Out of the cage

Chapter 35 Chapter 1.35 Pick up 'humanity'

"Where am I going now?" When the war ended, there were more and more discussions on the topic of "the relationship between self and social civilization development" in the Wei Keng Group. This logical analysis of one's own thoughts is no less important than any of Wei Keng's thinking on the issue of "eliminating the outside world" during the war.

In the process of production and development in the spring of 2433 AD,

With 20 ships sailing on the Pearl River, Wei Keng’s settlement pattern is no longer a single settlement, but a series of single chimney factories, residences, defenses, etc. within hundreds of kilometers and on forty rivers. Bunker integration strongholds are dotted all over.

In the period of the information industrial revolution in modern times, that is, the 21st century, the supporting industries can be achieved by using convenient transportation lines.

A guy who wanted to build a car on a whim found that he was missing some parts. He searched along the traffic line. Hedong Wangcun was making screws, and Hexi Licun was making wrenches. After buying these two things, he felt that electric welding was needed. Oh, I walked two kilometers north to find Boss Qian, his factory can make it, and then I found that I lacked bearings. And this is the industrial supporting area.

Wei Keng's current industrial technology is not complicated, in fact, an entire industrial park can be installed! The industrial model at the end of the nineteenth century was a point model. After the western powers completed one or two industrial parks and industrial cities, they could open up a large number of colonies overseas to supply raw materials as the center.

But what Wei Keng wants is not the civilized model of the central boiler of the steam engine delivering pressure to the surroundings, but a common development model in which all points in the power system are connected in parallel and powered on together.

From the original residence to the current new gathering point, boatloads of red bricks are used to find suitable land along the river network, and then directly occupy it, build a large yard, and process the raw materials in the area locally.

There are only 20 or 30 Wei Keng in each stronghold. Of course, as the merchants this year tentatively sent young and middle-aged people who committed crimes and avoided crimes, the number of employees in some factories has already exceeded the number of Wei Keng.

To a certain extent, this distributed distribution of strongholds is because Wei Keng made it easier for the local people here to get used to getting along with a small number of themselves. Instead of being surrounded by a lot of yourself in one place, creating the uncanny valley effect.

And Wei Keng's planning in this way magnified his potential! There are hundreds of strongholds on the river, and each stronghold maintains uniform productivity under the communication of river ships, and at the same time, it also has a stronger expansion force than a single industrial park.

At least, each stronghold has only one building, and the surrounding areas are all open areas. As long as people come, it can be expanded at any time!

There are at least 20 large human settlements in the whole of Guangdong, with 500,000 survivors.

Now Wei Keng has completed the rejection of the rest of the gene groups on the plain. The next step is to absorb the human beings of this era into the plain and integrate them.

Now in each stronghold, Wei Keng, who organizes production, is re-educating the newly joined employees with teaching materials, instilling production knowledge in the old era, and at the same time letting them understand their relationship with the social operation process.

On the plain, Wei Keng is actively trying to communicate with humans, trying to establish a social order. However, Wei Keng, who was exploring in the outer area, was destroying without restraint, giving up the destruction of the bottom line.

At the beginning of spring this year, everything has just been moistened by rain.

Wei Keng, who had finished changing his clothes, broke into the slightly dry jungle again, because now Wei Keng could clearly feel the life radiation of the group, and he had assault rifles, light machine guns and other weapons. The number of Wei Keng's exploration team dropped to a group of thirty again. According to the areas divided on the map, all creatures encountered along the way were destroyed and killed, and after sweeping, they began to set fire to the mountain.

The fire engulfed the hills one after another. After the flames passed, Wei Keng, standing on a high place, rebuilt the map, investigated the hydrological data of the river, and handed it over to the system for modeling.

After making a detailed assessment, Wei Keng drilled holes in the mountains at dozens of locations and planted explosives. With a bang, some mountains collapsed in the smoke, blocking some ravines that are now creeks. .

[While establishing order, it is destroying it at the same time. Therefore, with contradictory behaviors, there is a need for self-analysis in the Wei Keng group. ——Human beings are so complicated. When actions exceed the scope that can be explained by traditional desires, if you want to continue to act, instead of the three-minute enthusiasm of young children, you need deeper core thinking support. 】

Wei Keng, who traced the origin, first began to define the influence of the past society on himself: when a person grows up in a social state, he will be instilled by the society with various rules and regulations, and he should abide by it by default. If you do not comply, you will face punishment.

Some selfish Wei Keng began to criticize further: For a single ordinary person, some rules and regulations are more beneficial than harmful to him in the social cooperation he participates in. And some rules and regulations are actually not very helpful to oneself, they are just the etiquette to help the rulers maintain the rule of the system.

At this time, Wei Keng, who was constantly flipping through the historical materials in his memory, tried to summarize the historical laws. In this summary analysis, because there were two key points, Wei Keng clustered his thinking in two directions.

Wei Keng in the prospect: When a society is developing, there are more and more parts that need cooperation. Therefore, many new regulations have been introduced. For example, ancient people did not need to build roads and bridges between mountains, rivers and rivers. It took a hundred years to complete the civilization of a palace, and the death of some slaves during the construction was also acceptable to the entire human race. Therefore, ordinary people in ancient times did not have rules and regulations for safe production.

Wei Keng in reflection: Social interests also increase the need for governance at the top. For example, in the Internet age, electronic software companies, facing the rampant piracy in the process of unlimited information diffusion, will file lawsuits again and again, and work with legal personnel to enforce the law offline to crack down on those "thieves who make pirated online games."

Then, after Wei Keng's thinking of the two points of view leads to the same goal, they diverge into multiple categories!

Indignant Wei Keng: So the rules and regulations will be poured into the "moderate posture" in the continuous information bombing and grassroots education, but ordinary people? I seldom have the energy to think about my default right and wrong. What are the rules that are conducive to social cooperation and convenient for myself? What are the dogmas that are conducive to ruling stability!

Some are right, maybe not right, but others have emphasized it a thousand times, suffocating all opposing voices, exhausting the rebuttal voices of the people who are busy with production work, and becoming the only right!

And some mistakes do not rise to the level of sin! It's just that it spread more, collected enough bad feelings on the Internet, and finally was convicted emotionally! The law of creation!

[For example, collecting the bad feelings of the naughty kid causing trouble to others, and then condensing it in public opinion, completes the damned conviction of the brat.

Another example: collect the good feelings of small animals that are not cared about, and in the process of dissemination, constantly mobilize people's emotions to brew into supremacy, and start to occupy resources as a matter of course. 】

The Wei Keng group with clear logic further pursued the previous confusion: So at that time, some "kindness, justice, Even the law" was imposed on us.

The gradually clear Wei Keng group began to divide history according to this law: so when a country's social civilization is mostly newly born, the rule is to allow most people to benefit from social cooperation! Then it should belong to the rising period. And vice versa! If social rules are mixed with a large number of dogmas that have nothing to do with the interests of the general public, but everyone must abide by them, then it is inevitable that there will be depression.

Wei Keng who deepens his thinking: In the historical cycle, when there is a slump, among a large number of old rules, we can't tell which ones are necessary and which ones are useless. So simply give up completely and completely, and then choose again!

Wei Keng, whose mind gradually became clearer, began to defend himself openly: "So, I am not blackened now, yes! Not blackened. Definitely not blackened.

As a normal person, I simply cannot understand all the rules of society.

And the social organization I belong to can't provide me with patient grassroots education, so me! It's normal to give up a lot of rules and regulations that I don't understand. Yes, I have nothing special about it. "

Ever since, Wei Keng raised his head and chest up. At this moment, it is like just climbing out of the ignorance of teenagers, and finding the passionate faction of "reasons for rebellion in the eyes of adults" in adolescence.

"Natural Conservation-Roll special code!"

"Respect life! You are an immortal."

"Animals are emotional and cannot be abused? Who is teaching me how to do things now?"


Wei Keng: "I only need to know the good and the bad, and I don't need to know the heights of the sky and the earth." After breaking out of the darkness, it is a kind of arrogant vitality!

The original blackening is to hurt others and self. While destroying the world, it is also destroying what is considered right in one's own thinking, and then destroying one's own concept of good and evil, right and wrong.

but now! Directly deny a lot of right and wrong boxes, and start directly from the most basic ones.

Wei Keng stubbornly began to believe: labor is right, it is right to communicate and cooperate with others of the same kind, it is right to support oneself, and fair exchange is right! But beyond that?

Do you need to care about your own interests and unclear right or wrong when you start everything from scratch? Do you need to feel guilty about things that have nothing to do with your own survival? Do you need to feel sorry for offending the once lofty dignity?

Dynasty Cycle Law!

When an era passes, the ruler who stays above and wields the scepter of many rules can die. But for an ordinary person like myself, he can completely discard what he didn't understand in the past and move on.

The palace was reduced to scorched earth in the fire, but those who dig the earth will still be alive.

Now Wei Keng is cheerful, but in the consciousness of many life groups in the Pandora world, the calamity is really awakened at this moment!

Because in the past, Wei Keng's recklessness in this world destroyed the "common view of right and wrong" of both parties. The community said that Wei Keng was a natural disaster, and Wei Keng would not be able to find evidence to deny it for a while.

What now? Wei Keng could stare at the line without dodging or evading: "This view of right and wrong belongs to you, and I don't think I need to be responsible for this view of right and wrong. If you call me the fourth natural disaster, I will sue you for slander. You are dead!" It’s only right and proper, why should I be called a natural disaster.”

Wei Keng finally formed a dead-end mentality: You (the consciousness of the community of life) do not communicate, do not respect each other, blindly emphasize your own justice unilaterally, and have no moral values ​​when using cruel methods against me! So why should I abide by moral values ​​towards you and others?

With such a state of mind, Wei Keng has absolutely no emotion towards the handling of the entire ecological world in the north.

This kind of destruction reached its peak in April. Wei Keng determined that there were three genetic communities in the northeast of Guangdong, and immediately sealed them off in four directions at the same time, and then set fire to the upwind vents. This flame, in the main world, is not a matter of sitting in prison, but of being shot by machine guns on the shooting range.

Because arson at that time was destroying collective property and threatening the safety of the public, it must be sentenced. But this era! If the natural environment does not belong to the collective in which you belong, then nature has no sanctity.


Under the action of the strong wind, the eight-meter-high wall of fire swept across at a speed of thirty meters per second. And Wei Keng, who was on the top of the mountain, looked at the curtain of thick smoke billowing in front of the wall of fire he had set up. Under the shadow of this curtain, strange creatures of all sizes fled north in a hurry.

Such a scene constitutes a "world famous painting!"

When Wei Keng started to face the world with a mouse-killing attitude, he no longer felt 'resentment' about his past casualties. Instead, I objectively reflect on my previous lack of preparation for thinking, and insufficient cognition of the nature of the target "inhuman, non-communicable, and non-emotional influence".

In this way, in this Pandora Field, something in Wei Keng's genes seemed to be turned on!

As one of the top evolutionary species on the earth for four billion years, human beings are characterized by intelligent thinking, but what is intelligence?

Wisdom thinking is neither good nor evil, nor does it appear out of thin air relative to all life.

Intelligent thinking is a high-end life characteristic developed on the basis of animal nature, which can weigh the pros and cons of more long-term and complicated things.

In the Cambrian era, relying on the genetic records of generations to choose the development direction of the pros and cons,

In Jurassic-era species, ignorant brain neuronal systems may have been involved in evolutionary selection, but selection was still determined by the effectiveness of genes building proteins to strengthen muscles.

And in the Quaternary, the brain functions of a group of top mammals have become stronger! Primates stand out in this way. The animal nature also undergoes a metamorphosis here.

When the cerebral cortex specially evolved the function of judging the same kind, understanding the behavior of the same kind and assuming the thinking of the other party,

Label concepts such as goodness and evil appeared in human beings. Since then, the complex animal nature has been continuously packaged and interpreted by human beings, a thinking body with a talent for deception, to explain human nature.

Human nature is essentially the trade-off of animal nature from a longer-term perspective.

This is the original direction in the evolution of life on Earth, but now this direction has been confused with the arrival of the Pandora field, and even human civilization has not had time to figure it out, and has not taken the most advantageous part of itself as life.

As a life, if you can't let go of your means in a certain direction that helps you survive, and do it at all costs, you will be eliminated.

Now Wei Keng began to spare no effort to compete! So thorough as a dominant species. This is not a good thing for other species in the first place.

On the entire East Asian continent and the Western Pacific, many life groups have plundered the genes that can carry advanced thinking from humans. They have just realized it for less than a hundred years, and they suddenly feel it!

In the area of ​​113 degrees east longitude and 22 degrees north latitude, the life of the Weikeng community in this area radiates, becoming more and more selfish and repulsive.

In terms of the total amount of life radiation, Wei Keng has not significantly enhanced, unlike other gene groups: in order to increase the size of the area it covers, it is constantly fusing various new genes like the poor in Marvel.

but! The degree of influence of the Wei Keng cluster on the biological genes of a large area is gradually approaching the "apostle level" of this world.


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