Out of the cage

Chapter 339 Chapter 9.29 Land Power Military, Nanli Campaign

In the year 2289 of the Qin Dynasty, after the factions of South America’s Shengyang suddenly loosened their domestic restraint, they spared no effort to seize the weak areas of the world’s powerful countries.

North America, Europa League, and Shenzhou jointly discussed Sun's aggression in February.

It's just that the contradictions among all parties are still great, and it is temporarily impossible to integrate a joint force to deal with Shengyang. This allowed Shengyang to bounce around for a few more years.


Among the aviation bases on the plateau, Wei Keng came this time to participate in aerospace training. Wei Keng himself was the first astronaut on the list.

Master Wei jumped down from the rotating ring without getting dizzy, and walked steadily to the information screen to read the mail that had just arrived.

After the meeting of the West Route Party in Cairo, the message they brought to Master Wei was: "Stay alert and prepare to counterattack with a thorny shield. Before the strongest attack is forged, hold your ground."

According to the current situation in North America and the Europa League, Master Wei felt that it was meaningless to yell at them, but instead reduced the deterrence of his words.


The perspective turns to the Central American battlefield.

As Sunshine invaded the Gulf of Mexico, the congressmen of the United States of Edenia quickly activated the bureaucratic machinery, and dispatched the "United Army" to the south under the banner of "freedom".

But in the first ten days of March, this coalition army used the most advanced equipment and suffered the worst beatings.

On the battlefield in Mexico, the people of Shengyang used a series of mechas to destroy the waves, giving Eden Yanan the azure blue doom of the Titan mecha.

However, the proton colliders in the hands of the Yankees were all bombarded with excess firepower on the troops acting as bait in the jungle.

This is because.

After the commander of Shengyang determined the combat characteristics of the Yankees, he used small formations to lure North America's firepower to a large-scale exposure, and then seized the opportunity to annihilate a larger force.

In all fairness, Sheng Yang is a very vicious but effective tactic.

According to the officer of the Shengyang Mechanized Division: "This is a team of our own team, replacing a team of tanks from the ghosts and beasts of the United States."

As for people, Shengyang can replenish at any time from the Internet Addiction Rehabilitation Area of ​​the cyber city in South America.

Although Edenia's tanks are continuously manufactured, the amount that can be transported to the front by the logistics line is limited.

The cowboys of the United States, who had never faced a large-scale land invasion, were a mess in regular warfare in the south, and a large amount of main battle equipment was lost in the Gulf of Mexico.


As for Africa, the European Union was also killed by crazy warriors.

The ground power of the eight divisions of Shengyang spread across the entire African battlefield. The troops urgently recruited by the European colonial government seem to be far superior in number to the Sun's invasion troops, but after the recruitment, the movement ability of the entire legion is simply tortoise.

As soon as these troops were assembled, they were seized by Shengyang's divisions to seize important material locations and cut off the main traffic routes. An army of tens of thousands of people has not yet deployed, and it has become a turtle in a urn.

Under modern firepower, no matter how many troops are clustered and have no mobility, they will be wiped out within a few rounds of firepower coverage.

European commanders in Africa have little to say. Under the bombardment of a large number of aerial bombs, the casualties soon exceeded 40%. These troops composed of local Africans quickly surrendered in an organized manner in front of the rising sun.

Such a carefree and great victory excited the nerves of Sun Yang, so they did not feel afraid of the strategic recklessness at this time, but instead declared even more arrogantly that they wanted eight Hongs and one universe.


As Shengyang's deadly enemy, Wei Keng had to analyze the situation.

"Why are Europa and North America's combat forces so stretched? Their tactics and armaments were also very threatening ten years ago. Why are they so stretched all of a sudden?"

In front of the combat projection in the plateau area, Wei Keng and many army officers in the plateau area. Look at the comparison of the cutting-edge equipment of the two armies.

The Plateau Military Staff, and the Sinhalese Naval Staff, turned over various data to repair the discrepancy between military theory and reality.

Sun's land combat equipment is still backward. The armor of its land battle tanks looks very sci-fi, with a layer of ceramic shell, but it is often the missiles carried by small western armored vehicles.

Not to mention the future tank carrying a neutron cannon, the European tsunami tank capable of hitting a small team of Shengyang.

But in fact, there is a huge gap in the tactical literacy of the two sides.

In many battles in Africa, the commanders of Shengyang hastily collected a batch of pickup trucks, carrying special infantrymen in full-body alloy armor and carrying small wave energy cannons, to seize favorable positions, and under the cover of aerial firepower , to carry out special offensive operations against the colonial army marching at the helm of the European Union in Africa.

On the screen of the frontier reconnaissance system, the azure blue light of the individual mecha directly penetrates the Oulian heavy armored mecha cabin, which is particularly dazzling.

Such a special attack operation, as long as there is still an anti-infantry group next to the "future tank", such a special attack will never return.


Master Wei already had the answer in his heart: the ills of the colonial legion, the social culture of the colony will bring the advanced military organization of the place back to the feudal level. Under normal circumstances, the colonial army can only use a strict army to maintain its combat power. As for keeping pace with the times, it is impossible to keep up with the times and be aggressive in tactics to compete with the main force of the world's industrial countries.

Wei Keng's opinion only represents Wei Keng's personal point of view.

The generals represented by Xi Bafang came to the conclusion before the projection that it was a problem of the army system that the white skins could fight the battle like this.

North America and Europe are countries with sea power, and their foreign military intervention is based on the premise of strong sea and air power.

As for the army, it has always been a subsidiary of the maritime strategy. Its operations are highly dependent on maritime logistics supplies and fire support troops, which is different from traditional land power countries.

In the command system of the Continental Army, the Army still has the requirement to conduct independent operations in addition to being separated from the superior fire support of the sea and air.

In Edenia and Europa's foreign intervention operations all year round, the army is the "accessory" projected by the fleet. And the navy, which projects them, and the air force, which provides air cover, arrive at the battlefield before the army. And it is higher than the army in the command system.

The army under the "intervention strategy" has always launched an attack under the premise of planning by the navy and air force. Even in defensive operations, it also fights under the cover of sea and air.


Now the problem that Sunrise creates for Europa and North America is to launch an attack first, separating their naval and air systems from the army.

Forcing Europa and North America to conduct regular land battles.

Although the land warfare equipment of Europa and North America is still advanced. ——But their army system is still the strategy of the Marine Corps.

After listening to the analysis of these generals, Wei Keng couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous.

As a civilization, if you are aggressive when attacking others, you will be in a hurry if you are really beaten up!

Troops that have conquered countless territories abroad, but cannot defend their own internal defenses.

Wei Keng said with emotion: "Ah, this is Rome!"


Of course, this meeting was more than just sarcastic remarks. This relevant analysis has been divided into two parts, one is sent to the front line, and the other is sent to the high-level officials of the Shenzhou court.

Forty-eight hours after New Zealand was attacked by Shengyang, Tianzhuyang quickly sent three divisions to Lizhou (Australia), a total of 50,000 people entered the west coast of Australia, and quickly penetrated to southern Australia.

With regard to the filing of the document for the support of thousands of miles from Tianzhuyang, the high-level officials of Shenzhou handled it very quickly, and the entire court quickly gave it legitimacy.

The Shenzhou system is more commercialistic than the last world war.

Once the mining industry in the entire west of Australia encounters a military disaster, many people in China will go bankrupt.

The bigwigs in the court are looking for "warrior soldiers".

There are soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River and the south-central subcontinent. But no one can do Tianzhuyang so fast.

However, this also reminded the court chiefs of the "Battle of Talas" a hundred years ago.

The person back then was also "worrying about the world first". To prevent the passing of time, to remedy the situation.

On the floating battleship Zixiaogong, when the emperor was reading and occupying, he saw the arrow crossing the Tianzhu Ocean in the plateau area, and he was already pointing at the line of fire. He sighed leisurely: "The pillar of the country."


Of course, not everyone appreciates Tian Zhuyang's galloping miles to help.

Tang Jiedu envoy from Lizhou, after being bombed on the eastern front, had to retreat to the inland. Hearing that the reinforcements were on the "west coast of Lizhou", he couldn't help cursing: "This is standing still and grabbing territory."

Of course, no one in Shenzhou cares about him. As the overseas governor of Shenzhou, when he was the toubob of the Tang family overseas thirty years ago, it meant that the court would not protect him at all times. Only the other three Jiedushi in Nanyang remained on the same side as him, but they also made some excuses for his mediocrity.

Oh, to say that he is mediocre is the politeness of his political allies, in the words of Mr. Wei: "He makes full use of pig tactics"

In this era of sudden wars, "vegetables" are the original sin. In March, he not only failed to retake New Zealand, but landed the Sun on the east coast of Australia.

The 50,000 troops sent by Tianzhuyang are the ballast stone for the sudden change of the situation.


The commander Wei Keng appointed to Australia was Xi Bafang.

Wei Keng gave him instructions: make full use of space and time advantages, and not pursue one or two decisive battles to annihilate the Shengyang invading army. Trade space for time.

In short, the formulation of tactics follows two principles——

First, you might as well be busy. Keep the other person's attention at all times, and always remember that if you don't keep them busy, he will keep you busy.

Second, you might as well be bold and unrestrained. If the enemy advances at the front, we will retreat. If the enemy dares to penetrate deeply, he will throw away the bottles and cans and penetrate backwards. Our logistics line is better than theirs. We try our best to form a situation of "exchanging pieces" in chess in terms of material consumption to ensure vitality.

As for the strategy, as long as we grasp one point, we must do our best to win the protracted war. Because Shengyang's strategy has never considered persistence, if there is no enemy and we have nothing, then our side will surely win.


At the same time, in the left state battlefield, in mid-March. The Shenzhou military base moved forward, and suborbital sky survey guns deployed anti-gravity wings and activated the stealth system at the same time.

Xi Bafang has moved his troops from the plateau of northwestern Australia into the great plains of South Australia.

The Shengyang Corps in the eastern mountains had just defeated Tang Zongbing's Corps on the east coast of Australia. A small group of rising sun warriors are riding their chariots and starting to penetrate the desert to the west.

At this time, the entire mainland of Lizhou was filled with an atmosphere of "unstoppable" defeatism.

What's more, Shengyang's sharpness in the North American and African battlefields gave him a reason to surrender.

Xi Bafang, who was sitting in the war mech, eagerly read Wei Keng's analysis of the army's strategy.

Xi Bafang wanted to fight this battle. If he didn't want to fight, he wouldn't have come at all.

But after he arrived, he encountered the defeatist atmosphere that permeated the entire 'Lizhou'. This kind of negative information will indirectly affect the fighting spirit of visiting troops from afar.


In the cockpit of the psionic field, Xi Bafang's eyes gleamed with determination, and he knew the source behind Li Zhou's current defeatism.

The economic center of Lizhou is on the west coast, and the population of major cities is also on the west coast. The east coast of Australia is the cultural branch of Shenzhou Jiangnan.

The local corps of Tang Jiedu was defeated and retreated to the north coast of Australia, relying on the port for the final defense.

The retreat organized by General Tang was procrastinating, and what was especially criticized was that he specifically stopped some divisions. It was later found out that this was to cover the transfer of dozens of carts of silver, antique calligraphy and paintings of his family. This caused the two divisions to be defeated and lost a lot of heavy firepower.

Since the wealth accumulated by these Lizhou natives for generations has already been taken by Shengyang,

Therefore, these people from the Lizhou native faction were thinking in their hearts that they were planning to make peace with Shengyang with the last bargaining chips of the remnants of the army.

As for the reinforcements sent by Shenzhou, even if they win, they still have to cut their flesh, and they may be cut more.

So in terms of public opinion, what the fuck is the saying "surrender and lose half" popped up.

In the history of China, how many generals were stabbed to death by their own people in such a treacherous way.


Xi Bafang clearly knew that if he surrendered, he would lose everything!

In this regard, this "strategic analysis" from Wei Xin can just give him a sharp weapon in the ideological work of the entire army, like a treasure.

That night, the officers of the whole army were called out, and the policy was thrown to them, saying loudly: "Our nature is different from that of North American and European legions."

Later, Xi Bafang delivered a speech to "Lizhou" that can be recorded in history: "We are the big 'army', we have a reason to fight, and we are responsible for defending the soil! We came standing, and never thought of leaving on our knees. .”


After the speech was delivered, Xi Bafang's corps began to actively seek war.

He followed the advice put forward by the staff and started the "knocking brown sugar tactic".

On March 18th, in the Shenzhou Tianzhuyang War Zone, the fifth regiment of the plateau 022 division, in the inland of the Great Plains of South Australia, took advantage of the rising sun and failed to stand firmly, and directly washed away a high ground. Then stayed with a company.

After discovering that the high ground was lost, the commander of Shengyang rashly launched an attack when the air force failed to muster enough forces to initiate a fight for air supremacy.

Four hours later, when Commander Shengyang no longer looked at the map, he thought it was time to regain this point.

Fifteen steel ronin land combat mechas were killed at the front, and four of the eight tengus were destroyed during the support process. The company attacking the high ground also rushed up "stupidly", and lost more than 600 battle damage.

Commander Shengyang was furious, and then mobilized enough artillery and troops, and the company withdrew. And another group of troops interspersed again taking advantage of the gap exposed by Shengyang Military's deployment.

Immediately following March 19.

Two more points were taken by the Shenzhou troops, and at this time the troops around Shengyang were attracted to fight. This time, it caused 2,000 casualties to Shengyang.


Xi Bafang's "don't rush, take your time, scrape piece by piece" style of play is getting smoother and smoother. But it made Shengyang anxious.

The faction of Shengyang's westward expansion this time does not have the time to take it slowly, let alone consume it a little bit. If progress cannot be made quickly, there is no hope for the end of the day.

On April 4th, the fleet of Shengyang completed its supply on the west coast of Lizhou, and hurried south into southern Australia

Trying to be in the Australian Bight area. Cut off the supply line of Shenzhou. Of course, Commander Shengyang carefully calculated strategic forces and couldn't escape the delusion of "killing two birds with one stone". So this dispatch also brought a landing force of 20,000 people.


Little did they know, the intelligence system on the Shenzhou side had already identified this move by Sheng Yang.

Xi Bafang got Wei Xin's advice of "digging a hole and waiting for the dog".

After the earth evil system provided accurate information, the Shenzhou fleet left the port ahead of time and entered the ocean. The Air Force is on standby at all times, ready to take off collectively.

8 p.m. on the 4th.

In the west of Lizhou, a train carrying "big logs" stopped on the western wilderness. Mechanical hoes were inserted into the soil, and then ballistic missiles stood up one after another.

Ten minutes later, the twenty-eight warships of Shengyang found the five thousand-ton squadrons of Shenzhou. The two sides were chasing and fleeing. The main fleet of Shenzhou arrived at the flank. In the past ten years, the Shenzhou Navy and the Shengyang have once again conducted a battle of capital ships

When the two sides bombard each other with electromagnetic cannons to wear down each other's nano-shield,

More than 500 short-range ballistic missiles in the sky sent blessings.

In an instant, a group burst into flames for the Sunrise Fleet, which was only focused on the artillery battle in front of them.

There is nothing better than supersonic missiles for protection like nanoshields. Just one can blow up the energy protection of an entire 10,000-ton battleship.

When the 600 missiles fell, most of Sun's fleet defenses were "red".

As for the staff department on the Shenzhou Tianzhu side, under the instructing of Master Wei, they would never let the "wounded and sick" leave. The Air Force also happens to arrive at this time.

Groups of large delta-wing bombers, guided by forward fighter jets, launched cruise missiles.

This is the "ammunition" that replenishes the real lethal amount for Sheng Yang's fleet.

One after another cruise missiles skimmed across the sea, scaring the jumping fish back into the sea. After approaching the Sun Fleet, these cruise missiles quickly launched a supersonic penetration, passing through two sides of the battleship painted with red sun radiation. After the automatic laser close-in defense system on the side. It was stabbed in the waist of the battleship.

The thick steel was broken apart by a hundred kilograms of high-energy explosives, and seawater poured in through the cracks. Sheng Yang had to open the watertight cabin to balance the water injection, and started to slow down.

However, the high-speed Shenzhou Fleet in the distance still maintains an S-shaped high-speed navigation, hitting the sick ships on the edge of the Sun Fleet one after another.


On land, Xi Bafang's tank troops were also rushing back and forth on the tidal flats, attacking the few landing troops of Shengyang.

After watching the whole battle, Xi Bafang, who was sitting in his broken army golden armor, couldn't help laughing: "You (Shengyang) this wave, you can't do it."

For more than 100 years, in terms of Sunrise, whenever there is a change in the strategy, the cooperation of various departments is still so "one place". Its army, navy, and air force all play their own roles according to the original imagined goals.

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