Out of the cage

Chapter 342 Chapter 9.32

The Battle of Lizhou brought a new round of institutional change and evolution to the mainland plateau area of ​​China, which is thousands of miles away.

The Plateau has entered a state of partial wartime response economically.

The opening of entertainment venues was restricted, and all personnel reported to and from get off work. At the same time, residents from all over the country practiced missile raids and sabotage by unknown personnel.

Production adjustments have been made in the industrial chain, and the production of some unnecessary products has been stopped. For example, high-heeled shoes, women's handbags, puppet sets advertised by merchants, electric toys and other products.

Various factories have increased production capacity that is not needed in peacetime, such as three-proof clothing, power bones, and air purification masks. These materials were not squeezed, they were all turned into loans, traveled across the ocean, entered the hands of the column in the Lizhou mainland, and distributed them to the people who accepted the organization.


More importantly, the battle in Lizhou has poured cold water into the spirits of the people on the plateau, and the world war is not far away from everyone.

The most effective way to deal with the aggressors has never been the one that can be influenced (whitewashed) by the infinite love that can be used in European and American movies and Sun animation in recent years.

But always ready to fight back. And you must have a pair of piercing eyes to see through all the disguises of the invaders.

The culture of the invaders is extreme, and they can promote unreasonable "big love" in a cultural work.

But in another part of the works, "chaotic hate" can be promoted, such as urban dark literature, which promotes, cannibalism, and murderous perverted themes.

During external publicity, they will show their "beauty" to the extreme. When doing anti-civilized things, they have extreme reasons.

This makes, in an era of peace, countries and clans that nourish the seeds of aggression are highly deceptive.

Of course, when culture enters the diode, it is "irreconcilable contradictions" and those promoters are unwilling to reconcile, they will only pretend to be external and vent externally.


The current world war has just begun.

Lizhou is the first party in the world to successfully contain the Sun's aggression effectively, and rub their faces in the sand and dust.

Therefore, the high-ranking officers of Shengyang in Lizhou had to abide by civilization more and restrain the troops. Using electronic fiction and drugs to labor the army has restrained the evil.

But on other continents, the military leaders of Shengyang who 'bet right' on the strategic direction released all the things that were suppressed in the past and could only be imagined in dark literature, into reality.

Snatching chickens and ducks, and chasing women. These are the daily routines of the modern army in the occupied areas. Shenzhou also has the attribute of "bandits are like combing soldiers like contempt" in the old imperial army.

But the Shengyang Corps behaved more pervertedly. They advanced in the Americas and Africa, not just robbing and insulting.

They also take pleasure in killing, dissecting the living, frying them in gasoline, and pushing the skinned ones in.

A large number of soldiers in Sunrise are of mixed Latin American blood, so this is not a matter of racial personality, the evil brought about by the culture derived from the island country.


With the righteousness of "obedience under disaster", the group gathered together has self-eradicated the internal heroism.

Only a group of cowards are left who are suppressed under the absolute hierarchy.

When he launched an aggression, he suddenly encountered someone who was weaker than him. What lifted up in his stooped soul was not responsibility, but an unscrupulous desire to stand on a high level.


When the whole clan is: "Cowardly when they are in the lower position, and cruel when they climb to the upper position", it is a kind of horror that has been interpreted to the extreme!

In fact, the Shengyang society no longer has any emotional bonds. All those who had emotions at the age of eleven or twelve are "usable" and "spare" spiritual links in the adult society.

Sunshine allowed Europe to see how the Sheda, which was passed down from their own Protestant system, evolved on the Japanese Islands and then came to Latin America to nourish it.


Sun Sun conquered Africa and started large-scale human trials. At the end of the trial, the data on the tolerance of various drugs were obtained. It was immediately used to develop manpower in Africa.

Shengyang technically absorbed the technology of the European mechanical implantation experiment, and began to use it even more crazily.

The lives of the local people have been coldly planned to a certain number. With the promotion of drugs, they can work for a lifespan of thirty-five years at most.


In the South Atlantic Ocean, on the most advanced floating fortress.

Such a group of beasts dressed in modern clothes stood in front of various life detection equipment, pointing at the data in the projection, and talking about how to treat people as raw materials.

The development of countries after industrialization is similar to evolution in terms of social emotion. Under this evolutionary branch, the differences among people from different countries are increasing.

The evolution direction of Shengyang is to be able to completely eliminate one's emotions towards another group of people who are lower than oneself.


On the plateau, on the train on the railway.

A woman dressed as a flight attendant is looking at the current plateau governance center, the latest news bulletin of "Unite and Prepare to Overcome Difficulties", and reflections on the "Leaving State War".

Her eyes twinkled with confusion. But when he saw the negative example of Shengyang, there was a rare clarity in his pupils, but it was only for a moment, and he soon returned to the state of condensed spiritual energy.

This flight attendant is No. 20 when Shengyang entered Shenzhou. After a lot of information tampering, he has been in the daily position in the plateau for half a year.

She is getting closer and closer to the final circle. The more she felt the traces of her spiritual energy field dissipated, the faster she hesitated.


No. 20 walked on the train aisle, she looked at the busy people. Everything is like a foreign land.

In the past six months, she has also seen the quarrels between "people" in this land, and the fussing over every little thing. There is even an intangible cultural heritage of the East. Two old women danced and scolded each other.

But these are not covered up, basking in the sun, not the ugliness covered by a layer of "white snow" like in her hometown.

Passengers on this train, after getting off the train on each platform, can walk without any scruples.

Passengers can say "thank you" generously after asking a stranger. Strangers can also generously admit that they don't know when they don't know the answer. Instead, point to other people, or other platform information, and let them understand it by themselves.

There is no need to salute, no need to bow, no need to refuse ruthlessly, and there is no need to deal with it specially. ——But it's so simple, but it makes people feel inexplicable enthusiasm.

Strangers who respond to a little help are often genuinely willing to help.

Mountains and rivers are in the same region, this is Yangjian.

She walked off the train station.


In the train station, the radio is playing "Welcome to the Friendship Bridge. This is a famous plateau city with an excellent history. According to legend, when Princess Wencheng entered Tibet, she was blocked by the Luna River..."

In a separate box in the waiting hall on the second floor of the railway station.

Jin Niezhang (Huang Jiayu) is flipping through the latest ticket order interface. In the past six months or so, he has been running in the plateau area, spending such a tourist vacation.

Of course, at the side was his "newly married wife" Sun Luer, who was now reporting his findings in the past six months to the higher-ups with a grim complexion. But the response there was "don't mess around".

Jin Nizhang looked at her and shook his head helplessly.

Sun Luer wanted to capture the superpower who had already infiltrated into Shenzhou. However, in the past six months, no clues have been found.

Instead, the task was rearranged by the higher authorities to investigate the development of psionic technology in the plateau area.

With a click, Sun Luer turned off the phone, stared at Jin Niezhang and said, "You just looked at me."

Jin Niezhang: "Really not."

A few seconds later, under Sun Luer's gaze, Jin Nezhang paused and said, "Okay, I want you not to be tired."

Sun Luer: "Don't worry about it, think about yourself, it looks like you're accomplishing nothing."

Sun Luer's tone was very rude.

But this time Jin Niezhang didn't spoil her either: "It's you who can't achieve anything, not me. It's you who want to achieve something."

Sun Luer turned around abruptly and raised her fist: "What did you say!"

The warmth between the two of them at the beginning has been exhausted in half a year of running around. ——It's almost time to break up now.


Jin Niezhang stood up: "It's easy to get together and leave, arrange me to Tiance, and you will continue to be your court eagle~."

At this time, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something outside the window, and immediately his hairs stood up, and then - he put his arms around Sun Luer and wanted to hide in the next door. Of course, Sun Luer didn't like this, and just slapped her across the face.

Jin Niezhang's eyes shot out from the slap, but without a word, he immediately fell to the ground.

After Sun Luer slapped Jin Niezhang, she was a little dumbfounded. She still couldn't believe her action. However, she was soon puzzled by Jin Niezhang's actions.


What was sensed at No. 20 downstairs at the station!

As a top-level psyker, he has the ability to perceive hostility. Anyone around who pays attention to her goal will be perceived by her.

Jin Niezhang's immediate avoidance didn't work. When he confirmed that he had recognized the person who infused him with psionic energy when he was a high school student, he had already appeared in No. 20's perception as an exclamation point.


Sun Luer stepped on Jin Niezhang's back: "What are you doing, pretending to be dead?"

However, at this moment, a voice echoed in the room: "He is avoiding me, little girl Liang, are you husband and wife?"

Jin Niezhang got up slowly, and at the same time stretched his hand to his back, and put that calf off his back: "Senior, we are husband and wife."

A few seconds later, spiritual fluctuations said in the room: "No, you are lying."

Jin Niezhang came to the table unhurriedly and put on his spiritual armor. The whole human body was completed in an instant, like a ceramic sportswear.

And No. 20 downstairs is sitting and watching this scene. As one of the strongest psykers on earth, she is absolutely confident now.

Dressed in the costume of a train administrator, she found the waiting seat and sat down, her black silk legs folded together, looking like a royal lady.


Sun Luer realized something - she had always been determined to catch that big fish, and now she finally met this great white shark. It's just that when she thought about it, she was immediately locked by No. 20.

Before No. 20's psychic fluctuation swept over, Jin Niezhang kicked open the gate and threw Sun Luer out, saying, "Run!"

Before Sun Luer could react, a psionic energy that could completely freeze the air poured into the room.

At this moment, Sun Luer felt still. At this moment, the body movements were frozen, and then the blood vessels were numb as if frozen, and then the nerve perception disappeared. At this moment, time and space seem to stand still.

Sun Luer was extremely shocked: This is really too strong. In the innate realm, she was like an ant.


Just when the five senses were about to disappear, the woman's voice came from Sun Luer's consciousness: "So you are looking for me? Well, catch me."

Sun Lu'er murmured in her heart, she couldn't sleep, because she had an intuition that once she fell asleep, everything in her mind would be searched out. Furthermore, the important information of the Shenzhou Ninth Group will be completely destroyed in front of this superpower.

But willpower cannot reverse the gap in psionic levels, the super psychic suppressed himself inch by inch.

Just when she thought it was over. Suddenly, a light appeared in the perception, and then the five senses came back. It was still in the same room, but Jin Niezhang was leaning against the wall, his eyes were shining with a strange blue light.

Seeing Sun Luer, Jin Niezhang said with difficulty: "Go, it won't last long."


Sun Luer gritted her teeth: "Wait, hold on."

Then she rushed out of the door, and in the aisle, after seeing her, all the objects smashed towards her, the force was strong enough to shatter the concrete pier.

Sun Luer spread out her true energy and leaped through the gap, directly escaping from the hall.


At this time, No. 20 downstairs frowned. It is not impossible for her to mobilize stronger spiritual energy, but higher spiritual energy means more instability. This would turn the entire station into a ruin. In this case, it will conflict with the "final" plan she wants to carry out.

At this time, she looked at Jin Niezhang. Jin Niezhang's psionic mode is closed. Due to his self-psychic closure, he was like a mortal invisible psyker until the age of sixteen.

Jin Niezhang has just endured, the equivalent of psychic power on the 20th.

1 equivalent represents the highest psionic energy that No. 20 can release stably, and this is the scale of first-class psionic energy.

The pupils of No. 20 flashed blue and black alternating lights, looking down at Jin Nizhang, whose capillaries all over his body were crushed by violent psionic energy, and said puzzledly: "Is it just to save her? Your relationship is clearly different. good."

Jin Niezhang said weakly: "If the relationship is not good, it is still responsible. I, cough, mouth, cough, I am a man."

No. 20 showed confusion, and said slowly: "I don't understand your logic, but I agree with your behavior."

Then No. 20 raised his hand, and a cluster of psionic energy entered his brain, forcibly cleaning the concepts in Jin Niezhang's mind.

No. 20: "I can't let you recognize me." Jin Niezhang felt that she seemed to show a smile to herself.


ten minutes later

The alarm sounded throughout the station, and everyone started to evacuate. A military-breaking golden armor drove to the scene, smashed through the glass door of the waiting hall, and then batches of soldiers in spiritual armor blocked the airport.

Jin Niezhang was rescued, but the person could not be found in all the documents in the station. The profile of the super psyker has been modified. As for everyone in the station, they were also hypnotized, and they didn't remember at all, the flight attendant Sun Luer described.

So much so that when Tiance first took over the case, he thought it was her destroying the fiction to cover up herself. Of course, later, Kunlun used the ground brake system to show evidence that she did not lie.

After Tang Tianyou personally asked Sun Luer, he said to her: "I believe what you say, with your cultivation level, it is not enough to generate such a large-scale fluctuation here."


And a few days later, when Jin Niezhang woke up from the hospital bed, he was unable to describe the woman despite the scrutiny of the insiders of Six Doors.

Because the woman's face and voice were replaced by Sun Luer - this is a common sense substitution of mind control psychic power.

Six days after the incident at the station, Sun Luer finished visiting Jin Niezhang with a locked expression.

She had just received a communication from Six Gates, and the high-level executives in Shenzhou reprimanded her: Jin Jia drove to the station, and now the whole country is broadcasting your news, and everyone thinks that the world war is starting on the plateau, how can you do it? ah……

For such a voice, Sun Luer just ignored it. This encounter made her realize that this superpower who has infiltrated into Shenzhou is definitely not something she can resist. If she is allowed to exist, it will be a time bomb.

After hanging up the phone, she made a decision that was not in line with the orders of her superiors. That is, contact Kunlun to find this terrifying psyker. She cannot be allowed to wreak havoc in China.

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