Out of the cage

Chapter 247 Chapter 7.29 Gunfire

In Fengfuli 3579, on June 2nd, on the Xinghui Peninsula, a wave of foamy waves surged up to the shore, and then the foam remained layer by layer, turning into a layer of white walls.

In the waves of the sea surface, two huge sea beasts floated up from the sea water, and the spray was like a submarine rushing out of the water, and the iron chains wrapped around the body were covered with rough oysters.

From a distance, this thing looks like a super-large plesiosaur. The tonnage is about 100 tons, which is the tonnage of a blue whale, but unlike a whale, with the weight of a whale, it is a mass of meat when it reaches land. After this thing arrives on land, its bones are strengthened by magic and can branch stand up.

Due to its large size, its neck is covered with sharp thorns, and it looks a bit like a subdragon at first glance.

But that has nothing to do with dragons at all. The relationship between the two is like the difference between sloths and primates represented by humans. It just looks like it.


The dragon species is intelligent, and the inheritance of memory makes it often proficient in magic.

This kind of giant beast is obviously a stupid big one, and there are some sea people driving it on its huge back. These sea tribes are rooted on the neck of the huge sea beast like sucker fish, controlling it.

Let's call it a sea snake.

This is a giant war beast raised by the sea clan. According to Miss Lanlong, there are only five of the sea clan in the northern sea area. Such a giant beast has been sleeping all year round. Now that two of them have been dispatched, it is already the strength of the current combat preparations. Called over.

Surrounding the sea snake are a large number of sea clan guards floating half their bodies in the water. Their upper bodies are covered with shells connected in series. The weapon in his hand is still covered with algae brought out from the sea.


Men of the Sea Guards usually have a muscular body, a snake's tail, and a weird head. Some are like people, and some are like tortoises. As for women, they are softer.

They are naga. Naga is a special group in the ocean.

It is said in the intelligence that the mermaids will enlighten the sea people, and the sea people will be infiltrated with humanoid information. Then become a noble of the clan.

According to the analysis of the main world, this kind of external infiltration information will interfere with the genes of marine organisms in a special way, allowing them to generate brains similar to human beings.

If the first generation of enlightened Sea Clan mates with the strong offspring of their own clan, they will naturally continue to become the lords and nobles of their own clan.

However, after infiltrating human genes, aesthetics will also change.

For example, a crab, if a humanoid appears after enlightenment, then after possessing wisdom, it will not be interested in the enthusiastic female crab.

Therefore, after spiritual enlightenment, there will often be cases of interbreeding between sea clans who enlightened each other.

For example, the humanoid after the shark's enlightenment and the humanoid after the sea snake's enlightenment fell in love with each other. hybridization will be formed.

This kind of love will not be understood by the sea clan of the clan. The spirit enlightenment is to make wise people appear in the clan instead of traitors, so that they will be rejected by the clan if they interbreed with each other.

And the Sea Clan expelled by their own clan will come to the Hall of Enlightenment to seek redemption, completely become the mermaid's slaves, and give birth to the next generation with other Sea Clans who are also their outcasts.

After several generations of hybridization, the genes became a melting pot, and finally stabilized, that is, the Naga with very burly males and multiple arms for females, and very strong regenerative power.

They are the most loyal servants of the Mermaid Sea Clan. The hardcore coated kind.


After the sea people entered the land,

On the shore, the human villages and towns that had already prepared for defense rang the bell, and a large number of humans fled in panic. A lot of dried seafood and ironware were left behind.

Ironware, porcelain, these are the things that the sea people value most.

To be honest, things like gold, silver and jewelry are just like dirt among the Sea Clan. A large number of shells shed a large number of pearls each year. Gold mines are deposited on the seabed of natural ocean currents, and no fish is willing to pick them up.

The ironware entered the bottom of the sea along with the sunken ship. If the Sea Clan didn't find it quickly, they would attach gold leaf to the surface to curb the corrosion and become their own treasures. Although porcelain won't corrode, it is very fragile.


The retreat of the humans made the Sea Clan's vanguard swim into the village, and soon, the Sea Clan who entered the village first were a bit slow. Start collecting in every inch of the village.

Because the striker is so dawdling,

It is impossible for a large number of sea people to just soak in the sea water, and they also went ashore one after another.

Since then, the whole picture of the sea clan's great march after leaving the water can be observed.


The local knights were horrified when they saw the densely packed sea people landing on the coastline of dozens of kilometers, there were more than 200,000 of them.

In the past few decades, only the largest invasion of the Sea Clan can compare with today's scale.

These local nobles vaguely remembered that when the kingdom dealt with such a large-scale invasion of the Sea Clan, they only retreated to land before defeating the Sea Clan. Unlike today, the Northern Territory is actually trying to fight a decisive battle with the Sea Clan in an area where the sea breeze blows.


The current knights of the Northern Territory squatted on the steam locomotive and spread out the map to receive the information from the airship. While making a map, they analyzed the current strength of the Sea Clan as follows.

A large number of sea people are actually magical creatures such as little murlocs. This is to make the giant salmon that devoured aquatic plants in the ocean suddenly mutate into combat creatures that grow into soles and hold bone spurs. It weighs between a dog and a cow. They are the cannon fodder for the Sea Clan's invasion, and they are used as food supplies after entering the land.

In all previous battles, the humans had been included in the scope of the Sea Clan's combat power system, but this time was the only exception.


At this time, 20 kilometers behind the coastline, the human corps stood ready.

The number of mobilized militias exceeded 50,000. Of course, during half a month of training, they still lacked in formation operations, and now they can only follow the square positions drawn by Lime to perform simple position changes. Belongs to the strong man level. That is because this is my own land, and I have money and food, so I haven't deserted yet.

The Northern Legion's requirement for these militiamen is to hold their positions, and if necessary, they can complete the gathering within half an hour and transfer to other positions.

As for the main force of the human legion, that is, more than 2,000 regular legions and 6,000 reserve militia cadres brought by the Northern Territory.

On the flanks of the front line, fifty steam tanks have been activated, and behind the tanks are the musket phalanx formed by the former northern regular army and reserve forces. Compared with the local militia, these reserve forces belong to the elite troops in this battle. Under the leadership of regular army non-commissioned officers, singing battle songs.

On the defensive front, whether it is the reserve or the local militia, each musketeer is using his own pencil to trace the pattern on the barrel of the gun to depict the insignia of his regiment.

This kind of portrayal has no objective physical effect, but it can make the musketeers focus on the barrel, which can help these soldiers to a certain extent, and the smoothbore guns that get along with each other day and night resonate with the spirit before the war, reducing the loss of gunpowder tunneling effect.

The elites in the reserves are currently able to make the bullet's energy level break through the second ring, which is a speed of 350 meters per second.

As for the militiamen who have only been trained for a month, currently only a very small number of elites can make the musket break through the first-level energy level.

Of course, after the victory of this battle, most of the militiamen have experienced the dangerous impact of the battlefield, and their mental power will generally upgrade, almost reaching the level of breaking through the first ring.

(In this world where everything has information storage, ordinary people also have experience.)


The Sea Clan also found a human defense line.

Of course, it was also the first time for the Sea Clan to encounter a scene where human beings tried to fight a decisive battle when they were still at the peak of their strength when they first landed.

Then, the conch rang, and a large number of crabs were used as mounts. The sea anemone vanguard with magic tentacles on their backs began to lead a large number of murlocs to attack the human infantry line.


Seeing this situation, Carret asked his newly appointed Governor Robin to order the front militias to hold the front line for half an hour.

Before Robin could speak, the veteran local knight rushed to say: "Your Highness, please rest assured that this is just a temptation by the Sea Clan. We did not invest in magic troops and siege war turtles. Our multiple barriers here can completely Can resist it."

Carret looked at the local noble who was rushing to answer.

After taking down the blue dragon, many nobles, large and small, on the peninsula also turned around and started looking for someone to take refuge in.

However, they do have the capital to rely on. Although the nobleman in front of him may have the stubbornness of a conservative nobleman, he has also made great achievements in the decades-long invasion of the Sea Clan.

Carret emphasized: "Half an hour, what I want is a must! Anything may appear on the battlefield, such as the sudden summoning of a huge water element, or the appearance of a weird curse. Any accident may destabilize morale. The knight Your Excellency, what I want is a guarantee that it cannot collapse no matter what. Robin—"

Robin: "in"

Carret: "What guarantee will you give me!"

Robin: "People are on the ground."

Carret: "What should I do if the battle line is shaken?"

Robin: "Transfer the command, I will arrive at the front, and the supervisor team will be at the end."

Carret turned to the nobleman again: "Your Excellency, Viscount, can you give me such a promise?"

The old knight drew out his sword resolutely: "I swear in the name of the Luoxun family."


Karit nodded and shouted to the surrounding officers: "After half an hour, all the fronts and all the militiamen will record the third-class merit, uh,~"

Carret thought for a while, and decided to use a down-to-earth tone to call.

The loudspeakers started to play in each position: "Brothers, carry it, each person has 50 kilograms of corn, the injured, and the children of the family will be sent to my cafeteria for three years, and the dead will be buried and the children will be left behind." Things. Brothers, kill these salted fish."

When the loudspeaker echoed back and forth between the various barriers, it seemed to boost morale a bit, but it left the nobles speechless.

Carret is the highest nobleman of Aiger, how can he be brothers and sisters with the lower-level militiamen?

Such self-deprecation made many nobles at a loss.


The first wave of war broke out soon. The militia captains from the north, beating gongs and speaking unproficient local dialect, pulled out the militiamen from various defensive barriers, and then reported one by one. Seeing the dawdling, he also kicked up to make him put his helmet on.

These reservists in the north are also organizational managers who have emerged during the development of industrialization in recent years.

Such an organization has accurate statistics on the number of units that are dispensable on the battlefield like the militia!

Each group has a number, in order to minimize the appearance of "smart people" who hide in small places and pretend to be military exploits. Reporting is rewarded by default. Of course, if he was really not there and was intercepted by soldiers from other areas, it would be fine to issue a certificate.

The militia muskets quickly entered the barrier array. In the reserved observation port of the female wall, he looked nervously at the cold-blooded animals a few kilometers away. The sea people are very barbaric and have no flags. Their different ethnic camps have erected the skulls of different animals.

The defense line where the militiamen were stationed was pushed out by steam bulldozers. It's a barrier, not a trench. It's a response to the water magic of the Sea Clan submerging the tunnel.

The arrangement of the barriers is the situation after the enlightenment era of the earth's guns and cannons. It is built according to geometry, and every other section is highlighted to maximize the firepower. And the sunken area in the middle allows the opponents to swarm together for slaughter.


Half an hour later, the offensive tide of fishy smell that had just come ashore from the sea flooded up the frontal barrier. These crabs are densely arranged on the beach, and the crackling sound of carapace and carapace collision makes people's teeth gnaw.

But the first wave of Sea Clans quickly experienced the defensive effect of the barriers arranged with geometry after the enlightenment of the industrial age.

Aim, ready rapid fire, release.

Clap clap, clap clap.

The musket began to shoot out a dense rain of bullets like a series of firecrackers.

The defensive firearms provided to the militiamen in the Northern Territory were muskets, but they were revolvers, fired in bursts of six rounds.

Paper shells, comparable to small steel rods, are stuffed into the reels before firing. And due to the upper limit of the energy level, the bullet cannot break through the speed, so the closed and deflated feature of the revolver in the main world is nothing.

Therefore, in the process of firing, a very dense rain of bullets was fired in an instant.

The 200-gram steel cone bullets with a speed of 70 meters per second continuously hit the shock waves composed of 30 to 40 kilograms of small Haizu, forming an effective interception within a distance of 50 meters.

In order to cope with the possible crawling of the sea tribe, there is a corrugated arrangement directly in front of the position, which is very unfriendly to most sea tribes whose chassis are too low.

Especially the crab, it got stuck when it crossed the convex ridge, and the range of just 50 meters became a natural moat.

The faces of the militiamen were scorched black by the fire elements scattered from the muskets, but no one cared about the burning pain. Looking at the sea clansmen who were approaching, these infantrymen, who were on the battlefield for the first time, started to operate in mechanical mode.

There was no shortage of missteps that created confusion, such as forgetting the cooling step of wiping the barrel with a wet rag, which caused the revolver to crumble. Therefore, the officer's yelling and cursing flooded the entire position.


Blocked by the rain of bullets, the crabs lost their broken and mutilated limbs, and finally approached within ten meters of the human line. The militiamen squatting on the wall looked at the sea monsters wielding large pincers, and for the first time their morale was shaken. These native militiamen were farmers a month ago.

Of course, a warning to two or three positions came from the front broadcast, "If you flee, shoot immediately!"

The warning sounded and the gunshots sounded, allowing the frontline militiamen to return to their posts and fire, but soon they found that the defensive position they were in was a high point, and it was very difficult for the sea tribes to climb up and chew on the barrier.

The whole position is built according to the wavy line. The protrusion in front of the front line is a very high trapezoidal barrier, and the concave part of the front line happens to be the place where the two raised barriers can be blocked by fire.

When the brainless sea clansmen unconsciously went around the barrier after gnawing on the raised barrier, and gathered in the depression reserved for the front line, the steam ejector and the oil barrel hit the sky above, and exploded with a bang. Afterwards, burn the torches of death at the concave areas of these fronts.

This kind of murder is very industrialized.


The sea anemone tentacles on the back of the crabs piled up in front of the barrier also stung some people with their venomous stings, but the poison of one or two tentacles was not serious, and only made the militiamen groan with swollen faces.

The barrier protection limited the damage of these poison vines, but it also reminded the militiamen of each group of the importance of pulling down the glass eye mask after the enemy approached.


Just when the militiamen fought for twenty minutes.

The metal war drum music sounded behind the Sea Tribe side-this style is completely different from the conch, which is the human army.

At this time, on the side and rear, the elite Musketeer Infantry Regiment of the Northern Territory had already circled the rear, and spread out an array of skirmishers.

The black rubber leather boots trampled on, and there were dense and orderly steps in the muddy puddles everywhere.

The military song code-named Poshan resounded loudly, and the fearless atmosphere shone brightly.


Two hundred meters away from the watchtower behind the front line, the nobles of the Xingyue Peninsula watched the battle. They are now watching with "uncertain" eyes.

Hatherine put down the binoculars and couldn't help feeling worried.

Hetherine tried her best to remind her husband in a gentle tone: "His Royal Highness's regiment is an elite group, but now, isn't it too lonely to go deep."

Robin glanced at the front line and explained to his unhurried lover: "Our infantry is just at the right distance from the enemy's main line. The tank troops are in the middle. Even if they are surrounded by light enemy units, the armor can Rush out."


The person in charge is Garter, a knight of the same class as Robin. Robin knew what tactics his classmates were using.

He used a combination of steps and tanks to advance, and reached the first wave of Haizu's right rear front,

Of course, this is three kilometers away from the back line of the Sea Clan base camp, and it seems that a small number of troops were sent to the double-team position on their own initiative.

It's just that as long as the troops are fast, it doesn't matter who double-teams who.


During this process, 800 people advanced neatly behind the tanks in a dense formation. Along the way, the steam machine guns on the tanks fired a large number of small groups of Sea Clan troops. A whole group of several hundred murloc soldiers who were going to replenish the front lines were directly scattered by the steam of the tanks.

During the process of advancing, everyone filled a large bottle of "nectar" refined grain medicine, which is a substance with "extremely positive vitality".

This provides medicine for the trainee knights to maintain their health for half a month when they hit the bottleneck. Now it is used as a combat medicine to supply one regiment at a time. This is the arrogance after industrialization.

The attack group of "Broken Earth" quickly rushed to the back line of the first wave of the Sea Clan, and then launched a horizontal line of skirmishers three hundred meters away from the first wave of the Sea Clan.

The phalanx of 800 people originally shrunk behind the tank suddenly spread out a long line, and this long line surrounded from the side and rear, the first wave of Sea Clan troops with thousands of strong walls.

Along with the golden dome and the black, blue and red tricolor chimney flags, the elite musketeers began to raise their long muskets with silver silk patterns.

On the three-kilometer long front, guns were lined up neatly, and firepower began to output. The crisp sound overwhelmed the distant waves.

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