Out of the cage

Chapter 325 Chapter 9.15 Arrogance, Laziness, Mania

Throughout human society, the ruling techniques of ruling groups are roughly similar. However, due to different regional cultures, there will be different emphases.

The European region focuses on promises in the rule of the lower classes. Of course, the fulfillment of the promises will develop into deceit after getting more and more watery.

The effect of backlash is that when the European people realize that they have been deceived, they will be angry and demand that the lord be hanged.

The French guillotine is a classic example of this kind of emotional backlash. ——The French people are too romantic and easy to be deceived. Of course, they will naturally become angry after being deceived.

But Eastern Europe is a different situation, the rulers are good at coercion! And the lower classes also understand that the ruler is coercion! But you can't challenge yourself. You can only bow your head to the emperor.

Just make sure the big city stores still have bread. There are still problems in the rule of the Tsar's father, that is, the coercion is not enough, and the gendarme must be dispatched more vigorously.


This point, in the current plane, is reflected in the team of superpowers of the Orthodox Church.

After the European strategic action was successful, the owner of the Red Palace rewarded the psychic agents. Holiday resorts, ten-day tours, and various movies, alcohol, and books and information inquiries are not stingy.

Of course, these awards are more like rewards from the tamer to the tamed. This is not only a material reward, but also a spiritual reward recognized by the authority.

The superpowers from Soviet Russia are not moral believers, and they don’t believe in the so-called correct teachings of the Orthodox Federation. They may be more or less patriotic, and they also enjoy the feeling of being revered with the sacred blessing on their heads.

They understand that in the current ruling structure, it is the upper class that benefits the most, but they acquiesce that this is the power of the strong, so they seem to be playing restoration in the modern country.

The high level of the Orthodox Church and the power users are in the relationship of feudal subjects.

When European power users are used as a small unit in a large unit in the military, they are heavily supervised and used as special teams in combat.

In the Orthodox Federation, due to the leader's strong ruling charm, the upper echelons of the psychic power user group have already pledged their allegiance, and the power users of the entire Orthodox Church have been organized into an independent legion.


In the Bekhchelev Brain Research Institute, the rotating mind radiation tower is emitting hallucinatory rays. And here, in the underground metal cover, is a place of strict militarized management.

Psychic agents have their own individual armor research and development team, their own exclusive air bombing (vertigo bomber) force, and force projection capability (air transport aircraft), and even specially modified light vehicles, and several battalions of soldiers.


After the psychic team was endowed with so many resources and permissions, the power users of the Orthodox Federation showed their talents in the Battle of Berlin.

March 2, 2287

When thousands of artillery pieces from the Orthodox Federation were transported to the front-line positions, the ruined walls in the Berlin area provided excellent cover for these camouflaged artillery pieces.

All of a sudden, thousands of guns were fired, and a large number of flames burst out of the splendid city. The buildings were like sand sculptures on the beach and were smashed into loose sand in the storm.

However, the shelling effect was limited and did not completely destroy the underground tunnel fortifications of Berlin. When the Orthodox Air Force's stun bomber arrived at the battlefield, it was still blocked by the ion beam anti-aircraft firepower in the ruins. The infantry were hit with heavy casualties by the ion cannons and Hidden Blade sniper missiles of the European Union defenders who were phantoms in the collapsed ruins.

After being unable to attack the fortifications of Berlin for a long time during the battle. The Orthodox Federation general in charge finally acquiesced that he was not capable enough to fulfill the leader's request.

So the Psychic Agent Team as Dark Blade appeared.

In the evening, on the battlefield full of artillery fire, the psychic agent team quietly penetrated into the positions of the Berlin defenders, cutting off the connection between the various positions.

As a result, the Orthodox Army finally opened up three passages to break through the periphery of Berlin before eight o'clock in the evening.

The 500-ton Alliance tank rammed at an obtuse angle in front of it, pushing away the wreckage of the collapsed land mastodon. The wide tracks flattened the ruins into a cross road and began to rush towards the tank.

The original alliance heavy tank of the Orthodox Church is not the beggar’s version of the frigate guns of the last century in the Dashi area (mammoth heavy tank). It is covered with pure black electromagnetic response armor, and the two artillery can spray blue The energy beam can burn through a one-meter-thick concrete fort in two seconds, turning the inside of the fort into an incinerator.


The Orthodox General who was in charge of commanding the battle took all the credit for the battle, although the core result of this battle was achieved by the Orthodox Psychic Agent Team.

Of course, there are many opportunities in this battle for the Psychic team to show their talents, and getting through the periphery is only the first echelon of tasks.

Under the leader's suggestion and the order of the frontline general, this psychic battle group immediately started the second mission of the Berlin campaign.

In the northern part of Berlin, the headquarters factory of the largest automobile industry group in the European Federation.

It has now been formed into a wartime vehicle factory by the defenders of the Berlin area. The second task is to occupy this place, and at the same time control the engineers here, so that the smart vehicles here are owned by the Orthodox Federation.

After General Dongzheng gave the order aggressively.

The leader kindly made a small request to the frontline psychic combat team, that is, to seize this production plant, hoping to bring back the three V logo in a circle hanging on the building.

The company of this automobile company, the logo of three Vs, means "must win, must win, must win". The leader feels: this should belong to us.


Two hours later, under the cover of shelling, the air glider of the Psychic Special Forces entered here silently.

In the Psychic Fluctuation Detector, the defenders here were accurately sniped.

After the factory was completely cleaned up, they came to the enterprise engineers here, opened the "blue test tube" in front of them, and injected nano-control agents into the back of their brains, completing the mind capture.

In the early morning of the 3rd, the combat arm of this chariot factory began to obey the orders of the Orthodox Federation, and the three-legged intelligent mechanical vehicle was playing the Orthodox hymn mass, which dealt a fatal blow to the back of the European coalition forces.

General Dongzheng seized the opportunity, and a large number of Avenger tanks began a group charge, breaking down the last line of defense in Berlin.


Afterwards, General Dongzheng, who was eager to take credit, asked the Psychic Squadron to return to its original position

But the leader saw clearly the jealousy and jealousy of the front-line general.

During the battle, the leader assigned a new task to the Psychic Squadron alone.

The female intelligence agent wearing a dark red tight combat suit opened the Berlin subway station and gave a brief introduction: the intelligence personnel of the Ministry of the Interior learned that General Franz was going to escape by underground railroad tracks.

The leader with the golden ring of sun shining on his head said to the spiritual troops with fatherly majesty: "I don't want this Lion of the Rhine to leave the battlefield like a coward and leave him behind."

The map of the Berlin underground bunker was given to these front-line psychic troops.


Five hours later, an intense firefight at the underground station rang through the tunnel. The dim lights flickered as the explosion shook.

Due to the small size of the entire station, heavy firepower could not be launched at all, even a 20mm caliber machine gun could not be transported down. The European Union Guard Corps only had small caliber individual particle guns.

Ever since, the Russians fully embodied their spirit of Ulla, and built an electric trolley, filled the front with water-filled trash cans, and pushed them straight forward as a baffle.

After advancing to 40 meters, a large-caliber shotgun was used to cover firepower. Then raised the steel bar and swung it directly towards the Oulian guard mecha.

The collision of metal and metal produced sparks. They were originally civil servants. The European guards who lacked experience in firefights had never seen such a violent scene. When they saw the screen of the recruitment advertisement in the tunnel was blown to pieces, they immediately squatted on the ground and covered their heads. , It was this good mech that was blinded in vain.


The Psychic Squadron successfully killed all of General Franz's guards. Those powerful bipedal mecha troops were blown off their legs and pushed directly onto the railway track, becoming an obstacle.

In the dim light of the station platform.

Franz, who took off his armor and tried to escape by changing his clothes, was pulled out.

The general was about to dive into the sewer of the toilet to abscond, but failed. The field recording equipment of the Psychic team captured the funny scene of the European general being arrested.

The European Union flag with 18 stars on a blue background covered the chest of the general who had been stripped of his armor like a shroud of shame. The fighters of the Orthodox Federation cheerfully greeted the general with "Suka Bulie", and took a photo with him by pulling his ears.

Oh, the above behaviors are strictly in accordance with European standards for the treatment of prisoners of war. After all, when Europe attacked Soviet Russia back then, Allied agents treated Soviet generals in the same way. So - go to the fucking Geneva Convention.


In the evening, the red iron curtain shield opened over Berlin, and the Orthodox Federation solemnly conducted a military parade in front of the Berlin Reichstag.

The steel infantry of the Orthodox Federation suppressed the numerous captive phalanxes of the European Union and passed by the Capitol. The huge European Union flag on the flagpole had fallen, and an oil painting of eighteen clowns was unfolded on the building. Announce this great victory to the whole world.

And in this battle, the best psychic combat troops will appear as the finale, and they temporarily painted gold paint on the armor, shining golden! In the music of "Unbreakable Alliance", take a goose-style step, iron boots, and step across the square.

Throughout Europe for decades, the whitewashed highlands of civilization and the dignity of the Federation were trampled to the ground at this moment.


In China, thousands of miles away, cultural people in the East linked this moment in Europe with the allusion of "King Min of Qi lost his country" during the Warring States Period.

[Dongfang always likes to keep a diary. Basically, when encountering historical changes, he can find similar memories from the diary for reference].

In the past few decades, like King Qi Min, Europe has made major strategic mistakes, provoking all the surrounding countries almost head-on, without leaving any strategic buffer.

In the last world war, in the face of the torrent of steel in Soviet Russia, Europe relied on Edenia's assistance to resist the redification of Soviet Russia, but after the war, it blocked Edenia's interests on the west coast of Africa.

But this time, in order to seize the interests of West Asia, the European side collided with the Chinese side again.

Looking at it now, so what if Europe completed its intervention in the big eclipse a few years ago? Getting stuck in the quagmire and opening up a secondary front?

And now it is China that can send troops to Europe.

Just like when King Yanzhao assembled the five kingdoms to attack Qi, Chu was the only country that was not involved in this occasion, but Chu was beaten by Qi and never received an apology.

Europe is at stake! For China, the balance of Eurasia is broken, which will bring a lot of uncertainty.

Yet the Europeans still haven't put down their airs. This made the bigwigs of the Shenzhou court worry.

Because at this time, if you help the European guys, will you be bitten back in the future. Europeans have a criminal record in this regard.

That ~~ monotheism, will not thank friends for their help, but will only thank God after being saved.

The political commentator of the Donglin Party used a cheerful tone: Maybe the Gauls should find their half-brother Osman to restrain the Russians. It's a pity that Osman was dismembered long ago.


The attitude of the Donglin Party members in Shenzhou to the European war is "today there is nothing to do and to dance, and the river is still singing the flowers in the backyard".

But with an Eastern strategic perspective and more far-reaching considerations, a deeper crisis has loomed.

Looking back at history, the biggest beneficiary of the Five Kingdoms' invasion of Qi was not the Yan Kingdom. This is because even if the country in the northern bitter cold land completes the occupation of the relatively prosperous merchant country, it will not have the ability to rule.

After the decline of Qi State, the biggest beneficiary is not Chu State. As a late joiner of this event, I just got a share of the pie.

The biggest beneficiary is the state of Qin far to the west of Mount Hua. Its troops from Yan, Zhao and Han in the east no longer have to worry about reinforcements from Qi.


As a force not on the world island, the United States of Edenia sits on two oceans as a natural barrier.

At the same time, it has abundant resources. When the system efficiency of the world's industrial countries is at the same level, it has a natural hegemonic advantage. As long as the stability of World Island is overthrown, it can be used as an outside trader.

Of course, the premise is that the system cannot be left behind. Just like the struggle for hegemony in the Warring States Period, the system is what makes up for the last shortcoming of Qin.


On the plateau, Wei Keng called up information on the social system of the United States of Edenia. From the data, this is a country with a very complete constitutional system

However, the establishment of an industrial country is not enough to rely solely on a sound modern constitutional system. To be precise - constitutionalism is only part of national identity.

Edenia is equivalent to a thick steel plate covering a piece of land with unfinished foundations.

It is perfectly possible to build a small house that can be lived in for tens of days on this basis, but problems will arise when building a mansion that can be lived in for decades and has a high enough height.

Not to mention, the problems caused by African-American self-identification to Edenia,

Latinos and Western Europeans alone are confused and torn about who is the United States of Edenia.

In terms of ideology, it is mainly Protestantism, which is persecuted by the Catholic Church. So—when Protestantism was regarded as the state religion, it tolerated unscrupulous and diverse religious interpretations, resulting in the emergence of a large number of schools within it!

Edenya's steel plate that replaced the foundation gradually lost its hold.

The purely modern system of separation of powers is a very good framework, allowing the ruling class to negotiate well. But this system is not suitable for the lower class, and Edenya just lacks background, and there are too many conflicts that cannot be reconciled between the middle and lower classes.

Initially, the United States of Edenia was a blank slate, but hundreds of years later, the diversity of the middle and lower classes in the United States, which was generalized by the upper frame, did not condense into a history of common pride in the "melting pot" as expected. Rather, every diversified force has developed for decades or hundreds of years under the model of "raising Gu", and has become deformed monsters that are "highlighted" in order to highlight the "labels".

Narrator: In countries like East Asia, the middle and lower classes already have the so-called "balanced system" of the so-called three religions and nine streams. After the court decided to develop constitutionalism. For example, Taoism, clans, and industry associations that have been passed down for hundreds of years will find a new balance.

The lower and middle classes of Edenia are taken over by the mafia, cults, and corporate fraternities.

Different from the three religions and nine streams in China, the well water does not interfere with the river water, and they bow to each other "the green mountains will not change the green water and the long stream".

The lower structures of Edenia are very wild, and they will be cut off if they cross the boundary! And all kinds of "boundaries" fluctuate greatly because of the votes of the few constitutional gentlemen at the top.

For example, African Americans, who supported it in the last term, will not support it in the next term. Once the border retreats, the middle and lower class white people in the southern states will immediately counterattack with 3K uniforms. What is "staying on the line now, so we can meet in the future", I can't wait to find an opportunity to take you away just like dealing with the Indians. I will decide how to describe your culture in the future.


Various industry associations and local families will become social organizations in the main structural framework of constitutionalism. Although the initial reform is a bit difficult, once it stabilizes, it immediately becomes a steady and forward inertia.

The social forces in the opposition, like the organs in biological evolution, have been fully verified by their advantages and disadvantages in the symbiosis with the superstructure for thousands of years, forming a set of rules for all walks of life that do not conflict with the overall situation of the court.

In the change of dynasties in the East, the three religions and nine streams will not conflict with the court, and continue to tacitly maintain internal rules while bowing their heads and proclaiming their vassals. The imperial court wants to change, and they all know that "governing a big country is like cooking a small fish", and they can change slowly without arousing people's indignation.

What about Edenia? Under the constitutional system, the top-level succession is very stable, but the president who came to power under the constitutional system and the opposition forces often confront each other.

For example, either it is to forcefully suppress the people, come up with a ban on alcohol, and collect taxes with arms,

Or it is to let the people form an oligarch and come up to ride on the face. For example, online social networking dares to block the president's account.


Wei Keng looked at the floating earth projected onto the New World area, boredly folded the dogtail grass in his hand, snapped it into several sections and fell, and a second later, he thought of something and saw that it happened to land in America The stubble on the mainland can't help guessing: "The upper and lower hedging is a hexagram of double hurdles" ~ the hurdles of the sixth and third elephants will be useless in the end.

【Translation in vernacular: going forward and back is in the midst of many traps, and it is difficult to get safety in the face of danger. When you fall into the bottom of the trap, in this case, you have to lie on your pillow and wait, and you can't act rashly. 】

When Edenia can successfully interfere with the outside world and export diversity to the outside world, making the Old World more chaotic and worse than itself can maintain the stability of Edenia's internal legal system.

But when a powerful order rises in the world island and beats its outward tentacles back to North America, proving that they are not chosen by heaven, then its interior will intensify! "

Master Wei took a deep breath: "It seems that there is another historical task."

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