Out of the cage

Chapter 22 1.22 Extending the Stationing Time

When the Pandora era began, the life on earth began to revel, and human civilization was decadent.

Radio communication has lost its effectiveness, and the traditional cable and telegraph railways have been repeatedly destroyed. In the first few hundred years, cities relied on jeeps to communicate. However, the car needs a complete industrial system to maintain it.

After the car loses its industrial maintenance, 50 years later, various cities can only rely on the "dragon horse", which is a huge load-bearing animal with horse and cow genes, to exchange materials and information.

And each city is unable to maintain an overly advanced education due to the gap in production and communication.

Over the past hundred years, various cities have regressed from nine-year compulsory education to three-year literacy education, and finally returned to one-year literacy education, which has caused each city to maintain a technical style of black iron steam era.

In fact, great education for all is not absolutely impossible under this productivity. At least before the 1970s and 1980s, national literacy was forcibly promoted. At that time, the vast rural areas of the East Asian continent were still in a state of cattle farming productivity. It's just that the defeatism brought about by the decline of mankind after the Pandora era has left mankind without the morale to move forward. Without morale, no one will work hard.

Education for All! This is a strategy of giving from the upper class to the lower class. If social development is deduced according to self-interest, this strategy cannot be sustained.

In a capitalist society, the voice of the application for education funding in parliament is obviously weak. Doesn't a large number of people shout about military spending and the economy of the capital market? Moreover, the gentlemen of the parliament are not trained by public basic education, and reducing the investment in public education funds can make the class more stable.

At the same time, among groups enjoying compulsory education rights, teenagers overestimate their role in society. They will call for environmental protection, social fairness and freedom, but they will not call for homework for themselves.

As for the nine-year compulsory education at the beginning of the Pandora era, how did it gradually become like this step by step?

When all efforts to prevent the Pandora field from eroding human civilization failed, the remaining human beings began to get used to lingering like this. The first-generation knowledge team was more inclined to how to maintain the continued existence of the team they belonged to, rather than listening to some voices rambling about what Inheritance of fire has returned to glory, so teaching and educating people has been neglected inadvertently in the distribution of social status.

When the era of the first generation of intellectuals came to an end, the second generation was unwilling to obey the assignment to "teach and educate people like a day for ten years." Forced by the reality of insufficient manpower, the highest ruling class changed it to six-year compulsory education. Even at this time, there will be some "clear people" who think that the current production does not require such a high level of knowledge, as long as literacy is enough. For example, when buying vegetables on the street, you don’t need to understand complex mathematics, physics and chemistry. Is this useless?

But for education, the society has relaxed, but it does not mean that everyone will relax with you for healthy competition. The society will never lack people with class competition. After the second generation of intellectuals in the Pandora era implemented six-year compulsory education, the society was substantially stratified.

Social management needs to make tables, classify, and quickly find the most deficient resources in the statistics to fill them.

In terms of industrial technology, the maintenance of steam engines and the anatomy and connection of biological structures require knowledge of solid geometry. ——All high-tech positions need the knowledge infused by systematic education.

When such problems appeared, did the human city-states in various regions make up for them after they discovered them? No, there is no compensation. In the way of human beings, the loss is not enough to give more, and everything has accelerated the process!

When the knowledgeable class and the upper class overlap each other, then the aristocratic class will not contribute to the hardship of grassroots education, which has little fame and fortune, and betrays its own class.

Furthermore, eighty years after the Pandora era, almost all city-states have resolutely abandoned the great education of the old civilization era.

This is the case with civilization. Once you give up progress, you will retreat significantly. Not to mention these city-state economies in the Pandora era, but also the earth in the 21st century. The first-order developed countries at that time also made such mistakes in education.

Even in the process of this degeneration, some politicians have the idea of ​​​​reversing all this, but the decision-making is to wear heavy shackles to paste the wall.

Shackle 1: "On the surface: academic freedom in schools, secretly: the government allocates funds to the education sector but is not subject to government supervision."

Shackle 2: "Every teacher is politically correct and does not interfere with students, but the school boss controls the teachers to make the same voice, and then completes group kneading among a generation of intellectuals."

Finally, when education has fallen, narcotics are called for temporary comfort.

This "anesthetic" is for example: "Under the open education, students in our own society emerge as innovative geniuses who learn by themselves, while students in other societies who are strictly assessed are nerds and lack innovative ability. They all copy our ideas. "

In order to make this self-paralysis more effective. He also cites the example of Edison self-taught and Gates voluntarily dropping out of college halfway to prove it.

If a social group lacks education, then ignorance, pride, and complacency will evolve in the culture!

This is the case in Ji'an City. When the explorers in black and gray ran back, they reported this "mysterious", "newborn" and "weird" human gene community to the upper echelon.

The decision-makers of Ji'an City, without continuing to investigate, made a decision hastily!

The performance of the seven or eight think tanks of Zeng Longmu scrambling to be the first.

When they hand over the decision-making plan, it may be in this state of mind: investigate? After a few days of careful investigation and a large amount of information, inferences are mediocre afterthoughts. Only by judging (monitoring) the results based on the current small amount of information can it appear that I am beyond ordinary people's resourcefulness!

In fact, they can't investigate! The investigation requires a lot of manpower, as much as possible to observe from multiple perspectives, and then have everyone tacitly and humbly regard their own views as part of the entire investigation.

When drawing a common conclusion, there should be no "personal ability" mentality, and you should not force your own investigation to be the main one, and other people's opinions should be supplemented.

All in all, the think tanks in Ji'an City without civilian education performed at the same level as the think tanks in a certain country in the 1920s.

Their inferences and conclusions about Wei Keng's appearance are as follows.

Inference 1: This is a community born mainly from human genes. The cause of the birth of this community may be the coincidence of the human gene radiation produced in many cities including Ji'an City, or it may be that the fusion population in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in the north fell into a branch in the south.

Inference 2: The current strength of this group is very weak, and no large-scale creature beasts that can compete with the beast master have been found. Most of the individuals are only armed with guns and other equipment.

Inference 3: The group is in a state of confusion, so they requested not to contact us within six months. Possibly in the process of further dispersal.

Conclusion: Ji'an City must dispatch forces as soon as possible to control, even destroy, and replace its core before it is further strengthened.

So blah blah, the little experts in these counties will have little nutrition left.

It is nothing more than "There are now a large number of beast masters in our city-state, and the newly commissioned mechanical beasts are powerful. Now we can try it out and show our strength internally and externally."

In the office in Ji'an City, after listening to the report, Zeng Longmu turned his attention to two young people. The man was still reading the information, while the woman beside him was pulling the kumquat on the potted plant. Zeng Longmu asked: "Uncle, when will your little orange be ripe?"

Zeng Longmu: "You, if you move less, you'll get used to it faster." Then he turned to the man beside him.

Zeng Longmu: "Fang Hong, I want you to perform this mission this time."

Fang Hong nodded.

Zeng Longmu looked at the two of them and said, "When you come back, I will send you this pot of kumquats."


One month later, that is, the seventy-eighth day since Wei Keng came to this plane, someone, um, some more than a thousand people counted the days on their fingers and counted that they had more than 20 days to go back.

The big iron gate of Ji'an City creaked open amidst the sound of the steam engine starting on the tower.

A convoy of 20 horse-drawn carriages came out of the city gate, and the suspected traditional Chinese characters of "Ji'an" were marked with metal bumps on the carriages.

Pulling livestock is a heavy draft horse with a weight of two tons. No, this kind of dragon horse with a variety of genes, spraying hot air from its nasal cavity, dragging a vehicle with a stainless steel chassis and metal suspension rubber tires, from the rocks on the moat lake in front of the city gate. Passing slowly on the arch bridge.

Since the vitality of various creatures radiated by life is quite tenacious, resinous liquids such as rubber can still be obtained.

The carriage is surrounded by a steel shell. Of course, it is impossible to do all-round defense against machine guns like a tank. However, the steel shell near the window is thicker. People can hide in the steel shield on the window and shoot around with a heavy machine gun. .

And behind this convoy are three war beasts wearing metal armor. These biological and mechanical suture monsters put their predecessors on the cart and half rely on the wheeled vehicle to advance. These are the mechanical war beasts of the beast masters. up.

These mechanical war beasts weighing more than five tons all have eel-like power-generating cells in their bodies, which are used to drive the chest and forearm machines to open during battle. But this kind of driving is not so long-lasting, and the intense combat can only last for 20 minutes.

And in the carriage there is a culture tank in a metal box, in which the microorganisms are replicating and emitting life radiation, and these life activities are controlled by the mechanical war beasts, and the war beasts can extract energy from it. It's like wireless charging.

The convoy headed west all the way, making a sound unique to metal. And at the very beginning of all this, Wei Keng's dispatched investigation team followed him.

It can be said that the actions of Ji'an City in the last ten days after his time travel almost ended, reminded Wei Keng of the time-limited missions in the game, and something always happened at the end.

Regarding the details of the return, Wei Keng asked about the relevant process of the system.

The return begins when all the ego regroups at the point where it first descended, and the process lasts half a day. In other words, it is impossible to evacuate from here and then change to another place. Right now, these uninvited guests must be stopped.

Blocking is divided into Wen blocking and Wu blocking.

Wen resistance means negotiating and striving for reason, and military resistance means armed restraint. It's not that Wei Keng has never thought about Wen resistance. However, when the other party was carrying military weapons, he tried to obstruct it, which was as naive as "asking the League of Nations to mediate on September 18".

But Wu Zhe has a problem. Wei Keng had clearly seen that there were heavy machine guns in the team that came this time, which he couldn't solve.

A submachine gun and a heavy machine gun are not the same concept. The former has an effective range of only 150 meters and cannot be used as the core of squad tactics, while the latter can suppress any action of the opponent's infantry within a range of 500 to 1,000 meters. The machine gun is the core of firepower.

As for the crossbow arrows, the front is to bully monsters in a semi-jungle environment. If it is on a regular battlefield, the requirement of standing up to shoot at each other is enough to kill.

Rely on organizational strength and willpower to defeat opponents? Wei Keng: I am a middle-aged person, and my willpower is unreliable.

Moreover, the opponent is a local household, and if they want to rely on the perfect terrain to completely annihilate them, it must reduce the opponent's intelligence to a certain level. If the war plan is presupposed to be perfect as soon as it comes up, there will be lessons learned in history!

The navy red deer in the Pacific War set up a battle plan and always pursued perfection. They would definitely be deceived by their own strategy when they ordered the Midi ghost animal, and then they would be tricked, and finally the imperial army won a great victory.

War is a very serious issue. After a baptism, the Wei Keng Group will never rely on one or two possible favorable conditions when dealing with war.


No matter how he thought about it, Wei Keng felt that the current conditions were not sure, and he had to turn to the system for help.

Facing Wei Keng's active dialogue this time, Bai Linglu responded very smoothly, first expressing concern about Wei Keng's current crisis. Then he believes that Wei Keng can solve the problem and is willing to help as much as possible, and then analyzes the current threat situation. This threat is only short-term, and as long as it is successfully overcome, different results will be achieved.

Finally, a regulation on system assistance is expounded: "Relevant military support can be provided immediately, but the corresponding material support needs to prolong the arrival time of the shuttle return channel."

In short: Once you get the aid, you have to stay in the area, no, for a while.

Faced with such an answer, Wei Keng gritted his teeth and asked, "How long will it be delayed?"

Bai Linglu: The mass of the transportation materials is to calibrate one-third of your weight as a unit scalar. You are now 1523 people, and the unit scalar is 45.3344 tons. Completing a scalar unit of transportation will extend the channel arrival time by 100 days. Redemption must be above one scalar and below three scalars.

Wei Keng and the others went through a certain degree of intense discussion. Well, if Wei Keng were alone, this kind of discussion would be self-hesitating.

The key to Wei Keng's discussion is whether to exchange for one scalar to save money, or leave a little more room for three scalar.

If Wei Keng hadn't split into multiple parts, he would have chosen to toss a coin if he was so hesitant in the face of himself, or he would have slapped himself a few times to see how many times it would hurt.

But now, it is a comparison to see which opinion has a higher proportion in the group.

five minutes later.

Wei Keng's communication group responded to Bai Linglu with a unified plan: "Exchange three scalar quantities." That is the limit of exchange.

Bai Linglu was a little surprised by Wei Keng's sudden boldness.

However, all the members of the Weikeng group have made a generous choice now, and the logic behind it is: when we are about to go to war, we must go to the bottom of the boat, and the purchase of military supplies must be guaranteed as much as possible. The performance of the ship button button.

After determining the total amount of materials, then it is time to place an order.

Wei Keng Newsletter 11: "The individual nuclear bomb came with ten rounds, which is the nuclear rocket launcher with an equivalent of 50 tons in the Cold War. Well, I know how to use it. Dig trenches and put on protective clothing. By the way, bring me the motorcycle Two, oh, don't worry about me, we don't have anyone signed up to cast here, I'll do it."

Regarding this projectile nuclear rocket, there is no shortage of volunteers in Wei Keng. Wei Keng: This kind of tough guy equipment should be used once in life.

But Bai Linglu quickly denied Wei Keng's fantasies.

Bai Linglu's sincere explanation: Heavy element atoms cannot be stable when they shuttle. If you can find enough artificial elements on the plane for calibration, you can deliver this kind of equipment.

The tone of Bai Linglu's words was very polite, and Wei Keng, who was short-hearted, always felt that the tone of the little lady's last tone seemed to be ridiculing the word "poor".

Wei Keng, who is poor and short-witted, has no way to refute, so he can only sigh inwardly.

a few minutes later

Wei Keng began to carefully check the list of transmission materials he could accept. These are some of the more common, um, items that I have thought of these days.

Wei Keng Communication 34 said to Bai Linglu: "It seems that you already have a plan."

Bai Linglu: "You have encountered difficulties in the development of the plane, as a supervisor, I should share your worries."

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