Out of the cage

Chapter 29 Chapter 1.29 Life is on a narrow road! mutual radiation.

In this re-barbaric Cantonese land, Wei Keng turned to the northwest day and night. It turned out that the conflict with the guns and guns in Ji'an City just turned the page.

About 20 hours after Wei Keng released Fang Hong and Zeng He, the eagerly awaited people in Ji'an got the official news of their return from the city's mansion newspaper:

General Whitebeard Zeng Kaomu led the armored chariot troops. After leaving the fortress, they drove straight in. Before arriving at the enemy camp, they fought without saying a word, firing guns and guns for several hours. Finally, loyal and courageous, this battle broke the people of the same face in the south. Force it to belong to me, pay my money, and pay my goods.

But God is jealous of talents! During the pursuit of the old general Kaomu, unfortunately, he crashed his car and was seriously injured. Before returning to the city 100 meters, no, when it was 5 kilometers, the injury was unbearable. Happy, happy, shrouded in horse leather."

This team after the battle was also reorganized and brought back by Zeng He and Fang Hong, but these "returned victorious" combat teams were all controlled and isolated after returning to the city, cutting off their communication with the outside world.

However, there were too many wounded soldiers who returned, and those armored vehicles were very damaged, and the steel plates on them were obviously twisted and cracked. Therefore, there are still rumors circulating in the city that this battle was very tragic.

The city lord Zeng Longmu summoned Zeng He and Fang Hong again in the room of the tower, and asked them about everything they saw in detail. As for what decision he will make, it cannot be seen on his face at this time.


On Wei Keng's side, after forty-eight hours of forced marching, Wei Keng had already reached the frontier battlefield and began to engage in contact with the alien species that invaded the genetic community.

In the jungle, Wei Keng sniffed. Although they couldn't confirm it visually, their brains could always use a strange perception to accurately detect the existence of threats to them at a certain point in front of them.

Guided by this feeling, Wei Keng formed a group of 20 people, each group was 50 meters apart, more than 12 small groups, opened a wide front, and began to explore forward in a carpet style.

At this time, Wei Keng's group was very serious, and in this state, they passively entered the state of mind communication, and this state was like tinnitus in the middle of the night, becoming clearer and clearer.

Each group of Wei Keng filled in the information observed during the exploration process on the system form according to a standard format. Feces, footprints, and the smells that the scouting team smelled at various downwind outlets made a comprehensive judgment on the information ahead.

At present, Bai Linglu, the supervisor at the terminal of the system, recorded the information sent by Wei Keng, but he couldn't tell which individual the information on the recording form came from.

In other words, in a small team, Wei Keng No. 1 may have seen the traces of the branches being bent in front of him, Wei Keng No. Keng heard voices from three angles, and then Wei Keng's brain of the entire team, including this kind of perception provider, judged the situation and determined that the target was only a few minutes away.

Wei Keng may not even know which of Wei Keng's achievements in the summaries of reported information. This is like when a normal person is playing games, the whole person reaches a state of excitement, but they cannot perceive which part of their brain the excitement comes from.

Wei Keng's situation is very important at this time, and Bai Linglu is focusing on recording this element.

Because, according to the criteria used by the Time and Space Administration for judging traversers, Wei Keng's collective obsession with a goal seems to no longer be called a group, but has begun to become a unified consciousness based on the group. Just as dolphins have left and right hemispheres that can alternately think day and night, but both brains are one conscious thinking.

Now, Wei Keng has merged with the search team, so what about the future?


The forty-third minute of the jungle contact.

In a thicket of thorny thorns, suddenly accompanied by the sound of "cracking", a swift leopard suddenly appeared.

Leopard? Um, let’s call it that, the explosive muscles of its legs are all in the shape of a leopard, but the rest of it looks very casual, with a pair of elephant ears, saber teeth on the upper jaw, and wild boar tusks on the lower jaw.

This thing looks so fierce, and the speed of the explosion is also very fast. But Wei Keng was even fiercer. When the thing sprang out, three shots fired immediately, hitting the head and the waist on both sides in no particular order.

When it fell, Wei Keng, who was originally ambushed by the leopard, looked as usual, holding the steel gun tightly, as if he had been preparing for a long time, he raised his arm and stabbed it, just inserted into the throat tube, and within 0.3 seconds, the nearby The two Wei Keng just rushed to the bayonet to mend it, grabbed it firmly with both hands and stabbed it down, nailing it to the ground without even giving it a chance to struggle.

The division of labor among the front six people in Wei Keng's team is like a human being eating a hamburger. The front teeth are cut off, the canines tear the meat, the tongue twists to push it down, the teeth chew the taste, and then swallow, incomparably smooth.

At this time, the state of Wei Keng and the others is very strange. Human and Sword Unity? No, everyone is one.

During the search and killing process in the jungle, Wei Keng of a group concentrated the information to a newer level in the spiritual communication. As mentioned earlier, Wei Keng can hear what other individuals hear and smell what other individuals hear during the spiritual communication. of.

But now it goes a step further, when you smell the smell, you know where the target is, but you have already ignored who smelled it, and when you hear where the opponent is, you no longer feel that it is you who heard it! ——Get used to it, this kind of habit is just like people use their five sense organs to see, smell and hear, but when doing all these, they don't give priority to what their five sense organs look like.

In the battle just now, each of Wei Keng's eyes could only see within 30 meters, and each pair of ears could only hear within seven or eight meters, but! But it is based on the perception of their own group, and each individual makes a linkage.

This linkage is like the conditioned reflex of the arms and body to naturally move forward when running and falling. Although the speed of this single beast came out very fast, the speed of Wei Keng's combination was even faster! And each individual knows very well how to contain this swift and violent beast from his own perspective.

joint! Collaboration is a big killer in the history of human evolution. When this skill began to evolve language tools to deploy, all large creatures on the earth, although the data on paper are higher than humans, but! When hunting and confronting each other, coordination allows humans to seize the weaknesses exposed by their opponents in an instant.

For example, the current Jaguar has a powerful impact when it pounces on the first Wei Keng, but its two ribs are very fragile.

Now in the group of Wei Keng who had bullets in their guns in the back row, they tacitly came to the front row, and those who fired the bullets used their bayonets to stab the leopard corpse in the back of the head again, completely breaking its nerve chain. Then start loading in the middle of the line.

After hunting and killing three ambush cheetahs, Wei Keng had engraved crosses on all the self-made bullets in his hand to enhance the stopping effect.

Now wars with genetic communities are very different from wars with human city-states.

To deal with human city-states, they judge each other's firepower order within a 100-meter range with a wide field of vision, and compare which team has faster judgment and can suppress the opponent's firepower counterattack.

Right now, the battle is taking place within the range of five to ten meters, and at most no more than twenty meters, that is, when fighting hand-to-hand, calm, quick, and mutual understanding.

Wei Keng has no minions, and has not evolved more muscles! But absolutely strong.

The team of twelve pioneers, like ten fingers digging into the dough, went deep into the jungle, no, it was wading in!


On a wider map, Wei Keng's forceful march is only in contact with a part of the entire territory of Guangdong. On the outskirts of Zhujijiao where Wei Keng is located, in the hundreds of kilometers of jungle mountains, in the resonance of the genetic community, at least sixty A life radiation of more than 30,000 BMR nodes is discretely distributed throughout Beiyue, and now leading its own gene community is slowly approaching the activity zone of Weikeng in the south.

Among the core node creatures of these communities, there are more than sixty tons of four-legged six-legged Tyrannosaurus. There are also mammoths wearing heavy tile armor like ancient war elephants but with four trunks. At this time, the liquid spider that caught Wei Keng was only small in size. Of course, it was precisely because of its small size that it advanced to the front and captured Wei Keng's squad.

BMR is the basal metabolic rate, and the value of a normal adult male is 2,000, because in the Pandora era, the traditional genes in each species are unstable, and the genetics alone cannot determine the strength and classification of a creature. Maybe two similar genes, One is a cat and the other is a tiger. Therefore, the metabolic rate unit is used to quantify the life radiation intensity of a creature.

But now, more than 30,000 are properly node organisms in the genetic community. After the creature is injured, the cells in the body will quickly fuse into the wound if it is not further damaged. The vitality is extremely tenacious.

[Using Wei Keng's records to evaluate: the blood bar is very thick, even if it is a fatal wound, a bomb must be placed in the wound, and it can only be finished after a complete critical hit. 】

However, the radiation nodes of these gene groups felt the oppression of life radiation from Wei Keng.

And as the Wei Keng group got closer and closer, the imprisoned Wei Keng also shot out strong enough life radiation! Now when the thinking spider uses the nerve thread, part of the nerve thread has been snatched by the wrecked Wei Keng.

Genetic communities within territories are conscious.

The node organisms fused with part of human genes carry part of the consciousness of the community, and can express the feelings of the community it represents towards certain things in a language similar to human beings.

For example, regarding the influence of Wei Keng on the gene groups, if the fused people express it like this: "In the spring of this year, when the ocean monsoon began to increase its influence, the evil of the world suddenly came to this world, and first drove out the river mouth. The heads of the gene group, and then - trampled on the life order of the entire region. They are more resistant to nature than the humans currently entrenched in the city, and are tireless on the road of desecration."

Now, with the arrival of Wei Keng, the above concepts in the thinking of node creatures are clearer.

All the fusion people felt the cruelty behind the destructive advance ahead, the dull bullets, and the slashing and stabbing that mercilessly killed about 50 kilograms of swift creatures.

Even the released flying insects were sluggish due to their strong life radiation, and were directly strangled to death by Wei Keng wearing straw gloves.

Speaking of the poisonous insects in the jungle, Wei Keng has not realized that this is an attack launched by the hostile gene group. Not to mention that when these poisonous insects flew over against Wei Keng's strong life radiation, their speed was already quite slow. A few sips did not produce any bad effects.

Oh, first of all, Wei Keng must admit that it is very painful to be bitten by these poisonous mosquitoes and bees occasionally. However, it has been here for more than half a year, and the individuals in Wei Keng's cluster chew a small amount of plants each time to use The system can analyze the medicinal properties of various plants.

The system has also sorted out a complete set of alkaloid data for this purpose. Now, when there is a bite sting on the skin, immediately take a little out of the bottle, mix it with spit, and wipe it on the skin. Under the life radiation, the self-healing ability is very fast. With the help of the ointment, the toxin quickly flows out of the skin along the pores. It used to itch for seven or eight minutes, but now it will be fine in a minute.


At this time, Wei Keng, who was bound into a cocoon by spider silk and almost turned into a wreck, was still tenaciously alive.

The self in this consciousness also began to sense more and more clearly all the operations that are less than 1000 meters apart.

At this time, this Wei Keng individual has no sense of gratitude that he is about to be saved, but is worried about the hidden dangers that his own individual will cause to the group!

After the next time the liquid spider is implanted in his nerve, will he see the flashing picture in his mind? In turn threatening more lives in your own cluster! The wrecked Wei Keng said silently: "It's time to end."

It is one thing to have a strong will, but from a materialistic point of view, a strong consciousness is only a phenomenon stored in the state of matter, and the subjective initiative of consciousness can compete for matter with great potential! However, the phenomenon that matter can be contested cannot be changed. Now Wei Keng, who is in the wreckage, feels the information that his cluster is approaching. Out of objectivity, he thinks that it is impossible for him to absolutely grasp the information in his mind without being implanted by the thinking spider. Nerve seizure.

This incident happened to me, and I should be responsible for it. This is what Wrecked Wei Keng is thinking at the moment.


After being captured and tortured by various tortures, the wrecked Wei Keng went from despair at the beginning, to struggling to survive, and a few hours ago, to the last resentment. He wanted to see this tormenting thing showing panic, Until now, Wei Keng has become detached.

In the great torment, it seems that I have let go of the existence of the thing-self. The thing-self is all kinds of pain and vanity in my body, because ah, after surviving the torture, I found that with the passage of time, these pains and humiliations will always fade away. In the same way, the joy and honor corresponding to the pain will actually pass away.

So what is hard for you to pass away? Wei Keng, who was being tortured, began to think about his own essence!

When one's own individual suffers, another group of self-individuals constantly surpasses the limit and comes to rescue. Using the wisdom and perseverance that were once mediocre to the limit, this is my own essential progress! The current self must put aside other things and continue to advance the essence.

The detached state of the wrecked Wei Keng may be similar to that of Ji Chang who was imprisoned in Yuli.

As a Zhou person, I came to the Shang civilization area where the theocracy was still offering sacrifices. The cruelty of human sacrifice and the punishment of captivity are also incomparable spiritual and physical devastation. From the perspective of modern people, there is no reason not to collapse and go crazy in such an environment. But madness cannot perfect the "Book of Changes". Therefore, King Wen of Zhou should also, no, he must have forgotten the self, and started to think with his own essence.

At this time, the wrecked Wei Keng thought: "I should leave when I should. Death as an individual is not important! What is important is that those who are alive must continue to face this bloody world with their essence."


In the mutual radiation of life, the thoughts of the wrecked Wei Keng passed hundreds of meters between the two hilltops, and conveyed to Wei Keng's consciousness group who was preparing to fight.

After receiving his essential speech in the wreckage, Wei Keng was silent for a minute, and the consciousness of hundreds of individuals exchanged no more than five sentences on this issue. This can be said to be silent thinking!

In the end, the cluster issued an order from its own willpower to the wrecked individuals: "obey the discipline, you must persevere, and you must not give up. Persistence itself is the greatest meaning to yourself."

The Wei Keng awareness group did not deny that the wrecked Wei Keng fell into the enemy's hands, which would objectively lead to the risk of information leakage during the battle, but ~~~~

Wreckage individuals can sacrifice their lives for righteousness, but the Wei Keng cluster, which currently has a total of only 1,500, cannot acquiesce to it as normal anyway.

Throughout history, when a human society recognizes the tragedy of the internal individual and "this is life", then it is not far from the day when it will linger in the future.

Now in the wild nature surrounded by wild beasts, as a human being, we must keep the splendor.

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