

The master level of Jianye City was considered to be very powerful before the conflict.

Now, the air combat commander of the commanding army believes that it is completely possible to carry out a devastating blow to the air power of Jianye City at an acceptable price.

There are no so-called "flying trainers" in Jianye in the unified cutting area, but multiple groups of professionals cooperate with each other to ensure the availability of air combat power.

The maintenance of Lugia, the stretching and unfolding of the air formation, as well as joint locking and dashing, etc. all follow the textbook standards. In the assessment of interactive confrontation, everyone is digitized and can be compared!

This means that the aerial biological weapons of the same combat power, fighting at different heights and speeds in the air, every detail judgment is the product of hundreds of people's competition!

On the other hand, in Jianye City, every flying mechanical beast has its own standards!

A genius like Qiu Mengfei actually just has more complete family experience than others. Really, how good is he at his family skills? How much effort did you put into it? Master Wei, who was in the same class as him, knew it very well, just like the candidates in the previous life knew how hard BJ admitted students.

genius? Well, in Jianye City, honest people like Zhen Xinzheng can be crushed under the standards there.

However, in the open and fair environment of the unified cutting area, the top students who are selected from the mind language, mathematics, physics, and biotechnology can see how talented they really are.


Dai Jiawei then came to the public activity center and patrolled the air all afternoon. It was time to relax. He unscrewed a bottle of carbonated drink and poured it down his throat. Started 'purchasing'.

The biological weapon controllers in the unified cutting area can taste some fresh snacks and play some fresh board games here.

For example, at a new booth recently, there is a very delicious egg-filled pancake, as well as fried milk, which is specially provided by the air logistics supply department and cannot be eaten outside. After all, it’s all canned food outside, but there is a special guide (Wei Keng) here.


Dai Jiawei came to the canteen, clapped his hands to the guide inside, and looked forward to something with earnest eyes.

He came to buy board game pieces today. His eyes were firmly attracted by the not-for-sale products that Wei Keng was making.

Wei Keng is making a model of the Heavenly Dragon. The material used is kaolin. Now the porcelain from the old civilization era has been taken down by the unified logging area. Master Wei has also begun to pick up intangible cultural heritage and began to practice craftsmanship.

The model of Tianshulong is based on the scale of 1:200, that is, one centimeter is compared with two meters.

The shape of Tianzhu Longdonghai is 340 meters, Wei Keng is based on its entrenched shape, and the overall height is a full 60 centimeters. It seems to go straight from the top of the mountain into the sky. The lightning and thunderclouds above are also portrayed vividly. The new and old, damaged and other details of every scale on the dragon's body are clearly marked. The base number is 00008.

According to the data records of the Pandora plane in the main world, Tianzhulong is the eighth apostle.

[On the earth, from the Middle Ages to the modern times, whether it is an artist who makes clocks and watches in Europe, or a craftsman who carves walnuts and white jade in the East, they are absolutely perfect when they make the "only" handicrafts that they believe. The added details make it difficult for imitators to copy. Of course, it will not give the possibility of unlimited reproduction of industrial production "at that time, and in the next few decades"! All the details are the cost of industrial production. 】

What Dai Jiawei can buy are the three types of gene node biological models of "mature body, complete body, and ultimate body", and the models of four levels of mechanical beasts of "common, rare, rare, and epic"! Most of these are only two or three centimeters, ten centimeters, and twenty centimeters are considered large.

If you can really put the big model of the dragon on the board game, then it will be really handsome! Dai Jiawei wants it all in his dreams, but that thing is not for sale.

In the unified logging area, the birth of board games is not in the formal plan.

The reason is: after Master Wei downloaded all the apostle-level materials from the system, he was going to make a summary. It is then passed on to those in the military department for study.

But the terrain sand table on the table is very delicate, and the model has been carved and colored with great care. At the most critical time, a card was made for the characteristics and abilities of each gene node, with exquisite paintings on the card.

After Master Wei's team of 300 people came up with this set, it was handed over to the military department. After several deduction, it was found that when recycling, there were fewer chess pieces and cards every time, and every time they had to make up. It is also thanks to the fact that the epic chess pieces are very large and difficult to be touched.

Issue a public letter warning? Oh, this is fine for a few people, but when everyone has an attempt to steal one or two, then the law does not blame the crowd. Wartime tasks are so tight, it is impossible to force everyone to check the dormitory every afternoon for chess pieces.

In the end, there is no way, blocking is worse than sparse, instead of letting everyone steal it and consume it in a bottomless pit, it is better to release small and medium-sized chess pieces for them to buy, and show them publicly.

In this way, you only need to keep the sand table and medium and large chess pieces every time. Also people with legitimate collectibles are staring.


But Wei Keng's workload has not actually decreased. When people like Dai Jiawei got the gold rank, it became popular to ask for special chess pieces as rewards.

Master Wei can't ignore the ardent expectations of these young people.

For example, what Dai Jiawei wants now is a complete chess piece "regional hegemony-level gene community node model".

After walking to the shop, Wei Keng gave him a model of a dragon in the Dongting Lake swamp against the background of the mire. It was a 30-centimeter thing. However, in the notes of the data, this node creature has been exterminated by Yucheng in the north, and it is also the only one, with the number 00204.

Dai Jiawei obviously doesn't care about this kind of "high-end goods" that he plays with in his hands.

Whether it is a community node or a "high-level mechanical beast" that is the prototype of an epic-level chess piece, it will be wiped out with the advance of the unified cutting area.

After Dai Jiawei got his goods, he pointed to the model of Tianzhulong and said, "Guide, after that thing dies, can it be collected by a private person?"

Wei Keng paused, looked at him and said, "Well, nodal bodies that do not pose a threat to human beings will not be on the public game board. Of course they can be collected. However, they are still not for sale."

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