Out of the cage

Chapter 327 Chapter 9.17 Human Way

Travelers, as outsiders, can see different development trends from different perspectives.

Sometimes the eyes look at different targets, and the same thing in the hand has a different color.

For example, Wei Keng's current psychic powers are getting closer and closer to the peak, but he is less and less like a psychic user, and more like an ordinary person. I will work with more and more people more and more, and I will apologize and improve immediately if I do something wrong.


Relatively speaking, psykers in other regions have become more and more otherworldly. Wearing armor, looking down on mortals.

Psykers in the European region exist as the secrets of the Iron Curtain in the industrial military society.

The psykers of Shengyang have become more and more living soldiers in the scientific research center. Its high value allows the upper echelons of Sunrise to tolerate all kinds of abnormal catharsis by these "strong men".

The North American Paranormal Association has its own power in the federal government, federal courts, and federal parliament.

However, the social environment in the areas where these psykers have transcended is becoming more and more strange.


In these non-Shenzhou regions, it is no longer the working class who are the protagonists of the right to speak. They are local bosses who have mastered various special skills, but these representatives who have established secret bases in the corners of the city, no matter how they are whitewashed, are essentially unproductive.

Just like the representatives of Jin Yong's martial arts world are monks, beggars, and Taoists.

Rather than the peasants, Mohists, military strategists, and legalists of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, these arenas who adhered to the rules of social operation.


In Europe, the entire central European region is now being smashed into a pot of porridge, and Paris has already been bombarded. No city can continue to display flowers, no fountain in a pool can play cheerful music.

On the highlands of Brazil, the psychic experiments carried out in the laboratories of Shengyang are more and more like "living sacrifices", that is, gambling on probability. Get a successful product with an acceptable probability of loss.

As for North America, it is currently a federation composed of more than fifty regions, and each region has local power user forces that control an underground rule system.

The power of superpowers in North American society is still relatively stable. Mutual vendettas and the capture of single superpowers for taboo scientific experiments, or "black witchcraft", are still on the dark side, but once the federal government cannot maintain deterrence, God knows what will happen in these areas What.


Only the Shenzhou Plateau, Northwest, and Southwest where Wei Keng is located are so normal that they are "out of place" compared with the above-mentioned areas.

Even the concept of psykers is becoming more and more hidden in society.

Most psykers don't mention 'what they cultivate', but talk about their social industry, what class they are in, and how to defend their interests with ordinary people around them.

The third phase of trial of the Lingjia system started in the society.

Those industries that carry out spider-man operations on high-rise buildings, cannon in mines, and geological surveys on cliffs have spiritual armorers. The spirit armor has the inner strength of martial arts equivalent to more than ten years of hard work, but they did not interfere with the arena of the ancient warriors, but spoke on behalf of their own industry.


The whole world is caught in a strange circle, and various basic investments are being increased on the plateau.

Such as transforming a new type of plantation. Pieces of reinforced concrete framed square buildings are filled with glass panels, forming a hanging plantation.

Note that these block buildings are not inhabited, so have no floors. (The cost is much less than living in)

The building as a whole is a frame composed of strips of reinforced concrete edges, and the floors are transparent glass surfaces between floors. Based on the pillars of the building, a series of nutrient solution tanks are hung. The crops grow in the tanks and hang in the building.

Wei Keng has now invested all his wages in China in these "agricultural products" automatic houses. The annual output is purchased by the plateau area, which has a stable economic output. This kind of agricultural product is sent to special non-staple food processing and frozen storage.

The easy-to-rich people in the industry represented by the spiritual armorers work more and get more. They need to save to obtain capital.

The plateau area has already made proper arrangements for this area. Follow the example of the ancient fame and status land tax-free model, and give them the right to purchase agricultural production buildings for automated production.

Form a benign "landlord class".

Industrial production means can be replicated compared with ancient farmland. And it is not a scarce material like commercial housing in big cities.


The emerging psychic class in Shenzhou does not need to enhance the killing ability to deter others from gaining social status, but simply use it for production and creation, and the entire civilization system has embarked on its own road to reach the sky.

All strata in the plateau area can also see that this is a model that is beneficial to individuals, and at the same time does not conflict with the country, and is beneficial to the country. The plateau is now building a foundation that will last for thousands of years.

The "Tao" that no one criticizes is not necessarily "right", because the world dare not criticize, but the "Tao" that everyone tends to must be right. People's hearts are silently moving closer to the plateau.


In 2287, the construction of the plateau area digested a large amount of cement raw materials. After the early cost was consumed in the new agricultural production system, the efficiency of using light sources and carbon dioxide far exceeded that of traditional agriculture.

Its agricultural products such as various grains and vegetables have had a generational rolling effect on other agriculture in the Tianzhuyang area.

Among them labor cost! Harvesting in the building only needs to press a button, and the crops can be harvested in batches. As the economy in the Tianzhuyang region is becoming more and more dynamic, the labor force consumed by agricultural products is becoming more and more expensive. Not to mention that China has already started the "freeze-drying" industrial technology. In terms of storage, those low-tech, low-capital traditional agricultural productions have been thrown away


In the era when Wei Keng came last time, there was also a magnificent and magnificent agriculture. At that time, overlooking from the sky, there were patches of neat green greenhouses.

But now the planting industry in the plateau area has improved a level, from the light green with only one layer of greenhouses on the ground to the dark green with a multi-layer frame system that does not let a ray of sunlight go.

From only producing vegetables, grains and other agricultural and sideline products that meet national consumption,

It has become a strategic industry that can meet the needs of cotton, rubber, and algae chemical bio-oil in a variety of ways. These can be exported directly or after secondary processing.

In the Dashi market, fruits from the Shenzhou region have become a common item on the table of middle-class meals in the region. The development of fresh fruit has directly caused severe damage to the beverage industry such as "Coke" in the region. In recent times, areas lacking in fruits had a high consumption of syrupy drinks.

Wei Keng vaguely remembers that in modern times, the Western attack on the monosodium glutamate industry was based on the theory that "monosodium glutamate" was unhealthy. Now that Shenzhou has the right to speak, Master Wei directly set off a trend of "Coke is not healthy and can easily cause diabetes" on the forums in the Dashi area.


The economic development of the plateau region also feeds back the economy of the Tianzhuyang region, and the exploitation of combustible ice and gas fields in the Tianzhuyang region is becoming more and more popular.

Because after mining, it is not only the interests of methane, the price of carbon dioxide has also started to rise steadily with the strong demand of the plateau industrial chain.


In comparison, the Western Pacific, which has not invested in infrastructure for decades, dismantled the Pacific seabed mining decades ago in the name of environmental protection. Now I am watching helplessly as my own hollowness in this area is replaced by the vigorous industrial development in the Tianzhuyang area.

Just like the plot more than 80 years ago, when Xijinglian succeeded in farming, the Eastern Shenzhou chaebol headed by Jiangnan eagerly wanted to harvest. Today, as the plateau area started to farm again, there was another burst of pink eye. (The fallacy of the year: the way of reverse ecological cycle will trigger the retribution of heaven - 2.28)

Now it is further explained that the construction of the plateau makes the climate abnormal, which in turn reverses the way of heaven and causes wars in the world.

No, a female reporter named Mu Jing filmed a film about "natural disasters and man-made changes" at her own expense. At the beginning, it was a very warm and humane shooting. My daughter’s favorite hometown collapsed due to the unseen torrential rain in a century, so she suffered from depression. Therefore, as a mother, she made up her mind to investigate the causes of global climate change, and found that not only the climate in China, but also the wars in the world are related to it. It became the number one box office documentary.

Ironically, among the top-grossing sci-fi films this year, Planetary Immigrants has won a lot of box office again!

In discussions on various forums in eastern China, it seems that immigration to Mars will become a reality in the next century.

As everyone knows, on Mars, low pressure, lack of light, and lack of water are even more serious. If you want to immigrate to mine minerals, the base facilities are no less than the "stupid investment" on the plateau.


Last time, Wei Keng was single and weak, and could only stick to the key points in the public opinion circle, but this time, he was able to fight back!

Just like in the tourist area on the plateau, ordinary working families dare to deny the behavior of the "rich class" Wei Keng who rented a Edifier alone, so the working people in the west will naturally not be used to the adults in the east.

The entire western part of China, with the plateau economic zone as the development center, directly responded to the voice of "why not eat minced meat" to the public opinion circle in the east.

In this wave of voices, the creators of folk culture in the plateau area responded with "luxury and waste on the dining table"; mansions: tumors in modern urban construction"; "fur farming? What's the point?" and many other documentaries.

The media has broken away from the glitz and excess of literati feelings, and the earthy atmosphere has reinfused into the information society. The so-called public opinion will return to its original appearance


Since 2288, the plateau region's shipbuilding industry, energy industry, non-construction steel production, and port cargo throughput have surpassed those in the Jiangnan (this includes Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and northern Zhejiang) regions.

This is the reappearance of the historical folding line for the first time in ninety years.

In China, those old people who still remember what happened ninety years ago are sitting on pins and needles. If it is said that the world war is a foreign invasion, the rise of the western region is a potential uncertainty.

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