Out of the cage

Chapter 270 Chapter 7.52 Newly opened ( )

Beginning in 3605, the changes in the Aiger Kingdom on the Fengfu Continent were profound. ——"Industry" tried its best to push the fruits of this victory towards the trend of history.

Looking back at history, between 3583 and 3600, the Northern Industrial Party accumulated a large amount of capital through trade during the period when the southern business groups explored the New World.

In that swift and effective war in 3603, both sides only scratched the surface. The war zone most affected by the siege in Eiger was only the old castle that was demolished, and it was not blown into white ground, and a large number of strong labor forces were forced to land in the encirclement without many casualties.

Therefore, the Industrial Party was able to calmly invest in roads and basic light industry in the non-industrial area of ​​Aiger after the war.

In the new urban area around Eiger, when hundreds of heat flow energy spinning machines (the pipelines here use not electric energy, but superfluid at 500 degrees), hot steam jets out the white yarn , the social culture has changed accordingly.

Light industries such as clothing products can make use of a large number of labor forces in the capital of Aiger.

After the consumption of Eiger's noble mansion declined, not only did the large amount of spare manpower not cause chaos, but even King Eiger needed to absorb more labor from the surrounding area.

After the Industrial Party came to power, not only the rise of the textile industry,

There are also many new light machines being produced. For example, pedal bicycles, refrigeration machines that accumulate "ice system" heat energy and emit runes, display screens for projection display, ... and such products quickly bring people's lives from the Middle Ages to a new era.

There are four-story square residential buildings in the city, as well as department stores comparable to the palace, and the buses on the street pass through the various platforms at the hour every morning. The citizen class surrounding the lords and business groups began to disappear, and the working class gradually became the mainstream of the newly built cities. The streets are full of people wearing the uniforms of various workshops.


In the history of magic development in the past, these household magical machines were "luxury goods" for common people.

However, the "industry" led by Wei Keng took a completely different path from Western culture in the creation of the consumption structure.

Wei Keng: Industrial consumption cannot be linked to individualism.

In the initial stage of the industry, the consumption power of a worker is not enough, but most of the workers live in groups. With the salary scale of 50 people, they have the ability to buy such a household appliance together during the holidays.

If every fifty people can buy one, an initial market can be easily formed, providing valuable initial living space for such household appliance companies.

The light industry expanded its production, so that the price of the product dropped to the point where 10 people could buy one, a family of five could buy one, and finally, a family could buy several.

Therefore, such household electrical appliances in the early days do not need fancy functions, but durable leather, and the quality that dozens of people have used it for more than ten years can still work.


Look back at the ancient times of the main world. At that time, global trade seemed to be developing rapidly, but in fact there were very few newly emerging industrial countries.

The reason why East Asia was able to rise in the later period was that it did not fall into the trap of middle-level development. That's because they tried to open up a consumer market for industrial products in their own industrial class from the very beginning.

The first batch of TV sets and washing machines were shared by neighbors in workers’ apartments, completing the development of the internal market.

Rather than blindly looking for external markets such as "Europe and the United States" with high personal spending power like the Four Tigers.

In the early days of the information revolution in modern times, it was extremely difficult to cultivate a market in which capital concentration in the world such as Europe and the United States was so high that individual households could consume household appliances.

Large countries such as India and Indonesia in South Asia wanted to follow the path of the Four Tigers, but found that they could not catch up.

The country has fallen into such an endless loop. On the one hand, attracting foreign investment cannot change the internal low wage situation. Its internal consumption cannot afford new energy vehicles, solar photovoltaic panels, and smart devices, and it cannot build an internal circulation, so it can only continue to shoddy and develop technologies that have been made public, and work hard in the sunset industry without profits.

The update and iteration of its advanced products can only be highly dependent on external markets such as East Asia, North America, and Europe.

And the foreign high-end market, how can you let you, a foreign "business wizard", make a big splash?


As early as 3600, before the war with Wangdu, Wei Keng had planned the route of Iger's next round of production chain.

The light industry strategy deployed by Carret, especially the household magic weapon industry, has never aimed at the market of arcanists in this world (on the side of the Xuan Austrian Alliance) and the major nobles from the very beginning.

Even if you sell a refrigerator to arcanists and nobles, you can get a great deal of "several gold coins"!

However, the Arcane Masters of the Suspended Olympic Alliance spend high prices on these daily necessities, and when they resell them, they will increase the price of high-level runes and smooth out the trade deficit. Then join forces with the big nobles to increase the price of food raw materials, so the industrial workers in light and heavy industries have worked hard for a year, isn't it for nothing?

But now his own light industry chain does not make money from outside, and he also prevents the Xuan Olympic Alliance from directly buying it with gold coins.

If "science" wants to intervene in the control of Iger's light industry chain, it must cut the price of the high-level rune supply to "industry" to grab the market, and then use Iger's current industrial currency to intervene in Iger's current light industry investment.

Once they dared to increase the price of high-level runes, and "Industry" just happened to find a replacement through independent research and development, their market was lost, and the capital chain in Aiger was broken. At this time, the light industry production line it previously controlled will return to the hands of the industrial leader.

(Key words: monetary sovereignty. In ancient times, Japan and South Korea did not have this sovereignty, and the dollar could directly rush in to harvest.)

Master Wei: Accounts are always calculated from the big picture! Otherwise, I will be crushed to death, and I will be filled with their chicken soup to make me feel extremely "happiness".

The first purpose of the concept of "industry" constructed by Mr. Wei is to ensure fairness in social development.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade, which is endless. Rather than run away after cutting a crop of leeks, and then euphemistically call it a business-private model of "seizing the opportunity to make the first pot of gold".

What Wei Keng is vigilant from the bottom of his heart is "a man covered with silk clothes is not a silkworm farmer".


The expansion of the industry in 3608 is proceeding steadily. The firewood stoves in every household in the city have become electric stoves.

The output of each light industry production area is also increased according to the consumption capacity of internal workers. It was not put into production according to external needs.

That is, the "backward" market interventionism that scholars repeatedly criticized at the end of the 20th century.

Carret believes that Sainz, who was born in the west of the main world, is absolutely familiar with finance. ——Based on the attitude of defending against him, Master Wei unswervingly takes the path of characteristic development.


The script that Sainz most wants to see now is: the industry expands its production according to the needs of the external market, and after the expansion, it is "pigeoned" for various reasons. Well, that is, according to the so-called "market adjustment objective factors", the goods of the "industrial manufacturing" side of "blind expansion" suddenly cannot be sold, and the capital chain is broken. In the end, they can only be directly "smiled" by the capital that masters the upstream technology chain. Light industry industrial chain.

Wei Keng is familiar with such a script, not to mention the complicated case of "harvesting the four little dragons in modern times".

The text of "buying deer to make Chu" in the Spring and Autumn Period. This is required to be recited in full in the textbooks of the People's Education Edition in the 1950s.

In other words, Chinese who have gone through nine years of compulsory education will not be tricked by people in the so-called "old capital culture" Mediterranean civilization circle when encountering such a thing.


After completely entering the new era, "industry, technology, and machinery" are still progressing.

'Industry' is way ahead. "Technology" has also begun to burn afterburner.

In June 3609, Carret drove Danny back from the north on a motorcycle. Under the Avenue of Lights, he introduced the changed capital of Aiger, leaving him to experience the truth of "sustainable industrial development".

Master Wei confirmed that Aiger's new king Xian and Weixin. So once again (and for the last time) I attended a science-led conference.

During this tripartite meeting, the seats behind Carret were also full of people. These are the chosen industrialists in the industrial battle five years ago.

Added: Danny is not among them. As the heir to the throne, in terms of Wei Keng's principles, he is a product of compromise in this era. As long as he doesn't give up his royal power for a day, he can only regard him as Carret's nephew, not an orthodox believer in "Industry".

After seeing Carret's arrival, Sainz first smiled and congratulated Iger for his great achievements in the past five years of development.

Oh, how much of this congratulations is sincere, that's another story.

In modern times, several space agencies in the United States, China and Europe congratulated each other on the surface when they made major achievements in extraterrestrial exploration, and turned their heads to "response to aggressive competition."

Although Sainz concealed it well, Carret could tell from his "unwilling to go into details" performance that he might be unhappy with many of his measures.

For the words "Congratulations on progress", only when the other party is enthusiastically coming up with many joint plans, can this be the real "happy to see progress". But after the politeness is over, I don't want to say anything. Then it has to be understood as the meaning of "Small sample, count yourself as ruthless, let's wait and see".


Carret also didn't play with Sainz on the lips.

Bai Linglu knew: Wei Keng was not very good at this, but he was not stupid. Stupid means that you can't talk to others, and your thinking is carried away by others. Wei Keng was able to follow the direction of others running and make preparations in advance.

Carret nodded to Sainz, and got straight to the point: "Has your Internet construction been completed?"

Originally, I planned to spend my time explaining the matter of Norinco's link network. ——In the end, Carret took the initiative to get into the noose. This made Sainz lose his punch, but he couldn't help being vigilant.

As a spokesperson for science, he has been in this world for nearly seventy years. Sainz was impressed by the "industrial" agents.

Sainz’s assessment of Carret: “‘Industry’ is very thoughtful and impeccable. Before any crisis comes, at least there are multiple preparation plans, and there are very few omissions. And now it is so smooth and smooth. My plans are aligned. So—he's ready?"

"I hope that Internet links can play a major role in culture, education, work, and entertainment." - Carret's scripted clichés brought Sainz back to his senses.

Sainz looked at the expression of Carret, the spokesman for the Oriental diplomacy in modern times, and tried hard to analyze the meaning behind it.

But very helpless, he couldn't tell: "Some of my preparations", how much did Carret really know?


In 3609, the era of the Internet opened.

But before the advent of this technology era, the northern industry first started the LAN transition.

Halo structures spread out over the cities. This is a variant of the six-ring permanent space gate, which is specially used to exchange information between big cities.

The role of the network, first of all, is to assist industrial production and meet the increasingly strong communication needs in life. ——Secondly, it is open to the outside world for information exchange.

In line with the development philosophy of "bringing doctrine\

,"Think about what you really need, and then open the door. You don't know what you want, the bastards outside, stuffed chicken soup with cat feces for you to drink, and then said it was a great medicine and tonic, and you happily gave them money.

The Internet enables the exchange of industrially produced materials and, on the other hand, the exchange of 'entertainment'.

There is good and bad in 'entertainment'. To deal with bad things, we should not blindly block them, but develop competitors to compete with them.


In 3609, almost when the Internet in the Xuan'ao area was still trying to increase the bandwidth, in the northern industrial area, intranet entertainment had already emerged.

In the major industrial areas, a kind of "Papercraft War" entertainment has sprung up.

On a piece of copper paper with a large number of energy circuits, the paper module is cut out, and then under the effect of the arcane construction force field, the two-dimensional module becomes a three-dimensional part, and then automatically assembled, it becomes A mechanical model.

Each line in the cardboard will be precisely connected under the effect of three-dimensional parts, and then connected in the energy network, so that energy can be driven in each part.

Then form tanks, ray gunners, floating spaceships, and diving fighters.

Such a model is controlled by the user's mental power to form a unit in a game.

Because it is very easy to get started, all kinds of parts only need "zero-level" arcane drive, and it will soon rise among the new generation of teenagers.

And in the space gate, the specially reserved "4399 area" communicates with each other.

In the industrial age, when everything is quiet and peaceful, who can refuse a "red police, interstellar" hegemony?

Yes, there are tracked chariots and machine gunners inside, but due to the diversity of paper models, there are also melee units that charge at high speed. When the charge speed reaches a certain level, the melee units are also very strong.

Iger's new king, Danny, is also keen on this. After all - his models are much better than most paper models.

Ever since, taking advantage of the nationwide upsurge, the paper craft battle contest began.


The young people in each factory area took their zero-level paper models to participate in the audition. In the audition competition, they were all zero-level arcane paper models, so a wide range of people participated in the selection. And the model arms are not fixed, as long as they are at level zero, they can be modified at will.

After the audition, teams will be selected in each province, and at this time, a first-level paper model will be arranged for a promotion match.

After the first round of promotion, regardless of victory or defeat, the paper model of the first level will be given to the representative team.

Then there is the second round, the third round, and each round will give the representative team a more advanced model.

And by the fourth round, this is no longer a paper model, but looks like paper, but is actually a large amount of material, suppressed to a two-dimensional arcane puppet through the space system.

In fact, it can be seen at this point that this is actually a set of arcane inheritance. —— Wei Keng has completed the arcane inheritance in this world in the past few years, from the basic origami into soldiers, to the current card army.

On November 3, 609, the first papercraft war was stirring up all the young people in Aigne, like the enthusiasm of the World Cup in ancient times. People will witness the first battle champion and get the Austrian card model of the seven rings, and this model The real physical combat machine that has become a huge gun barrel on the field, the concept of independent entertainment on the industrial Internet has successfully condensed.

Since then, the Internet connection between Iger and the Xuan Olympic Alliance has finally been opened. The magicians of "Science" have found out - their plan is not working so well in the "Industrial" cultural district.


In the underground observation station in the north, Carret examined the Internet of the Southern Mysterious Alliance with a critical eye.

For a long time, arcane masters have played with things that ordinary people want to play with. As the saying goes, as long as you are proficient enough in mysticism, the succubus area of ​​the abyss can be directly used as a brothel!

At present, the first batch of people with sufficient Internet speed appear. Wei Keng started posting on various scientific forums of the Xuanao Alliance, and went straight to the topic to introduce: "Industrial Internet entertainment." v, Master Wei does his part.


In this era, "industry" is accumulating wealth, "technology" is innovating, and "machinery" is now colonizing.

The overall situation of the Northern Industrial Revolution has been decided, and several new mage towers have been added to the Suspended Olympic Alliance.

In the Southern Chamber of Commerce, in addition to its efforts at sea to maintain the replacement of newer and stronger battleships, millions of troops are carrying out boring occupation work in the Southern Continent.

For these young soldiers who spend their youth seeking money overseas and have no time for self-study, they really need something to numb them.

This is a common problem of the invading army, which lacks constant ideals and pins their hopes on the gamble that "the enemy is easy to destroy", instead of "farming" work that pays steadily and has stable returns. It is necessary to comfort the huge pressure mentally.

Of course, if "farming" is stressful enough, something like that is needed to paralyze it.

[Bai Linglu gave social science materials in modern times: At that time, there were many people who kept cats and dogs as pets, and there was also a market for cat and dog abuse.

The objective judgment of people in the 28th century: Human beings are under too much mental pressure and have abnormal releases. This is very common in the situation that people generally put pressure on people in modern times. From childhood to adulthood, teachers and leaders during the day, and parents and society at night. Just like this, I still hope to maintain a sunny mentality, what do you think? Therefore, instead of being led by emotions and criticizing "tyranny" in certain animal abuse incidents, it is better to truly understand "hostility" and face those pushers.

Regarding this kind of judgment from people in the 28th century, Mr. Wei said, "It's well said, but it doesn't hurt your back.\

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