Out of the cage

Chapter 337 Chapter 9.27 The Connivant

The New Year's Eve passed quickly, and in 2289 in the Qin Dynasty, the flames of war did not go out, but gradually began to spread around the world.

Because, at present, the industrialized countries in the world are extremely hungry. In this world, no matter how obedient a weak country is, it will inevitably be beaten, because a strong country just wants to eat meat.

To the northeast of Shenzhou, a hot war broke out between the four provinces of Izumo and Edenia on a series of islands in the North Pacific region derived from Alaska. Underwater submarines are hunting each other in the vast North Pacific Ocean, while surface ships and air forces of both sides are also deployed alternately near the Command Strait (Bering Strait).

The military power in the entire Lingbei region of Shenzhou cannot be mobilized to other places.


South Lizhou (Australia) also encountered the invasion of the Shengyang Navy faction.

The huge China seems to be the style of the late Tang Dynasty. The huge territory created in the early years can no longer be held firmly, and has been invaded and eroded by Tubo and other foreign forces.

It can also be said to be the final situation of the British Empire in the main world.

When it is strong, it is very glorious to have a global territory where the sun and the moon never set, but when its national strength is weak, even Argentina jumped out to provoke.


Sunshine, a new foreign enemy that China was forced to define after the industrial age. It really lived up to historical expectations, possessed considerable resilience, and had the potential to be entangled with China for hundreds of years.

Looking back at history, it was the same for the Huns and Turks back then. The Han and Tang Dynasties could only severely injure them through one or two battles. If they are really to be wiped out in the long river of history, they often have to wait for one or two dynastic changes.

In Chile, South America, on the coastline, heavy steel buildings cover the entire city.

Pieces of large metal materials are sent into the construction factory along the industrial railway code-named "Shinkansen", and become magnificent sea behemoths in the operation of sophisticated and large-scale welding robots.

The "Shogun Type 8" battleship and the empire's ace Hachiko "floating fortress" are being built in rows of several hundred meters of docks.

The construction workers of Sunrise on the automatic walking machine are as insignificant as the ants on the body of an elephant on this steel frame construction plant.


Equally insignificant, the commanders who boarded the bridge of the battleship. Generals dressed in uniforms from decades ago held sabers and looked at the industrial behemoths under their command with excitement in their eyes.

In the last World War, Dalang's authority declined after successive defeats, and he had to cleanse his father Fang Lang and the old ministers of the king, um, or to say, the old military group. Afterwards, Shengyang's power was completely concentrated on the emerging military group he had promoted.

Dalang's last madness led to the complete split of Shengyang. The suppressed old Shengyang group stayed in the Shengyang Islands in the future, fell to Shenzhou, and became a follower of the rule of the four provinces of Izumo.


However, Shengyang's new sect was defeated and retreated to South America! This retreat is a technical retreat of Sunrise.

Sun has lost a lot of early large weapon technology. For example, General Executioner, Floating Fortress in the shape of a big head, and General Battleship.

The rising sun in South America has long cherished the memory of its "ancient technology". But twenty years ago, they completed the technical accumulation again. The large battleships and super large floating weapons on the ancient blueprints are restored, and because the design is more reasonable, the energy core and intelligent control are more advanced, it is an improvement compared to the past.


However, history is reincarnated. With the completion of science and technology in South America, the back waves of Dalang who overthrew the powerful people have now become new veterans and dignitaries, repeating the old problems of the Sun Empire.

On the docks of the Chilean port, workers were staring at the electric sparks between the huge steel, and suddenly felt the sky darken.

They looked up and saw a floating warship 500 meters long in the sky, blocking the sunlight. There is a clear and unambiguous golden chrysanthemum emblem on the bow of the ship.

And the generals at the port have already boarded a mecha that is much more advanced than the Tengu mecha, and entered the large battleship high in the sky.

Bei Zhaiming, the great-grandson of Shengyang's contemporary Shengyang Wang Dalang.

Compared with his great-grandfather hundreds of years ago, who never left his armor and always drew his sword and held his sword. The King of Shengyang is the weak wind of the Wei and Jin Dynasties today.


In the central hall of the battleship, Bei Zhaiming sat on the throne, looking at the generals kneeling respectfully below, with neither sad nor happy expression. But in my heart I can only pretend to be a clay sculpture.

When China and North America were at war near the Arctic Circle in Northeast Asia, the European continent was in flames of war.

The various military and political factions in Shengyang in South America felt that the opportunity had come. "East to Africa", "West to Australia", "North to the Caribbean"...

Note, each faction feels that the strategic direction they have formulated has a great "opportunity", but they cannot convince each other. Every meeting, they all end up being rude in front of each other.

Not only did the land and sea conflicts remain unresolved, but as South America became bigger and wider, more regional differences arose. Makes more factions now.

As the nominal leader of Shengyang, Bei Zhaiming is not ignorant of the current problems, but the foundation of Shengyang cannot be solved.

In the past, Shengyang was a vassal state of Shenzhou for hundreds of years, and a cultural attachment for thousands of years. Shengyang's royal family did not let go of their study of Chinese culture.

The more the royal family of Shengyang delved into the history of Shenzhou, the more terrifying they felt.

After Shengyang got a new continent, the current situation can only be said to be equivalent to the land of China more than two thousand years ago. As the majesty of Zhou Tianzi gradually faded, the princes in the region started wars, and then drove Zhou Tianzi like a toy.

Bei Zhaiming understood that his current position was like this.

As the nominally supreme ruler of Shengyang, he can't use up his majesty to mediate the conflicts among the factions, but can only consume the factions in the conflicts.

That is to say: in this world war, "preserve the vitality of Shengyang to contain the princes", or "preserve the authority of the royal family of Shengyang", this is "choose one" for Bei Zhaiming. Of course, in fact he can only choose the latter.

In the past two years, this battleship representing the majesty of the rising sun royal family has traveled between various factions.


Now, Hokusaiming is sitting on the high seat in the middle of the Japanese-style hall, after listening to the talk of the faction leaders on the South American west coast on the right, and the assurances of the generals with swords on the left, the King of Shengyang gave "meet the factions in other regions" same attitude.

Bei Zhaiming is the default and supports the actions of this faction. But it will not make it clear that it will take responsibility for this faction.

The generals bowed away from the king of the rising sun. The metal floor of the battleship hall reflected the heavy curtains of the guard of honor when they left, and the generals whose heads were on the ground got the imperial dispensation, and also cut the noose tied around their necks, and the next thing is to do it boldly.

If the adventure fails, the seppuku should still be cut. As for success, then form a cabinet before the imperial court.

To say that Hokusai Ming is the mastermind of the war may be a bit harsh, but he is a complete connivance!

[In the ancient times of the main world, when the orientals looked at the neighbor with a strip of water, they always heard their own official claims that "a small group of communists are trying to revive the dream of the empire", and they couldn't help but wonder what the attitude of most people on the island was? —The answer is: Most people are indulgers. 】

The conniving person will acquiesce to the mastermind's plan and contribute silently to the mastermind's plan. If the mastermind is successful, then share in the benefits of success. But if the mastermind fails, the indulgers will, after decades of silence, claim to have been coerced.

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