Out of the cage

Chapter 354 Chapter 9.44 The Falling European Union

Psychically bound Jason comes from 33 years later.

He not only knows how Edenia survived, but also the key to the demise of the Europa League. ——The Dashi region joined the war.

On that timeline, Edenya succeeded in mediating, and the moment the European Union and the Orthodox Federation ceased fighting, the three parties seemed to have no conflicts, and the conflicts were concentrated on Shengyang and Shenzhou.

Therefore, the adventurers in the Dashi area immediately chose to carry out a revenge battle against the European Union.

Using the analogy of the situation in the ancient times of the main world, if the strength is not matched, you are not qualified to jump left and right on the world chessboard when the "big conflict breaks out".

During World War II, the fundamental reason why the British Empire did not make peace with Germany was that if it did, its huge colonial empire would be divided up by Japan and the United States. The homeland will become a game field for Germany, the United States and the United States at the frontier of the Atlantic.

Daying, who has played offshore balancers for hundreds of years, of course knows that the empire has become meat on the chopping block.

For the British politicians at that time: Whether they can land smoothly after the war depends on whether they can suppress the challenger and seek a place for themselves in the new world structure.


Going back to the situation on the plane of China, Europa League accepts mediation at this time, but in fact it is not qualified to obtain a stable environment during the truce.

Over the years, the Europa League has offended too many forces, and the emerging forces who want to challenge him are queuing up to fuck him.

First the Orthodox Federation, and then Sunshine, if they follow Edenya's strategy to reach a so-called contract, the Dashi will come soon.

Sadly, the schizophrenic Europa League is not the British Empire now.

It is a combination of eighteen countries in Europa, each with its own ghosts. A large part of the high-level thinking is internal friction, unable to focus on long-term strategic plans. So there is a high probability of being led into the gutter by Edenya.

In the time and space where the incomplete Jason was, Oulian listened to the mediation of Edenya's old friend.


As for the current time and space, Edenya was under attack from the north and the south, and was a little powerless. Although he made a sound of mediation, he actually lost the strength of mediation.

The fate of the Europa League is now ill-fated. Whether it is east or west, it is confusing.


The war has reached today, and within the Europa League, years of wars have caused huge complaints within the Europa League. Europa has turned into the cold north.

There is a voice in the Europa League that it is meaningless to continue the war and that there should be a ceasefire. In the hot Mediterranean environment, in the "information bar" of the subway station, the "knowledge speakers" wearing information helmets and holding drinks began to speak freely after the information shielding was relaxed a little.

These public scholars of the European Union are now "petty" to calculate an account:

The land that the European Union has won now is the entire Mediterranean Sea, which is still the territory of the Roman Empire, and it can become a powerful and impressive country. However, the destruction of the war has put the northern Mediterranean in a state of suspension, which is equivalent to paralyzing the northern part of Europa occupied by the Orthodox Federation.

More importantly, these European Union scholars believe that this is a civil war among Westerners. The biggest threat to the current civilizational competition is the East, and we should unite.


The unity of Europa will always find an external enemy. On the other side of the Atlantic is the "another basket of eggs" scattered by some multinational companies in Western Europe. Naturally, this "little paper man who will be needled" can only be the East.

Now that Oulian wants to scold, it is by no means a wronged rabbit from the ancient times of the main world. It is the Tyrannosaurus of China that also gave birth to monopoly business and private interests.

After the start of the European War, Chinese silk merchants and private forces have been paying close attention to the movements of the European Union. Because in the past hundreds of years, when the bank companies in the East have done business with the West, they have been cheated several times, and they have a memory.

[European people like to use contracts to play tricks when doing business, lend them money, and they will turn around the borrowed money, mess up your logistics chain, and then cheat you. The Chinese merchants have kept a big black account of these "pirate-born" barbarian merchants. 】

Now Shenzhou is doing the business of the European Union, and when the money is getting more and more, the string in my heart is getting tighter and tighter.

As an investor from outside the region, the priority should be the integration of one's own side in this place. Otherwise, if the investment is over, the area will directly find fault and confiscate it. Then it's too late to cry.

Nowadays, the capitalist fathers in China don’t care about the “real purpose of bridging the contradictions” of the Oulian politicians. “As long as you set me up as a target, then I will set up a few more targets for you to beat you.”

In modern times, Europe and the United States were anti-Semitic, so the direct cultural export strategy put the "black" and "green" minority groups on the foreground one by one, impacting the mainstream.

So after 2290, investors from Shenzhou have increased their media investment in the Dashi area, and these Dashi media have also included private goods in their reports on the European Union.

What "Crusades" "Istanbul"...

The private meaning of China’s business is obvious. As long as the European Union is now in power with the right to unite the West under the banner of resistance to the East, then the Chinese Silk Road faction will support the reconstruction of the “Achaemenid” United Federation.


However, for such an obvious signal of China's business and private affairs, the politicians in the countries that joined Europa only focus on short-term interests, and a group of masters pretending to be confused are stirring up trouble in the foreground.

Some businessmen from the east couldn't stand it anymore, and repeatedly patted the shoulders of some of Europa's upper-class friends as outsiders, telling them to turn their heads and aim at their cannons behind them. But as long as these high-ranking people have not become "predecessors", they will pretend not to see it and continue to promote "slogans" within their own groups.


In January 2290 of the Tongli period of the Qin Dynasty, the waverider manned aircraft of Shenzhou was successfully tested. It set off from the plateau area and then went deep into Xianbeilia. Returned to the plateau.

Since this is not the moon landing, nor is it the first outer space flight on the earth, after mentioning a successful "edge of the atmosphere" flight in the evening paper, I will not mention it.

The entire Shenzhou people are now attracted by the current anti-Xia storm on the Europa side.

On the streets of the European Union, a large-scale anti-war movement began, demanding peace. At the same time against business private.

Well, the objection to private business here is because the people of Oulian find that more and more of their daily necessities are made in China, so they think private business is from the East.

This is the method used by the Europa oligarchs to transfer contradictions. Europa's real giant monopolizes almost all energy, food, transportation, and Internet channels, but can transfer the contradiction of suppressing people's livelihood to the eastern trading system of "exchanging small commodities for scientific research and technology".

And, of course, the Europa bond market plummeted after Sunshine now invaded the continent. It is now a state of war, and in order to support the victory of the war, all the savings of the people of Europa are now in the bond market. Since Shengyang is also considered to be an Easterner, it is also believed that the Eastern forces caused Europa to kill each other.


In this way, the envoys stationed in Shenzhou were surrounded by furious European Union people on January 18, and then burned.

Officials from the Chinese foreign mission were evacuated by plane, but three Chinese security personnel were killed by the mob.

The whole China was shocked!

This matter also made all forces in the world start to wait and see.

After this incident, the various factions of the Europa League became shrinking turtles. No force started to stand up to deal with the aftermath, because to stand up to deal with the aftermath, not only would they have to bear the blame from China, but also be burned by the flames they fanned.


Five days after the incident, in the Red Sea.

A ship from Persia "collided" directly with the cargo ship of the European Union. Persia also joined the diplomatic siege on the EUN side, demanding that the EUN explain the matter.

As for the Assyrian area, batches of "sand dunes" began to go south quietly. These are stealth tanks with phantom devices, which are the local equipment of Dashi.

At the same time, in the Nino River area, the local forces that have been oppressed by the European Union have received a batch of funds and arms!

The call for "unity" within the European Union has no effect on the North African indigenous forces. The massacres and persecution over the years have made this force reach a critical point of anger.

The great uprising began across North Africa.

When a domineering bully suddenly picks up the script of the victim and twitters, it will not only make no sense, but will make him "besieged on all sides."

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