Out of the cage

Chapter 310 Chapter 8.36 Repeatedly

At the end of 2280 in the Qin Tongli calendar, a magnificent mechanical fleet passed over Qinghai Lake (the civilian route of the Kirov prototype in the old era). This is a group of engineering fleets, lacking tactical maneuverability, and can only fly at predetermined surface altitudes.

The anti-gravity force field drove the 50,000-ton behemoth to float across the lake, and as the five-meter-long propellers on both sides of the airship stirred the air, the industrial ship landed at several airports in the plateau area.

This is an airport platform built 70 to 80 years ago in the plateau area. The runway is not well maintained.

After the behemoth landed on those platforms that lacked maintenance, a large amount of sand was blown up. The tower windows of the empty tube were rattled.


These were all the assets of the Fenghou Group two months ago, but now with a stroke of someone from the Bai family, all of them have been loaned to Wei Keng for arrangement.

Bai Zhaodi was the first batch to come here, and she ran away without a trace after arriving here. Just send a video communication at night, and ask Wei Keng: "There are no beauties in this place, how did you stay here for more than ten years?" Such weird words.

Bai Zhaodi's idea is to explore the bottom of the fairy world. After determining the path of longevity, she wants to know whether there are precepts in the fairy world.

Regarding this, Wei Keng ignored her.

Plateau area - this is the rust area. When the Western Economic Union University was built, a lot of infrastructure was left here. Although the economy shrank under the depression after World War II, it does not mean that it has returned to its previous state of poverty.

Commercial and private groups in China will not let some assets that have been built be abandoned, such as agriculture is still in operation.

The irrigation facilities and greenhouse system in the plateau area in the last century allowed the crops to absorb the carbon dioxide transported in the eastern factory pipeline under the abundant sunlight, making this place the most important delivery place for various agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables in the southwest and northwest of China.

The geothermal power station on the plateau is also supplying energy to the surrounding area on the high-voltage power grid, and the production scale is still increasing year by year after technical improvement every year.


It's just that a large number of civilian facilities in the plateau area are no longer updated, so that they can't keep people.

For example: the network facilities here are still the 4G-level network of the year, and you can only watch videos on tablet electronic devices, and you cannot wear VR glasses to interact with three-dimensional scenes like in the eastern region.

Likewise, the houses are all old houses from the last century. Although it is sufficient, there are heating and electrical sockets, but there is no automatic and intelligent transformation. A house of 70 square meters is not as spacious as the 50 square meters in the east.

In the eastern house, the bed can be lifted directly to the roof to move the space. There is no need for a TV, but a petal cover hanging from the ceiling of the living room is folded, and the occupants can enjoy the projected vision in the cover.

Cleaning is a breeze thanks to the fact that a large amount of furniture can be lifted up and the dust hood lowered, making it easy to sweep floors. This has made domestic services (cleaning for otaku) already popular in the east, but in the plateau area they have to do it themselves.

The development of the consumerist service industry is redundant, but the public service industry, such as express delivery, takeaway, housekeeping, and nursery schools, can most effectively save the spare time consumption of the social population. When the daily trivial time of industrial workers is reduced, it will boosted economic competitiveness.

The Highlands have lost out over the decades. A little disadvantage is due to the slow pace of local governance, and the disadvantages will continue to accumulate and magnify.

"It is the way of man to make up for what is not enough," so that in the past few decades, the plateau area has returned to the most basic energy industry and agriculture.


Eighty years have passed, but Wei Keng is no old antique. To attract young people of this generation, one must know how to "play", and how to "play" can be enjoyed by everyone. Only in this way can we understand how to stabilize the young labor force.

This requires a complete set of industrial planning, as well as updating the management system, eliminating redundant staff, clearing up the lines of illegal interests, and earnestly rebuilding from the foundation.


The time-space butterfly flapped its wings again, and the moths followed suit.

Whenever a major historical change occurs, it will cause a lot of unsatisfactory downstream, and these unsatisfactory will cause downstream time interference.

Wei Keng came to the plateau. This is just a small change in the global economic sector, but a major military change will gradually occur in the time flow.

Space-time fluctuations appeared on Siberia, slowly moving westward like a space worm.

The Siberian wolves were hunting an old deer, when they stopped suddenly, they saw a lens-like twist in the space several kilometers away in the eastern sky, but before they had time to think about whether to escape or get down, they were involved In the past, in an instant these animals were gone.

After the space-time vortex swept away, the mechanical wreckage was left all over the place. These smoking wreckage could not see the original shape of the machine, and the burning smoke was quickly drowned in the muddy land, but there was a nameplate that read AD 2164 (Qin Tongli 2394, one hundred years later).


The original time and space of this wave of time and space travelers developed on the basis of the time and space of the decline of the European Union after the death of Sigma, and they are also losers of the downstream civilization of time and space.

Failure is often caused by a narrow perspective, and after failure, it will result in an even narrower perspective. When they locked the upstream history, they chose before the world military revolution occurred. But in fact, it did not catch up with the deep changes in the economic system.

This time, the space-time shuttle finally landed on the Caucasus Mountains, which is the territory of the Orthodox Federation. Obviously, after Sigma hiccupped, the Orthodox Union on the new history line had a big explosion.

Before the arrival of Sigma, the Orthodox Union and Idenia were not so involved. It is precisely because of the arrival of Sigma, and after the Yizhou incident, that the Edenia Federation began to intervene in the situation in Eurasia again, and the Orthodox Union was selected to make it stronger.

This stronger than the original historical line is not a good thing in terms of the overall historical results.

Just like the East of the Shenzhou history line, it is better than the East in the history of the main world in the first and second industrial revolution stages, without a century of humiliation, but it also lost the opportunity to be reborn from the ashes and completely abolish the 2,000-year imperial system.

The rise and fall of civilization has a cause and effect for every drink and peck, and every disaster cannot be avoided.


On the timeline before the arrival of Sigma, the Orthodox Church Union would naturally disappear in the long river of history, and then the people there would reawaken and return to Chiqi.

But this time, the Orthodox Alliance was injected with a tube of resuscitator by Edenia, and started a dreamy path of glory for the expansion of the Great Mongolian Empire, and then fell.

Also because of the rapid fall, I feel uncomfortable with the sudden disappearance of the bubble-like power, so now people from this downstream timeline will come!

But the downstream time person who feels the fall of history will never reflect that he climbed the wrong path before the fall. Instead, I felt that the big tree I was climbing was not strong enough, and I should change another branch to continue climbing.

Therefore, the people who came from the downstream this time did not know "the path of awakening of the people after the demise of the Orthodox Federation on the original timeline", but chose to continue to strengthen this path.

For these newcomers, Edenia's aid they want to eat, um, use, dream of hegemony, and then try to avoid that beating through their familiarity with history.


In the Caucasus Mountains, a dark red earth-drilling machine appeared, and a black-red metal shell with a diameter of 500 meters opened.

A black beetle-like base car appeared, and the symbol on the base car was "black clenched fist".

Quaker Selinsky, the bespectacled and cyborg Russian general, arrives.

The president of the Orthodox Church, wearing a big-brimmed hat, greeted the visitor from time and space in the underground tunnel. The top level of the Orthodox Federation also knew about the purpose of this visitor from time and space, and they were not very angry about the failures they might encounter downstream. Oh~ After all, the humiliation is borne by the Slavs after their death.

After all, China, the extremely tenacious civilization created after involution, is the only one on earth.

After the Industrial Revolution, it took only a few hundred years for the nations and countries in most developed regions to grow stronger.

For history, they only think about how strong their country can be in its heyday, and the stronger it is, the more glorious it is. Remembered for millennia just like Rome.

After the current Orthodox alliances learned the key information from the lower reaches of time and space, their first emotion was that they were very proud that their country was able to conquer such a glorious territory, and the second was that they felt that they should strengthen their "doubt" against certain guys. ’, to exclude from their great plans the traitors recorded in the history of these futures.

[Note: When you know the answer, you will have a memory illusion, that is, in your memory: you have already had a premonition in the past. 】

In the Caucasus tunnel, nuclear energy reaction equipment, large-scale aerial armed production lines, core materials and process materials of advanced electromagnetic guns are decades more advanced than the current Orthodox Alliance...

These future technologies were transported along the railway tracks to the core of the Orthodox Church Federation, and a change in time and space was about to take place.


Lop Nur, the No. 12 Eye of the Earth, accurately photographed the dramatic changes in time and space in the Caucasus region.

The bright spot was so pronounced that monitors thought it was a speck of noise on the device rather than the real thing.

[The instrument cannot be absolutely accurate. The monitors squatting in front of the instrument always have doubts about some of the data on the instrument. It's like taking a picture with a mobile phone, and there is a spot on the lens. 90% of people will not think that they have captured a ghost, but to see if it is the oil star that was splashed on the lens when they just ate. 】

So at the moment, scientists on the plane of China have not realized that they have observed the space-time vortex, and they will ignore this type of phenomenon.

Of course, Wei Keng would not ignore it. When the first bright spot photo was taken, Wei Keng noticed it.

In the science base in the Himalayas, Wei Keng enlarged the projected globe to five meters, and then moved it to the Arctic Circle.

And behind Wei Keng is the topographic map of the Arctic Ocean region taken by satellite, which highlights the strategic layout of the Orthodox Church Alliance before opening the fission generator.


Wei Keng sent the report to Bai Jingqi of Fenghou Group through the "Hetu Jiehongzi Encrypted Network". That is, the brain in the Penglai base.

Although this brain is currently the backup thinking under Bai Zhaodi's main consciousness, the thinking left in Bai Jingqi's brain still needs to be confirmed by Bai Zhaodi in the end. But ~ Wei Keng still avoided talking directly to Bai Zhaodi.

Wei Keng: "The thinking in that girl's brain has not been able to contain the body's youthful escape at all. It is not very reliable to do things. You have to use the thinking device to filter the content before you can talk about cooperation with her."

System: "You can suppress her from above, she will obey your orders because of her dedication to longevity."

Wei Keng felt the malicious intent behind the system's stern words: "Suppression means backlash. I don't have time to deal with it, and I don't want to deal with it."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng complained a bit: "She is now a fusion of two consciousnesses, which is full of contradictions. The ambition of a man and the dependence of a woman coexist. I'll fuck it. Only Changsheng can integrate them. Sooner or later It’s going to explode, what are you going to do? If you want me to polish it, I won’t do it, you move her to another plane and slowly carve it.”


"Wei Jun, call me?" Bai Zhaodi's communication came, and Master Wei Keng stopped complaining to the system.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and said, "Have you received the message?"

Bai Zhaodi: "The future disruptor is coming in time and space! I just found out about it." There was a question in her tone.

Wei Keng: "In your world, time and space are unstable, and time tamperers from downstream time and space often move to this time and space. That's why I came here to observe and conduct historical verification."

Bai Zhaodi nodded, as if she understood, but in fact she didn't care at all. After a few seconds, she tentatively asked, "Oh, are these downstream time-spacers a problem?"

Master Wei knew what she was thinking, he was just thinking about whether the "immortal world" could do better than the "future man", if the future man researched the elixir, would she be at a loss?

Wei Keng: The system, please explain to him according to the authority.

A few minutes later,

Bai Zhaodi frowned and said, "Our small world is part of the big world of Timequake, isn't it easier to reverse time and space?" At this time, her calculating expression was exactly the same as that of Bai Jingqi back then.

But as a woman, she looks more "tactful". This may be after the sex has been turned, just right.

For men: as long as women are scheming and do not threaten themselves, it seems to be a defensible attribute. It might be a genetic choice too.

After a few seconds, she looked up and asked, "Is this our enemy?"

Master Wei said: "No, we don't have a clear enemy in this world. The main purpose is to observe history and clarify the cause and effect. Well, this current direction is very far away for you."

When Wei Keng said this, the system made a note to Bai Zhaodi: This is the supernatural power of Da Luo Jinxian level checking the number of days. He is practicing supernatural powers to deal with the next calamity. What you see so far is just his clone.

Wei Keng: "To be precise, I don't have a clear enemy. Because even if I was accidentally killed by Liu Ya and others during the exploration process, it is one of the observation results. Of course, your task is to preserve yourself and make history On the development path of tacit consent. You are a detached person selected by chance in history, and it is not good for you to get involved. "

After Wei Keng finished speaking, the system immediately warned Bai Zhaodi: Wei Keng Shangxian has already stated his plan for this world, you must not violate it, otherwise you will lose your chance. Please note that this is "Heaven's warning to you", don't let Shangxian Wei Keng know.

Bai Zhaodi hesitated, and asked the system: Why not let him know? The rules of heaven imprison me, can't I help him?

System: When the banished immortal descends to the mortal world, he refines his mind and goes through calamities, which is a self-certification of Taoism. Tian Tiao must ensure that the Dao fruit he has proved will not be affected.

If you become a fairy, you will be subject to the rules of the fairy class.

Do you want to ask 'why? '

You have not experienced the three disasters and nine calamities, and if you have no protection from the immortal class, your way of doing things will be destroyed at the touch of all kinds of calamities in the worlds of all directions.

Surely you want to try those big worlds of "Avici Hell"?

For example, before Shangxian Wei Keng set up that side of the Great Thousand World, how many immortal families were destroyed there! (Weird Pandora plane data) Now there is a wasteland world after the Fairy and Demon Battlefield (Plane War), would you like to try it?


In the plateau area, in the electronics hall.

Bai Zhaodi was honest, but when facing Wei Keng, she remained calm. Ting Niao's figure is still standing side by side.

Bai Zhaodi asked puzzledly: "Wei Jun, is it possible to sit back and watch the Rakshasa people cross over, and wait for them to develop technology and invade my territory?"

Wei Keng nodded: "We, um, belong to the power class in China, and we really deserve to be beaten. Only after we are beaten can we understand where the driving force of history is!"

Wei Keng pondered the map, and said slowly: "Farming, education, science popularization, all these tasks have to be done. Let the decisive factor of the war become the masses instead of the immortal emperor, maybe~"

Wei Keng said calmly and resolutely: "I have to die once more in this world, this time I have to die completely, leaving behind pure flames."

Then he waved his hand to the still stubborn Bai Zhaodi: "Oh, this has nothing to do with you. Keep it up, help me prepare for this world change assist, and push forward history in Shenzhou, listen to me~, um, Just let Tianshu arrange it for you."

Don't be superstitious, superstition is easy to be fooled.

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