Out of the cage

Chapter 349 Chapter 9.39 Hidden

Qin Tongli 2289, the end of the year. The military exercise in western China was temporarily added to the original plan.

Because the whole world is fighting with real guns and live ammunition, in order not to let the combat power of the plateau military region fall behind, it must race against time to verify that it has broken through military theory in contemporary warfare.

on the plateau,

Batches of plateau-specialized light tanks are interspersed with drills. During the process of completing the fire assault, signal stations are set up at the same time.

The drones dispatched from airports and logistics stations on the back line are forming more and more combat forces on the front line.

The Shenzhou military has gained experience from the Lizhou battlefield, that is, in the inland theater, there must be a command system centered on the army, and the joint command of land, air, and electronic forces.


In the plateau base, psychic qualifications, innate commanders, and staff members wearing spirit armor are deducing the situation of the big battle in the command hall.

At this time, 400 tanks and the corps of the air force group simulated combat. Under the observation of thousands of cameras, some key pictures were enlarged on the interface and were highlighted for discussion.


The people present were all at the lowest rank of major. In the past fifty years, the development of Jiehongzi technology has reduced the actual combat personnel of the Chinese army to one-third of the past.

However, with the emergence of spiritual armor equipment, the current military system in the plateau area began to change, and the number of personnel began to recover to three times that of fifty years ago.

Wei Keng: "Reducing casualties is not the primary purpose of war. The primary purpose is to win! Only victory is the right to talk about how to reduce casualties."

After entering the army, people wearing spirit armor certainly don't want to steal the limelight from unmanned tanks. It will not be like the European battlefield, as a super soldier holding a gun and confronting the enemy!

The plateau's combat system is to move part of the supply and maintenance work that originally stayed at the rear base to the front. A group of three people led more than 50 field machine units, and cooperated with the heavy armored troops. Make cutting-edge tactics more flexible and faster.

Although this part of the logistics system goes to the front line, it will encounter more blows, but as long as our frontline troops can penetrate the enemy's core more neatly, the danger can be relieved.

This is the same as fighting with a bayonet. You must dare to shine the sword and be popular. When you go to the battlefield, you are ready to pay all the price and kill the enemy!

Of course, such an army has very high requirements for faith, and it must know why to fight.


The combat support of the spirit armor team has generally increased the main combat equipment such as tanks and fighter planes in a regiment by 2 to 3 times. And the effectiveness of firepower increased by 1.5 times.

On the battlefield, the mechanical units commanded by grassroots non-commissioned officers can weld the tracks, inspect tanks at the same time, notify the logistics unmanned transport aircraft to transfer module parts, and troubleshoot most of the armored units within two hours.

Therefore, in the exercise, even if it is a tank that is penetrated, there is a 30% possibility that the robot will be injected with carbon dioxide to put out the fire urgently, and then the spirit armor personnel will replace the internal parts with mechanical puppets to restore its power.

In this way, the entire unmanned tank is like the resurrection of zombies from the biochemical crisis. After being shot a few times, it can get up and fight again.


Similarly, Lingjia personnel can arrange secondary command centers at the front, and use available resources and conditions to counterattack when the rear cannot make accurate judgments.

For example, tanks in ambush among dead branches and leaves! Or find a few self-propelled armors with bent legs and pretend to be corpses for cover.

This is also the experience of leaving the state. In the modern battlefield, the subjective initiative of the non-commissioned officer class determines the success or failure of the battle situation. And the discussion of this class in wartime can derive various effective tactics. (Note: Under such a military system, it is absolutely forbidden to "take drugs" to hurt the brain. When fighting together, even ordinary people's heads are not allowed.)


2290, the beginning of the year. Xi Bafang handed over the defense to the Lizhou Gongshe Army and returned by ship with three "divisions".

Today, the combat organization of the plateau system is 32 brigades.

The divisions sent far away to Lizhou are essentially "brigade" units. But whether it is firepower or the size of personnel, it is the size of a "division".

Among the 32 brigades, eight regiments are "unmanned regiments" in which the Kunlun god refiner is the military chief. Psykers on the plateau no longer pursue unmanned work, but try to replace high-risk tasks as much as possible.

But the first regiment (heavy ground combat) and the second regiment (light mechanized assault) are the most special.

This is the most completely unmanned unit. Because even the command of cutting-edge maintenance robots are all controlled by the Jiehong sub-device link chip.

At the quarters of the two regiments, not a single person was to be seen. The robot is responsible for refueling, replacing parts, and overhauling at the same time. The robots inside have their own jobs.

Once an officer from the plateau area entered this station and complained: "Is this a Yin soldier?"

The military director of the plateau area, Commander Xu He, gave a very clear response to the officers and soldiers of the other regiments: "These two regiments are operated by remote control. It is absolutely reliable, but the secrecy regulations are very high."


The first and second regiments are definitely not Yin soldiers.

During the annual assessment exercise, I practiced as a blue army, and the tactics were very dirty.

For example, last year, they used false signals to sneak into the Red Army armored vehicle, then drilled the cover, entered the vehicle body to restart the system, and defected-this set was done in one go.

That is, after that exercise, other brigades set up electronic code locks on all the car bodies, and the frontier spirit armor sergeants remembered in their electronic notebooks that they would only authorize the robots when they needed maintenance.


Right now, the second regiment is conducting this military exercise on the plateau at this time, the "assessment line" that can allow two-thirds of the legions on the plateau to surrender.

The military officer behind it is Wei Keng. But now, Master Wei is in this staff hall, as a staff member, analyzing the situation on the battlefield with everyone like an outsider.

Although, the cutting-edge camera information was transmitted to Master Wei's consciousness immediately. But he pretended to be stupid, no, he has a strong ability to keep secrets.

Commander Xu He glanced at Wei Keng, "shaking his head helplessly" in his heart.


As one of the very few people who knew the inside story, Xu He knew that Wei Xin's identity was Wei Keng a hundred years ago.

As for the present age, the reason why this "Wei Xin" is proficient in all military-related technologies is because of the Great Food War that established one of the contemporary world structures, and this guy "completed the overall strategic plan" later.

And not just militarily. In economics and scientific research, he is also in the list of key personnel.

Compared with the Son of Heaven who was praised by everyone in the Zixiao Palace, this is actually the real aspirant.

However, as he often said: there are no fairy emperors these days.


The exercise came to an end, and problems were reported in various data reports.

Commander Xu He took the time to come to the next door and met with the intelligence officer Sun Luer sent by the six sects.

As a general, Xu He didn't have much to eat in his office, so when meeting guests, he found a chair and sat down.

Xu He said to Sun Luer beside him, "Sit down too."

Sun Luer came here to borrow soldiers. This was the second force she tried to borrow after contacting the strongest psychic in Kunlun.

Xu He looked at her with a strange expression, and after nodding, he gave her the communication rights for the first regiment to coordinate the strike against "extraterritorial super-psychic entities" when necessary.

Sun Luer breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the approval slip, but then asked a little worriedly: "Who is the commander of the First Legion?"

After the corners of Xu He's mouth rose slightly, he quickly became serious: "That officer, um, is code-named 'Strong'. If you ask him to do something in the communication, he will not shirk."


Sun Luer achieved her goal and left. Next, she is going to find the scientific research department, which is the top-secret Disha project.

She was going to summon another force to fight against that external power user.

After Xu He watched her leave, he looked at Wei Keng who was adjusting the trajectory of the ballistic missile on the sand table in the next hall, and murmured in his heart, "It's not the same over there, is there you?"

Xu He couldn't help feeling sorry for the busyness of little girl Sun Luer.

Over there, the staff officer Wei Keng, who was introducing the difference in logistics supplies between the desert terrain and the plateau terrain, did not look up after hearing Xu He's psychic sound transmission, as if he was an ordinary staff officer.

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